bio monitoring
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2021 ◽  
Abbas Esmaili-sari ◽  
Zahra Shaabani ◽  
Ali Mashinchian Moradi ◽  
Lobat Taghavi ◽  
Forough Farsad

Abstract A human bio monitoring study, investigating most consumed fish species exposure to heavy metals was done in northern part of Iran, Miankale Peninsula, in winter 2019. Metals levels were evaluated in various tissues of fish, as well as Turkmen pregnant women’s biological indicators. For this purpose, 20 water and sediment, 14 fish and 16 human samples were collected. Concentration of Cr, Co, Cu, As, Hg and Pb metals were determined by ICP-MS device. The highest mean concentration of Cu and Cr in water (93.35 and 80.91 µg/l respectively), Hg and Pb in sediment (7.4 µg/g for both), Cu and Pb in liver (27 and18.9 µg/g for C.carpio; 1414 and 31.7 µg/g for L.auratus), muscle (10 and 18.8 for C.carpio; 37.2 and 8.27 µg/g for L.auratus), and skin (26.4 and 9.9 for C.carpio; 10.8 and 11.74 µg/g for L.auratus) of both fish species, and Cu in blood (2.53 mg/l), hair (8.87 µg/g), fingernail (36.46 µg/g), and toenail (29.04 µg/g) samples were observed, while Co had the lowest concentration in all samples. Liver in fish samples and fingernail in pregnant women were the tissues with the highest heavy metals accumulation, whereas the lowest concentrations of heavy metals were observed in the muscles of fish species and pregnant women’s blood sample. Hg concentration in water and sediments, the muscle of fish, and pregnant women’s blood and hair samples were higher than the values suggested by various organizations. This study showed that the level of heavy metals, especially Hg, in water, sediments and fish is a threat to human health. Therefore, it is recommended that the necessary information about the consumption of seafood with high amounts of Hg should be provided in this area.

and R. Punniyamoorthy M. Saravanakumar, P. Murugesan, P. Damotharan

In the present study, the zooplankton diversity and distribution was studied in relation to seasonal variation of environmental parameters in the Pichavaram mangrove forest. Samples were seasonally collected (i.e., post-monsoon: January-2018 and monsoon: December-2018) from seven stations. A total of 48 zooplankton species belonging to two groups macro-zooplankton and micro-zooplankton were recorded during this study. A total of 48 species of zooplankton belonging to different groups were identified. Copepod was found to be the most dominant group and it contributed more than 50% of the total zooplankton collected in this study. The maximum number of zooplankton species (35) and diversity value (H’) 3.867 was recorded in the stations near coastal zone (P-7) during summer and minimum species number (24) and maximum species richness (d) 7.652 was recorded in stations near to freshwater zone (P-2) during monsoon. The species evenness (J') 0.866 was also recorded maximum at stations near river mouth (P-7). BIO-ENV (Biota-Environmental matching) and CCA results confirmed that the environmental parameters such as Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Silicate, Chlorophyll, Primary Productivity, Total Biomass and Phaeopigments as the most influencing environmental parameters, which regulates zooplankton assemblage. The results of present study help to develop an understanding on the zooplankton distribution in mangrove forests, which will form a reliable tool in bio-monitoring studies

2021 ◽  
Prabesh Singh Kunwar ◽  
Bhawani Sapkota ◽  
Samikshya Badu ◽  
Kusum Parajuli ◽  
Amit Sinha ◽  

Abstract Toxicity imposed by organophosphate pesticides to the freshwater cultivable fish species mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) was assessed under laboratory conditions. Healthy juveniles were exposed to chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, and their equitoxic mixture in geometric series. Median lethal concentrations of chlorpyrifos were found to be 0.906 (0.689–1.179), 0.527 (0.433–0.633), 0.435 (0.366–0.517) and 0.380 (0.319–0.450) mg/L and dichlorvos were found to be 38.432 (33.625–47.866), 22.477 (19.047–26.646), 12.442 (9.619–14.196) and 11.367 (9.496–13.536) mg/L after 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h of exposure respectively. Surprisingly, the joint toxicity of these organophosphates in the binary mixture was less than additive during most of the exposure periods. Behavioral changes exhibited by pesticide exposed fish were elevated opercular beatings, loss of equilibrium, loss of schooling behavior, aggregating at corners of the test chamber, slight color changes, surplus mucus secretion, and sudden and rapid body movements before death. Such behavioral studies can be applied as a non-invasive bio-monitoring tool for water quality assessment for fish growth and development. Despite the same mode of action of both pesticides, the antagonistic action in the binary mixture is an interesting outcome of this research that requires further investigation for a lucid understanding of the joint toxicity mechanism of such pesticides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 350 ◽  
pp. S147
F.C. Esteves ◽  
J. Madureira ◽  
J.P. Teixeira ◽  
S. Costa

2021 ◽  
Sharmila Baburam ◽  
Srinivasan Ramasamy ◽  
Gnanendra Shanmugam ◽  
Maghimaa Mathanmohun

Abstract Phyllanthus emblica a traditional medicinal plant that is endowed with curative properties including anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and analgesic properties. Bacteria make use of cell–cell signaling system known as Quorum sensing (QS) and respond to their own population. In most gram-negative bacteria, the transcriptional regulators belonging to the Lux R protein play a crucial role in the QS mechanism by detecting the presence of signaling molecules known as N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs). In this present work, the anti-quorum sensing activity of Phyllanthus emblica was evaluated against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Anti-quorum sensing efficacy of Phyllanthus emblica was estimated with reference to QS Bio-monitoring strain Chromobacterium violaceum. The binding efficacy of the phytochemicals of Phyllanthus emblica against CviR Protein from Chromobacterium violaceum and LasR Protein from Phyllanthus emblica were studied.

Nurulshyha Md Yatim ◽  
Nur Izzatul Afifah Azman

Air quality monitoring by using bio-indicator currently being promoted and frequently used in studies due to their advantages compared to other scientific approaches. The advantages of using bio-indicator as a bio-monitoring in air quality are, it remains the cheapest, most available and simplest matrix for reliable atmospheric monitoring. This study was conducted to determine moss ability to be used as a bio-indicator for air quality monitoring when expose to different air quality environments. Four environmental conditions were chosen to conduct this study; urban area, reserve forest, living room and smoker’s room. Leucobryum glaucum or Holland moss is used as the bio-indicator to monitor the air quality. Gridded containers of moss were left at each study location for the duration of two weeks. Physical observation was monitored weekly by examining colour changes of the moss. Survivability rate of the moss was determined by counting the numbers of grid where moss growth in each container. The data was recorded through physical observation of moss responses and survivability rate towards different air quality environment. The data was analyzed by using SPSS. Moss reacted accordingly towards different air quality environments. Moss reacts mostly at highly polluted environment, in smoker’s room by changing from fresh green to brownish in color. In conclusion, moss can be used as a bio-indicator in air quality monitoring to determine air quality condition because moss changes its physical appearance and growth rate by the influenced of surrounding environment.

Life ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 529
Wafa Boulajfene ◽  
Montassar Lasram ◽  
Sabiha Zouari-Tlig

This work aims to assess the spatial and temporal variations of four biomarkers activities and to integrate their biological responses in a battery using the gastropod Phorcus turbinatus. The monitoring was carried out during the period between April 2014 and January 2015 at six stations along the northern and the northeastern coasts of Tunisia. The Fulton condition factor was estimated and the activities of catalase, acetylcholinesterase and glutathione-S-transferase were evaluated by spectrophotometry. A multi-biomarker battery approach was used to assess ecosystems’ condition and to identify environmental impacts on the organisms. The results suggest that the enzymatic activities of CAT and GST depend especially on seasons. As for AChE activity, it was similar between seasons and stations. The values of the integrated biological response were maximal at Jarzouna in summer and at Sidi Daoued in winter, indicating the presence of severe stressors suffered by the organisms. This perturbation may be due to the enrichment of the waters by xenobiotics, namely polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, insecticides, phosphate wastes, PCBs and pesticides. Thus, P. turbinatus seems to be a good bioindicator of chemical pollution, constituting an adequate tool for a bio-monitoring program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Maarten De Brauwer

Australia has one of the world’s largest marine park estates. At 3.3 million km2, it spans an area three times larger than Germany, France, and the UK combined. Managing and monitoring such a vast and often remote area is logistically challenging and expensive. Current monitoring of Australian parks is decentralised and depends on traditional survey methods. As a result, real-time data on the state of Australia’s marine parks is incomplete, hampering effective management. Environmental DNA has been suggested as a potential solution to some of these challenges, but practical large-scale applications remain largely lacking in Australia. To overcome this, we are developing a roadmap towards integrating eDNA methods in marine park monitoring. We present an overview of the current state of marine monitoring in Australia marine, identify the aspects of bio-monitoring that eDNA can best contribute to, and suggest pathways towards best practice use of eDNA for resource managers in Australia and globally.

P. C. Ogbonna ◽  
E. C. Dikeogu ◽  
O. U. Nwankwo ◽  
K. C. Kanu ◽  
E. C. Osuagwu

Several health risks have been linked to exposure to environmental toxicants in food consume by man. This study aimed to determine the level of environmental toxicants in goats tended by rural farmers. Fur and blood samples were carefully collected from sixteen (16) goats in open range husbandry (ex situ) at four sites in Amawzari, Imo State, Nigeria. The samples were digested and analyzed separately to determine the concentrations of some environmental toxicants (heavy metals). The concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cd and Ni in blood were 0.01 to 0.05, 0.01 to 0.07, 0.00 to 0.01 and 0.05 to 0.12 mg/kg, while their concentration in fur were 0.02 to 0.03, 0.001 to 0.006, 0.00 to 0.00, and 0.04 to 0.05 mg/kg, respectively. Pearson correlation analysis show very strong positive relationship between Pb in blood and Pb in fur (r = 0.855, p < 0.01) and Ni in blood and Ni in fur (r = 0.811, p < 0.01). The order of abundance of the four heavy metals tested in goat fur and blood is Ni > Cr > Pb > Cd. Based on our findings, the concentrations of heavy metals in blood were higher than its corresponding values in fur. Thus, consumption of meat processed from these metal-contaminated goats and utilization of their blood to manufacture blood meal for pigs and poultry birds will result to bio-magnification of heavy metals in man and animals. Therefore, we recommend that rural farmers should be enlightened on health challenges associated with in situ form of animal husbandry.

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