visual model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Patrick Herbers ◽  
Iago Calvo ◽  
Sandra Diaz-Pier ◽  
Oscar D. Robles ◽  
Susana Mata ◽  

An open challenge on the road to unraveling the brain's multilevel organization is establishing techniques to research connectivity and dynamics at different scales in time and space, as well as the links between them. This work focuses on the design of a framework that facilitates the generation of multiscale connectivity in large neural networks using a symbolic visual language capable of representing the model at different structural levels—ConGen. This symbolic language allows researchers to create and visually analyze the generated networks independently of the simulator to be used, since the visual model is translated into a simulator-independent language. The simplicity of the front end visual representation, together with the simulator independence provided by the back end translation, combine into a framework to enhance collaboration among scientists with expertise at different scales of abstraction and from different fields. On the basis of two use cases, we introduce the features and possibilities of our proposed visual language and associated workflow. We demonstrate that ConGen enables the creation, editing, and visualization of multiscale biological neural networks and provides a whole workflow to produce simulation scripts from the visual representation of the model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Chara Kolokytha

The article discusses the francophone review of art and literature Sélection published in Brussels (1920–22) and Antwerp (1923–33), Belgium, by André de Ridder and Paul-Gustave van Hecke. It takes as its point of departure the concept Le Génie du Nord [The Genius of the North], which was the title of a 1925 book published in Antwerp by De Ridder. The book mainly consists of essays previously published in Sélection between 1923 and 1924. De Ridder argues that France should not claim autonomy in the field of cultural production since throughout the centuries Nordic influence played a central role in its evolution. Although the book attracted little attention from the contemporary press, it offers a novel approach to the Nordic idea through the anticipation of a new classical order that distinguished itself from Southern classicism. While German expressionism is equally renounced, the book proposes a synthetic style — similar to the one that marked the gothic period — that also found expression in the art presented in Sélection. This style furnished a visual model for the invention of a new classical order stemming from the successful mingling of French rationalism with Flemish expressionism, a ‘constructive expressionism’ that became the precondition for a universal Nordic culture. The magazine was supportive of those French and Belgian artists who achieved a combination of the two styles — an ‘eclectic dualism’, in the words of Edmond Picard. Taking the origins of Gothicism and the Nordische Gesellschaft as case points of ideological complexity, the Génie du Nord concept forms an alternative discourse which intervenes in an ongoing art-historical and cultural debate that defines the identity of Sélection.

2021 ◽  
Johan Winther Kristensen ◽  
Allan Schjørring ◽  
Alex Mikkelsen ◽  
Daniel Agerholm Johansen ◽  
Hendrik Ole Knoche

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (2) ◽  
pp. 022115
Ya Kudinov ◽  
A Izumov ◽  
S Lobanov ◽  
P Obuhov ◽  
E Marchenko

Abstract This article describes the operating principle of a mobile robot for running exercises RUN-BOT, shows a visual model, demonstrates photos of a testing prototype, describes the algorithm of the robot’s work on a real work-area. The functional model of the robot’s operation and a brief justification for the choice of electronic components are also described.

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 485
Jia Yang ◽  
Yongkui Sun ◽  
Yuan Cao ◽  
Xiaoxi Hu

As a unique device of railway networks, the normal operation of switch machines involves railway safe and efficient operation. Predictive maintenance becomes the focus of the switch machine. Aiming at the low accuracy of the prediction state and the difficulty in state visualization, the paper proposes a predictive maintenance model for switch machines based on Digital Twins (DT). It constructs a DT model for the switch machine, which contains a behavior model and a rule model. The behavior model is a high-fidelity visual model. The rule model is a high-precision prediction model, which is combined with long short-term memory (LSTM) and autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA). Experiment results show that the model can be more intuitive with higher prediction accuracy and better applicability. The proposed DT approach is potentially practical, providing a promising idea for switching machines in predictive maintenance.

2021 ◽  
Jingyi Liu ◽  
Zhenjun Zhou ◽  
Zhihua Sun ◽  
Jiuran Wen ◽  
Kaiping Liu

In order to prepare the ultra-fine full gold tailing aggregate cementing materials, the gold tailing powders were mixed with cement under different proportions. Then the effect of sand quantity, water quantity and dosage of water-reducing agent on the compressive strength of the full tailing aggregate cementing materials was studied using response surface method in Design-Expert software. Based on the regression analysis of test results, a visual model was provided. The research results show that when the relative mass dosage of cement is 1, the amount of sand is greater than 1.1, the amount of water is greater than 0.24, and the amount of water reducing agent is 0.01. The 7d compressive strength of tailings concrete shows a significant negative linear correlation with the amount of sand and water. That implays the concrete strength decreases with the increase of the amount of sand and water. When the relative mass of cement is 1, the maximum 7d strength of concrete appears at the relative mass of sand 1.0, the amount of water is 0.22, and the amount of water reducer is 0.01. The maximum 7d compressive strength is about 75.43MPa.

2021 ◽  
Ling Tan ◽  
He Huang ◽  
Zhongshuai Liu ◽  
Feng Xu ◽  
Ting Hu

2021 ◽  
Sundhararaj V ◽  
Meenakshipriya B ◽  
Nirmala Devi P

Abstract More than ever with growing of multimedia technology, the digital data are exchanged in the internet, which can be duplicated by unauthorized users. To avoid this problem the watermarking technology has brought this paper. Performance improvement with compare to existing algorithm is obtained by proposing a new watermarking algorithm based on Human Visual Model (HVM) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for securing the digital data and copyright protection. DWT is applied to the input image and at each level of DWT sub bands to embed a watermark image in selected coefficients of the sub band. HVM integrate the weight factor effect of human visualization by considering into the eye’s vision is less sensitivity area, depending on brightness, frequency band and texture areas of the image sub band. In the proposed approach robustly and imperceptibly, DWT and HVM are used for obtainable weight factor, according to human eye perceptual and to determine the optimal strength at which the threshold to embedding reaches the perceptual invisibility of watermarked image to various attacks. Performance is evaluated such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) and Quality Index (QI) is used to evaluate and achieve the imperceptible watermarked image. Results of PSNR values of hybrid image watermarking are between 49.73db to 36.24db. Experimental results show that our hybrid image watermarking process has enhanced robustness and displays the effectiveness of presenting images watermarking system.

Paul Leidig ◽  
William Oakes

Community engagement experiences in STEM fields are typically project-based, which introduces components and considerations not explicitly addressed by models commonly used in community-engaged learning more broadly.  This paper is a narrative on how we reflected on current models, developed a new one designed for project-based community engagement experiences, and where we see it being useful into the future.  While existing models can be useful for STEM-based project teams, project-based engagement raises further questions and presents additional features, such as the existence of the dual value generators of both the project deliverable and project process.  We concentrated on providing a macroscopic view of project-based community engagement to organize aspects of a program and maximize positive features while managing resources.  The visual model has been developed to facilitate reflection on program design, development, operation, and assessment. It can facilitate intentional consideration, definition, and organization of stakeholders, project deliverables, project process, resources input, and value produced. We foresee several potential uses for this model as a conceptual framework and practical tool for community engagement experiences and programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Eduardo Narbona ◽  
José Carlos del Valle ◽  
Montserrat Arista ◽  
María Luisa Buide ◽  
Pedro Luis Ortiz

Flower colour is mainly due to the presence and type of pigments. Pollinator preferences impose selection on flower colour that ultimately acts on flower pigments. Knowing how pollinators perceive flowers with different pigments becomes crucial for a comprehensive understanding of plant-pollinator communication and flower colour evolution. Based on colour space models, we studied whether main groups of pollinators, specifically hymenopterans, dipterans, lepidopterans and birds, differentially perceive flower colours generated by major pigment groups. We obtain reflectance data and conspicuousness to pollinators of flowers containing one of the pigment groups more frequent in flowers: chlorophylls, carotenoids and flavonoids. Flavonoids were subsequently classified in UV-absorbing flavonoids, aurones-chalcones and the anthocyanins cyanidin, pelargonidin, delphinidin, and malvidin derivatives. We found that flower colour loci of chlorophylls, carotenoids, UV-absorbing flavonoids, aurones-chalcones, and anthocyanins occupied different regions of the colour space models of these pollinators. The four groups of anthocyanins produced a unique cluster of colour loci. Interestingly, differences in colour conspicuousness among the pigment groups were almost similar in the bee, fly, butterfly, and bird visual space models. Aurones-chalcones showed the highest chromatic contrast values, carotenoids displayed intermediate values, and chlorophylls, UV-absorbing flavonoids and anthocyanins presented the lowest values. In the visual model of bees, flowers with UV-absorbing flavonoids (i.e., white flowers) generated the highest achromatic contrasts. Ours findings suggest that in spite of the almost omnipresence of floral anthocyanins in angiosperms, carotenoids and aurones-chalcones generates higher colour conspicuousness for main functional groups of pollinators.

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