complex wavelet
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2022 ◽  
pp. 147777
Wessam Al-Salman ◽  
Yan Li ◽  
Peng Wen ◽  
Firas Sabar Miften ◽  
Atheer Y. Oudah ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Sihang Liu ◽  
Benoit Tremblais ◽  
Phillippe Carre ◽  
Nanrun Zhou ◽  
Jianhua Wu

The representation of an image with several multiscale singular points has been the main concern in image processing. Based on the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), a new image reconstruction (IR) algorithm from multiscale singular points is proposed. First, the image was transformed by DT-CWT, which provided multiresolution wavelet analysis. Then, accurate multiscale singular points for IR were detected in the DT-CWT domain due to the shift invariance and directional selectivity properties of DT-CWT. Finally, the images were reconstructed from the phases and magnitudes of the multiscale singular points by alternating orthogonal projections between the CT-DWT space and its affine space. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed IR algorithm is feasible, efficient, and offers a certain degree of denoising. Furthermore, the proposed IR algorithm outperforms other classical IR algorithms in terms of performance metrics such as peak signal-to-noise ratio, mean squared error, and structural similarity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 2980-2988
R. Likhitha ◽  
A. Manjunatha

Power quality disturbances (PQD) degrades the quality of power. Detection of these PQDs in real time using smart systems connected to the power grid is a challenge due to the integration of energy generation units and electronic devices. Deep learning methods have shown advantages for PQD classification accurately. PQD events are non-stationary and occur at discrete events. Pre-processing of power signal using dual tree complex wavelet transform in localizing the disturbances according to time-frequency-phase information improves classification accuracy.Phase space reconstruction of complex wavelet sub bands to 2D data and use of fully connected feed forward neural network improves classification accuracy. In this work, a combination of DTCWT-PSR and FC-FFNN is used to classify different complex PSDs accurately.The proposed algorithm is evaluated for its performance considering different network configurations and the most optimum structure is developed. The classification accuracy is demonstrated to be 99.71% for complex PQDs and is suitable for real time activity with reduced complexity.

T. Arathi ◽  
Latha Parameswaran

Image representation is an active area of research with increasing applications in military and defense. Image representation aims at representing an image with lesser number of coefficients than the actual image, without affecting the image quality. It is the first step in image compression. Once the image is represented by using some set of coefficients, it is further encoded using various compression algorithms. This paper proposes an adaptive method for image representation, which uses Complex Wavelet transform and the concept of phase congruency, where the number of coefficients used for image representation depends on the information content in the input image. The efficiency of the proposed method has been assessed by comparing the number of coefficients used to represent the image using the proposed method with that used when Complex Wavelet transform is used for image representation. The resultant image quality is determined by computing the PSNR values and Normalized Cross Correlation. Experiments carried out show highly promising results, in terms of the reduction in the number of coefficients used for image representation and the quality of the resultant image.

Hilal Naimi ◽  
Amelbahahouda Adamou-Mitiche ◽  
Lahcène Mitiche

We describe the lifting dual tree complex wavelet transform (LDTCWT), a type of lifting wavelets remodeling that produce complex coefficients by employing a dual tree of lifting wavelets filters to get its real part and imaginary part. Permits the remodel to produce approximate shift invariance, directionally selective filters and reduces the computation time (properties lacking within the classical wavelets transform). We describe a way to estimate the accuracy of this approximation and style appropriate filters to attain this. These benefits are often exploited among applications like denoising, segmentation, image fusion and compression. The results of applications shrinkage denoising demonstrate objective and subjective enhancements over the dual tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT). The results of the shrinkage denoising example application indicate empirical and subjective enhancements over the DTCWT. The new transform with the DTCWT provide a trade-off between denoising computational competence of performance, and memory necessities. We tend to use the PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) alongside the structural similarity index measure (SSIM) and the SSIM map to estimate denoised image quality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3228-3236
Nada Jasim Habeeb

Combining multi-model images of the same scene that have different focus distances can produce clearer and sharper images with a larger depth of field. Most available image fusion algorithms are superior in results. However, they did not take into account the focus of the image. In this paper a fusion method is proposed to increase the focus of the fused image and to achieve highest quality image using the suggested focusing filter and Dual Tree-Complex Wavelet Transform. The focusing filter consist of a combination of two filters, which are Wiener filter and a sharpening filter. This filter is used before the fusion operation using Dual Tree-Complex Wavelet Transform. The common fusion rules, which are the average-fusion rule and maximum-fusion rule, were used to obtain the fused image. In the experiment, using the focus operators, the performance of the proposed fusion algorithm was compared with the existing algorithms. The results showed that the proposed method is better than these fusion methods in terms of the focus and quality. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Shichao Gao ◽  
Ming Xia ◽  
Gaobo Yang

With the rapid development of face synthesis techniques, things are going from bad to worse as high-quality fake face images are unnoticeable by human eyes, which has brought serious public confidence and security problems. Thus, effective detection of face image forgeries is in urgent need. We observe that some subtle artificial artifacts in spatial domain can be easily recognized in transformation domain, and most facial features have an inherent directional correlation, and generative models would ruffle this kind of distribution pattern. Inspired by this, we propose a two-stream dual-tree complex wavelet-based face forgery network (DCWNet) to expose face image forgeries. Specifically, dual-tree complex wavelet transform is exploited to obtain six directional features (±75°, ±45°, ±15°) of different frequency components from original images, and a direction correlation extraction (DCE) block is presented to capture the direction correlation. Then, the direction pattern-aware clues and the original image are taken as two complementary network inputs. We also explore how specific frequency components work in face forgery detection and propose a new multiscale channel attention mechanism for features fusion. The experimental results prove that the proposed DCWNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in open datasets such as FaceForensics++ and achieves high robustness against lossy image compression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 218-233
R. Dhaya

In recent years, there has been an increasing research interest in image de-noising due to an emphasis on sparse representation. When sparse representation theory is compared to transform domain-based image de-noising, the former indicates that the images have more information. It contains structural characteristics that are quite similar to the structure of dictionary-based atoms. This structure and the dictionary-based method is highly unsuccessful. However, image representation assumes that the noise lack such a feature. The dual-tree complex wavelet transform incorporates an increase in transform data density to reduce the effects of sparse data. This technique has been developed to decrease the image noise by selecting the best-predicted threshold value derived from wavelet coefficients. For our experiment, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Complex Wavelet Transform (CWT) are used to examine how the suggested technique compares the conventional DCT and CWT on sets of realistic images. As for image quality measures, DT-CWT has leveraged superior results. In terms of processing time, DT-CWT gave better results with a wider PSNR range. Further, the proposed model is tested with a standard digital image named Lena and multimedia sensor images for the denoising algorithm. The suggested denoising technique has delivered minimal effect on the MSE value.

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