hierarchy of needs
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2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
Aisyah Abu Bakar ◽  
Mariana Mohamed Osman

The two notions discussed in the paper are Life Satisfaction, under Subjective Well-Being (SWB) field; and Maslow hierarchy of human needs. Issue: Human needs satisfaction is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon. Individuals are not required to completely satisfy one need in order for the next need to appear in the hierarchy. Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the level of life satisfaction in relation to the difficulty and convenience of achieving human needs. Approach: Mann Whitney U-Tests were conducted to determine the mean of SWL across difficulty and convenient of fulfilling 24 human needs. These human needs are the necessities and life conditions commonly and widely struggled for. Findings: The ease with which the majority of human needs can be met increases life satisfaction significantly. The findings also revealed that for five human needs for which life satisfaction did not differ significantly, meeting these human needs was unlikely to influence life satisfaction. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs classified these needs as biological and physiological needs, safety and security needs, and esteem needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 14 ◽  
pp. 5059-5069
Huijie Li ◽  
Jia Xue ◽  
Tianjiao Xu ◽  
Long Wang ◽  
Liwei Zhang

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-140
Jesusa C. Francisco

The enduring quality of "The Cask of Amontillado" makes it a timeless classic in which researchers from different generations offer a variety of subjective interpretations. This study aims to look closer to the story of "The Cask of Amontillado" to reveal other underlying themes. The themes were identified using content/textual analysis and a humanistic literary approach in interpreting meanings. The themes discovered involve excessive self-esteem, a penchant for prestige, lusting for another's good fortune (envy), and love deprivation. These themes, in a way, express the psychological needs of humans reflected in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Left unsatisfied, these basic human needs (self-esteem, prestige, and love) led to the characters' downfall because their thoughts and actions were inconsistent with ethical conduct. Findings of the study may add to the existing interpretations of the story, which primarily discuss and look into the various facets of its overarching theme of revenge along with Montressor’s mental condition.

Komal Valliani

Background Advanced cardiac diseases causes a person to face issues concerning the meaning of life, death and an uncertain future. It can be challenging to improve the quality of life of those who are living with a terminal illness. For patients with a compromised cardiovascular health state, implementing a palliative care framework could play a key role in alleviating suffering and grief. This article aims to apply a modified version of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs to provide effective palliative care to patients with cardiac conditions. Methods A narrative review was conducted using PubMed, ScienceDirect and Google scholar search engines to extract relevant literature and evidence-based practices. Results Maslow's hierarchy of needs can also be adapted to palliative care of patients with terminal cardiac illnesses. Priority should be given to low hierarchical stages, leading to the highest physical symptoms management, personal and social security, acceptance and love during illness, restoration of self-esteem, and self-actualisation and transcendence. Conclusions Advanced cardiac diseases have long-term effects on a patient's life. The challenge is to provide holistic care to meet the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs of vulnerable patients through the use of appropriate palliative care plans. A modified version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs in palliative care for cardiovascular diseases could be effectively applied for the assessment of patients' requirements and the planning of interventions to achieve aims that initiate wellbeing and potentially cover the experience of transcendence.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1232
Daniel Terry ◽  
Blake Peck ◽  
Ed Baker ◽  
David Schmitz

Addressing nursing shortages in rural areas remains essential, and attracting nursing graduates is one solution. However, understanding what factors are most important or prioritized among nursing students contemplating rural employment remains essential. The study sought to understand nursing student decision-making and what aspects of a rural career need to be satisfied before other factors are then considered. A cross-sectional study over three years at an Australian university was conducted. All nursing students were invited to complete a Nursing Community Apgar Questionnaire to examine their rural practice intentions. Data were analyzed using principal component analysis, and mean scores for each component were calculated and ranked. Overall, six components encompassed a total of 35 items that students felt were important to undertake rural practice after graduating. Clinical related factors were ranked the highest, followed by managerial, practical, fiscal, familial, and geographical factors. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs provided a lens to examine nursing student decision-making and guided the development of the Rural Nursing Workforce Hierarchy of Needs model. Each element of the model grouped key factors that students considered to be important in order to undertake rural employment. In culmination, these factors provide a conceptual model of the hierarchy of needs that must be met in order to contemplate a rural career.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3A) ◽  
pp. 452-462
Yaroslav Volodymyrovych Tsekhmister ◽  
Ivanna Shestopal ◽  
Vladyslav Papusha

This study aims to fulfill the gap that exists in the impact of gender differences when it comes to fulfilling one’s potential or “self-realization”. In accordance with the hierarchy of needs concept given by Abraham Maslow this study aims to explore the obstacles that lay in the path of a woman especially in terms of her personality that prevent her from self-realization. The works of notable scientists have been cited to stress the importance of self-realization. Research was conducted using various psychodiagnostic tools such as the 16-factor questionnaire by R. Cattell and the correlation of indicators of personal maturity was found using the methods of  Yu.Z. Gilbukh. The results proved the hypothesis that a woman’s personality indeed has an impact on the self-realization of her potential.

Hongzhi Wang ◽  
Bozhou Chen ◽  
Yueyang Xu ◽  
Kaixin Zhang ◽  
Shengwen Zheng

The major criteria to distinguish conscious Artificial Intelligence (AI) and non-conscious AI is whether the conscious is from the needs. Based on this criteria, we develop ConsciousControlFlow(CCF) to show the need-based conscious AI. The system is based on the computational model with a short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) for consciousness and the hierarchy of needs. To generate AI based on real needs of the agent, we developed several LTMs for special functions such as feeling and sensor. Experiments have demonstrated that the agents in the proposed system behave according to the needs, which coincides with the prediction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Monica Herdianti, S.S

Herdianti, M. (2020). Marie-Laure's Struggle as Blind Teenager in Anthony Doerr's All The Light We Cannot See. UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Keywords: characterization, struggle, invasion.   This article aims to discuss Marie-Laure characterization and her struggle to fulfill her needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory in the novel All The Light We Cannot See novel . The study's focus is on Marie-Laure and her struggle for her life in a precarious situation when the German invade her hometown. Qualitative design is choosen as the method of study. New criticism (character and characterization) and the hierarchy of needs according to Abraham Maslow, are selected as the theory for analysis. The results: first, Marie's personality in the novel is intelligent, brave, and inquisitive. Second, Marie's struggle in the first level is to stay alive without her vision in a precarious situation, in the second level is to escape to find a safety place, in the third level is learn her new environment and get to know her new neighborhood, in the fourth level is Marie’s interested in science make her life back. Marie's struggle in the last level is to pass all the problems and became a mollusk expert. The third results shows the support from her father (Daniel Le-Blanc), her great-uncle (Etienne), and Madam Manec (Etienne house keeper).

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