mathematical objects
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2022 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-64

We build on mathematicians’ descriptions of their work and conceptualize mathematics as an aesthetic endeavor. Invoking the anthropological meaning of practice, we claim that mathematical aesthetic practices shape meanings of and appreciation (or distaste) for particular manifestations of mathematics. To see learners’ spontaneous mathematical aesthetic practices, we situate our study in an informal context featuring design-centered play with mathematical objects. Drawing from video data that support inferences about children’s perspectives, we use interaction analysis to examine one child’s mathematical aesthetic practices, highlighting the emergence of aesthetic problems whose resolution required engagement in mathematics sense making. As mathematics educators seek to broaden access, our empirical findings challenge commonsense understandings about what and where mathematics is, opening possibilities for designs for learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-151
Amalia Tatu ◽  
Sumarno Ismail ◽  
Resmawan Resmawan ◽  
Ismail Djakaria ◽  
Kartin Usman ◽  

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing to what extent students' ability to relate mathematical objects to problems number patterns. The method used in this research is a quantitative description. The data collection techniques used are tests and interviews. The data analysis technique uses model miles and hiberman, namely by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that students' ability to relate mathematical objects to pattern problems numbers is not maximized. This is indicated by the percentage of achievements an indicator of the ability to associate mathematical objects that only reached an average of 55.26% consisting of 48.44% fact indicators, concept 45.50%, principle 63.80%, and operation 63.33%.

Sofía Caviedes Barrera ◽  
Genaro de Gamboa ◽  
Edelmira Rosa Badillo Jiménez

Ya. D. Sergeyev

This article describes a recently proposed methodology that allows one to work with infinitely large and infinitely small quantities on a computer. The approach uses a number of ideas that bring it closer to modern physics, in particular, the relativity of mathematical knowledge and its dependence on the tools used by mathematicians in their studies are discussed. It is shown that the emergence of new computational tools influences the way we perceive traditional mathematical objects, and also helps to discover new interesting objects and problems. It is discussed that many difficulties and paradoxes regarding infinity do not depend on its nature, but are the result of the weakness of the traditional numeral systems used to work with infinitely large and infinitely small quantities. A numeral system is proposed that not only allows one to work with these quantities analytically in a simpler and more intuitive way, but also makes possible practical calculations on the Infinity Computer, patented in a number of countries. Examples of measuring infinite sets with the accuracy of one element are given and it is shown that the new methodology avoids the appearance of some well-known paradoxes associated with infinity. Examples of solving a number of computational problems are given and some results of teaching the described methodology in Italy and Great Britain are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 709-720
Jerzy Pogonowski

Abstract Certain mathematical objects bear the name “pathological” (or “paradoxical”). They either occur as unexpected and (temporarily) unwilling in mathematical research practice, or are constructed deliberately, for instance in order to delimit the scope of application of a theorem. I discuss examples of mathematical pathologies and the circumstances of their emergence. I focus my attention on the creative role of pathologies in the development of mathematics. Finally, I propose a few reflections concerning the degree of cognitive accessibility of mathematical objects. I believe that the problems discussed in the paper may attract the attention of philosophers interested in concept formation and the development of mathematical ideas.

Nature ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 600 (7887) ◽  
pp. 70-74
Alex Davies ◽  
Petar Veličković ◽  
Lars Buesing ◽  
Sam Blackwell ◽  
Daniel Zheng ◽  

AbstractThe practice of mathematics involves discovering patterns and using these to formulate and prove conjectures, resulting in theorems. Since the 1960s, mathematicians have used computers to assist in the discovery of patterns and formulation of conjectures1, most famously in the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture2, a Millennium Prize Problem3. Here we provide examples of new fundamental results in pure mathematics that have been discovered with the assistance of machine learning—demonstrating a method by which machine learning can aid mathematicians in discovering new conjectures and theorems. We propose a process of using machine learning to discover potential patterns and relations between mathematical objects, understanding them with attribution techniques and using these observations to guide intuition and propose conjectures. We outline this machine-learning-guided framework and demonstrate its successful application to current research questions in distinct areas of pure mathematics, in each case showing how it led to meaningful mathematical contributions on important open problems: a new connection between the algebraic and geometric structure of knots, and a candidate algorithm predicted by the combinatorial invariance conjecture for symmetric groups4. Our work may serve as a model for collaboration between the fields of mathematics and artificial intelligence (AI) that can achieve surprising results by leveraging the respective strengths of mathematicians and machine learning.

2021 ◽  
William Critchlow

<p>This thesis is inspired by the observation that we have no good random model for matroids. That stands in contrast to graphs, which admit a number of elegant random models. As a result we have relatively little understanding of the properties of a "typical" matroid. Acknowledging the difficulty of the general case, we attempt to gain a grasp on randomness in some chosen classes of matroids.  Firstly, we consider sparse paving matroids, which are conjectured to dominate the class of matroids (that is to say, asymptotically almost all matroids would be sparse paving). If this conjecture were true, then many results on properties of the random sparse paving matroid would also hold for the random matroid. Sparse paving matroids have limited richness of structure, making counting arguments in particular more feasible than for general matroids. This enables us to prove a number of asymptotic results, particularly with regards to minors.  Secondly, we look at Graham-Sloane matroids, a special subset of sparse paving matroids with even more limited structure - in fact Graham-Sloane matroids on a labelled groundset can be randomly generated by a process as simple as independently including certain bases with probability 0.5. Notably, counting Graham-Sloane matroids has provided the best known lower bound on the total number of matroids, to log-log level. Despite the vast size of the class we are able to prove severe restrictions on what minors of Graham-Sloane matroids can look like.  Finally we consider transversal matroids, which arise naturally in the context of other mathematical objects - in particular partial transversals of set systems and partial matchings in bipartite graphs. Although transversal matroids are not in one-to-one correspondence with bipartite graphs, we shall link the two closely enough to gain some useful results through exploiting the properties of random bipartite graphs. Returning to the theme of matroid minors, we prove that the class of transversal matroids of given rank is defined by finitely many excluded series-minors. Lastly we consider some other topics, including the axiomatisability of transversal matroids and related classes.</p>

2021 ◽  
William Critchlow

<p>This thesis is inspired by the observation that we have no good random model for matroids. That stands in contrast to graphs, which admit a number of elegant random models. As a result we have relatively little understanding of the properties of a "typical" matroid. Acknowledging the difficulty of the general case, we attempt to gain a grasp on randomness in some chosen classes of matroids.  Firstly, we consider sparse paving matroids, which are conjectured to dominate the class of matroids (that is to say, asymptotically almost all matroids would be sparse paving). If this conjecture were true, then many results on properties of the random sparse paving matroid would also hold for the random matroid. Sparse paving matroids have limited richness of structure, making counting arguments in particular more feasible than for general matroids. This enables us to prove a number of asymptotic results, particularly with regards to minors.  Secondly, we look at Graham-Sloane matroids, a special subset of sparse paving matroids with even more limited structure - in fact Graham-Sloane matroids on a labelled groundset can be randomly generated by a process as simple as independently including certain bases with probability 0.5. Notably, counting Graham-Sloane matroids has provided the best known lower bound on the total number of matroids, to log-log level. Despite the vast size of the class we are able to prove severe restrictions on what minors of Graham-Sloane matroids can look like.  Finally we consider transversal matroids, which arise naturally in the context of other mathematical objects - in particular partial transversals of set systems and partial matchings in bipartite graphs. Although transversal matroids are not in one-to-one correspondence with bipartite graphs, we shall link the two closely enough to gain some useful results through exploiting the properties of random bipartite graphs. Returning to the theme of matroid minors, we prove that the class of transversal matroids of given rank is defined by finitely many excluded series-minors. Lastly we consider some other topics, including the axiomatisability of transversal matroids and related classes.</p>

Ángel Alsina ◽  
María Salgado

Abstract The aim of this study is to provide data to better understand the processes of early mathematical modelling. According to this, an early mathematical modelling activity carried out by 21 Spanish schoolchildren aged 5–6 years is analysed, using the validated tool “Rubric for the Evaluation of Mathematical Modelling Processes” (REMMP). The results show that children link the content of the problem with their prior knowledge (understanding); identify the important data of the problem and simplify it (structuring); show some difficulties in substituting the elements of the real context for mathematical objects (mathematizing); use progressively mathematical objects and strategies in order to propose solutions for the problem (working mathematically); compare the solution with the initial problem (interpretation); justify the proposed model via valid arguments (validation); and also communicate the decisions taken throughout the modelling process and the concrete model obtained applied to the real context (presenting). We conclude that the description of this type of activities and the tools for their analysis could be used for grading and teaching tool in order to promote mathematic modelling in early childhood education.

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