Euler : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi
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Published By Universitas Negeri Gorontalo - Fakultas Matematika Dan IPA

2776-3706, 2087-9393

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-151
Amalia Tatu ◽  
Sumarno Ismail ◽  
Resmawan Resmawan ◽  
Ismail Djakaria ◽  
Kartin Usman ◽  

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing to what extent students' ability to relate mathematical objects to problems number patterns. The method used in this research is a quantitative description. The data collection techniques used are tests and interviews. The data analysis technique uses model miles and hiberman, namely by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that students' ability to relate mathematical objects to pattern problems numbers is not maximized. This is indicated by the percentage of achievements an indicator of the ability to associate mathematical objects that only reached an average of 55.26% consisting of 48.44% fact indicators, concept 45.50%, principle 63.80%, and operation 63.33%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-121
Fitriani Muldiana ◽  
Shofa Laelatul ◽  
Neng Ani Karleni ◽  
Nani Ratnaningsih

Mathematics is an enigmatic and captivating idea. Mathematics can also be defined in the context of patterns. This is because mathematics contains patterns, structures, and depictions of an object that grows and is rooted in real life. The structure or pattern that is arranged systematically will produce work, objects, and even an agreement. Life mathematics and mathematics in school learning can be combined with aesthetic studies to achieve contextual learning. This study uses qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The purpose of this study was to reveal the aesthetic value and mathematical concepts of the mendong woven pattern with the songket motif. The location of this research is Babakan Cikawung Village, Margabakti Village, Cibeureum Awipari District, Tasikmalaya Regency. This study involved 3 subjects. Data collection techniques were carried out through unstructured interviews, observation, documentation, and literature review. Unstructured interviews were used to ask about the craft of mendong and the process of making mending weave with songket motifs. Observations or observations are made to find mathematical concepts and mathematical aesthetic values by studying the aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas' theory. The results of the research are mathematical aesthetics by examining the theory of Thomas Aquinas. Mathematical concepts such as repeating patterns 1-2-3-4 and 4-3-2-1, geometric concepts such as parallel lines, reflection, congruence, and rhombus flat shapes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-140
Yamin Ismail

Math phobias are anxiety on math skills that happen to most learners. Anxiety is demonstrated by the existence of continuous fear against the object of mathematics and its learning situation. To avoid this, the facilitator must create a situation that allows the learners to build their confidence in math tasks. Math is characterized by abstract ideas in the form of abstract symbols that require delivery within a less abstract language to avoid understanding the idea. A positive attitude towards mathematics appears closely related to the previous experience in both the mathematical object and the classroom situation. Therefore, developing a positive attitude against math phobia requires the content to be delivered in an attractive manner in every learning process. The presentation of mathematical formulas should be adjusted according to the learning basic ability and sometimes accompanied by an inductive approach. As the facilitator of learning, the teacher must seek a learning environment that can encourage learners to behave positively and passionately in learning mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Sri Lestari Mahmud ◽  
Abdul Djabar Mohidin ◽  
Nursiya Bito ◽  
Siti Zakiyah

This research aims to look at the influence of guided discovery learning models on students' learning outcomes. The type of research used is experimental research. Sampling in this research was conducted by simple random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using instruments in the form of observation sheets and tests of learning outcomes. The data obtained is then analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results of the data analysis showed that the students’ learning outcomes taught by the guided discovery model are higher than students’ learning outcomes taught by conventional models, and the guided discovery model was effective in teaching material surface area and volume of upright and pyramid prisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Mohammad Ghani

In this paper, the numerical results of mixed convection flow over a flat plate with the imposed heat and different angles of inclination are established by applying the finite difference method of Crank-Nicolson. We further compare these numerical results with the case of non-mixed convection flow.  The velocity and temperature profiles are decreased when the different values of the Prandtl number (Pr) are increased. Meanwhile, the velocity profiles are increased, when the different values of angle of inclination (alfa) and mixed convection parameter (lambda) are increased. The mixed convection flow case (lambda=1.5) is affected by the external force, so the velocity of convection flow is higher than the non-mixed case (lambda=0).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-108
Dian Puspita Aprilia Laknasa ◽  
Abdul Wahab Abdullah ◽  
Khardiyawan A. Y. Pauweni ◽  
Kartin Usman ◽  
Abas Kaluku

The purpose of this research is to improve students’ mathematics learning outcomes on ball material through interactive multimedia learning with discovery learning models. This research was conducted in class IX-4 of MTs Negeri 2 Boalemo in the 2019/2020 school year with a total of 21 student. This research is a Classroom Action Research conducted with 1 cycle. The instruments used are in the form of teacher activity observation sheets, student activity observation sheets, and learning outcomes tests. The results of observations of teacher activities obtained a minimum category of good or very good with a percentage of 87.5% and the results of observations of student activities obtained a minimum category of good or very good with a percentage of 91%. Meanwhile, for the learning outcomes test, 19 students achieved the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM), or about 90.5%, and 2 students did not complete the test, or around 9.5%. The average student's mathematics learning outcomes on the ball material are 89% or meet the indicators of success

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-84
Rahmawati Yusuf ◽  
Resmawan Resmawan ◽  
Boby Rantow Payu

Using the regression model, a method that accommodates variables related to each other is called the simultaneous equation method. The study aims to determine the factors affecting inflation and rupiah exchange rate and model simultaneous equations towards the factors affecting inflation and rupiah exchange rate in Indonesia using Two-Stage Least Square. Data used in this study are secondary data obtained from the website of Statistics of Indonesia. Findings on the simultaneous equation model with two-stage least squares reveal that variables that significantly affect inflation are the Indonesia rupiah exchange rate and money supply. At the same time, variables that significantly affect the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate are inflation and money supply. The predictive value using the inflation and rupiah exchange rate equation indicates that the obtained MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) value does not exceed 50%. In conclusion, the prediction result using the inflation and Indonesia rupiah exchange rate equation is accurate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-102
I Wayan Eka Sultra ◽  
Muhammad Rifai Katili ◽  
Muhammad Rezky Friesta Payu

A portfolio concerns the formation of the composition of multiple assets to obtain optimum results. At the same time, Value at Risk is a technique in risk management to measure and assess parametrically (variant and co-variant), Monte-Carlo, and historical simulation. This research employed historic simulation because normal distribution is not required from returns and is a Value at Risk calculation model that is determined by the past value on produced return asset, in which this research aimed to determine the Markowitz model positive shares and Value at Risk in the portfolio by using historical simulation. The Markowitz model found eight shares with positive expected returns, which are as follows: BBCA, BBRI, BRPT, EXCL, ICBP, INDF, MNCN, and TPIA. The BBCA has the most significant exposure of all the shares with the amount of Rp, while the TPIA has the smallest exposure of all the shares with the amount of Rp 58.899.375.000. Further, the EXCL has the largest VaR with the amount of Rp 236.189.538.497, while the TPIA and ICBP had no VaR losses because the VaR of TPIA and ICBP is Rp 0 and Rp -1.407.719.893, respectively, along with the INDF as the share with the smallest VaR of Rp 18.513.213.620. The most significant exposure average is Rp 719.246.318.375, while the largest VaR average is Rp 76.827.608.341,3. As long as the VaR did not exceed the exposure value, the investors will be safe and have no loss.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-70
Zulmagfir Buako ◽  
Lailany Yahya ◽  
Novianita Achmad

Currently, the problem of environmental hygiene caused by the accumulation of garbage becomes a serious problem for every community. In addressing this problem, an efficient waste transport process is required. This study aims to find the shortest route of garbage transportation in Gorontalo city by using Floyd Warshall Algorithm by finding the smallest weight between each point (Vertex). In this study, the weights used in the Floyd Warshall Iteration Algorithm were Alternative weights obtained by the Multi-Attribute Decision-Making approach (MADM). The criteria for determining weights in MADM use three indicators that affect the efficiency of garbage transportation, namely Distance, time, and congestion. The route used in this study is the dump truck route with 17 garbage transportation points. After obtaining the Alternate weight and iteration using Floyd Warshall algorithm obtained the shortest route with the smallest trajectory weight of 110.845.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-61
Nurhayati Abbas ◽  
Yamin Ismail ◽  
Ni Luh Emi Dayani

The study s a qualitative descriptive approach, and his research type is the study of library studies. Researchers aim to project sub-sub materials through the mathematical mind mapping of major semester ix classes, researchers are trying to collect data by reading, studying understanding and analyzing books as well as research journals, accessing Internet sites, or documents related to mind mapping. Mind mapping is the most effective and efficient way to input, store and extract data from the brain or into the brain. It works according to the natural workings of our brain, thus optimizing all the human brain's potential and capacity. The manufacturing of the mind mapping process requires that a number of basic characteristics are attained. There is also the basic characteristic; Paper, colour, line, letter, keyword, key image, and structure. Thus basically the mind mapping process is based on the development of the mind mapping process, resulting in a mind mapping that can help teachers and students in the mathematical process during the difficult part of the semester, and can make learning more meaningful and enjoyable because the learning material is visible to the whole so that students can readily understand the material given.

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