undrained strength
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
D. Reid ◽  
R. Fanni ◽  
A. Fourie

The cross-anisotropic nature of soil strength has been studied and documented for decades, including the increased propensity for cross-anisotropy in layered materials. However, current engineering practice for tailings storage facilities (TSFs) does not appear to generally include cross-anisotropy considerations in the development of shear strengths. This being despite the very common layering profile seen in subaerially-deposited tailings. To provide additional data to highlight the strength cross-anisotropy of tailings, high quality block samples from three TSFs were obtained and trimmed to enable Hollow Cylinder Torsional Shear tests to be sheared at principal stress angles of 0 and 45 degrees during undrained shearing. Consolidation procedures were carried out such that the drained rotation of principal stress angle that would precede potential undrained shear events for below-slope tailings was reasonably simulated. The results indicated the significant effects of cross-anisotropy on the undrained strength, instability stress ratio, contractive tendency and brittleness of each of the three tailings types. The magnitude of cross-anisotropy effects seen was generally consistent with previous published data on sands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 140 ◽  
pp. 104442
Desheng Zhu ◽  
Lei Xia ◽  
D.V. Griffiths ◽  
Gordon A. Fenton

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Francisco Lopes ◽  
Osvangivaldo Oliveira ◽  
Marcio Almeida

The log of a SPT in very soft clay may simply indicate a zero blow-count, or present information on the penetration – under self-weight – of the composition (sampler, rods and hammer) as recommended by some standards. The second type of information is often disregarded by design engineers due to the lack of a standard procedure for measuring these penetrations or because the test is regarded as not sensitive enough to give an indication on the undrained shear strength of soft clays. The penetration under the composition’s selfweight, however, can indicate the magnitude of Su, which, along with other more specific and sensitive tests, can help in assessing the spatial distribution of clay consistency in a large deposit. A proposed test procedure and interpretation had been given in an earlier technical note. This note presents an extended formulation and an evaluation of Su via the SPT at a construction site in Rio de Janeiro, including comparisons with results of piezocone and vane tests. The values of Su obtained with the SPT lie between the profiles given by vane tests, corrected by Plasticity Index, and the Critical State Theory, the latter representing a lower bound to the clay strength.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (17) ◽  
pp. 9848
Maria E. G. Boscov ◽  
Juliana K. Tsugawa ◽  
Edy L. T. Montalvan

This paper explores the feasibility of employing drinking water treatment sludge (WTS) mixed with soils, lime, or rock powder in geotechnical applications, as well as discusses the sustainability of the approach based on experimental results, aiming at the beneficial reuse of waste and the preservation of natural geomaterials. The selected materials were two soils largely used in earthworks, two WTSs, a high purity calcium hydrated lime, and rock powder from a granitic–gneissic quarry, all occurring in São Paulo State, Brazil. The mixtures were chemically, mineralogically, and geotechnically characterized, and the geotechnical properties permeability, shear strength, and deformability were investigated. Soil-WTS mixtures showed hydraulic conductivity (10−10–10−6 m/s, depending on soil and WTS), effective cohesion (10–30 kPa), friction angle (34°–40°), undrained strength (>50 kPa), and compression index (0.1–0.4) compatible with those of soils usually employed in earthworks. Lime:WTS and rock powder:WTS mixtures achieved 50 kPa undrained strength for WTS contents lower than 24% and 8%, respectively, and could be used as daily and intermediate covers of waste landfills, as well as in other applications with low soliciting stresses. The possibility of WTS being pumped instead of transported by trucks was analyzed in the light of results from rheological tests.

Hannes Hernvall ◽  
Mats Karlsson ◽  
Jelke Dijkstra ◽  
Minna Karstunen

Baltica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 246-252
Domas Gribulis ◽  
Kastytis Dundulis ◽  
Saulius Gadeikis ◽  
Sonata Gadeikienė

This article presents results of the test conducted on the undrained shear strength of till clayey soils of Eastern Lithuania, which are characterized by rigid and very stiff consistency and low plasticity. According to the classification of soils presented in LST EN ISO 14688–2:2018 Geotechnical Investigation and Testing – Identification and Classification of Soil − Part 2: Principles for a Classification, the tested soils are classified as sandy low plasticity clays. The undrained shear strength was tested using the triaxial compression (unconsolidated undrained) method. The test results showed that peculiarities of the particle size distribution had a crucial impact on the undrained strength of these soils, i.e. on the correlation of clay and fine silt fractions with the rest of soil components.

2020 ◽  
Liang-tong Zhan ◽  
Xiao-gang Guo ◽  
Qian-qian Sun ◽  
Yun-min Chen ◽  
Zu-yu Chen

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