earth pressure coefficient
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-187
Messaouda Boutahir Born Bencheikh ◽  
Assia Aidoud ◽  
Benamara Fatima Zohra ◽  
Belabed Lazhar ◽  
Dorbani Meriem

Abstract In the geotechnical engineering field, shallow foundations are frequently needed to ensure good fieldwork stability. They are also intended to permanently and uniformly transmit all load pressure on the seating floor. However, numerous mechanical constraints, such as bearing capacity of foundations, durability, stability, design of shallow foundations, lead, unfortunately, to a serious realization challenge. Finding an adequate solution presents the main goal and effort of both scholars and professionals. Indeed, the corresponding drawback is observed through the high number of reported damages that occurred in the structure of foundations and the punching failure. The failure mechanisms of shallow foundations, verified in full size or on scale models, show “sliding surfaces” and rigid (solid) blocks, which can be described with the kinematic method of rigid solids. The main objective of this study is the application of the kinematic method of rigid solids in the study of the stability of shallow foundations with respect to punching, the purpose of which is to determine the bearing capacity factors Nc, N γ, and the passive earth pressure coefficient Kp of foundations. In this context, two mechanical models have been proposed with 5 and 7 rigid solids, and a program developed via the MathCAD environment is applied to check the validity of the two previous models. The kinematic method of rigid solids gives results very close and comparable with that of Caquot/Kerisel for the factors of the bearing capacity and passive earth pressure coefficient - the ratio Kp - according to the five- and seven-solid model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mehdi Zadehmohamad ◽  
Jafar Bolouri Bazaz ◽  
Ramin Riahipour ◽  
Visar Farhangi

AbstractThe primary objective of this study is to investigate the benefits of adding tire rubber as an inclusion to backfill behind integral bridge abutments. In this respect, four physical model tests that enable cyclic loading of the backfill-abutment are conducted and evaluated. Each test consisted of 120 load cycles, and both the horizontal force applied to the top of the abutment wall and the pressures along the wall-backfill interface is measured. The primary variable in this study is the tire rubber content in the backfill soil behind the abutment. Results show adding tire rubber to the backfill would be beneficial for both pressure and settlement behind the abutment. According to results, adding tire rubber to soil decreases the equivalent peak lateral soil coefficient (Keq-peak) up to 55% and earth pressure coefficient ($${K}^{*}$$ K ∗ ) at upper parts of the abutment up to 59%. Moreover, the settlements of the soil behind the wall are decreased up to 60%.

Campbell Bryden ◽  
Kaveh Arjomandi ◽  
Arun J. Valsangkar

Full-scale experimental case studies have shown that the induced trench construction method effectively reduces the vertical earth load that is exerted on culverts installed beneath high embankments. Induced trench culverts are traditionally designed on the basis of Marston’s theory; however, various theoretical shortcomings of this formulation have recently come to light. In this paper, a new induced trench theoretical formulation is presented. The proposed analytical model employs inclined shear planes within the embankment fill; such geometry is consistent with experimental findings reported in the literature, and leads to positive arching resulting from a reduction in vertical stress and an increase in horizontal stress (thus increasing the lateral earth pressure coefficient within the induced trench zone). A series of parametric studies are performed using finite element software. The proposed theoretical formulation is shown to be in good agreement with the numerical results, and correlations are developed to provide guidance in selecting the appropriate values of: 1) the induced trench lateral earth pressure coefficient, and 2) the height to the plane of equal settlement. Two instrumented full-scale induced trench case studies are discussed, and the proposed theoretical formulation is shown to produce results that are in good agreement with the experimental data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (01) ◽  
pp. 242-257
Mojtaba Ahmadabadi ◽  
Mohammad Karim Faghirizadeh

In this study, a formulation and models have been proposed to calculate the active earth pressure on the wall and to determine the angle of failure wedge with line surcharge effect and taking into account the soil cohesion. The proposed method has the advantage of taking into account soil parameters such as cohesion, the angle of friction between the soil and the wall, the surcharge effect in the elasto-plastic environment, and the range that determines the critical surcharge. This paper presents dimensionless diagrams for different soil specifications and surcharges. According to these diagrams, it is easy to determine the distribution of excess pressure caused by surcharge, the distribution of the total active earth pressure on the wall, the angle of the failure wedge as well as the minimum and maximum active coefficient of the pressure with respect to surcharge distance. Furthermore, all soil parameters, surcharge and the results have been addressed. In general, the results indicated that increasing the angle of internal friction of the soil and cohesion would result to a nonlinear reduction in the active earth pressure coefficient, contrary to the line surcharge, which increases the active earth pressure of the soil and ultimately increases the active earth pressure coefficient. In this research, a diagram has been presented that expresses the surface that the active earth pressure coefficient changes with respect to the surcharge distance. The lower limit of each graph expresses the minimum active earth pressure coefficient (kas (min)) at the minimum surcharge distance, whereas the upper limit indicates the maximum active earth pressure coefficient (kas (max)) at the maximum surcharge distance from the wall. Comparison of the results of the proposed method with previous methods, codes and numerical software shows that in general, the proposed method is able to simplify the analysis of walls with surcharge effect in cohesive-frictional soils. In addition to the formulation and diagrams, a computer program in MATLAB software has been written. Using the results of these codes, the pressure on the wall with the linear surcharge effect, angle of failure wedge and pressure distribution on the wall in the cohesive-frictional soils can be calculated for all scenarios.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 04020235
Gustav Grimstad ◽  
Michael Long ◽  
Davood Dadrasajirlou ◽  
Seyed Ali Ghoreishian Amiri

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