shallow foundations
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Pengpeng He ◽  
Tim Newson

Wind turbines are typically designed based on fatigue and serviceability limit states, but still require an accurate assessment of bearing capacity. Overconsolidated clay deposits in Canada often have a thin layer of crust with a relatively high undrained shear strength developed from weathering, desiccation, and geo-chemical processes. However, existing design methods only assess the bearing capacity using effective area and inclination factor without consideration of surficial crusts. This paper studies the undrained VHMT (vertical, horizontal, moment and torsional) failure envelope of circular foundations founded on a surficial crust underlain by a uniform soil with a zero-tension interface condition using finite element analysis. An analytical expression for the VHMT failure envelope is derived.

2021 ◽  
Sara Hamidpour ◽  
Hamzeh Shakib ◽  
Roberto Paolucci ◽  
António Correia ◽  
Masoud Soltani

Abstract This paper aims to introduce a simplified moment-rotation backbone model for exploring the nonlinear behavior of shallow foundations subjected to rocking. The model is developed based on parametric numerical investigations of rectangular footings on dense dry sand, taking advantage of a nonlinear macro-element model verified based on a set of experimental results. Empirical expressions are proposed for rocking stiffness degradation due to gravity loads and foundation rotation as a function of the factor of safety against vertical loads and aspect ratio of foundations. Similar to previous researches, the uplift reference rotation was introduced to explore a new closedform expression appropriate for normalizing the foundation response in a non-dimensional form. The proposed approach for stiffness degradation and nonlinear backbone model of rocking foundations aims to be simple, to minimize the dependence on the variable parameters, and to provide physically sound selections for engineering applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11829
Ana Alencar ◽  
Ruben Galindo ◽  
Claudio Olalla Marañón

The influence of the non-associative flow law on the bearing capacity of shallow foundations on rock masses is, in general, a subject that is not discussed in the field of rock mechanics. The calculation methods of bearing capacity usually do not define which flow law is adopted and, in some methods, the associative flow rule is assumed without knowing how that hypothesis influences the bearing capacity of the rock mass. In this paper, the study of the influence of the dilatancy angle on the bearing capacity of shallow foundations on rock masses is presented. The variation of the bearing capacity with the associative flow law and the non-associative flow law with zero dilatancy angle is studied using the finite difference method and by considering the influence of the self-weight of rock material. The calculations confirm the great influence of the flow law on the bearing capacity and a correction coefficient is proposed, which makes it possible to estimate the variation of the bearing capacity of the rock mass in terms of the function of the flow law for the hypothesis of weightless rock masses.

Pengpeng He ◽  
Gordon A. Fenton ◽  
D.V. Griffiths

Although the geotechnical resistance 19 factors at ultimate limit state used for dynamic loading conditions should be different from those for static loading conditions, most current structural and geotechnical design codes do not specifically provide dynamic resistance factors. In this paper, the ultimate limit state reliability analysis of individual shallow foundations for drained and undrained soil conditions under seismic (pseudo-dynamic) and wind loads using the Random Finite Element Method is carried out using the provisions of the National Building Code of Canada. The geotechnical resistance factors required to achieve target maximum lifetime failure probabilities are estimated for a few major Canadian cities. The results indicate that the failure probability for drained soil conditions is slightly greater than that for undrained soil conditions. In addition, the results suggest that the dynamic resistance factors for foundation bearing capacity design at ULS are lower than those for static foundation design specified by the code. The current analysis can be used to guide the calibration of these geotechnical resistance factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-187
Messaouda Boutahir Born Bencheikh ◽  
Assia Aidoud ◽  
Benamara Fatima Zohra ◽  
Belabed Lazhar ◽  
Dorbani Meriem

Abstract In the geotechnical engineering field, shallow foundations are frequently needed to ensure good fieldwork stability. They are also intended to permanently and uniformly transmit all load pressure on the seating floor. However, numerous mechanical constraints, such as bearing capacity of foundations, durability, stability, design of shallow foundations, lead, unfortunately, to a serious realization challenge. Finding an adequate solution presents the main goal and effort of both scholars and professionals. Indeed, the corresponding drawback is observed through the high number of reported damages that occurred in the structure of foundations and the punching failure. The failure mechanisms of shallow foundations, verified in full size or on scale models, show “sliding surfaces” and rigid (solid) blocks, which can be described with the kinematic method of rigid solids. The main objective of this study is the application of the kinematic method of rigid solids in the study of the stability of shallow foundations with respect to punching, the purpose of which is to determine the bearing capacity factors Nc, N γ, and the passive earth pressure coefficient Kp of foundations. In this context, two mechanical models have been proposed with 5 and 7 rigid solids, and a program developed via the MathCAD environment is applied to check the validity of the two previous models. The kinematic method of rigid solids gives results very close and comparable with that of Caquot/Kerisel for the factors of the bearing capacity and passive earth pressure coefficient - the ratio Kp - according to the five- and seven-solid model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1209 (1) ◽  
pp. 012053
D Taušan ◽  
A Brandis ◽  
I Kraus

Abstract The usual structural analysis assumes that buildings are fixed to the ground. This is not always the case, especially for structures with shallow foundations on soft soils. It was learned from the literature review that neglecting soil compliance in the structural analysis may result in significant structural damage during an earthquake event. The seismic performance can greatly differ between buildings rigidly fixed to the ground and buildings for which soil compliance is considered. Therefore, the main goal of the experiment conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka was to observe the dynamic behaviour of a structure on soft soil. The model was experimentally tested using a shaking table. The foundation soil was modelled using local river sand. For parametric analysis, a numerical model was done using the computer software SAP2000. The model was calibrated using experimentally obtained results. A comparison between the experimental and numerical models is presented in the paper.

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