online surveys
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2022 ◽  
pp. 135910532110681
M Rosie Shrout ◽  
Daniel J Weigel

College students ( N = 125) with concealable chronic health conditions (CCHCs) completed online surveys at the beginning and end of the semester assessing stigma experiences and academic outcomes. Correlations showed stigma, alienation, and lack of campus fit were associated with greater illness-related academic interference ( ps < 0.001), negative academic self-comparison ( ps < 0.001), academic anxiety ( ps < 0.001), academic dissatisfaction ( ps < 0.001), and lower expected grades (except alienation; ps < 0.001–0.03) over time. Hierarchical multiple regressions identified a lack of campus fit as an important predictor across academic outcomes ( ps < 0.001–0.019). Students with CCHCs face health- and stigma-related challenges that can interfere with academic performance.

2022 ◽  
Louise L Hardy ◽  
Kym Rizzo Liu ◽  
Emma Sainsbury ◽  
Smita Shah

Abstract Background: The Students As LifeStyle Activists (SALSA) Program is an effective Australian peer-led leadership program offered to high schools. SALSA Youth Voices (SYV) is a novel extension of the SALSA program, providing SALSA Peer Leaders with an opportunity to further develop leadership skills, and to design and implement an intervention to promote healthy eating and physical activity within their school. The objectives of this study were to 1) measure the acceptability of the SYV program, 2) determine skills gained by peer leaders from participating in SYV, and 3) determine whether peer leaders successfully implemented a student-designed healthy eating/physical activity intervention. Methods: Schools which participated in the SALSA program in 2019 were invited to a Leadership Day workshop (Term 3) where SALSA Peer Leaders identified and planned an activity to promote healthy eating and/or physical activity at their school, and an Action Day (Term 4) where peer leaders presented their interventions to 100 health and education professionals. Peer leaders completed two brief online surveys at the end of the Leadership Day and upon registration at the Action Day. Results: Eighty-four peer leaders (aged 14–15 years) from seven high schools in western Sydney (mean Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) = 951) participated in SYV. Peer leaders reported their involvement with the SYV program as positive, with 68% rating it as “very valuable”. Skills gained by the peer leaders included teamwork (90%), communication (85%), leadership (77%) and confidence (65%). Peer leaders planned and devised interventions included installing water refill stations, improving school gyms, redesigning girls’ sports shorts, and other strategies to engage girls in physical activity. Most peer leaders reported their intervention was successfully implemented and sustainable in their school. Conclusions: SYV provides a unique leadership opportunity for students from socio-economically disadvantaged areas to be effective agents of change to create opportunities for students to participate in physical activity and improve healthy food options at school.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sylvanna Mirichlis ◽  
Penelope Hasking ◽  
Stephen P. Lewis ◽  
Mark E. Boyes

Purpose Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is associated with psychological disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviours; disclosure of NSSI can serve as a catalyst for help-seeking and self-advocacy amongst people who have self-injured. This study aims to identify the socio-demographic, NSSI-related, socio-cognitive and socio-emotional correlates of NSSI disclosure. Given elevated rates of NSSI amongst university students, this study aimed to investigate these factors amongst this population. Design/methodology/approach Australian university students (n = 573) completed online surveys; 80.2% had previously disclosed self-injury. Findings NSSI disclosure was associated with having a mental illness diagnosis, intrapersonal NSSI functions, specifically marking distress and anti-dissociation, having physical scars from NSSI, greater perceived impact of NSSI, less expectation that NSSI would result in communication and greater social support from friends and significant others. Originality/value Expanding on previous works in the area, this study incorporated cognitions about NSSI. The ways in which individuals think about the noticeability and impact of their NSSI, and the potential to gain support, are associated with the decision to disclose self-injury. Addressing the way individuals with lived experience consolidate these considerations could facilitate their agency in whether to disclose their NSSI and highlight considerations for health-care professionals working with clients who have lived experience of NSSI.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108705472110680
Hallie R. Brown ◽  
Holly B. Laws ◽  
Elizabeth A. Harvey

Objective: ADHD and ODD are commonly co-occurring, but often studied individually. This study evaluated common trajectories of these disorders and explored how they co-develop in early childhood. Method: Community parents ( N = 273) completed online surveys about their 2-year-old. Children’s inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms over 2 years were examined using latent class, dual trajectory, and cross-lagged analyses. Results: Most children followed low symptom trajectories. A small portion showed high, moderate, or increasing trajectories. The hyperactive/impulsive domain of ADHD showed a declining symptoms group. Children in high ODD groups were likely to be in high ADHD symptom groups; the converse was true but probabilities were lower. Hyperactive/impulsive symptoms predicted ODD symptoms across time, more than vice versa. Conclusion: The study extends the small body of literature assessing early development of ADHD and ODD. Findings suggest that earlier intervention for symptoms of ADHD may mitigate risk of developing ODD.

Sara Jahnke ◽  
Alexander F. Schmidt ◽  
Andrea Klöckner ◽  
Jürgen Hoyer

AbstractThe neurodevelopmental theory of pedohebephilia states that sexual interests in children arise from early neurodevelopmental perturbations, as, for example, evidenced by increased non-right-handedness, more childhood head injuries, and reduced intelligence and height. As corroborating evidence largely rests on samples of convicted men, we conducted online surveys among German-speaking (Study 1, N = 199) and English-speaking men (Study 2, N = 632), specifically targeting community members with pedohebephilic or teleiophilic interests. Although we detected theoretically meaningful sexual interest patterns in an embedded viewing time task, we could not detect expected neurodevelopmental differences between teleiophilic and pedohebephilic men in either of the two studies. Strikingly, pedohebephilic men who reported convictions for sexual offenses emerged as shorter and less intelligent than pedohebephilic men without convictions in Study 2. While elucidating possible third variable confounds, results have to be interpreted cautiously because of the methodological problems inherent to non-matched case control designs.

Wan Hoong Wong ◽  
Elaine Chapman

To reduce their attrition rates, institutions need to ensure that their students can manage the stressors they confront in their academic work and persist to complete their study programs. Given the significance of non-cognitive attributes in education, this study aimed to identify the non-cognitive profiles exhibited by students which related significantly to academic stress and persistence levels in the middle of a given academic year. Undergraduate students from one of the largest private higher education institutions in Singapore participated in two online surveys. A total of 565 and 122 students participated in the first and second surveys, respectively. Results indicated that three distinct non-cognitive profiles could be identified, which were associated significantly with students’ academic stress levels and their intentions to persist with their studies. Possible implications for enhancing student outcomes by offering students with opportunities to enhance their affective ‘readiness’ profiles are discussed.

2022 ◽  
Sheila Dwi Rahmawati ◽  
Alifia Kamila Jasmine Putri Hariyanto ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Context: All information that the public wants to know can be accessed through various platforms, one of which is social media. Especially in a pandemic like this, information related to Covid-19 will be needed. However, social media can also be a place for people to spread hoax news easily. Students as agents of change are expected to be role models for society in using the internet. Purpose: to find out where the perpetrators of spreading hoax news take their actions and also we want to know the various forms of hoax news that are spread. In addition, we also want to know what actions students take as agents of change in response to the hoax news they encounter. Questions: We formulated four questions in this research, namely, what media are often found in hoax news by students? In what forms are hoax news often encountered by students? What is the content of hoax news that students usually encounter? How are students as a student? How do agents of change respond to the hoax news they encounter? Methods: We used quantitative research methods in the form of online surveys with Google Forms to present data and followed by qualitative methods in the form of interviews with respondents. We combine the studies that have been done for further analysis. Results: our research shows that students often receive hoax news about Covid-19. They found various forms and contents of hoax news. In addition, each student has their own way of responding to the hoax news they get. Limitations: The limitation of our research is the range of respondents which only includes students who live in Surabaya. Recommendation: our next research is to expand the reach of respondents and look for respondents who have been spreading hoax news to find out the motives they use.

2022 ◽  
pp. 131-148
Burcu Karabulut Coşkun ◽  
Ezgi Mor Dirlik

In today's world, which has been administered by computers and artificial intelligence in many areas, online data gathering has become an inevitable way of collecting data. Many researchers have preferred online surveying, considering the advantages of this method over the classical ones. Hence, the factors that may affect the response rate of online surveying have become a prominent research topic. In line with the popularity of this issue, the purpose of this chapter was to clarify the concept of online surveys; give information about their types, advantages, and usage; and investigate the factors that affect the participants' response behaviors. Besides the discussions on the theoretical framework of online surveying, an online survey aiming to determine the factors affecting the participation in online surveying was administered to a group of people to investigate the response behaviors thoroughly. The findings revealed that rs might affect ants' response behaviors to online surveys in various ways radically.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This research aims to determine the key antecedent factors in consumers’ adoption of and their intention to recommend smartwatch wearable technology. The proposed research model combines the current technology acceptance and innovation diffusion theories with perceived aesthetic and perceived privacy risk to explain individuals’ smartwatch adoption and subsequent recommendation to other people. Based on a sample of 299 completed individual online surveys, the research employed partial least squares (a variance-based analysis method) for the model and hypotheses testing. The results showed some similarities as well as differences from the previous literature. The study found that performance expectancy, habit, and perceived aesthetic were the main predictors of smartwatch adoption. Compatibility was the antecedent factor of performance expectancy, and innovativeness directly influenced user adoption and effort expectancy. Consequently, user smartwatch adoption usually led to recommendation.

2022 ◽  
pp. 425-443
Elif Baykal

Turkey is among the countries that has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of people have lost their lives, and the outbreak has caused millions of people to experience both physiological and psychological problems. This study examines the effect of spiritual well-being on the life satisfaction levels of individuals the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was carried out on white-collar employees working in the service sector in Turkey. The data of the field research was collected through online surveys from a sample of 384 employees. The findings show that spiritual well-being has a positive effect on life satisfaction.

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