hubbard u
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 370-381
Maxim N. Popov ◽  
Jürgen Spitaler ◽  
Lorenz Romaner ◽  
Natalia Bedoya-Martínez ◽  
René Hammer

In this study, we undertake a Bayesian optimization of the Hubbard U parameters of wurtzite GaN and InN. The optimized Us are then tested within the Hubbard-corrected local density approximation (LDA+U) approach against standard density functional theory, as well as a hybrid functional (HSE06). We present the electronic band structures of wurtzite GaN, InN, and (1:1) InGaN superlattice. In addition, we demonstrate the outstanding performance of the new parametrization, when computing the internal electric-fields in a series of [InN]1–[GaN]n superlattices (n = 2–5) stacked up along the c-axis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 154 (12) ◽  
pp. 124121
Joshua J. Brown ◽  
Alister J. Page

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 2527
Peitao Liu ◽  
Cesare Franchini

In this review, we provide a survey of the application of advanced first-principle methods on the theoretical modeling and understanding of novel electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of the spin-orbit coupled Ruddlesden–Popper series of iridates Srn+1IrnO3n+1 (n = 1, 2, and ∞). After a brief description of the basic aspects of the adopted methods (noncollinear local spin density approximation plus an on-site Coulomb interaction (LSDA+U), constrained random phase approximation (cRPA), GW, and Bethe–Salpeter equation (BSE)), we present and discuss select results. We show that a detailed phase diagrams of the metal–insulator transition and magnetic phase transition can be constructed by inspecting the evolution of electronic and magnetic properties as a function of Hubbard U, spin–orbit coupling (SOC) strength, and dimensionality n, which provide clear evidence for the crucial role played by SOC and U in establishing a relativistic (Dirac) Mott–Hubbard insulating state in Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7. To characterize the ground-state phases, we quantify the most relevant energy scales fully ab initio—crystal field energy, Hubbard U, and SOC constant of three compounds—and discuss the quasiparticle band structures in detail by comparing GW and LSDA+U data. We examine the different magnetic ground states of structurally similar n = 1 and n = 2 compounds and clarify that the origin of the in-plane canted antiferromagnetic (AFM) state of Sr2IrO4 arises from competition between isotropic exchange and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interactions whereas the collinear AFM state of Sr3Ir2O7 is due to strong interlayer magnetic coupling. Finally, we report the dimensionality controlled metal–insulator transition across the series by computing their optical transitions and conductivity spectra at the GW+BSE level from the the quasi two-dimensional insulating n = 1 and 2 phases to the three-dimensional metallic n=∞ phase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 2395 ◽  
Nicole E. Kirchner-Hall ◽  
Wayne Zhao ◽  
Yihuang Xiong ◽  
Iurii Timrov ◽  
Ismaila Dabo

Accurate computational predictions of band gaps are of practical importance to the modeling and development of semiconductor technologies, such as (opto)electronic devices and photoelectrochemical cells. Among available electronic-structure methods, density-functional theory (DFT) with the Hubbard U correction (DFT+U) applied to band edge states is a computationally tractable approach to improve the accuracy of band gap predictions beyond that of DFT calculations based on (semi)local functionals. At variance with DFT approximations, which are not intended to describe optical band gaps and other excited-state properties, DFT+U can be interpreted as an approximate spectral-potential method when U is determined by imposing the piecewise linearity of the total energy with respect to electronic occupations in the Hubbard manifold (thus removing self-interaction errors in this subspace), thereby providing a (heuristic) justification for using DFT+U to predict band gaps. However, it is still frequent in the literature to determine the Hubbard U parameters semiempirically by tuning their values to reproduce experimental band gaps, which ultimately alters the description of other total-energy characteristics. Here, we present an extensive assessment of DFT+U band gaps computed using self-consistent ab initio U parameters obtained from density-functional perturbation theory to impose the aforementioned piecewise linearity of the total energy. The study is carried out on 20 compounds containing transition-metal or p-block (group III-IV) elements, including oxides, nitrides, sulfides, oxynitrides, and oxysulfides. By comparing DFT+U results obtained using nonorthogonalized and orthogonalized atomic orbitals as Hubbard projectors, we find that the predicted band gaps are extremely sensitive to the type of projector functions and that the orthogonalized projectors give the most accurate band gaps, in satisfactory agreement with experimental data. This work demonstrates that DFT+U may serve as a useful method for high-throughput workflows that require reliable band gap predictions at moderate computational cost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
D.P. Xiong ◽  
S.L. Zhou ◽  
M. He ◽  
Q. Wang ◽  
W. Zhang ◽  

Abstract The structural, electronic and optical properties of BexZn1−xO alloys were studied using the density functional theory and Hubbard-U method. Uo;p = 10.2 eV for O 2p and UZn;d = 1.4 eV for Zn 3d were adopted as the Hubbard U values. For BexZn1−x O alloys, the lattice constants a and c decrease linearly as Be concentration increases, the bandgap increases with a large bowing parameter of 6.95 eV, the formation enthalpies have the maximum value with Be concentration at 0.625, corresponding to the possible Be concentration to form phase separation. These calculations comply well with the experimental and other theoretical results. Furthermore, optical properties, such as dielectric function ∈(ω), reflectivity R(ω), absorption coefficient α(ω), were calculated and discussed for BexZn1−x O alloys with the incident photon energy ranging from 0 eV to 30 eV.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
C. Tejera-Centeno ◽  
S. Gallego ◽  
J. I. Cerdá

AbstractThe magnetic properties of $${\text{SrFe}}_{12}{\text{O}}_{19}$$ SrFe 12 O 19 , a paradigmatic hexaferrite for permanent magnet applications, have been addressed in detail combining density functional theory including spin–orbit coupling and a Hubbard U term with Monte Carlo simulations. This multiscale approach allows to estimate the Néel temperature of the material from ab initio exchange constants, and to determine the influence of different computational conditions on the magnetic properties by direct comparison versus available experimental data. It is found that the dominant influence arises from the choice of the Hubbard U term, with a value in the 2–3 eV range as the most adequate to quantitatively reproduce the two most relevant magnetic properties of this material, namely: its large perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy and its elevated Néel temperature.

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