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2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 616-634
Ilham Mahmoud JADER ◽  
Rawaa Sabahh GANNAW

The Iraqi government signed with Britain a treaty in 1930 AD, which approved a bilateral alliance between them that includes all political, economic and military issues, which will be recognized after Iraq’s entry into the League of Nations. Iraq by entering the League and declaring his independence After the discussions, statements, and opinions that were presented at the meeting, the League's Mandates Committee announced on October 3, 1932, that Iraq had been accepted as a member of the League of Nations The independence of Iraq and its entry into the League of Nations is an important and pivotal issue, as Iraq became the first Arab country to get rid of the occupation, even though the independence was not complete because Britain sought to achieve this goal in exchange for a treaty that chained Iraq with many restrictions, including military and economic issues The United States of America has striven to develop its diplomatic relations with Iraq, given that Iraq was of strategic importance in the eyes of American policy planners. US to the level of an embassy in Baghdad The cultural relations between Iraq and the United States during the royal era developed significantly if compared to other fields, because it is considered the gateway to Iraq’s entry to the League of Nations, and for this reason the Iraqi government set up in 1930 a committee of experts to improve education and recommended the necessity of adopting the American approach to education, and this The Americans wanted to exploit it after they had a share in Iraq's oil, and thus exploiting all means in order to secure their interests, especially the means of education, because it is an effective means in creating a trend of educated elites tending to the United States of America. Key words:

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Supriyanto Supriyanto ◽  
Doromae Hayeehasa

The discourse on political dynamics in Islamic (Arabic) countries leaves a debate that will never end. One of the Muslim thinkers who contributed to the concept of Islamic politics was Zaki Naguib Mahmoud. Although he was not as popular as other thinkers, in the context of Islamic politics, the presence of Zaki's thoughts made Islamic political discourse more dynamic. Zaki offered some criticisms and conceptual proposals for political discourse, namely a political concept that is not only oriented to the struggle for power, but a political concept that liberates, prospers, and always tries to build a better order of life. Zaky was here to oppose the tyranny of power and the hegemony of the majority over the minority. For the Arabs, the realization of such a political vision is not impossible, considering that they have a noble heritage in the form of a spirit of nationalism rooted in the era of their predecessors. It is this spirit that should be able to establish political order and liberate the Arab country from backwardness, decline, and moral degradation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (Fall 2021) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Mehmet Rakipoğlu

Sudan, an African-Arab country, has in recent years been witnessing the political transformation process of the revolution-coup spiral. The Sudanese people, who overthrew the 30-year-old regime, are not satisfied with the revolution that came into power in 2019. This new conjuncture, which can barely be called a revolution, did not solve the structural problems such as corruption, unemployment, injustice, or inability to rule. Therefore, the fire of revolution and the desire for democracy have not yet died out in Sudan. However, the role of external and internal actors influencing the country’s transformation process deserves scrutiny. In this sense, this piece seeks to answer the question of how Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been actively involved in and diverting the transformation process in Sudan. The main claim of the study is that the Saudi-UAE axis is diligent in establishing an authoritarian military regime in Sudan. The notions of secularization and normalization with Israel stand out among the projects that the UAE is trying to implement in Sudan. The UAE and Saudi Arabia, using petro-dollar as a tool, are directly engaging in Sudan’s transition period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-118
Houda Qasim Aleqedat

Jordan, as an Arab country located in the Middle East, began to pay attention to change. Jordanian society began to move from an old-style state to a contemporary state. Where globalization had a significant impact on culture, either in terms of individual culture and organizational culture. On the other hand, many studies emphasized that culture through its dimensions has an important role in influencing the corporate atmosphere or corporate social responsibility, as well as affecting the financial performance of companies. Moreover, the literature indicates that cultural dimensions influence the conduct of individuals and the performance of firms. . The literature indicated that there are different dimensions of culture, including Hofstede's dimensions of culture, which are Power Distance Index; Individualism versus collectivism; Masculinity versus Femininity; Uncertainty Avoidance index; Long-versus Short- Term Orientation; Indulgence versus Restraint. This study focused on the Indulgence versus Restraint dimension, as a recent dimension, where through the literature it can be predicted the existence of a critical role for the indulgence dimension on performance. After reviewing the literature related to the Indulgence dimension, it was found that there is a shortage and almost no local studies conducted in Jordan regarding the Indulgence versus Restraint dimension. Since this dimension is new, this paper stresses the importance of more research on this subject to expand the local literature on Indulgence and its impact on the performance in the Jordan context and compare it with other countries in order to provide important and useful results for the policymakers.

2021 ◽  
Abkar Ali Iraqi ◽  
AbdAlla Mohammed AbdAlla

Abstract Yemen is one of the Arab country that is vulnerable to climate changes, and this is clear from the indicators of impact on water resources, coastal zone environments, etc. This work focuses on studying the climatic variability at Hodeidah city-Yemen during the period between 1984 and 2019. This study aimed to characterize trends in mean monthly, seasonal and annual temperature. To attain these objectives the collected data were analyzed using both parametric (linear regression) and non-parametric (Mann–Kendall, Spearman and Sen's slope estimator tests) methods to detect the trend and the magnitudes of rates of changes of temperature over time. Analysis of data indicates clear climatic fluctuations of temperature. The annual means of temperature during the period of study were varied between 26.9°C and 30.1°C. The warmest years were observed during the more recent years of the study period ( 2005 to 2018). The increasing rate of annual temperature is about + 0.075°C /year, + 0.37°C/5year, + 0.75°C/decade ,+2.53°C, over the whole period of study(1985 to 2019), + 3.7°C/50 year and increase to + 4.85°C in 2050. On a monthly timescale, there are similar magnitudes of rates of change from December to September with highest rates in October and November. The results also showed that most months and seasons have significant positive trends in temperature and (Z-α/2) values of the MK Test > 1.96 and positive value of Sen’s slope estimator indicates significant an increasing trend towards warmer years. Anomalies of temperature confirm significant increasing trends towards warmer years (2000s to 2019).

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (22) ◽  
pp. 200-211
Zainab Hameed Alfayez ◽  
Nabaa Mohammed Al-Sinayyid ◽  
Sadeq Ibrahim AL-Ameri

Arab countries have taken different strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic such as: imposing travel restrictions, hygienic practices, quarantine, and a complete lock-down. They also have adopted technology-based strategies to deal with the pandemic. Mobile applications were one of these strategies since they offer an opportunity for remote communication in which potentially tackling the pandemic. Therefore, like other countries, Arab countries have developed a number of mobile apps specially to stop or mitigate the spread of the new disease. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of mobile applications being developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and especially to serve the Arab region. To achieve this goal, firstly, the related applications were chosen through searching in the two main mobile app stores (Google Play and App Store), Secondly, the number of applications developed by each country was identified, thirdly, exploring the apps in terms of the services being provided by each app. The significant findings of this review are: UAE was the Arab country that developed the biggest number of COVID-19 related mobile apps, and “remote assistant” was the service that was found in most of the identified applications. However, these applications did not consider the privacy issue and lacked solutions for healthcare staff.

2021 ◽  
Abkar Ali Iraqi ◽  
AbdAlla Mohammed AbdAlla

Abstract Yemen is one of the Arab country that is vulnerable to climate changes, and this is clear from the indicators of impact on water resources, coastal zone environments, etc. This work focuses on studying the climatic variability at Hodeidah city-Yemen during the period between 1984 and 2019. This study aimed to characterize trends in mean monthly, seasonal and annual temperature. To attain these objectives the collected data were analyzed using both parametric (linear regression) and non-parametric (Mann–Kendall, Spearman and Sen's slope estimator tests) methods to detect the trend and the magnitudes of rates of changes of temperature over time. Analysis of data indicates clear climatic fluctuations of temperature. The annual means of temperature during the period of study were varied between 26.9°C and 30.1°C. The warmest years were observed during the more recent years of the study period ( 2005 to 2018). The increasing rate of annual temperature is about + 0.075°C /year, + 0.37°C/5year, + 0.75°C/decade ,+2.53°C, over the whole period of study(1985 to 2019), + 3.7°C/50 year and increase to + 4.85°C in 2050. On a monthly timescale, there are similar magnitudes of rates of change from December to September with highest rates in October and November. The results also showed that most months and seasons have significant positive trends in temperature and (Z-α/2) values of the MK Test > 1.96 and positive value of Sen’s slope estimator indicates significant an increasing trend towards warmer years. Anomalies of temperature confirm significant increasing trends towards warmer years (2000s to 2019).

Organization ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 836-856
Hèla Yousfi

This article draws attention to how management scholars “the outsiders within” who are structurally positioned within the academies of dominant powers might negotiate the complexities of producing a locally rooted and meaningful knowledge, emancipated from the U.S. hegemony while carrying organization studies in Arab countries. Drawing upon my different ethnographic journeys as a researcher, brought up in an Arab country with a Francophone intellectual mindset and studying Arab management practices, I will discuss both the potential for and the difficulties of critical engagement with a decolonizing management research agenda. Then, and building on critical border thinking tradition, I will propose the Egyptian term “Fahlawa” as a metaphor for better describing the challenges of a decolonizing research practice that privileges contestation and perpetual bricolage over formal and universal design. Finally, I will conclude by highlighting the potential of “Fahlawa” as a survival/resistance practice to theorize what is unthought and invisible in management literature and to build situated knowledge less organized by U.S. domination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 219-233
Siti Fatimah

الملخص تعليم اللغة العربية الذي أجريَ بمدرسة كتاب ابن عباس هو نشاط تعليمي يقوم به المعلمون لتزويد الطلاب بهدف أن يكونوا قادرين على فهم دينهم بشكل صحيح، وتغيير السلوك وزيادة المعرفة، وخاصة الأمور المتعلقة باللغة العربية والقدرة على التحدث وفهم اللغة العربية في شكل شفوي وكتابي. وهدف تعليم اللغة العربية لهذا المستوى ليكون عند الطلاب القدرة في اللغة العربية مثل صاحب اللغة مثل أطفال العرب الذين يعيشون في الدولة العربية. حتى يجعلوا مستواهم قريبا من هؤلاء فلابد أن يكون المدرس هو ناطقا للغة العربية لأن الطلاب سيأخذون اللغة من المدرس، كيف المدرس يعبر، كيف طريقة كلامه وتعبيره، ولهذا ليس شرطا كون المدرس ناطقا للعربية ولكنه أفضل. أو غير ناطق مثلا إندونيسي ولكن عنده القدرة العالية في اللغة العربية. ومشكلة هذا البحث هي: (١)كيف تنفيذ تعليم اللغة العربية باستعمال وسائل التواصل وسائطَ التعلم لدى تلميذات الصف الأول بمدرسة كتاب ابن عباس تانجيرانج. (٢) كيف فعالية استعمال طريقة تعليم اللغة العربية بوسائل التواصل عند تلميذات الصف الأول بمدرسة كتاب ابن عباس تانجيرانج. (٣) ما المشكلة التي تواجهها تلميذات الصف الأول بمدرسة كتاب ابن عباس تانجيرانج في تعلم اللغة العربية عن بعد. (٤) ما المشكلة التي تواجهها المدرّسة في تعليمهن. Abstract Teaching Arabic that was conducted at Kuttab Ibnu Abbas School is an educational activity undertaken by teachers to provide students with the goal of being able to properly understand their religion, change behavior and increase knowledge, especially matters related to the Arabic language and the ability to speak and understand Arabic in conversation  and written form. And the goal of teaching Arabic to this level is so that students have the ability in the Arabic language like the owner of the language, like the children of Arabs who live in the Arab country. In order to make their level close to those, the teacher must be a native speaker of the Arabic language because the students will take the language from the teacher, how does the teacher express, how does his speech and his expression, and this is not a requirement for the teacher to speak Arabic, but it is better. Or not speaking Indonesian, for example, but he has a high ability in the Arabic language. The problem of this research is: (1) How to implement the teaching of Arabic language using the means of communication and the means of learning among first-grade students at Kitab Ibn Abbas Tangerang School. (2) How effective is the use of the method of teaching the Arabic language by means of communication among first grade pupils at Kitab Ibn Abbas Tangerang School? (3) What is the problem faced by the first graders of Kitab Ibn Abbas Tangerang School in learning Arabic from a distance? (4) What is the problem that the female teacher faces in teaching them?

2021 ◽  
Jad EL MASRI ◽  
Lemir Majed EL AYOUBI ◽  
Bassam MATAR

Abstract Purpose The Arab region comprises 22 countries located in the Middle East and North Africa, sharing cultural and linguistic ties. Arab countries have continued to lag in terms of biomedical research compared to other nations for the several past decades. Cancer is a major public health concern, being the second leading cause of death globally. Given that high research activity on cancer reflects positively onto screening programs, awareness, and clinical practice, this article aimed to examine the activity and trend of cancer research in the Arab world between 2005 and 2019. Methods Between 2005 and 2019, the number of cancer-related articles published by each Arab country, and regarding 27 different types, was assessed using PubMed database. Numbers were normalized with respect to each country’s average population and average Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Results Arab countries contributed to 1.52% of total cancer publications. The number of cancer publications has steadily grown since 2005, with the last 7 years alone witnessing 75.69% of the total Arab cancer-related publications. In terms of publications per million persons, Qatar ranked first while in terms of publications per national GDP, Egypt ranked first. Breast, liver, and colorectal cancers had the highest numbers of all Arab cancer-related publications, while testicular, vulvar, and gallbladder cancers had the least. Conclusion This paper pools information and insight for scientists, clinicians, funders, and decision-makers on the actualities and developments of cancer research in the Arab world. Addressing the barriers facing cancer research remains a cornerstone in the plan to improve the Arab world’s output and contribution to the field of oncology.

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