qualitative representation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (7) ◽  
pp. 1296-1325
Mikhail V. GRECHKO ◽  
Larisa A. KOBINA

Subject. We herein examine, sort out and integrate economic knowledge to analyze systemic contradictions, which constitute necessary and sufficient conditions for the evolution of macrosystems. In this research, we draw upon the cognitive potential of the dialectical systemic-historical approach. Objectives. We examine the gradual transformation of complex subjects with weak structure and the qualitative representation of the regress dialectics in terms of the logic of the evolution of economic systems. Methods. The study draws upon the cognitive potential of the dialectical method, the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, with some elements of the formation approach added, which helped definitely determine and capture systemic traits and principles of the regress dialectics of old systems, and their possible development trajectories. Results. The article sets forth systemic contradictions, qualities and traits of the regress dialectics, referring to the evolutionary phases of economic systems. To display the regress dialectics properly, we formulated respective principles for studying mutated forms, demonstrating the inevitability of their self-reproduction, and revealing the real, though concealed, substance. Conclusions. The article sorts out key conclusions. The findings may underlie the scientific basis for comprehending the evolution of complex subjects with weak structure and macrosystems.

Л.Р. Магомаева ◽  
Д.А. Эбаев

Нацеленность современной экономической системы на инновации предопределяет необходимость создания специализированной финансовой инфраструктуры «нового уровня и качества», позволяющей обеспечивать поставленные задачи инновационного развития. Эти обстоятельства в полной мере относятся к банковскому сектору, сбалансированное, устойчивое и нацеленное на положительное эволюционирование функционирование которого находится в зависимости от банковской инфраструктуры, ее количественной и, главное, качественной представленности. В связи с этим, в исследовании приводятся ряд трактовок банковской инфраструктуры, а также определены детерминанты формирования кросс-канальной банковской инфраструктуры, определяющие основные принципы стратегии развития информационных ресурсов при выведении на рынок современных банковских продуктов The focus of the modern economic system on innovation predetermines the need to create a specialized financial infrastructure "of a new level and quality", which allows to ensure theset objectives of innovative development. These circumstances fully relate to the banking sector, balanced, stable and aimed at positive evolution, the functioning of which depends on the banking infrastructure, its quantitative and, most importantly, qualitative representation. In this regard, the study provides a number of interpretations of the banking infrastructure, as well as identifies the determinants of the formation of a cross-channel banking infrastructure, which determine the basic principles of the strategy for the development of information resources when introducing modern banking products to the market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Dewa Ayu Ketut Septika

Architecture is inseparable from visual aspects in the form of representation as a way to establish communication. Due to digitalization and the rapid development of technology, there has been a shift in the paradigm of image representation. Manual images become digital images, from sketching and drawing to image-making and rendering. Digital rendering is considered to be object-oriented and quantitative. It has the characteristics of being precise, fast, reflecting form and materiality, with a photorealistic image as a result. There is no visible involvement of subjects such as architects, image-maker, and observers in the process because the image represents the final outcome. Here, the role of representation to evoke imagination and deeper interpretation is lost, because it does not leave room for intervention and contemplation of the design. That is why another kind of digital method emerged in the world of representation, instead of “rendering” the design as an image, it is relevant to the act of “making” an image as design representation. Its characteristic as a representation method makes the produced images have the ability to be evocative, in order to make its viewers contemplate and interpret the design, which makes it a qualitative representation. The aim of this paper is to understand the act of image-making through digital collage as a medium for qualitative representation in architectural design. By comparing digital rendering and collage images obtained through literature studies, this paper wants to offer the author’s viewpoint on the qualities and experiences brought by architectural representation.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 2579 ◽  
David Rijlaarsdam ◽  
Hamza Yous ◽  
Jonathan Byrne ◽  
Davide Oddenino ◽  
Gianluca Furano ◽  

The lost-in-space star identification algorithm is able to identify stars without a priori attitude information and is arguably the most critical component of a star sensor system. In this paper, the 2009 survey by Spratling and Mortari is extended and recent lost-in-space star identification algorithms are surveyed. The covered literature is a qualitative representation of the current research in the field. A taxonomy of these algorithms based on their feature extraction method is defined. Furthermore, we show that in current literature the comparison of these algorithms can produce inconsistent conclusions. In order to mitigate these inconsistencies, this paper lists the considerations related to the relative performance evaluation of these algorithms using simulation.

Mathematics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 543 ◽  
Jin Liang ◽  
Chengwei Zhang

In this paper, we are concerned with the non-commutativity measure of quantum discord. We first present an explicit expression of the non-commutativity measure of quantum discord in the two-qubit case. Then we compare the geometric quantum discords for two dynamic models with their non-commutativity measure of quantum discords. Furthermore, we show that the results conducted by the non-commutativity measure of quantum discord are different from those conducted by both or one of the Hilbert-Schmidt distance discord and trace distance discord. These intrinsic differences indicate that the non-commutativity measure of quantum discord is incompatible with at least one of the well-known geometric quantum discords in the quantitative and qualitative representation of quantum correlations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 1-16 ◽  
Giuseppe Della Penna ◽  
Sergio Orefice

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. e12946 ◽  
Catherine L. Granger ◽  
Selina M. Parry ◽  
Lara Edbrooke ◽  
Shaza Abo ◽  
Nina Leggett ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Zhaowei Liu ◽  
Ke Li ◽  
Xinxin He

As a tool of qualitative representation, conditional preference network (CP-net) has recently become a hot research topic in the field of artificial intelligence. The semantics of CP-nets does not restrict the generation of cycles, but the existence of the cycles would affect the property of CP-nets such as satisfaction and consistency. This paper attempts to use the feedback set problem theory including feedback vertex set (FVS) and feedback arc set (FAS) to cut cycles in CP-nets. Because of great time complexity of the problem in general, this paper defines a class of the parent vertices in a ring CP-nets firstly and then gives corresponding algorithm, respectively, based on FVS and FAS. Finally, the experiment shows that the running time and the expressive ability of the two methods are compared.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-9
M. Clement Joe Anand ◽  
Janani Bharatraj

We build a bridge between qualitative representation and quantitative representation using fuzzy qualitative trigonometry. A unit circle obtained from fuzzy qualitative representation replaces the quantitative unit circle. Namely, we have developed the concept of a qualitative unit circle from the view of fuzzy theory using Gaussian membership functions, which play a key role in shaping the fuzzy circle and help in obtaining sharper boundaries. We have also developed the trigonometric identities based on qualitative representation by defining trigonometric functions qualitatively and applied the concept to fuzzy particle swarm optimization using α-cuts.

Till Mossakowski ◽  
Reinhard Moratz

A qualitative representation of space and/or time provides mechanisms which characterize the essential properties of objects or configurations. The advantages over quantitative representations can be: (1) a better match with human concepts related to natural language, and (2) better efficiency for reasoning. The two main trends in qualitative spatial constraint reasoning are topological reasoning about regions and reasoning about directions between points and straight lines and orientations of straight lines or configurations derived from points. In this work, we apply universal algebraic tools to binary qualitative calculi and their relations.

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