matrix integrals
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
Dionysios Anninos ◽  
Beatrix Mühlmann

Abstract We explore the conjectured duality between a class of large N matrix integrals, known as multicritical matrix integrals (MMI), and the series (2m − 1, 2) of non-unitary minimal models on a fluctuating background. We match the critical exponents of the leading order planar expansion of MMI, to those of the continuum theory on an S2 topology. From the MMI perspective this is done both through a multi-vertex diagrammatic expansion, thereby revealing novel combinatorial expressions, as well as through a systematic saddle point evaluation of the matrix integral as a function of its parameters. From the continuum point of view the corresponding critical exponents are obtained upon computing the partition function in the presence of a given conformal primary. Further to this, we elaborate on a Hilbert space of the continuum theory, and the putative finiteness thereof, on both an S2 and a T2 topology using BRST cohomology considerations. Matrix integrals support this finiteness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (05) ◽  
pp. 1013-1030
Edva Roditty-Gershon ◽  
Chris Hall ◽  
Jonathan P. Keating

We compute the variances of sums in arithmetic progressions of generalized [Formula: see text]-divisor functions related to certain [Formula: see text]-functions in [Formula: see text], in the limit as [Formula: see text]. This is achieved by making use of recently established equidistribution results for the associated Frobenius conjugacy classes. The variances are thus expressed, when [Formula: see text], in terms of matrix integrals, which may be evaluated. Our results extend those obtained previously in the special case corresponding to the usual [Formula: see text]-divisor function, when the [Formula: see text]-function in question has degree one. They illustrate the role played by the degree of the [Formula: see text]-functions; in particular, we find qualitatively new behavior when the degree exceeds one. Our calculations apply, for example, to elliptic curves defined over [Formula: see text], and we illustrate them by examining in some detail the generalized [Formula: see text]-divisor functions associated with the Legendre curve.

2019 ◽  
Vol 60 (10) ◽  
pp. 103504 ◽  
M. Bertola ◽  
J. Harnad

10.37236/8634 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Gaëtan Borot ◽  
Séverin Charbonnier ◽  
Norman Do ◽  
Elba Garcia-Failde

A direct relation between the enumeration of ordinary maps and that of fully simple maps first appeared in the work of the first and last authors. The relation is via monotone Hurwitz numbers and was originally proved using Weingarten calculus for matrix integrals. The goal of this paper is to present two independent proofs that are purely combinatorial and generalise in various directions, such as to the setting of stuffed maps and hypermaps. The main motivation to understand the relation between ordinary and fully simple maps is the fact that it could shed light on fundamental, yet still not well-understood, problems in free probability and topological recursion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 09 (03) ◽  
pp. 2050010
Stephane Dartois ◽  
Luca Lionni ◽  
Ion Nechita

We study the joint distribution of the set of all marginals of a random Wishart matrix acting on a tensor product Hilbert space. We compute the limiting free mixed cumulants of the marginals, and we show that in the balanced asymptotical regime, the marginals are asymptotically free. We connect the matrix integrals relevant to the study of operators on tensor product spaces with the corresponding classes of combinatorial maps, for which we develop the combinatorial machinery necessary for the asymptotic study. Finally, we present some applications to the theory of random quantum states in quantum information theory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1194 ◽  
pp. 012026
Xiang-Mao Ding ◽  
Yuping Li ◽  
Lingxian Meng

Nicolas Orantin

This article examines the basic properties of unitary matrix integrals using three matrix models: the ordinary unitary model, the Brézin-Gross-Witten (BGW) model and the Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber (HCIZ) model. The tricky sides of the story are given special attention, such as the de Wit-’t Hooft anomaly in unitary integrals and the problem of correlators with Itzykson-Zuber measure. The method of character expansions is also emphasized as a technical tool. The article first provides an overview of the theory of the BGW model, taking into account the de Wit-’t Hooft anomaly and the M-theory of matrix models, before discussing the theory of the HCIZ integral. In particular, it describes the basics of character calculus, character expansion of the HCIZ integral, character expansion for the BGW model and Leutwyler-Smilga integral, and pair correlator in HCIZ theory.

Jeremie Bouttier

This article considers some enumeration problems in knot theory, with a focus on the application of matrix integral techniques. It first reviews the basic definitions of knot theory, paying special attention to links and tangles, especially 2-tangles, before discussing virtual knots and coloured links as well as the bare matrix model that describes coloured link diagrams. It shows how the large size limit of matrix integrals with quartic potential may be used to count alternating links and tangles. The removal of redundancies amounts to renormalization of the potential. This extends into two directions: first, higher genus and the counting of ‘virtual’ links and tangles, and second, the counting of ‘coloured’ alternating links and tangles. The article analyses the asymptotic behaviour of the number of tangles as the number of crossings goes to infinity

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