technical properties
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V. I. Tarasevych ◽  
Yu. G. Gasan

The paper considers the issues of obtaining a composite material based on gypsumbinder and sulfur with high performance. Technological factorsinfluencing the hardening coefficient, water resistance and chemical resistance of gypsum products impregnated in sulfur melt have beenstudied. The regularities of impregnation of gypsum matrix with sulfur melt are established takinginto account the capillary-porous structure of gypsum stone and physical and technical properties ofsulfur. The regularities of impregnation of gypsum matrix with sulfur melt are established taking intoaccount the capillary-porous structure of gypsum stone and physical and technical properties ofsulfur. Research and consideration of mass transfer indicators during impregnation of gypsumconcrete products with sulfur melt allowed to optimize the technology. Thus, by the method ofcapillary impregnation on the original laboratory installation, the mass transfer coefficients forsulfur were measured. As a result of these studies, the dependences of the mass transfer coefficienton the temperature of the sulfur melt, the rate of heating of the melt, the concentration of the fillerand the water-solid ratio were obtained. Products made of composite material based on gypsum andsulfur have the following construction and technical characteristics: compressive strength, not lessthan 30.0 MPa; flexural strength, not less than 6.0 MPa; water resistance coefficient, not less than0.7; coefficient of corrosion resistance, not less than 0.7; wear resistance, no more than 0.3 g / cm2 .Analysis of the main construction and technical characteristics of the composite material based ongypsum and sulfur shows that the resulting composite has high strength, water and corrosionresistance to various aggressive environments. Facing tiles made of this material have highperformance characteristics and should be used in the lining of buildings of railway infrastructure,drainage systems, fertilizer storage, floors and walls of the chemical and food industries.

Nguyen Dang My Duyen ◽  
Nguyen Quang Duy ◽  
Ly Ngoc Bin

Solvent exchange is considered an effective method that changes the physicochemical properties of starch, especially the absorption. Ethanol concentration is one of the important influencing factors to form porous pores from the surface to inside starch granules. In this study, the effect of ethanol concentration on technical properties of starch treated by solvents were investigated. The ratio of ethanol/water was prepared at 1/9, 3/7, 5/5, 7/3 and 10/0 (w/w), respectively. Corn starch was treated by solvent at 8% concentration. Morphology, oil and water holding capacity, solubility, swelling power, viscosity, and transmittance were studied to elucidate the effect of the ethanol concentration on the morphological and technical properties of corn starch treated by solvent. As a result, starch treated by solvent with different concentrations tended to form wrinkles and pore from the surface to the inside of the starch granules during ethanol immersion. Therefore, the oil and water holding capacity, solubility, swelling and viscosity of the solvent-treated starch samples increase as the concentration of ethanol increases. Otherwise, the transmittance of starch glues tends to decrease when the ethanol concentration increases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2-2021) ◽  
pp. 226-233
A. A. Seneta ◽  
N. K. Manakova ◽  

The article discusses the possibility of creating new inorganic heat-insulating materials based on liquid glass binder and mineral fillers. Within the framework of the article, the influence of various additives such as sawdust, chalk, coal and graphite on the physical and technical properties of an inorganic heat-insulating material is considered. The authors of the article proposed the compositions and conditions for obtaining materials that meet the regulatory requirements for materials and products for building thermal insulation

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Dwi Anggi Wibowo ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

Daerah perairan dapat menimbulkan risiko serangan korosi yang lebih tinggi terutama pada lingkungan perairan yang mengandung salinitas atau salinitas, umumnya korosi yang terjadi di perairan dapat menyerang logam, salah satunya adalah baja ST 60 yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan konstruksi dalam konstruksi bangunan. pelabuhan, jembatan, poros baling-baling, dan aplikasi lain yang terkait dengan lingkungan perairan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah logam dapat mengalami serangan korosi dengan cepat akibat berinteraksi dengan lingkungan air yang mengandung salinitas sehingga logam tersebut akan mengalami kerusakan dan kehilangan sifat teknisnya. Pada penelitian pengujian perendaman dilakukan dengan 3 minggu terus menerus dan 3 minggu (dengan 2 minggu perendaman kemudian 1 minggu tidak terendam) menggunakan air laut yang berasal dari pantai takisung, pelaihari dengan salinitas 2,48% dan air payau yang berasal dari dataran tinggi banjarmasin dengan salinitas 1,25%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju korosi tertinggi terjadi pada 3 minggu perendaman terus menerus dengan air laut yang memiliki salinitas 2,48% dan jenis korosi yang terbentuk adalah korosi seragam. Water areas can pose a higher risk of corrosion attack, especially in aquatic environments that contain salinity or salinity, generally corrosion that occurs in the waters can attack metals, one of which is ST 60 steel which is widely used as construction material in the construction of ports, bridges, propeller axis, and other applications related to the aquatic environment. The impact caused is that the metal can experience corrosion attacks quickly due to interacting with the water environment containing salinity so that the metal will experience damage and lose its technical properties. In the study immersion testing was carried out with 3 weeks continuously and 3 weeks (with 2 weeks immersion then 1 week not submerged) using seawater originating from takisung beach, pelaihari with salinity of 2.48% and brackish water originating from the high land area of banjarmasin with a salinity of 1.25%. The results showed the highest corrosion rate occurred at 3 weeks of continuous immersion with seawater which had a salinity of 2.48% and the type of corrosion formed was uniform corrosion.

S. A. Suvorov ◽  
A. P. Shevchik ◽  
V. V. Kozlov ◽  
N. V. Arbuzova

Experimental studies of changes in the pore structure and physical and technical properties of carbonated spinel-corundum refractories under different conditions of decarbonization and the formation of a protective regulatory layer on their hot surface, suppressing decarbonization of the refractory material and mass transfer between the lining and the flow of slag melt, are presented. The results of industrial tests of carbonated spinel-corundum refractories in the working layer of the lining of a 400-ton steel-ladle lining, as well as the topography and consumption specific coefficients of refractories for the functional zones of the ladle lining, the amount of refractory destruction products of the lining during its operation are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1203 (3) ◽  
pp. 032005
V V Jaroslav Žák ◽  
Kateřina Žáková

Abstract Today, insulated building envelopes must not only meet thermal-technical, mechanical, and economic requirements but must also be environmentally friendly. These requirements are often contradictory, and it is not clear what the effective option is for a particular case. The aim of the paper is to compare twenty different variants of building envelopes, not only in terms of thermal-technical properties but also in terms of environmental parameters and time and financial demands. The result of the paper is the determination of effective variants by a suitable mathematical method with consideration of all the above-mentioned influences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 304 ◽  
pp. 124634
Tao Bai ◽  
Bowen Mao ◽  
Anqi Chen ◽  
Yuanyuan Li ◽  
Shaopeng Wu ◽  


As a result of the research carried out, the search for the optimal compositions of composite ceramics was carried out by the method of planning the experiment using the FFD25-1 as an experiment plan. The influence of modified additives of eutectic compositions on the physical and technical properties of composite ceramics for special purposes, with a low sintering temperature, used for the manufacture of grinding bodies, has been determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 8435
Ľubomír Hujo ◽  
Juraj Jablonický ◽  
Juraj Tulík ◽  
Ján Kosiba ◽  
Jerzy Kaszkowiak ◽  

By simulating the operating conditions, it is possible to verify and evaluate the technical properties of motor vehicle oil filters and the functionality of the designed equipment. Contaminated engine oil from operation was used with MANN W950/26 oil filter and a CNH Industrial 2992242 oil filter in the test circuit. Before use, the level of engine oil contamination in the test circuit was determined by evaluating the physicochemical properties. The laboratory test equipment also allows monitoring the technical life of oil filters, with variously contaminated engine oil, with the possibility of extending engine oil change service intervals depending on changes in the physicochemical properties of engine oil and filter efficiency. These laboratory tests can be performed in parallel in two hydraulic circuits, which can significantly reduce the testing time of the filter capabilities of oil filters, without the risk of engine damage, provided that the tests were performed under operating conditions. The results of the evaluation of the filtration capacity of oil filters can be used in the design of new filter materials, but also with a suitably determined methodology of oil filter replacement and engine oil change interval, it is possible to extend replacement intervals, which has a significant benefit not only from an economic but also ecological point of view. The result of the measurements is the confirmation of the functionality of the device with the possibility of simulating the operating conditions, at different degrees of oil contamination, at different operating temperatures and using different oil filters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 921
Dmitry A. Ruban

Marine geoheritage is an important but still underdeveloped concept. Field investigations in the Abrau area (Krasnodar Region, southwestern Russia) and subsequent interpretations allow for the characterization of its geoheritage. Two geosites, namely Abrau and Limanchik, are delineated and assessed semi-qualitatively. Their high heritage value, complexity, and appropriate “technical” properties are appraised. The Abrau geosite features Abrau Lake with its enigmatic origin and the outcrops of deformed Upper Cretaceous carbonate flysch deposits. The Limanchik geosite represents an outstanding example of coastal abrasion, Paleocene siliciclastic flysch with trace fossils, and a coastal lagoon separated from the sea by a bar. The heritage aspects of the study areas are related to the development of the Late Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Pliocene seas, as well as to the active dynamics of the Black Sea coastal zone. The duality of marine geoheritage is linked to its relation to both ancient and modern marine environments.

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