long lifetime
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Chenlu Wang ◽  
Xuegang Li ◽  
Huikai Xu ◽  
Zhiyuan Li ◽  
Junhua Wang ◽  

AbstractHere we report a breakthrough in the fabrication of a long lifetime transmon qubit. We use tantalum films as the base superconductor. By using a dry etching process, we obtained transmon qubits with a best T1 lifetime of 503 μs. As a comparison, we also fabricated transmon qubits with other popular materials, including niobium and aluminum, under the same design and fabrication processes. After characterizing their coherence properties, we found that qubits prepared with tantalum films have the best performance. Since the dry etching process is stable and highly anisotropic, it is much more suitable for fabricating complex scalable quantum circuits, when compared to wet etching. As a result, the current breakthrough indicates that the dry etching process of tantalum film is a promising approach to fabricate medium- or large-scale superconducting quantum circuits with a much longer lifetime, meeting the requirements for building practical quantum computers.

Sudhanwa Patra ◽  
Utkarsh Patel ◽  
Purushottam Sahu

The presence of small neutrino masses and flavour mixings can be accounted for naturally in various models about extensions of the standard model, particularly in the seesaw mechanism models. In this work, we present a minimally extended seesaw framework with two right-handed neutrinos, where the active neutrino masses are derived in the radiative regime. Using the framework it can be shown that within certain mass limits, the light neutrino mass term can approach a form that is similar to its form under type-I seesaw mechanism. Apart from this, we show that the decay width of right-handed neutrinos (produced through the decay of [Formula: see text] boson in a particle collider) is short enough to cause a sufficiently long lifetime for the particles, thus ensuring an observable displacement in the LHC between the production and decay vertices. We comment on the fact that these displaced vertex signatures thus can serve as a means to verify the existence of these right-handed neutrinos in future experiments. Lastly, we line up the possibility of our future work where the vertex signatures of particles greater than the mass of [Formula: see text] boson can be worked upon.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Ryan J. Gelly ◽  
Dylan Renaud ◽  
Xing Liao ◽  
Benjamin Pingault ◽  
Stefan Bogdanovic ◽  

AbstractIn WSe2 monolayers, strain has been used to control the energy of excitons, induce funneling, and realize single-photon sources. Here, we developed a technique for probing the dynamics of free excitons in nanoscale strain landscapes in such monolayers. A nanosculpted tapered optical fiber is used to simultaneously generate strain and probe the near-field optical response of WSe2 monolayers at 5 K. When the monolayer is pushed by the fiber, its lowest energy states shift by as much as 390 meV (>20% of the bandgap of a WSe2 monolayer). Polarization and lifetime measurements of these red-shifting peaks indicate they originate from dark excitons. We conclude free dark excitons are funneled to high-strain regions during their long lifetime and are the principal participants in drift and diffusion at cryogenic temperatures. This insight supports proposals on the origin of single-photon sources in WSe2 and demonstrates a route towards exciton traps for exciton condensation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Fuming Xiao ◽  
Heqi Gao ◽  
Yunxiang Lei ◽  
Wenbo Dai ◽  
Miaochang Liu ◽  

AbstractOrganic near-infrared room temperature phosphorescence materials have unparalleled advantages in bioimaging due to their excellent penetrability. However, limited by the energy gap law, the near-infrared phosphorescence materials (>650 nm) are very rare, moreover, the phosphorescence lifetimes of these materials are very short. In this work, we have obtained organic room temperature phosphorescence materials with long wavelengths (600/657–681/732 nm) and long lifetimes (102–324 ms) for the first time through the guest-host doped strategy. The guest molecule has sufficient conjugation to reduce the lowest triplet energy level and the host assists the guest in exciton transfer and inhibits the non-radiative transition of guest excitons. These materials exhibit good tissue penetration in bioimaging. Thanks to the characteristic of long lifetime and long wavelength emissive phosphorescence materials, the tumor imaging in living mice with a signal to background ratio value as high as 43 is successfully realized. This work provides a practical solution for the construction of organic phosphorescence materials with both long wavelengths and long lifetimes.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Maria Papale ◽  
Angelina Lo Giudice ◽  
Alessandro Ciro Rappazzo ◽  
Maurizio Azzaro ◽  
Carmen Rizzo

Antarctic freshwater ecosystems are especially vulnerable to human impacts. Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants that have a long lifetime in the environment. Despite their use having either been phased out or restricted, they are still found in nature, also in remote areas. Once in the environment, the fate of PCBs is strictly linked to bacteria which represent the first step in the transfer of toxic compounds to higher trophic levels. Data on PCB-oxidizing bacteria from polar areas are still scarce and fragmented. In this study, the occurrence of PCB-oxidizing cold-adapted bacteria was evaluated in water and sediment of four coastal lakes at Edmonson Point (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica). After enrichment with biphenyl, 192 isolates were obtained with 57 of them that were able to grow in the presence of the PCB mixture Aroclor 1242, as the sole carbon source. The catabolic gene bphA, as a proxy for PCB degradation potential, was harbored by 37 isolates (out of 57), mainly affiliated to the genera Salinibacterium, Arthrobacter (among Actinobacteria) and Pusillimonas (among Betaproteobacteria). Obtained results enlarge our current knowledge on cold-adapted PCB-oxidizing bacteria and pose the basis for their potential application as a valuable eco-friendly tool for the recovery of PCB-contaminated cold sites.

2021 ◽  
Ruiyu Wang ◽  
Richard C. Remsing ◽  
Michael L. Klein ◽  
Vincenzo Carnevale ◽  
Eric Borguet

Understanding the microscopic driving force of water wetting is challenging and important for design of materials. In this work, we investigate, using classical molecular dynamics simulations, the water/$\alpha$-alumina (0001) and ($11\overline{2}0$) interfaces chosen for their chemical and physical differences. There is only one type of aluminol group on the nominally flat (0001) surface but three types on the microscopically rougher ($11\overline{2}0$) surface. We find that both surfaces are completely wet, consistent with contact angles of zero. Moreover, the work required to remove water from a nanoscale volume at the interface is larger for the (0001) surface than the ($11\overline{2}0$) surface, suggesting that the (0001) surface is more hydrophilic. In addition, translational and rotational dynamics of interfacial water molecules are slower than that in bulk water, suggesting tight binding to the surface. Interfacial waters show two major polar orientations, either pointing to or away from the solid surface. In the former case, waters donate strong hydrogen bonds to the surface, while in the latter they accept relatively weak ones from aluminol groups. The strength of hydrogen bonds is estimated using their lifetime and geometry. We found that for all aluminols, water-to-aluminol hydrogen bonds are stronger and have longer lifetimes than the aluminol-to-water ones. One exception is the long lifetime of the \ce{Al3OH}-water hydrogen bonds on the ($11\overline{2}0$) surface, due to geometric constraints. Interactions between surfaces and interfacial waters promote a templating effect whereby the latter are aligned in a pattern that follows the underlying lattice of the mineral surface.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 198-207
E. B. Korotkov ◽  
O. V. Shirobokov ◽  
S. A. Matveev ◽  
Z. A. Yudina

The paper reports a brief description of spacecraft operating conditions, the main reasons of heating and thermal gradient appearance and need to reassign the thermal energy. Active thermal control systems and their advantages are considered, spacecraft for which the use of this type of thermal control systems is a priority. The electric pumping unit is pointed as a key unit of active thermal control systems. The electric pump unit is considered from the as the electromechanical system, its key elements are pointed. A description of the preferred pump types is reported and the types of active thermal control systems are briefly discussed. The foreign and domestic operating experience of spacecraft electric pumping units, the features of their designs are considered, the most common types of key elements are determined. Based on the results of the review, it is concluded that the most relevant layout of the electric pump unit is a centrifugal electrical pump with a brushless DC motor and hydrodynamic bearings. It is also indicated that the electric pump unit is a product with a long lifetime, which complicates the task of monitoring the technical condition in order to prevent failure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1303-1324
Suzanne L. Gray ◽  
Kevin I. Hodges ◽  
Jonathan L. Vautrey ◽  
John Methven

Abstract. Human activity in the Arctic is increasing as new regions become accessible, with a consequent need for improved understanding of hazardous weather there. Arctic cyclones are the major weather systems affecting the Arctic environment during summer, including the sea ice distribution. Mesoscale to synoptic-scale tropopause polar vortices (TPVs) frequently occur in polar regions and are a proposed mechanism for Arctic cyclone genesis and intensification. However, while the importance of pre-existing tropopause-level features for cyclone development, as well as being an integral part of the three-dimensional mature cyclone structure, is well established in the mid-latitudes, evidence of the importance of pre-existing TPVs for Arctic cyclone development is mainly limited to a few case studies. Here we examine the extent to which Arctic cyclone growth is coupled to TPVs by analysing a climatology of summer Arctic cyclones and TPVs produced by tracking both features in the latest ECMWF reanalysis (ERA5). The annual counts of Arctic cyclones and TPVs are significantly correlated for features with genesis either within or outside the Arctic, implying that TPVs have a role in the development of Arctic cyclones. However, only about one-third of Arctic cyclones have their genesis or intensify while a TPV of Arctic origin is (instantaneously) within about twice the Rossby radius of the cyclone centre. Consistent with the different track densities of the full sets of Arctic cyclones and TPVs, cyclones with TPVs within range throughout their intensification phase (matched cyclones) track preferentially over the Arctic Ocean along the North American coastline and Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In contrast, cyclones intensifying distant from any TPV (unmatched cyclones) track preferentially along the northern coast of Eurasia. Composite analysis reveals the presence of a distinct relative vorticity maximum at and above the tropopause level associated with the TPV throughout the intensification period for matched cyclones and that these cyclones have a reduced upstream tilt compared to unmatched cyclones. Interaction of cyclones with TPVs has implications for the predictability of Arctic weather, given the long lifetime but relatively small spatial scale of TPVs compared with the density of the polar observation network.

L. Delaby ◽  
F. Buckley ◽  
N. McHugh ◽  
F. Blanc

A characterisation of dairy, beef and sheep breeds and/or strains best suited to profitable/sustainable production within the context of European [semi] intensive pasture-based systems is presented. To deliver optimal performance, pasture must be managed effectively, but pasture-based systems are less energy intensive, are climate sensitive and induce challenges and constraints not normally posed to animals in intensive feeding environments. This emphasises the importance of animal traits associated with robustness and adaptive abilities. A survey of French dairy farmers concluded that a robust cow is an “invisible” cow with a long lifetime. The traits common to both indoor and grazing systems include: efficient converters of feed to human edible products, functionality, being healthy, reproductively fit and exhibiting longevity. Unique to successful grazing is the capability to achieve large intakes of forage to meet productive potential, an ability to adapt to fluctuating feed supply and, in seasonal systems, the ability to conceive and give birth at the appropriate time each year, usually within 365 d. The breed or strain of choice may differ based on local management constraints and objectives; however, general principles apply, and ideally should be guided by a suitable selection index combining all of the economically important traits appropriate to the local conditions and systems.

Ahmed Eldesoky ◽  
Eric Logan ◽  
Alex Louli ◽  
Wentao Song ◽  
Rochelle Weber ◽  

Abstract Part II of this 2-part series examines the impact of various graphite materials on NMC811 pouch cell performance using Ultra-High Precision Coulometry (UHPC), isothermal microcalorimetry, and in-situ stack growth. A simple lifetime projection of the best NMC811/graphite cells as a function of operating temperature is made. We show that graphite choice greatly impacts fractional fade, while fractional charge endpoint capacity slippage was largely unchanged. We show that an increase in 1st cycle efficiency due to limited redox-active sites, which is favourable for minimizing Li inventory loss, is concomitant with an increase in negative electrode charge transfer resistance. Further, we demonstrate that cells with competitive artificial graphites (AG) have a lower parasitic heat flow (~0.060 mW/Ahr at 40oC) compared to cells with natural graphites (NG), and that the cells with the AG materials had minimal stack thickness change with cycling. Finally, we model SEI growth for NMC811 cells limited to 4.06 V with the square-root time model, and project that the best NMC811/graphite cells can have a century of lifetime at 15 oC when Li plating during charge is avoided. Such cells are an excellent candidate for grid storage applications where energy density is less important compared to long lifetime.

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