evolution stage
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Elsa Zulfita ◽  
Deby Nofriansyah ◽  
Indah Wulan Sari Batubara ◽  
Nurbaiti Nurbaiti

This study aims to find out how the evolution of e-business in the Channel Enhancement stage occurred in one of the largest retail companies in Indonesia. The sample of this research is PT Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret). In this study, using a case study method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out using literature studies, observation and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the company PT Indomarco Prismatama or Indomaret has optimally utilized the development of information technology by implementing it into a website and digital application. Thus, the company has entered and implemented the Channel Enhancement evolution stage to the maximum extent.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Tengfei Zhou ◽  
Yaoqi Zhou ◽  
Hanjie Zhao ◽  
Manjie Li ◽  
Hongyu Mu

A suite of source rock consists of mudstone and shale, with great thickness and continuous deposition was found in the well LK-1 in Lingshan island in Ri-Qing-Wei basin. In order to evaluate the hydrocarbon generation prospects of these source rock and find the mechanism of organic matter enrichment, shale samples were selected from the core for TOC (total organic carbon) and element geochemistry analysis. The results show that organic matter abundance of the source rocks are generally high with average TOC content of 1.26 wt%, suggesting they are good source rocks. The geochemical features show that the sedimentary environment is mostly anoxic brackish water to salt water environment with arid to semiarid climate condition. The enrichment mechanism of organic matter varied with the evolution of the basin, which was divided into three stages according to the sedimentary characteristics. In the initial-middle period of rifting evolution (stage 1 and early stage 2), paleoproductivity is the major factor of OM-enrichment reflecting by high positive correlation between the TOC contents and paleoproductivity proxies. While with the evolution of the rift basin, redox condition and terrigenous clastic input became more and more important until they became the major factor of OM enrichment in the middle stage of rift evolution (stage 2). In the later stage of rift evolution (latest stage 2 and stage 3), besides terrigenous clastic input, the effect of paleoclimate on OM-enrichment increased gradually from a minor factor to a major factor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. L8
Ji-an Jiang ◽  
Keiichi Maeda ◽  
Miho Kawabata ◽  
Mamoru Doi ◽  
Toshikazu Shigeyama ◽  

Abstract In this Letter we report a discovery of a prominent flash of a peculiar overluminous Type Ia supernova, SN 2020hvf, in about 5 hr of the supernova explosion by the first wide-field mosaic CMOS sensor imager, the Tomo-e Gozen Camera. The fast evolution of the early flash was captured by intensive intranight observations via the Tomo-e Gozen high-cadence survey. Numerical simulations show that such a prominent and fast early emission is most likely generated from an interaction between 0.01 M ⊙ circumstellar material (CSM) extending to a distance of ∼1013 cm and supernova ejecta soon after the explosion, indicating a confined dense CSM formation at the final evolution stage of the progenitor of SN 2020hvf. Based on the CSM–ejecta interaction-induced early flash, the overluminous light curve, and the high ejecta velocity of SN 2020hvf, we suggest that the SN 2020hvf may originate from a thermonuclear explosion of a super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf (“super-M Ch WD”). Systematical investigations on explosion mechanisms and hydrodynamic simulations of the super-M Ch WD explosion are required to further test the suggested scenario and understand the progenitor of this peculiar supernova.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-134
N. K. Gadzhiev ◽  
D. S. Gorelov ◽  
A. O. Ivanov ◽  
I. V. Semenyakin ◽  
I. E. Malikiev ◽  

Urolithiasis is currently one of the most urgent problems in the world. Every eleventh worldwide inhabitant suffers from this disease. Previously, the only way to get rid of kidney stones and the urinary tract was open surgery, which was characterized by high trauma. Over the past decades, the development of technologies has made a significant contribution to the development of new methods of urolithiasis treatment. One of these methods is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). The first lithotripter Dornier HM-1 was produced in 1980. Subsequent models have got many changes, both in terms of ergonomics and power. The researchers noticed that the efficiency of stone crushing in the Dornier HM-1 lithotripter was higher than in newer models since the lower power provided the less intensive formation of cavitation bubbles that prevent the effective transit of subsequent waves through the stone. Nowadays, a new method of remote stone crushing is being developed based on low-amplitude high-frequency technology combined with ultrasonic propulsion, which is the main difference from traditional shock-wave lithotripters. The new technology of stone crushing is called «burst wave lithotripsy» (BWL). Currently, the data have been obtained that this method is more effective in terms of crushing quality and less traumatic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Jun Li ◽  
Xiying Zhang ◽  
Mingyue Hu ◽  
Wenxia Li ◽  
Weiliang Miao ◽  

The fluid inclusion composition of halite can help track chemical composition of ancient fluids and, thus, serves as a reliable index to analyze ancient brine in salt lakes. Qarhan Salt Lake (QSL) is the largest potash brine deposit in China. Although the mixing of modern river water and Ca-Cl deep water is widely accepted as potassium formation, the mixing characteristics in the time domain and driving factors of deep water are still unclear. Here, the chemical composition of fluid inclusions in primary halite samples collected from the ISL1A borehole in QSL was measured by LA-ICP-MS technology. The analysis results show that, during the formation stage of the S4 salt layer in QSL, the main potassium salt layer, the contents of Ca2+ and Sr2+ in brine increased significantly. There is evidence confirming that Ca-Cl deep water is beneficial to the enrichment of potassium and the surrounding rivers generally develop terraces. It suggests that, during the formation stage of the QSL potassium salt layer, more Ca-Cl inflow water of the northern margin supplies the salt lake, inferring that it was driven by tectonic activities. In addition, the chemical composition of halite fluid inclusions shows that there is an anomaly in geochemistry at the early stage of salt formation in QSL. By combining the time of tectonic activities, it is inferred that the anomaly is not caused by tectonic activities but maybe caused by a salt-forming event. This work indicates that deep water and tectonic movement have a huge impact on the evolution of salt lakes. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the influence of deep water and tectonic activities on the salt-forming evolution stage of salt lakes when studying the salt-forming evolution stage of salt lakes and paleoclimate by using salt lake deposition.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 188
Marco Berton ◽  
Emilia Järvelä

It is well known that active galactic nuclei (AGN) show various forms of interaction with their host galaxy, in a number of phenomena generally called AGN feedback. In particular, the relativistic plasma jets launched by a fraction of AGN can strongly affect their environment. We present here a study of the [O III] λλ4959,5007 lines in a diverse sample of early evolution stage AGN–specifically narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Radio imaging observations of all of the sources enable a division to jetted and non-jetted sources, and exploiting this we show that the ionized gas properties are significantly influenced by the presence of the jets, as we often find the [O III] lines (blue-)shifted with respect to their restframe wavelength. We also show how the radio morphology and the radio spectral index do not seem to play a role in the origin of the [O III] shifts, thus suggesting that the source inclination is not relevant to the lines displacement. We do not find a strong relation between the [O III] line properties and the bolometric luminosity, suggesting that within our sample radiatively driven outflows do not seem to have a significant contribution to the [O III] line kinematics. We finally suggest that [O III] shifts may be a good proxy to identify the presence of relativistic jets. Additional studies, especially with integral-field spectroscopy, will provide a deeper insight into the relation between jets and their environment in early evolution stage AGN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Ahmad Hadi Ramdhani

This article tries to explain the phenomenon of the transformation of Sasak Ethno-music, namely Gendang Beleq as a high culture , dealing with Kecimol as a pop culture in sasak community. Both types of music have developed in contemporary Sasak society with contrasting nuances. The first one represents the musical taste of the Purwangse (aristocracy) group, while the second represents the Jajar Karang group. Furthermore, Gendang Beleq claimed to be a pure culture, while Kecimol  stigmatized as a splinter culture.This study uses a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods, this research tries to trace the history and development of the two types of music, namely through data sources of academic literature, direct observation and interviews with ethno-music cultural actors. To analyzing the transformation process of Gendang Beleq and Kecimol, this research uses Herbet Spencer's theory of cultural evolution and Karl Marx's theory of class conflict.Spencer's theory used to see the development of the culture of the Sasak people, especially the art of music, in the process of its evolution and transformation. Meanwhile, Marx's class theory used to analyze the class struggle between non-aristocratic versusaristocrats group behind the existential contestation of the two types of music.This research found several things: (1) the emergence of Kecimol is a natural cycle in the cultural evolution stage of a society along with social changes and the presence of modernity; (2) Kecimol is an anti-tesa from Gendang Beleq as a form of resistance from the jajarkarang group against the Purwangse Group which is caused by the cultural-economic-political (cost) problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 250 ◽  
pp. 03003
Vitalii Cherepanov ◽  
Evgeny Popov ◽  
Victoria Simonova

This article embraces a concept of bionic organization as a form of production enterprise which main attribute is an integration of digital technologies in the management processes and the production lines from the product idea to its delivery to a consumer. Digital technologies reinforce human competencies and abilities of analogous machines, playing a role of independent component of executive and production system. At the same time, digital technologies become full-fledged members of the organization, enriching it with bionic treats. An idea of full human substation in production management with digital technologies is far from being practicable, but a tendency towards this change is quite clear. The main purpose of this this article is to discover main features of bionic organization as an intermediate evolution stage on the way of full human substitution with machines and digital technologies. Additionally, the article focuses on the interconnections between bionic organization, digital transformation, digital maturity and management system. This analysis was made for a production enterprise set upon a way to deep digital transformation.

V.V. Bushuev

The world is a triadic meta-system: nature - society - man, in which all components are linked by material, energy, and information relationships. These system subjects and their relationships are civilization structures represented by a "community" in our planetary House, i.e., Ecos (from the Greek ‘oikos’ – dwelling in various zones of the earthly oecumene). Civilization is a set of socio-natural factors, the system of life, and cultural-and-mental relations in the eco-system in its certain evolution stage. Regional and mental features (like apartments in an apartment house) characterize certain historical and geographical types of civilization, among which the Atlantic, East-Eurasian, and Islamic ones stand out. All of them are in different stages of their evolution and differ in their material level, the organization of social life, and the target vision of their arrangement. The current stage of the civilization development is characterized by a thorough transformation of all its types under the influence of regular cyclicality and change in the dominant factors of socio-natural relations in the planetary House, given the qualitatively new features of modernity - massive digitalization as a way of integrating the real (material and power energy) and verbal (subtle-energy and information) worlds. The paper briefly examines historical aspects of the cyclical development of civilization (using the example of its East-Eurasian type) and presents the author's target vision (foresight) of its future for the time horizon until the middle of the 21st century.

2020 ◽  
Wenting Jiang ◽  
Peng Xia ◽  
Qingguang Li ◽  
Yong Fu ◽  
Yuliang Mou

Abstract The organic-rich marine shale of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi formation in the northern Guizhou area (NGA), China, is characterized by its high thermal maturity (Ro values range in 2.18%~3.12%), high TOC values (0.92%~4.87%), high gas contents (0.47~2.69 m3/t) and type II1 organic matter, and has recently been a precursor for shale gas exploration and development. Compositional and isotopic parameters of 7 gas samples from Longmaxi shale from DY-1 well were analyzed in this study. Dry coefficient of the gases is up to 30~200 making the northern Guizhou Longmaxi shale gas among the driest gaseous hydrocarbons in the world. The δ13CCH4 values range from -38.6‰ to -18.6‰ and the δ13CC2H6 values vary in -36.2‰~-30.8‰. These results indicate that the Longmaxi shale gas is of thermogenic origin and oil derived. This Longmaxi shale gas has high proportion of non-hydrocarbon gases especially including nitrogen in response to complicate tectonic movements and strong hydrodynamic flushing. Tectonic movement and hydrodynamic flushing not only destroy hydrocarbon gases reservoirs but also change the isotope distribution of gaseous hydrocarbons. Isotopic reversal is frequent in closed system, and under relatively bad preserving condition, the isotope distribution will back to normal even at overmature evolution stage.

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