boltzmann equations
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Vestnik IGEU ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 62-69
V.P. Zhukov ◽  
A.Ye. Barochkin ◽  
A.N. Belyakov ◽  
O.V. Sizova

To describe technological systems using models of Markov chains and discrete models of the Boltzmann equation it is necessary to determine the probabilities of transition of a system from one state to another. An urgent topic of a scientific research is to improve the accuracy of solving the Boltzmann equation by making a reasonable choice of probabilities of transition and admissible areas of their application. The strategy to model and determine the probabilities of transitions is based on the finite volume method, the ratios of the theory of probability and the joint analysis of material and energy balances. Considering the ratios of the theory of probability, the authors have obtained the refined formula for the probabilities of transitions over the cells of the computational space of discrete models of the Boltzmann equations in case of the description of technological systems. Recommendations to choose the area of application of the model are presented. The computational analysis has showed a significant improvement of the quality of forecasting when we implement the proposed dependencies and recommendations. The relative error of calculating the energy of the system is reduced from 8,4 to 2,8 %. The presented calculated dependencies to determine the probabilities of transition and recommendations for their application can be used to simulate various technological processes and improve the quality of their description.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
pp. 042
Kimmo Kainulainen

Abstract We derive CP-violating transport equations for fermions for electroweak baryogenesis from the CTP-formalism including thermal corrections at the one-loop level. We consider both the VEV-insertion approximation (VIA) and the semiclassical (SC) formalism. We show that the VIA-method is based on an assumption that leads to an ill-defined source term containing a pinch singularity, whose regularisation by thermal effects leads to ambiguities including spurious ultraviolet and infrared divergences. We then carefully review the derivation of the semiclassical formalism and extend it to include thermal corrections. We present the semiclassical Boltzmann equations for thermal WKB-quasiparticles with source terms up to the second order in gradients that contain both dispersive and finite width corrections. We also show that the SC-method reproduces the current divergence equations and that a correct implementation of the Fick's law captures the semiclassical source term even with conserved total current ∂μ j μ = 0. Our results show that the VIA-source term is not just ambiguous, but that it does not exist. Finally, we show that the collisional source terms reported earlier in the semiclassical literature are also spurious, and vanish in a consistent calculation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
A. Granelli ◽  
K. Moffat ◽  
S. T. Petcov

Abstract Using the density matrix equations (DME) for high scale leptogenesis based on the type I seesaw mechanism, in which the CP violation (CPV) is provided by the low-energy Dirac or/and Majorana phases of the neutrino mixing (PMNS) matrix, we investigate the 1-to-2 and the 2-to-3 flavour regime transitions, where the 1, 2 and 3 leptogenesis flavour regimes in the generation of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe ηB are described by the Boltzmann equations. Concentrating on the 1-to-2 flavour transition we determine the general conditions under which ηB goes through zero and changes sign in the transition. Analysing in detail the behaviour of ηB in the transition in the case of two heavy Majorana neutrinos N1,2 with hierarchical masses, M1 ≪ M2, we find, in particular, that i) the Boltzmann equations in many cases fail to describe correctly the generation of ηB in the 1, 2 and 3 flavour regimes, ii) the 2-flavour regime can persist above (below) ∼ 1012 GeV (∼ 109 GeV), iii) the flavour effects in leptogenesis persist beyond the typically considered maximal for these effects leptogenesis scale of 1012 GeV. We further determine the minimal scale M1min at which we can have successful leptogenesis when the CPV is provided only by the Dirac or Majorana phases of the PMNS matrix as well as the ranges of scales and values of the phases for having successful leptogenesis. We show, in particular, that when the CPV is due to the Dirac phase δ, there is a direct relation between the sign of sin δ and the sign of ηB in the regions of viable leptogenesis in the case of normal hierarchical light neutrino mass spectrum; for the inverted hierarchical spectrum the same result holds for M1 ≲ 1013 GeV. The considered different scenarios of leptogenesis are testable and falsifiable in low-energy neutrino experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2057 (1) ◽  
pp. 012070
A L Kupershtokh

Abstract The regularities of the evaporation flux of pure vapor in the method of lattice Boltzmann equations (LBE) are investigated. The simulations show that the mass flux during the evaporation of a flat surface is proportional to the difference in the densities of the saturated vapor at the surface temperature and surrounding vapor, which is in good agreement with the Hertz–Knudsen law. A simple method is proposed for setting the vapor flow at the flat boundary of the computational domain for the LBE method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Henri Jukkala ◽  
Kimmo Kainulainen ◽  
Pyry M. Rahkila

Abstract We derive non-equilibrium quantum transport equations for flavour-mixing fermions. We develop the formalism mostly in the context of resonant leptogenesis with two mixing Majorana fermions and one lepton flavour, but our master equations are valid more generally in homogeneous and isotropic systems. We give a hierarchy of quantum kinetic equations, valid at different approximations, that can accommodate helicity and arbitrary mass differences. In the mass-degenerate limit the equations take the familiar form of density matrix equations. We also derive the semiclassical Boltzmann limit of our equations, including the CP-violating source, whose regulator corresponds to the flavour coherence damping rate. Boltzmann equations are accurate and insensitive to the particular form of the regulator in the weakly resonant case ∆m » Γ, but for ∆m ≲ Γ they are qualitatively correct at best, and their accuracy crucially depends on the form of the CP-violating source.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (1) ◽  
Xin-Li Sheng ◽  
Nora Weickgenannt ◽  
Enrico Speranza ◽  
Dirk H. Rischke ◽  
Qun Wang

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