speed group
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Po-Yu Huang ◽  
Jen-Pi Tsai ◽  
Yen-Cheng Chen ◽  
Ming-Che Lee ◽  
Bang-Gee Hsu

The primary role of myostatin is to negatively regulate skeletal muscle growth. The gait speed is a noninvasive, reliable parameter that predicts cardiovascular risk and mortality. This study evaluated the relationship between serum myostatin concentrations and gait speeds in patients who had undergone kidney transplantation (KT). A total of 84 KT recipients were evaluated. A speed of less than 1.0 m/s was categorized into the low gait speed group. We measured serum myostatin concentrations with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. KT recipients in the low gait speed group had significantly older age, as well as higher body weight, body mass index (BMI), skeletal muscle index, serum triglyceride levels, glucose levels, and blood urea nitrogen levels, lower estimated glomerular filtration rates and serum myostatin levels, a higher percentage of steroid use, and a lower proportion of mycophenolate mofetil use. Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that lower myostatin levels and lower frequency of mycophenolate mofetil use were independently associated with low gait speed. In multivariable stepwise linear regression analysis, myostatin levels were positively correlated with gait speeds, and age and BMI were negatively correlated with gait speeds. In the study, serum myostatin levels were significantly lower in the low gait speed group. Subjects in the low gait speed group also had greater BMI and older age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 975-989
Daniel K. Whiter ◽  
Hanna Sundberg ◽  
Betty S. Lanchester ◽  
Joshua Dreyer ◽  
Noora Partamies ◽  

Abstract. Fragmented aurora-like emissions (FAEs) are small (few kilometres) optical structures which have been observed close to the poleward boundary of the aurora from the high-latitude location of Svalbard (magnetic latitude 75.3 ∘N). The FAEs are only visible in certain emissions, and their shape has no magnetic-field-aligned component, suggesting that they are not caused by energetic particle precipitation and are, therefore, not aurora in the normal sense of the word. The FAEs sometimes form wave-like structures parallel to an auroral arc, with regular spacing between each FAE. They drift at a constant speed and exhibit internal dynamics moving at a faster speed than the envelope structure. The formation mechanism of FAEs is currently unknown. We present an analysis of high-resolution optical observations of FAEs made during two separate events. Based on their appearance and dynamics, we make the assumption that the FAEs are a signature of a dispersive wave in the lower E-region ionosphere, co-located with enhanced electron and ion temperatures detected by incoherent scatter radar. Their drift speed (group speed) is found to be 580–700 m s−1, and the speed of their internal dynamics (phase speed) is found to be 2200–2500 m s−1, both for an assumed altitude of 100 km. The speeds are similar for both events which are observed during different auroral conditions. We consider two possible waves which could produce the FAEs, i.e. electrostatic ion cyclotron waves (EIC) and Farley–Buneman waves, and find that the observations could be consistent with either wave under certain assumptions. In the case of EIC waves, the FAEs must be located at an altitude above about 140 km, and our measured speeds scaled accordingly. In the case of Farley–Buneman waves a very strong electric field of about 365 mV m−1 is required to produce the observed speeds of the FAEs; such a strong electric field may be a requirement for FAEs to occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Yingxin Liu ◽  
Xinggang Luo ◽  
Shengping Cheng ◽  
Yang Yu ◽  
Jiafu Tang

Dynamic bus scheduling is a rational solution to the urban traffic congestion problem. Most previous studies have considered a single bus line, and research on multiple bus lines remains limited. Departure schedules have been typically planned by making separate decisions regarding departure times. In this study, a joint optimization model of the bus departure time and speed scheduling is constructed for multiple routes, and a coevolutionary algorithm (CEA) is developed with the objective function of minimizing the total waiting time of passengers. Six bus lines are selected in Shenyang, with several transfer stations between them, as a typical case. Experiments are then conducted for high-, medium-, and low-intensity case of smooth, increasing and decreasing passenger flow. The results indicate that combining the scheduling departure time and speed produces better performances than when using only scheduling departure time. The total passengers waiting time of the genetic algorithm (GA) group was reduced by approximately 25%–30% when compared to the fixed speed group. The total passengers waiting time of the CEA group can be reduced by approximately 17%–24% when compared to that in the GA group, which also holds true for a multisegment convex passenger flow. The feasibility and efficiency of the constructed algorithm were demonstrated experimentally.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. e038684
Amélie Delabaere ◽  
Benoit Chauveau ◽  
Didier Lémery ◽  
Amandine Ollier ◽  
Candy Guiguet-Auclair ◽  

IntroductionDuring pregnancy, maternal obesity increases the risk of fetal abnormalities. Despite advances in ultrasound imaging, the assessment of fetal anatomy is less thorough among these women. Currently, the construction of ultrasound images uses a conventional ultrasound propagation velocity (1540 m/s), which does not correspond to the slower speed of propagation in fat tissue.The main objective of this randomised study is to compare the completeness of fetal ultrasonography according to whether the operator could choose the ultrasound velocity (1420, 1480 or 1540 m/s) or was required to apply the 1540 m/s velocity.Methods and analysisThis randomised trial is an impact study to compare a diagnostic innovation with the reference technique. The trial inclusion criteria require that a pregnant woman with obesity be undergoing a fetal morphology examination by ultrasound from 20+0 to 25+0 gestational weeks.Randomisation will allocate women into two groups. The first will be the ‘modulable speed’ group, in which operators can choose the speed of ultrasound propagation to be considered for the morphological analysis: 1420, 1480 or 1540 m/s. In the second ‘conventional speed’ group, operators will perform the morphological examination with the ultrasound speed fixed at 1540 m/s. The adjudication committee, two independent experts, will validate the completeness of each examination and the quality of the images.Ethics and disseminationThis research protocol does not change the standard management. The only possible impact is an improvement of the ultrasound examination by improving the quality of the image and the completeness of morphological examination. The Agence du Médicament et produits de santé approved this study (2018-A03478-47). The anonymised data will be available on request from the principal investigator. Results will be reported in peer-reviewed journals and at scientific meetings.Trial registration numberClinicalTrials.gov (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov) Registry (NCT04212234).

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1949
Hideyuki Fujii ◽  
Shunsuke Funakoshi ◽  
Toshiki Maeda ◽  
Atsushi Satoh ◽  
Miki Kawazoe ◽  

Background: We investigated whether eating speed was associated with the incidence of diabetes in a Japanese general population. Methods: A total of 4853 Japanese individuals without diabetes at baseline were analyzed. Self-reported eating speed was categorized as slow, medium, and fast on the basis of questionnaire responses. The study outcome was the incidence of diabetes. Results: After an average follow-up period of 5.1 years, 234 individuals developed diabetes. The incidence of diabetes per 1000 person-years was 4.9 in the slow eating speed group, 8.8 in the medium eating speed group, and 12.5 in the fast eating speed group, respectively (*** p < 0.001 for trend). The HRs were 1.69 (95%CI 0.94–3.06) for the medium eating speed and 2.08 (95%CI 1.13–3.84) for the fast eating speed, compared to the slow eating speed (* p = 0.014 for trend) after adjustment for age, gender, smoking status, drinking, exercise, obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Conclusion: Faster eating speed increased a risk for the incidence of diabetes in a general Japanese population.

2021 ◽  
Daniel K. Whiter ◽  
Hanna Dahlgren ◽  
Betty S. Lanchester ◽  
Joshua Dreyer ◽  
Noora Partamies ◽  

Abstract. Fragmented Aurora-like Emissions (FAEs) are small (few km) optical structures which have been observed close to the poleward boundary of the aurora from the high-latitude location of Svalbard (magnetic latitude 75.3 ° N). The FAEs are only visible in certain emissions and their shape has no magnetic-field aligned component, suggesting that they are not caused by energetic particle precipitation and are therefore not aurora in the normal sense of the word. The FAEs sometimes form wave-like structures parallel to an auroral arc, with regular spacing between each FAE. They drift at a constant speed and exhibit internal dynamics moving at a faster speed than the envelope structure. The formation mechanism of FAEs is currently unknown. We present an analysis of high-resolution optical observations of FAEs made during two separate events. Based on their appearance and dynamics we make the assumption that the FAEs are a signature of a dispersive wave in the lower E-region ionosphere, co-located with enhanced electron and ion temperatures detected by incoherent scatter radar. Their drift speed (group speed) is found to be 580–700 m s−1 and the speed of their internal dynamics (phase speed) is found to be 2200–2500 m s−1, both for an assumed altitude of 100 km. The speeds are similar for both events which are observed during different auroral conditions. We consider two possible waves which could produce the FAEs, electrostatic ion cyclotron waves and Farley-Buneman waves, and find that the observations could be consistent with either wave under certain assumptions. In the case of EIC waves the FAEs must be located at an altitude above about 140 km, and our measured speeds scaled accordingly. In the case of Farley-Buneman waves a very strong electric field of about 365 mV m−1 is required to produce the observed speeds of the FAEs; such a strong electric field may be a requirement for FAEs to occur.

Cristian Jaque ◽  
Phillip Véliz ◽  
Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo ◽  
Jason Moran ◽  
Paulo Gentil ◽  

The authors compared the effects of bodyweight resistance training at moderate- or high-speed conditions on muscle power, velocity of movement, and functional performance in older females. In a randomized, single-blinded noncontrolled trial, participants completed 12 weeks (three sessions/week) of bodyweight resistance training at high (n = 14; age = 70.6 ± 4.3 years) or moderate (n = 12; age = 72.8 ± 4.2 years) speeds. Data were analyzed with an analysis of variance (Group × Time) with α level set at <.05. After the intervention, timed up and go test performance (p < .05) and the rising from a chair test mean (22.4%) and maximal velocity (28.5%), mean (24.4%) and maximal power (27.7%), normalized mean (25.1%), and normalized maximal power (28.5%) increased in the high-speed group (p < .05). However, the moderate-speed group achieved no improvements (Δ6.7–14.4%; p > .2). The authors conclude that high-speed bodyweight resistance training is an effective and economically practical strategy to improve the functional capacity of older women relevant to daily life activities.

Stephanie Theodora ◽  
Damayanti Tinduh ◽  
Rr. Indrayuni Lukitra Wardhani

Background: Number of falls increase among elders and young adults prior to any cause. Occult balance disorder may become one of the morbidity factors that causes fall in young adults and eventually elders. One leg stance test reflects static balance function that might show occult balance disorder in healthy population. Closed eyes crossed arms one leg stance (CECAOLS) used to eliminate balance factors such as visual and arms sways that can elevate limit of stability (LOS). Treadmill used as a dynamic balance exercise with inclination and speed level as its’ component to challenge the balance function.Aim: to compare CECAOLS value in subjects with gradual increase of speed versus inclination in moderate intensity treadmill exercise.Methods: Nineteen healthy young adults male with sedentary lifestyle aged from 26 to 37 years old were recruited. Nine people in inclination group, ten people in speed group. Treadmill exercise with moderate intensity (70% maximal heart rate), exercise duration was 30 minutes (5 minutes warming up, 20 minutes core exercise, 5 minutes cooling down), 3 times/week, for 4 weeks. Measurement of CECAOLS value were done prior to first exercise and after completion of exercise in 4th week.Results: Significant increase of CECAOLS value at right leg inclination group with p=0.038. No significant increase of CECAOLS value in speed group (p>0.05).Conclusion: Moderate intensity treadmill exercise with gradual inclination increase 30 minutes duration, 3 times/week, for 4 week was proven to increase CECAOLS value in young adult healthy untrained male.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Stephanie Theodora ◽  
Damayanti Tinduh ◽  
Rr. Indrayuni Lukitra Wardhani

Background: Number of falls increase among elders and young adults prior to any cause. Occult balance disorder may become one of the morbidity factors that causes fall in young adults and eventually elders. One leg stance test reflects static balance function that might show occult balance disorder in healthy population. Closed eyes crossed arms one leg stance (CECAOLS) used to eliminate balance factors such as visual and arms sways that can elevate limit of stability (LOS). Treadmill used as a dynamic balance exercise with inclination and speed level as its’ component to challenge the balance function.Aim: to compare CECAOLS value in subjects with gradual increase of speed versus inclination in moderate intensity treadmill exercise.Methods: Nineteen healthy young adults male with sedentary lifestyle aged from 26 to 37 years old were recruited. Nine people in inclination group, ten people in speed group. Treadmill exercise with moderate intensity (70% maximal heart rate), exercise duration was 30 minutes (5 minutes warming up, 20 minutes core exercise, 5 minutes cooling down), 3 times/week, for 4 weeks. Measurement of CECAOLS value were done prior to first exercise and after completion of exercise in 4th week.Results: Significant increase of CECAOLS value at right leg inclination group with p=0.038. No significant increase of CECAOLS value in speed group (p>0.05).Conclusion: Moderate intensity treadmill exercise with gradual inclination increase 30 minutes duration, 3 times/week, for 4 week was proven to increase CECAOLS value in young adult healthy untrained male.

Suresh Babu Sayana ◽  
Yamuna Sampathirao ◽  
Baswaraj Munge ◽  
Sachidananda Moorthy ◽  
Kodandaramu Burli

Background: Skeletal muscle relaxants are a heterogeneous group of drugs. As a group, they are structurally and pharmacologically diverse. Skeletal muscle relaxants are usually used as adjunct therapy when initial therapy fails. They are commonly used to treat fibromyalgia, low back pain, neck pain, tension head ache, myofascial pain and muscle spasm.Methods: There were 28 mice were randomly divided into seven groups, each group consists of 4 mice. Group 1(Control): Mice were treated with normal saline and placed on rotating rod with a speed of 18 rpm (ideal speed). Group 2 (Standard-S1): Mice were treated with Nitrazepam at the dose of 2mg/kg body weight and placed on rotating rod. Group 3 (Standard-S2): Mice were treated with Nitrazepam at the dose of 3mg/kg body weight and placed on rotating rod. Group 4 (Standard-S3): Mice were treated with Nitrazepam at the dose of 4mg/kg body weight and placed on rotating rod. Group 5 (Test-T1): Mice were treated with Thiocolchicoside at the dose of 2mg/kg body weight and placed on rotating rod. Group 6 (Test-T2): Mice were treated with Thiocolchicoside at the dose of 3mg/kg body weight and placed on rotating rod. Group 7 (Test-T3): Mice were treated with Thiocolchicoside at the dose of 4mg/kg body weight and placed on rotating rod.Results: In this model inter drug comparisons were carried out with nitrazepam and thiocolchicoside. It was found that both nitrazepam and thiocolchicoside produced central muscle relaxant effect when assessed by rotarod. On iter drug comparision of nitrazepam and thiocolchicoside it was found that by increasing concentration of drug, increased the muscle relaxant property.Conclusions: When assessed by rotarod, it was found that both nitrazepam and thiocolchicoside demonstrated muscle relaxant property but with increased doses of thiocolchicoside produced more muscle relaxant property than the increase in doses of nitrazepam.

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