medium resistance
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Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1825
Eride Quarta ◽  
Fabio Sonvico ◽  
Ruggero Bettini ◽  
Claudio De Luca ◽  
Alessandro Dotti ◽  

Inhalation of Calcium Phosphate nanoparticles (CaPs) has recently unmasked the potential of this nanomedicine for a respiratory lung-to-heart drug delivery targeting the myocardial cells. In this work, we investigated the development of a novel highly respirable dry powder embedding crystalline CaPs. Mannitol was selected as water soluble matrix excipient for constructing respirable dry microparticles by spray drying technique. A Quality by Design approach was applied for understanding the effect of the feed composition and spraying feed rate on typical quality attributes of inhalation powders. The in vitro aerodynamic behaviour of powders was evaluated using a medium resistance device. The inner structure and morphology of generated microparticles were also studied. The 1:4 ratio of CaPs/mannitol led to the generation of hollow microparticles, with the best aerodynamic performance. After microparticle dissolution, the released nanoparticles kept their original size.

2021 ◽  
Vol 843 (1) ◽  
pp. 012008
I F Lapochkina ◽  
N R Gainullin ◽  
O V Mitroshina ◽  
G V Volkova ◽  
L A Marchenkova ◽  

Abstract A new original initial material of winter wheat was created by using stem rust resistant donors. The new lines resistant to leaf and stem rust were assessed under the field conditions in the North Caucasus and the Central region of the Russian Federation. Some of the resistant genotypes were assessed in laboratory conditions for abiotic stress resistance to: salinity, acidification, and prolonged flooding of seeds in water. a two-year assessment of the lines productivity in the control nursery under the conditions of the Moscow region 7 genotypes of winter wheat were identified with high and medium resistance to lodging, group resistance to fungal diseases, heading 5-7 days earlier than the standard, the optimal plant height of 90-110 cm, the average development of grain per ear and 1000 grains mass and forming good quality yield. Lines 2-19w, 9-19w, 16-19w, 36-19w, 63-19w, 90-19w, 92-19w will be tested in competitive variety testing and may be presented as prototypes of varieties for the Non-Black Earth Central Region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 49-61
D. P. Zverev ◽  
A. A. Myasnikov ◽  
A. Yu. Shitov ◽  
A. N. Andrusenko ◽  
V. I. Chernov ◽  

Aim: using oral stress kidney tests to reveal changes in renal function and water-electrolyte metabolism in divers with different initial resistance to hypoxic hypoxia.Materials and methods. 44 men were studied. All subjects were evaluated for their initial resistance to hypoxic hypoxia. Oral renal stress tests were performed to determine the status of kidney function.Results and their discussion. For the selection of divers, it is necessary to carry out oral stress tests with water, 10% potassium chloride solution and 7.5% calcium lactate solution. In divers with low and medium resistance to hypoxic hypoxia, there is a deterioration in the calcium and potassium uretic function of the kidneys after oral stress renal tests. The method for determining the resistance of divers to hypoxic hypoxia should be supplemented by the regularity developed by us.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Lam V. Tran

The study aimed to determine the suitable cherry tomato lines for using as a hybrid material production. Experiments were arranged in sequence without repeating. The results from estimating the General Combining Ability (GCA) of 25 tomato S4 selfing lines showed that ten S4 lines (D3.4; D10.4; D11.4; D12.4; D14.4; D15.4; D17.4; D19.4; D21.4 and D25.4) performed high GCA values based on the practical yield characteristic. Ten tomato S5 selfing lines were characterized by yielding 41.49 - 50.57 tons per ha, red ripened fruit, high brix values of 6.9 - 8.1% and medium resistance to Phytophthora infestans disease. In brief, those tomato lines could be a suitable material source for the production of F1 - hybrid tomatoes

2021 ◽  
Vol 181 (4) ◽  
pp. 173-184
N. V. Mironenko ◽  
E. V. Rogozina ◽  
A. A. Gurina ◽  
A. V. Khiutti ◽  
N. A. Chalaya ◽  

Background. Predominant use of the H1 and Gro1-4 genes of resistance to golden nematode (PGN) in potato breeding requires widening the gene pool of resistance to this pathogen.Materials and methods. Thirty-four genotypes of wild potatoes from North and South Americas, 14 interspecific hybrids, and 10 Russian potato cultivars were studied for PGN resistance. Screening for resistance to PGN pathotype Ro1 and molecular screening for the presence of H1 and Gro1-4 gene markers were performed. Amplification products of the Gro1-4 gene marker were sequenced.Results. Only seven among the studied 34 potato genotypes (two of S. brachystotrichum (Bitt.) Rydb., four of S. lesteri Hawkes et Hjerting, and one of S. kurtzianum Bitt. et Wittm.) were susceptible to PGN, while the rest demonstrated high or medium resistance. Molecular screening for the presence of H1 and Gro1-4 gene markers allowed us to identify Gro1-4 in 13 South American genotypes of S. alandiae Cárd., S. × doddsii Corr., S. kurtzianum, S. leptophyes Bitt., and S. yungasense Hawkes. The remaining 14 genotypes may supposedly contain resistance genes non-identical to H1 or Gro1-4. Hybrids of S. tuberosum L. with medium-resistant wild accessions of S. kurtzianum, S. leptophyes, S. sparsipilum (Bitt.) Juz. et Buk., S. alandiae, and S. × doddsii inherited PGN resistance determined either by the Gro1-4 gene or genes non-identical to H1 or Gro1-4. Sequencing a fragment of the Gro1-4 gene showed that changes in the structure of this fragment in orthologous genes did not affect the feature of resistance to PGN pathotype Ro1.Conclusion. For the first time, sources of resistance to PGN were found among the North American species S. brachystotrichum (k-23201) and S. lesteri (k-24475). Among the wild South American Solanum spp., sources of resistance determined by genes different from H1 or Gro1-4 were identified. Resistant interspecific hybrids can serve as donors of the Gro1-4 resistance gene or new resistance genes. 

Lyubov Dyshlyuk ◽  
Olga Babich ◽  
Lev Ostroumov ◽  
Xiaojie Wang ◽  
Svetlana Noskova ◽  

Introduction. Extreme psychrophiles still remain largely understudied. However, they can serve as biological components in drug production, as well as increase the shelf life of food products in food industry. Therefore, the properties of psychrophilic microorganisms are a relevant study object. The present research objective was to isolate new psychrophilic microorganisms in extreme low-temperature conditions of the caves of Gornaya Shoria and Salair (Kemerovo region) and study their antimicrobial properties. Study objects and methods. The research featured psychrophilic microorganisms isolated in the caves of the Kemerovo region. The sampling was performed in triplicate. The samples were placed in sterile paper. Antibiotic resistance was defined according to the area where the antibiotic plate suppressed bacterial growth. The cell suspension was placed in a Petri dish with an agar-based medium. The discs with antibiotics were put on the surface of the medium and incubated in a thermostat at 28°C for 24 h in order to describe the growth of the isolates. Results and discussion. The microbial communities of the Gavrilovskaya and Azasskaya caves produced seven isolates with different morphological characteristics. Isolates 1, 4, and 5 had pronounced suppressive properties at 2 ± 4°C. Isolates 1, 4, and 5 proved resistant to antibiotics. Isolate 1 exhibited high resistance (21–26) to Neomycin and Novogramon, medium resistance (17–22) to Ceparin, Kanamycin, Levomycin, Carbenicillin, and Streptomycin, and low (2–8) resistance to Benzylpenicillin and Clotrimazole. Isolate 1 had no antibiotic resistance to Ampicillin, Gentamicin, and Tetracycline. Isolate 4 showed high resistance (22–27) to Novogramon, medium resistance (10–22) to Tetracycline, Clotrimazole, Neomycin, Zeparin, Kanamycin, Levomycin, and Monomycin, and low resistance (2–8) to Ampicillin, Benzylpenicillin, Streptomycin, and Gentamicin. Isolate 4 demonstrated no antibiotic resistance to Carbenicillin and Polymyxin. Isolate 5 proved highly resistant (27–26) to Ceparin, Benzylpenicillin, Levomycetin, and Novogramon, and medium resistant (12–22) to Clotrimazole, Streptomycin, Neomycin, Gentamicin, Polymyxin, Carbenicillin, and Monomycin. Isolate 5 demonstrated no resistance to Ampicillin, Tetracycline, and Kanamycin. Conclusion. Psychrophiles can serve as microorganisms to create new biological products that suppress the development of diseases in plants. Psychrophiles proved an extremely promising research direction for cultivating and storing agricultural products.

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 5838
Guofeng Hu ◽  
Wanli Fu ◽  
Yumin Ma ◽  
Jianping Zhou ◽  
Hongbo Liang ◽  

Due to their excellent mechanical and thermal properties and medium resistance, epoxy/carbon nanotubes and nanocomposites have been widely used in many fields. However, the conventional thermosetting process is not only time- and energy-consuming, but also causes the agglomeration of nanofillers, which leads to unsatisfactory properties of the obtained composites. In this study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)/epoxy nanocomposites were prepared using UV photoinduced frontal polymerization (PIFP) in a rapid fashion. The addition of MWCNTs modified by a surface carboxylation reaction was found to enhance the impact strength and heat resistance of the epoxy matrix effectively. The experimental results indicate that with 0.4 wt % loading of modified MWCNTs, increases of 462.23% in the impact strength and 57.3 °C in the glass transition temperature Tg were achieved. A high-performance nanocomposite was prepared in only a few minutes using the PIFP approach. Considering its fast, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly production, the PIFP approach displays considerable potential in the field of the fast preparation, repair, and deep curing of nanocomposites and coatings.

2020 ◽  
pp. 126-137
A R Khasanov

This paper presents the solution of the problem related to the dynamic cylindrical cavity expansion in a compressible elastic-plastic medium. Finite strains, nonlinear compressibility and dependence of the yield stress versus pressure are taken into account in the problem formulation. The study targets at developing a new engineering model on the penetration of a sharp-nosed impactor in the range of middle impact velocities based on the problem analysis results of the cylindrical cavity expansion in a half-space (cylindrical cavity expansion approximation). Based on the analytical approach a model is obtained that determines the resistance of the medium to dynamic cavity expansion. The main parameters of the model depend on the mechanical properties of the medium. For these dependences we proposed approximating relations based on manipulation of the mechanical properties of a number of materials (some alloys and soils). To derive the dynamic penetration model the A.Ya. Sagomonyan assumption of the radial expansion of the hole is used. It is assumed that particles of the medium material move in a radial direction from the surface of the impactor penetrating into the shield. Such assumption can be applied for the class of impactors in the form of slender sharp-nosed bodies of revolution. Based on the assumptions we obtained a model of the medium resistance to the dynamic penetration of a slender sharp-nosed body of revolution. The new model, in addition to the "standard" strength and inertial components, contains the "attached mass", which changes during the penetration process. The experimental validation of the new penetration model using a series of experimental studies on the penetration of various forms of impactors into aluminum alloys is considered. The influence of the “attached mass” and inertial forces of the medium resistance to the penetration is estimated. The conditions of applicability of the new model are obtained: the penetration model is applicable for estimation of the resistance of a compressible medium to penetration of a thin sharp-nosed body of revolution at impact velocities of 200-800 m/s.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
L. O. Kriuchkova ◽  
T. I. Patyka ◽  

The effect of Bacillus strains, B. subtilis 16 and B. pumilus 11, on two barley diseases caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoemaker has been studied. It was found that the activity depends on both the resistance of the cultivar against disease and the bacterial strain. The severity of spot blotch of barley decreased significantly when the cell suspension of B. subtilis strain16 was sprayed on the leaves of disease-susceptible cultivars Nashсhadok, but failed to inhibit the disease on the leaves of resistant cultivars. Applying the cell suspensions into plant growth media significantly inhibited the common root rot on susceptible cultivar Syaivo, which, however, was not accompanied by an increase in the biomass of seedlings. A significant increase in the weight of shoots and roots of seedlings was observed on cultivars with medium resistance to the disease: Sebastian and Antey.

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