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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 104-107
M. V. Aroyan ◽  
Yu. E. Generalova ◽  
I. I. Terninko ◽  
I. E. Kaukhova ◽  
E. K. Novikova

Introduction. Substances of plant origin exhibit a variety of pharmacological activity in combination with a relatively low toxicity and frequency of side effects. In this regard, a promising direction is the standardization of substances of plant origin in the development of new herbal medicinal products.Aim. Qualitative and quantitative determination of individual coumarin in a dry extract of Melilotus оfficinalis L.Materials and methods. A dry extract of the Melilotus officinalis L. was used as an object of research. Determination of individual coumarin was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography.Results and discussion. As a result of the research, coumarin was identified by high performance liquid chromatography based on comparison of retention times of the sample with retention times of a standard sample of coumarin in the sample of dry extract under research. The coumarin contents in the dry extract was 0.642 ± 0.007 %.Conclusion. The data obtained on the qualitative and quantitative content of coumarin in the dry extract of Melilotus оfficinalis L. were used in the development of the draft version specification of quality indicators.

Hella Breedveld ◽  
Huub Van den Bergh

Translators often go through their texts several times before considering their translations ‘done’. In most translation process research the different runs through the text after producing a draft version of the translation are considered as a single revision stage of the translation process. If, however, the factor time is taken into account, it might be expected that the revision activities a translator performs differ in nature and function depending on the moment where they occur during the translation process. The present article is a search for describing and understanding revision processes based on this view. Revision activities in the think-aloud protocols of five translators are analysed with regard to cognitive context and text processing characteristics. Results show that there is little evidence that revision activities vary during the translation process. Revision activities seem to occur at random throughout the translation process and appear to be triggered locally.

Pro Ecclesia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 106385122110447
Uwe Swarat

This essay outlines the genesis and impact of the “Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification” (JDDJ) from a Baptist perspective. Starting with comparative studies of individual theologians from 1949 to 1980 it sketches the prehistory of the JDDJ including the results of ecumenical dialogues from 1972 to 1994. The essay then presents the origins and contents of the JDDJ from the draft version 1997 to the Signing 1999, including the development and content of the “Official Common Statement.” The author includes as well the impact of JDDJ on the Study on “The Biblical Foundations of the Doctrine of Justification” 2012; the Notre-Dame-Consultation 2019; and ecumenical dialogues on justification with Baptist participation. The author appreciates the JDDJ as the most significant result of ecumenical dialogues since the formation of the ecumenical movement and expresses his hope that the Baptist World Alliance too will assent to the consensus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Lauri Finér

Abstract Recently welfare economists and international political economy scholars have increasingly discussed how the corporations seek profits by corroding policies that tackle tax avoidance and undermine public interest. This article contributes to these discussions on so-called regulatory captures in the global wealth chains by providing a comprehensive case study on anti-tax avoidance legislative processes in Finland. The author analyzes the statements that various stakeholders provided during several phases of enacting the interest deduction limitation rule that targets so-called thin capitalization arrangements. Because of this specific research material, the author is able to undertake a nuanced analysis in describing how and whose statements made the difference from the draft version of legislation to the final wording of the law. The evidence suggests corporate interest groups and tax advisory firms influenced the content of the rule as notable tax base eroding loopholes have been included in the Finnish anti-tax avoidance rule. The author also assesses remedies of regulatory captures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-284
Eun Jeong Choi ◽  
Myonghwa Park

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify interprofessional competencies for the integrated community care of older people.Methods: This study used a methodological approach, and the specific process aimed to identify the components of interprofessional competencies for integrated community care using a scoping review and validating the identified competencies with the Delphi method. The scoping review first identified relevant studies through the following electronic databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. We then selected studies that met the inclusion criteria and analyzed their results to identify a draft version of the competencies. Expert panels validated the list of competencies through two rounds of the Delphi survey.Results: The two rounds of the Delphi survey revealed consensus. Finally, we developed an interprofessional competency for integrated community care comprising 19 interprofessional core competencies, 20 integrated core care competencies for community care administrators, 13 integrated core care competencies for care coordinators, 13 integrated core care competencies for local service providers, and 12 integrated core care competencies for community health leaders.Conclusion: This study can help inform job descriptions, evaluate the relevant professionals’ performance, and develop a competency-based curriculum for better practice.

Iryna Patoka

Relevance of research topic. Assessing ecosystems in terms of their contribution to the human well-being is one of the ways to achieve the goals of sustainable development, namely within the implementation of goals 14 and 15, therefore, it is an extremely important task in developing strategies for the development of local communities. Formulation of the problem. There is no official methodology for assessing ecosystem services and its integration into the management system in Ukraine. Analysis of recent research and publications. Currently, approaches to the assessment of ecosystems and their services are being developed, which are presented in the leading international documents: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting. Final Draft. Version 5. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. The issues of forming methodological approaches to the assessment of ecosystem services of protected areas of communities remain little studied. Setting the task, the purpose of the study. In this study, the task is to assess the ecosystem services of the protected area of the community basing on the example of cultural services (recreation and tourіsm) and services for biodiversity conservation. Method or methodology for conducting research. To assess the cost of ecosystem services in the protected area, a methodological approach to estimating the overall economic value of ecosystems is used. Presentation of the main material (results of work). On the example of the protected area of NPP "Bug Guard" within Blagodatnenskaya OTG Pervomaisky district of Mykolayiv region calculated the cost of direct and indirect use of ecosystem services (considered cultural services) and the cost of its existence (considered services to preserve biodiversity), as well as the total economic value. The field of application of results. The calculations are of great practical importance for territorial management. Conclusions according to the article The paper proves that the cost of indirect use of ecosystem services of the protected area and the cost of its existence significantly outweigh the cost of direct use.

2021 ◽  
Djamel Aissaoui ◽  
Guillaume Gronier ◽  
Françoise Schwander ◽  
Tanya Cara-Nova

Abstract Objective This article presents the french validation of a hope assessment scale for use in an international study on the mental health of Swiss and Portuguese students during a pandemic (Querido et al., 2021). is The original hope assessment scale is the Herth Hope Index (HHI) (Herth, 1991) which measures different dimensions of hope and assesses the state of motivation to overcome situations with strong stressful or life-threatening components. Methods Our methodology is divided into two main steps. The first step aims at evaluating the qualitative aspects of the assessment tool. We will use a literal translation and a cultural adaptation through cross-cultural validation. We will start with a back-translation method for the translation and preparation of a draft version. Then, we will evaluate the draft by selecting a committee of experts and a sample of "end-users" to correct the initial translation and produce a consensus version. The second part will concern the evaluation of the psychometric and metrological qualities of the instrument. We will set up a method of parallel/equivalent form reliability and tests of convergent/divergent validity with other tools assessing similar constructs. Results We obtained a consensus from our expert panel (n=7) after our back-translation. We then tested the translation on a pilot group of students (n=13) in order to highlight potential comprehension problems. We obtained CVIs >.80 for all of our items in the second test run, which indicates that the translation is understood and accepted by the subjects. We also measured the concurrent validity between the HHI-F (target instrument) and other scales (criterion instruments) measuring the same phenomena, which were administered simultaneously to our subjects (i.e. DASS-21, IES-R and BRCS). The results suggest good translation validity of the HHI-F: systematically negative correlations between the HHI-F and the DASS-21 (r= -.562; p=000); all correlations between the IES-R and the HHI-F are negative 
(r= -.301; p=000) and all correlations between the HHI-F scale and the BRCS are positive (r= .552; p=000). Discussion The french version of the Herth Hope Index (HHI) is translated. Validation of the qualitative and quantitative criteria was carried out and the results show that the French version (HHI-F) has sufficiently strong fidelity and validity criteria to be used in practice.

2021 ◽  
Federica Longo ◽  
Mario Braun ◽  
Florian Hutzler ◽  
Fabio Richlan

Using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), we investigated whether semantic knowledge is organized according to domain- or feature-dimensions, and whether the left or right angular gyrus is differentially engaged based on these dimensions. Reaction times of 72 participants – divided into four groups with different tDCS electrode montages (anodal/cathodal, left/right) – were recorded during a semantic categorization task (living and non-living concepts having either high or low number of features). In line with previous literature, results showed faster reaction times for living compared with non-living concepts and for concepts with a high number compared with a low number of features. In addition, a generally deteriorating effect of tDCS emerged, with both anodal and cathodal stimulation over both left and right angular gyri slowing down reaction times compared with sham. The results are discussed in the frameworks of major theories on the organization of semantic knowledge, including the Distributed Domain-Specific Hypothesis.

Silvia Croydon

Abstract Several decades have passed since the first call was made toward political scientists, among other social scientists, to devote attention to human rights and enrich, through empirical investigations, our understanding of how human rights implementation works. Today, the political science discipline is finally beginning to respond to this appeal, with an increasing number of scholars making it their goal to isolate variables that obstruct or facilitate human rights implementation. The current paper joins this burgeoning body of literature by offering a within-case analysis of Japanese prison policy-making. In particular, I compare the 2005 bill updating the Prison Law (Kangoku hō) that had been in force in Japan since the Meiji era with an earlier draft version of that bill which appeared in parliament on three occasions since the early 1980s. On the basis of the convergence of these bills in terms of seeking to align Japan with the evolved new global standards for convicted prisoners' treatment, I argue that a three-decade delay occurred in the implementation of prisoners' rights in Japan. To account then for this delay, I point to a provision pertaining to the criminal procedure (i.e., pre-conviction) which was incorporated in the law in question in 1908 merely for pragmatic reasons, and with regard to which the modern-time stakeholders of the bar and the police could not find agreement. Ultimately, the message that this case deals to the political science of human rights is that institutional–infrastructural factors, such as ties of legal nature, matter to human rights implementation.

Andrews Neil

The Equitable remedy of rectification generally operates when the final text of the contract does not match exactly the final agreed draft version. The final document can be rectified to bring its contents into accordance with the final pre-formation agreed draft or version (‘common mistake rectification’).

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