external agent
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Jorge Tabanera ◽  
Inés Luque ◽  
Samuel L. Jacob ◽  
Massimiliano Esposito ◽  
Felipe Barra ◽  

Abstract Collisional reservoirs are becoming a major tool for modelling open quantum systems. In their simplest implementation, an external agent switches on, for a given time, the interaction between the system and a specimen from the reservoir. Generically, in this operation the external agent performs work onto the system, preventing thermalization when the reservoir is at equilibrium. One can recover thermalization by considering an autonomous global setup where the reservoir particles colliding with the system possess a kinetic degree of freedom. The drawback is that the corresponding scattering problem is rather involved. Here, we present a formal solution of the problem in one dimension and for flat interaction potentials. The solution is based on the transfer matrix formalism and allows one to explore the symmetries of the resulting scattering map. One of these symmetries is micro-reversibility, which is a condition for thermalization. We then introduce two approximations of the scattering map that preserve these symmetries and, consequently, thermalize the system. These relatively simple approximate solutions constitute models of quantum thermostats and are useful tools to study quantum systems in contact with thermal baths. We illustrate their accuracy in a specific example, showing that both are good approximations of the exact scattering problem even in situations far from equilibrium. Moreover, one of the models consists of the removal of certain coherences plus a very specific randomization of the interaction time. These two features allow one to identify as heat the energy transfer due to switching on and off the interaction. Our results prompt the fundamental question of how to distinguish between heat and work from the statistical properties of the exchange of energy between a system and its surroundings.

Manasa Parthasharathy ◽  
Dante Mantini ◽  
Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry

The pressure of our own finger on the arm feels differently than the same pressure exerted by an external agent: the latter involves just touch, whereas the former involves a combination of touch and predictive output from the internal model of the body. This internal model predicts the movement of our own finger and hence the intensity of the sensation of the finger press is decreased. A decrease in intensity of the self-produced stimulus is called sensory attenuation. It has been reported that, due to decreased proprioception with age and an increased reliance on the prediction of the internal model, sensory attenuation is increased in older adults. In this study, we used a force-matching paradigm to test if sensory attenuation is also present over the arm and if aging increases sensory attenuation. We demonstrated that, while both young and older adults overestimate a self-produced force, older adults overestimate it even more showing an increased sensory attenuation. In addition, we also found that both younger and older adults self-produce higher forces when activating the homologous muscles of the upper limb. While this is traditionally viewed as evidence for an increased reliance on internal model function in older adults because of decreased proprioception, proprioception appeared unimpaired in our older participants. This begs the question of whether an age-related decrease in proprioception is really responsible for the increased sensory attenuation observed in older people.

Matteo Lostaglio ◽  
Joseph Bowles

The original Wigner’s friend paradox is a gedankenexperiment involving an observer described by an external agent. The paradox highlights the tension between unitary evolution and collapse in quantum theory, and is sometimes taken as requiring a reassessment of the notion of objective reality. In this note, however, we present a classical toy model in which (i) the contradicting predictions at the heart of the thought experiment are reproduced (ii) every system is in a well-defined state at all times. The toy model shows how puzzles such as Wigner’s friend’s experience of being in a superposition, conflicts between different agents’ descriptions of the experiment, the positioning of the Heisenberg’s cut and the apparent lack of objectivity of measurement outcomes can be explained within a classical model where there exists an objective state of affairs about every physical system at all times. Within the model, the debate surrounding the original Wigner’s friend thought experiment and its resolution have striking similarities with arguments concerning the nature of the second law of thermodynamics. The same conclusion however does not apply to more recent extensions of the gedankenexperiment featuring multiple encapsulated observers, and shows that such extensions are indeed necessary avoid simple classical explanations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 185 (1) ◽  
Ken Hiura

AbstractWe propose a prequential or sequentially predictive formulation of the work extraction where an external agent repeats the extraction of work from a heat engine by cyclic operations based on his predictive strategy. We show that if we impose the second law of thermodynamics in this situation, the empirical distribution of the initial microscopic states of the engine must converge to the Gibbs distribution of the initial Hamiltonian under some strategy, even though no probability distribution are assumed. We also propose a protocol where the agent can change only a small number of control parameters linearly coupled to the conjugate variables. We find that in the restricted situation the prequential form of the second law of thermodynamics implies the strong law of large numbers of the conjugate variables with respect to the control parameters. Finally, we provide a game-theoretic interpretation of our formulation and find that the prequential work extraction can be interpreted as a testing procedure for random number generator of the Gibbs distribution.

2021 ◽  
pp. practneurol-2020-002839
Wendy Phillips ◽  
Jason Price ◽  
Paul D Molyneux ◽  
Quinton Deeley

Clinical hypnosis is an important therapeutic tool with an increasingly understood cognitive and neurobiological basis, and evidence for efficacy. Hypnosis involves controlled modulation of components of cognition—such as awareness, volition, perception and belief—by an external agent (the hypnotist) or by oneself (self-hypnosis) employing suggestion. In this article, we describe what hypnosis is, how it can be used in clinical settings, and how it is done.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Francesco Luciano Donati ◽  
Matteo Fecchio ◽  
Davide Maestri ◽  
Mattia Cornali ◽  
Chiara Camilla Derchi ◽  

AbstractDisturbances of conscious awareness, or self-disorders, are a defining feature of schizophrenia. These include symptoms such as delusions of control, i.e. the belief that one’s actions are controlled by an external agent. Models of self-disorders point at altered neural mechanisms of source monitoring, i.e. the ability of the brain to discriminate self-generated stimuli from those driven by the environment. However, evidence supporting this putative relationship is currently lacking. We performed electroencephalography (EEG) during self-paced, brisk right fist closures in ten (M = 9; F = 1) patients with Early-Course Schizophrenia (ECSCZ) and age and gender-matched healthy volunteers. We measured the Readiness Potential (RP), i.e. an EEG feature preceding self-generated movements, and movement-related EEG spectral changes. Self-disorders in ECSCZ were assessed with the Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience (EASE). Patients showed a markedly reduced RP and altered post-movement Event-Related Synchronization (ERS) in the beta frequency band (14–24 Hz) compared to healthy controls. Importantly, smaller RP and weaker ERS were associated with higher EASE scores in ECSCZ. Our data suggest that disturbances of neural correlates preceding and following self-initiated movements may reflect the severity of self-disorders in patients suffering from ECSCZ. These findings point towards deficits in basic mechanisms of sensorimotor integration as a substrate for self-disorders.

Alba Manresa ◽  
Marta Mas-Machuca ◽  
Frederic Marimon

The main aims of this research are threefold: (1) to create a new conceptual framework underlying the dimensions of unconscious knowledge; (2) to explore how people convert the knowledge they do not know into personal and useful knowledge; and (3) to identify the strategies of how the unconscious knowledge can emerge, in an individual way or with the help from an external agent. The paper presents a new conceptual framework based on the unconscious knowledge. Different mechanisms and strategies based on different ways to generate knowledge are proposed. The most important results of this paper are as follows: (1) a new conceptual framework that is based on the unknown knowledge creation; (2) new strategies that move from the unaware knowledge to the learned and conscious one; and (3) new tools, methodologies, and technologies to enhance the creation of this type of knowledge.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 849
Demetris Koutsoyiannis

We revisit the notion of climate, along with its historical evolution, tracing the origin of the modern concerns about climate. The notion (and the scientific term) of climate was established during the Greek antiquity in a geographical context and it acquired its statistical content (average weather) in modern times after meteorological measurements had become common. Yet the modern definitions of climate are seriously affected by the wrong perception of the previous two centuries that climate should regularly be constant, unless an external agent acts upon it. Therefore, we attempt to give a more rigorous definition of climate, consistent with the modern body of stochastics. We illustrate the definition by real-world data, which also exemplify the large climatic variability. Given this variability, the term “climate change” turns out to be scientifically unjustified. Specifically, it is a pleonasm as climate, like weather, has been ever-changing. Indeed, a historical investigation reveals that the aim in using that term is not scientific but political. Within the political aims, water issues have been greatly promoted by projecting future catastrophes while reversing true roles and causality directions. For this reason, we provide arguments that water is the main element that drives climate, and not the opposite.

Demetris Koutsoyiannis

We revisit the notion of climate, along with its historical evolution, tracing the origin of the modern concerns about climate. The notion (and the scientific term) of climate has been established during the Greek antiquity in a geographical context and it acquired its statistical content (average weather) in modern times, after meteorological measurements had become common. Yet the modern definitions of climate are seriously affected by the wrong perception of the previous two centuries that climate should regularly be constant, unless an external agent acted. Therefore, we attempt to give a more rigorous definition of climate, consistent with the modern body of stochastics. We illustrate the definition by real-world data, which also exemplify the large climatic variability. Given this variability, the term “climate change” turns out to be scientifically unjustified. Specifically, it is a pleonasm as climate, like weather, has been ever changing. Indeed, a historical investigation reveals that the aim in using that term is not scientific but political. Within the political aims, water issues have been greatly promoted by projecting future catastrophes while reversing the true roles and causality directions. For this reason, we provide arguments that water is the main element that drives climate and not the opposite.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 291-308
Ethan C. Jones

This article responds to the innovative and stimulating research by Ellen van Wolde in a previous volume of Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. She claims that the Niphal is middle voice and can be passive, ‘if (and only if) an external argument, coded as an external Agent, is present’. My research however, demonstrates that such a description of the passive is both inadequate in view of the world’s languages and incongruent with Niphal. In addition, my response lays bare how such a prescription of the middle voice to the Niphal in the Hebrew Bible is circulus probando and unconvincing.

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