turkish people
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2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 192-200
Sevsen Aziz HILAYIF

Orhan Pamuk is considered one of the most important novelists and short story writers in Turkish Literature. The full name is Ferit Orhan Pamuk. He was born in Istanbul in 1952. He is now 69 year old and still alive. He is considered the first Turkish writer who wins Noble Prize for literature for the year 2006. He won several other prizes, one of which is Noble Prize because he has several short stories and novels. The White Castle is one of the most important novels for the author Orhan Pamuk who won the Noble Prize. It is considered a historical novel that belongs to the Ottoman Empire era in the 17th century. The novel revolves on one of the passengers who travels to Napoli through the sea. The Ottoman pirates captivate him and sell him to one of the Turkish people as slave. Both the master and the slave almost share the same features although they are from different geographic areas. The novel deals with the similarities and differences among the people of the and the people of the west in an accurate way. The concept of dream is to wish something favorable in the future. There were several types and ways of daydreams. This concept is different from one person to another. This term cannot be clearly defined because of its subjective nature. It appears in a very wide area, from the ability to maintain the thing dreamt to achieve to the world of dreams of the dreamer. Hence, the reality of daydreams is a wonderful art that is different from one person to another. We start the research by giving inclusive summary. In the Introduction, there is short summary for the life and literary personality of the Turkish author Orhan Pamuk as well as his works. The research introduces information about the novel which is the subject of the research paper. It introduces, through detailed study for the novel The White Castle, a detailed explanation about the art of dreams.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-87
Arif Sugitanata ◽  
Suud Sarim Karimullah ◽  
Mohamad Sobrun Jamil

This article discusses the products of Islamic family law in Turkey with the main focus of this article review is how the history and development of family law in Turkey and what are the products of family law reform in Turkey using literature studies. This paper finds that the development of family law reform in Turkey starting from al-Majallâh (1876), The Ottoman Law of Family Right (1917), Turkish Civil Code (The Turkish Civil Code of 1926) is a response to the influence and changes in social conditions. , politics, and an unstable economy, especially at that time the Turkish people were still experiencing an identity crisis. Then the product of family law reform in Turkey is divided into two scopes, namely munakahat and Mawaris, where part of the munakahat itself includes, khitbah, minimum age limit for marriage, prohibitions in marriage, polygamy, walimah, marriage annulment, marriage that is not legalized, divorce. , compensation in divorce, while in Mawaris includes, wills and the amount of distribution between men and women are equal. Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang produk-produk hukum keluarga Islam di Turki dengan fokus utama kajian artikel ini adalah bagaimana sejarah dan perkembangan hukum keluarga di Turki dan apa saja produk dari pembaharuan hukum keluarga di Turki menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa perkembangan pembaharuan hukum keluarga di Turki yang dimulai dari al-Majallâh (1876), The Ottoman Law of Family Right (1917), Peraturan Sipil Turki (The Turkish Civil Code of 1926) merupakan sebuah respon atas pengaruh dan perubahan kondisi sosial, politik, dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil apalagi pada masa tersebut masyarakat Turki masih mengalami kondisi krisis identitas. Kemudian produk dari pembaharuan hukum keluarga di Turki dibagi kedalam dua cakupan yakni munakahat dan mawaris, di mana bagian dari munakahat itu sendiri meliputi, khitbah, batas usia minimal menikah, larangan dalam perkawinan, poligami, walimah, pembatalan perkawinan, perkawinan yang tidak disahkan, perceraian, kompensasi dalam perceraian, Sedangkan dalam mawaris meliputi, wasiat dan jumlah pembagian antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang setara.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 12-18
Jiaqi Li ◽  
Jiaxin Lai

Dietary patterns and eating habits can have a great influence on the overall health of specific regions. By looking back to the history of Turkey and how the dietary patterns evolve in Turkish people, it is easier to discuss the nutrition status of the Turkish people in the current period, understand the culture in Turkey, and can better evaluate what to be done to improve the overall diet quality and prevent chronic diseases. The Turkish diet is mostly similar throughout the whole country, but there are unique characteristics for each region. When analysing the evolution of the Turkish diet, it is easier to split into three time periods, which are the Seljuks (11-13th centuries), the Ottomans (the end of the 13th centuries-1922), and the modern Republic of Turkey (1923-now). Moreover, the analysis of Turkey’s Dietary guidelines provides an insight into the shortcomings of the current Turkish diet and the recommendations for people to improve overall health. The unhealthy, mal-nutritious, and unbalanced diet may increase the death rate by causing many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The difference in daily nutrition intake between the wealthiest and poorest people of Turkey is also important to see the dietary culture in Turkey.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (12) ◽  
pp. 030006052110601
Ferda Yilmaz Inal ◽  
Kursat Gul ◽  
Yadigar Yilmaz Camgoz ◽  
Hayrettin Daskaya ◽  
Hasan Kocoglu

Objective The Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire (PSQ) is a clinically beneficial instrument that has been proven to be correlated with various experimental pain sensitivity assessments in healthy people and in patients with chronic pain. In this study, we aimed to translate the PSQ into Turkish (PSQ-T) and validate it for the measurement of pain sensitivity among Turkish people. Methods Seventy-three patients with chronic back pain who were planning to undergo an interventional procedure completed the Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form (BPI-SF), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, and PSQ prior to their procedure. Subcutaneous infiltration of lidocaine was used as a standardized experimental pain stimulus. Pain was evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS 1: infiltration in the hand, and VAS 2: infiltration in the procedure area) Results Scores on the PSQ-T were significantly correlated with those on the BPI-SF. A significant positive relationship was observed between VAS 1 and VAS 2 values and the PSQ-T score, BPI pain score, and BPI interference score. Conclusions The PSQ-T can be used as a valid and reliable tool for the assessment of pain sensitivity in the Turkish population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. 1584-1592
Ahmet Güden ◽  
Emel Güden ◽  
Selma Durmuş Sarıkahya ◽  
Ali Ramazan Benli ◽  
Ahmet Öztürk

Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of people towards COVID-19 and to evaluate compliance with practices such as social isolation, curfews, mask use and hand hygiene. Methodology: A month after the COVID-19 infection was observed in Turkey, a standard questionnaire link was sent to participants via the online questionnaire platform to determine the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of the public. The survey results of 503 people were evaluated. Results: During the COVID-19 pandemic 81.2% of the participants stayed at home, 79.1% of the participants wore a mask, 74% of the participants expressed to be following social distancing rules, 54.1% confirmed the use of hand sanitizers and 43.9% confirmed the use of gloves (43.9%), which are considered to be personal protective measures. The knowledge of terms such as ‘quarantine’ and ‘isolation’ was 94% and 97.4% respectively and 37.2% of the participants were of the opinion that the COVID-19 virus was produced in a laboratory environment. Within the research group, a rate of 65.6% of the participants found their own knowledge of COVID-19 to be sufficient. The participants found the announcements of official institutions more reliable than the announcements on television programs, the internet and social media. Conclusions: The public information on COVID-19 was found to be sufficient. In order to prevent the spreading of the pandemic, participants were partially compliant to rules such as staying at home, using masks, maintaining hand hygiene and social isolation. Compared to men, women's use of protective equipment was higher.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Ashti Afasyaw Jaf ◽  
Sema Koç Kayhan

In this paper, a machine-based transliterate is presented. The automatic transliteration of Ottoman to the modern Latin Turkish script can open a big window for scientists in fields of history and literature while most of the Turkish people are not familiar with Ottoman script, despite the fact that no concrete solution has been proposed yet for this issue. The proposed method includes several steps since the transliteration process of Ottoman alphabet to Latin base consists of many problems; the first is the basic character mapping which covers the regular pronunciation and orthography mapping. On the other hand, covering other irregular and extraordinary cases is based on rules and normalization. The transliteration system achieved 73.9% accuracy in general.

2021 ◽  
Teoman Ertuğrul Tulun

American sociologist Robert Merton, in his article titled "The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action", explained the historical background of the unanticipated consequences of purposeful actions and discussed the impact of these actions on society and its individuals. He stated that unforeseen consequences, separate from desirable foreseeable consequences, are necessarily undesirable from the standpoint of the actor (the decision-maker). According to Merton, the intended and anticipated outcomes of purposive action are always, in the very nature of the case, relatively desirable to the those who take the action. In the case of states, those who take actions can be considered as political decision makers. Merton asserts that these actions may seem axiologically negative to an outside observer who was negatively affected by the decision. Merton points out that the effects of the unintended consequences of purposeful actions differ between the decision-maker of the action and the other side who will be adversely affected from this action. Yet, the entirety of the text and the main purpose of the preparation of the statement reveal who and which nationalities or nations are targeted positively and negatively. In the text, one side (Armenian) is historically pampered and honored, while the other side (Turkish) is aggrieved for the main purpose of the preparation of the statement even if it is not intentional and sought to be avoided. This result, in my judgement, is compatible with the "unintended consequences" concept of Robert Merton and the process he described for reaching such a conclusion. It is highly likely that this statement will be viewed as an unjust accusation and attack against Turkish identity by a significant portion of the Turkish people. It would not be surprising that such an interpretation will lead to an increase in the need inevitably felt to protect Turkish identity, resulting in increased levels of nationalist and anti-imperialist sentiments in the short and medium term.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (138) ◽  
pp. 53-66
Hazim Mohammed Hussein Hasan

               Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar is considered one of the successful Turkish authors in the twentieth century. Undoubtfully, he left his own print during the age he lived in. He wrote several books in several literary fields like poetry, novel, short story, essay writing and analysis. Although he wrote so many literary works in several fields, we often know him as a poet. I decide to make my research paper deal with the concept of sadness and distress which is the main subject for our paper. It reflects the nature of Turkish society. The reason behind that is the condition of sadness and pains in the Turkish history. Turkish people suffered from persecution and pain from the beginning of their settlement in central Asia. This resulted in deep wounds. Accordingly, the poet made use of sadness and agonies in his literary texts. We can also notice that Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar is a poet and scholar in the history of literature. Hence, the poet who knows his history well, he will witness more sadness and distress. This will include, without any doubts, those two concepts intensively in his works. It is noteworthy that the poet introduced a few works in this field because of his accuracy in poetry. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar is considered one of the pioneer figures in psychology. This is why we see that the poet deals with the concept of sadness and distress in a very wonderful way in his poems. This is clear in his writings about human psychology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-262
Mhd Alfahjri Sukri

Military interference in politics in Turkey resumed with an outright military coup on July 15, 2016, but the Coup failed. The Turkish military has always successfully conducted coups, both directly and indirectly, which occurred in 1960, 1971, 1980, and 1997. From these problems, The study aims to analyze the causes of the failure of the 2016 coup and describe the causes of the Coup and compare the 2016 coup with the 1960 and 1980 direct coups. A qualitative method was used in this research by conducting literature studies and data sourced from scientific journals, news reports, articles, and other related sources. The results showed that the failure of the military Coup in 2016 was due to rejection from the community but also the failure of the coup group to arrest key government actors such as President Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. The failure to arrest these key actors enabled them to mobilize the masses against the coup group, as did President Erdogan, who announced his rejection of the Coup through FaceTime broadcast by CNN Turk and invited the public to reject the Coup. Binali Yildirim also rejected the same problem. This is one of the factors that led to the descent of Turks to the streets against the coup attempt. Even though seeing the previous Coup, the military always received support from the Turkish people. In addition, there is also the role of technology that connects key actors with Turkish society. This research explains the important role of key state actors in countering military coups and provides an overview of ways for civilian governments and the general public to resist military coups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (34) ◽  
pp. 604-630
Angelina Grigorevna Lukina

This article reviews the Yakut ritual dance called “Pattern” which is connected to archaic funeral rite and to the concepts of life and death intrinsic to Yakut culture. The purpose of this article is to find in this dance symbolic and image-bearing elements indicating major concepts in the Yakut consciousness — concepts of life and death; to show the exceptional value and significance of “life” constant in ethnos consciousness; to address the Yakut ritual dance “Pattern” as one of the ways to display life in dance images; and, analysing the meaning of dance structure and choreography, to demonstrate transformation of “death” into a new quality, a symbol of “life”. The present study reveals the meaning of ritual movements by which death “changes into” life. The methodological basis of the article consists of the analysis of bibliographic sources on Yakut ritual dance. The content and meaning of the dance movements are identical to the worldviews of the ancient Turkish people and their concepts of life and death.

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