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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 294-295
Omolola Adepoju ◽  
Daniel Howard ◽  
Kendra Smith ◽  
Luz Herrera ◽  
Daikwon Han ◽  

Abstract Background Over the past year, engagement with older adults has been severely curtailed given the high rates of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in this population. This study examined the correlates of social isolation among African American and LatinX older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods Working with community-based organizations and senior living centers, we administered a survey to older adults 55+, in the Houston metroplex, between 11/2020 and 01/2021 (n=575). The survey assessed COVID-19 prevention behaviors and health-related social needs. Responses to “How often do you feel lonely or isolated from those around you?” were used to create a dichotomous social isolation dependent variable. The main independent variable, family/community support, was based on responses to the validated question "If for any reason you need help with day-to-day activities such as bathing, preparing meals, shopping, managing finances, etc., do you get the help you need?" Multivariate logistic regression adjusting for socioeconomic status, medical conditions, positive COVID test (for self or family), COVID-19 prevention behaviors, and emergency preparedness levels was used. Results Limited family/community support was strongly associated with social isolation (OR=6.2; p<0.01), as was having any chronic condition (OR=2.9, p=0.02). Females and seniors who reported daily social distancing were more likely to report being socially isolated (OR=2.4, p=0.04; OR=1.09; p=0.09, respectively). Of all chronic conditions examined, diabetes was the single strongest predictor of social isolation (OR=2.49, p=0.02). Conclusion Being female, having diabetes and limited family/community supports are associated with COVID-19-induced social isolation in African American and Latinx communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Ying Ma ◽  
Qin Xiang ◽  
Chaoyang Yan ◽  
Hui Liao ◽  
Jing Wang

Abstract Background Chronic diseases have a high incidence in China and may cause pain and depression. However, the association of chronic diseases with pain and the incidence of depression has not been comprehensively investigated. Methods The study population was obtained from the 2015 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). The cross-sectional data from15,213 persons were included. CHARLS provides nationally representative data from21,097 individuals aged 45 years and older in approximately 150 districts and 450 villages. The main outcome was the incidence of depression. The main independent variable was chronic disease (no chronic disease, one chronic disease, and two or more chronic diseases). The mediators were the degree of pain (no pain, mild pain, and moderate to severe pain) and whether measures were taken to relieve pain (measures taken and no measures taken). We performed chi-square and binary logistic regression analyses of the associations of chronic disease with pain and the incidence of depression. The mediation model was examined using the Sobel test. Results Patients with more chronic diseases had more severe pain (OR = 3.697, P < 0.001, CI = 2.919–4.681) and were more likely to develop depression (OR = 2.777, P < 0.001, CI = 2.497–3.090). The degree of pain partially mediated the interaction between chronic disease and depression in this study (t = 7.989, P < 0.001). The incidence of depression was high in people who were female, less educated, unmarried, living in rural areas, and working. Conclusions The degree of pain had a partial mediating effect on chronic disease and depression. Pain relief measures should be considered when treating patients with depression.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Naif Alsagr ◽  
Stefan van Hemmen

Purpose This paper aims to assess the asymmetric impact of corruption on financial development in BRICS economies context. Design/methodology/approach The authors have adopted the novel panel non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (PNARDL) model of Shin et al. (2014), covering the period 1991–2018. Findings The findings confirm that corruption asymmetrically impacts financial development in BRICS economies. More precisely, long-run negative shocks of the control of corruption index have significant negative impacts on financial development. However, long-run positive shocks of the control of corruption index are insignificant. Moreover, both positive and negative shocks of corruption in short-run results are insignificant. Generally, the findings are robust having carried out several robustness checks and in favor of “sand in the wheels” hypothesis. Originality/value This study makes a novel contribution by developing insight on how corruption asymmetrically impacts financial development. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt to use the PNARDL, which decompose the main independent variable (corruption) into positive and negative shocks. The PNARDL approach is a dynamic robust estimate that controls for the problem of endogeneity, which is a common phenomenon in such studies. Additionally, it is believed that the findings are important for policy makers, scholars and practitioners. Finally, the authors used the most recent available dataset covering the BRICS context.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-23
Karin Ingold ◽  
Manuel Fischer ◽  
Dimitris Christopoulos

Abstract Centralities are a widely studied phenomenon in network science. In policy networks, central actors are of interest because they are assumed to control information flows, to link opposing coalitions and to directly impact decision-making. First, we study what type of actor (e.g., state authorities or interest groups) is able to occupy central positions in the highly institutionalized context of policy networks. Second, we then ask whether bonding or bridging centralities prove to be more stable over time. Third, we investigate how these types of centrality influence actors’ positions in a network over time. We therefore adopt a longitudinal perspective and run exponential random graph models, including lagged central network positions at t1 as the main independent variable for actors’ activity and popularity at t2. Results confirm that very few actors are able to maintain central positions over time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-56
Hendrik Edison ◽  
Olwin Nainggolan

Insomnia and hypertension are very common and often coexist. There is evidence to suggest that the increase in the prevalence of hypertension in the past decade may be related to an increase of the prevalence of insomnia and with a decrease in sleep duration caused by modern lifestyles. The purpose of this study was to look at the association and magnitude of risk of insomnia with hypertension. This study used secondary data from the 2014 Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS5) with respondents ≥19 years old. Conceptual framework with a risk factor model approach. Insomnia disorders are the main independent variable, and hypertension is the main dependent variable. Confounding variables are age, overweight and sex. Association of insomnia disorders to hypertension was analyzed using multiple logistic regression analysis with the significance of P value <0.05. The prevalence of insomnia sufferers aged ≥19 years old in Indonesia based on IFLS5 data was 43.7%. This analysis showed that insomnia was not associated with the incidence of hypertension P>0.05; OR: 0.937 (95% CI 0.873-1.006). The variables associated with the risk of hypertension were age ≥ 40 years old with OR: 5,246 (95% CI 4,885-5,598) and overweight with OR: 2,112 (95% CI 1,985-2,269). In this study, age and overweight contributed 18.9% to the incidence of hypertension. Abstrak Insomnia dan hipertensi sangat umum dan sering kali berdampingan. Bukti menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan prevalensi hipertensi dalam dekade terakhir kemungkinan terkait dengan peningkatan prevalensi insomnia dan penurunan durasi tidur yang disebabkan oleh gaya hidup modern. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan dan besaran risiko insomnia terhadap hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Indonesia Family Life Survey tahun 2014 (IFLS5) dengan responden berumur ≥19 tahun. Kerangka konsep dengan pendekatan model faktor risiko. Gangguan insomnia merupakan variabel independen utama, dan hipertensi adalah variabel dependent utama. Variabel perancu adalah umur, kelebihan berat badan (overweight) serta jenis kelamin. Untuk melihat hubungan gangguan insomnia dengan hipertensi menggunakan analisis regresi logistik berganda dengan kemaknaan P value < 0,05. Prevalensi penderita insomnia umur ≥19 tahun di Indonesia berdasarkan data IFLS5 adalah sebesar 43,7%. Analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa insomnia tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi P>0,05; OR: 0,937 (95% CI 0,873-1,006). Variabel yang berhubungan dengan risiko hipertensi adalah umur ≥ 40 tahun dengan OR: 5,246 (95% CI 4,885-5,598) serta overweight dengan OR: 2,112 (95% CI 1,985-2,269). Pada penelitian ini umur dan overweight memberikan kontribusi terhadap kejadian hipertensi sebesar 18,9%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-105
Sylwia Pazdan

Traffic volume is the main independent variable of risk exposure in road safety models. Cyclists as a vulnerable road users are more exposed to weather conditions than e.g. car drivers. As a result, their decision of whether to cycle is strongly related to weather conditions. It suggests that any change in the weather may have a significant effect on bicycle use. Objective of the paper was to indicate which weather parameters have a significant impact on bicycle use, how a change in weather parameters affects the change in bicycle volume (risk exposure) and, consequently, predicted number of crashes with cyclists and which factors differentiate the impact of weather conditions on bicycle volume. The impact of weather on bicycle volume variability was estimated based on literature review. The Web of Science, Scopus and TRID databases were searched. Finally, 33 papers from 1977 up to 2020, different in terms of the methodology used, country of origin, and analyzed group of cyclists, were reviewed. The impact of change in weather conditions on the predicted number of crashes with cyclists was estimated using own road safety models and previous research results. Results indicate that air temperature, precipitation, sunshine, cloud cover, humidity, and wind strength, have a significant influence on bicycle use. The impact of the weather on bicycle volume differs between different cyclists’ groups (different levels of experience, age, gender), trip motivations (recreational, commuting, etc.) and locations (countries, cities, climate zones). The paper shows complexity of impact of weather conditions on cycling and sensitivity of relationship between weather conditions and bicycle volume (i.e. risk exposure) and, as a consequence, bicycle safety. Results indicate that weather conditions should always be taken into consideration when analyzing cycling, especially in road safety analysis. The discussion of presented research results, research methods used with their limitations, and recommendations for future research were described.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Paula Margozzini ◽  
Rodrigo Berrios ◽  
Rosario García-Huidobro ◽  
Claudia Véliz ◽  
Carolina del Valle ◽  

Introduction. Several population studies have addressed oral health inequalities. Edentulism, functional dentition, and number of remaining teeth have been associated with different socioeconomic level measurements. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between educational level and tooth loss in the Chilean population aged 15 years and above, based on the 2016-2017 National Health Survey (ENS 2016-2017). Material and Methods. The sample for this cross-sectional study comprised 5473 subjects. The main independent variable was educational level (LEL: low, MEL: medium, and HEL: high). To measure tooth loss, we considered the variables number of remaining teeth, edentulism, and functional dentition. We used logistic regressions to assess the condition of dentition according to the subject’s EL. As to the number of teeth variable, linear regressions were conducted. The analyses were carried out considering the complex sampling design in SPSS 24.0. Results. When comparing LEL subjects with HEL subjects, the adjusted difference in number of remaining teeth was 3.11 for the maxilla and 1.72 for the mandible. An individual with LEL had a 7.51 [3.50–16.10] and 6.06 [2.68–13.68] times higher risk of upper edentulism and lower edentulism than a HEL individual, respectively. Regarding functional dentition, the adjusted OR in HEL subjects was 13.33 [8.02–22.15] and in MEL subjects was 2.81 [2.03–3.87], compared to LEL results. Conclusions. LEL was associated with a significant tooth loss in the Chilean population. Subjects with LEL obtained a lower mean of number of remaining teeth and higher prevalence of edentulism and nonfunctional dentition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 83

<p>Hubungan sifat-sifat agronomis terhadap indeks tanaman dan kadar nikotin telah dicari dengan analisis lintas. Tujuan dari analisis adalah untuk mengetahui pcubah bebas yang sangat mempengaruhi peubah yang tidak bebas, indeks mutu dan kadar nikotin daun, sehingga dapat mengurangi banyaknya pengamatan yang dilakukan. Data pengamatan agronomis yang meliputi : jumlah daun/pohon, luas daun ke-7, luas daun ke-15, bobot rajangan kering/ha, indeks mutu dan indeks tanaman diperoleh dari percobaan pemupukan tiga galur harapan tembakau Virginia di kebun percobaan Pekuwon Bojonegoro dari bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2002. Hasil analisis lintas antara indeks tanaman dengan peubah bebas di atas menunjukkan bahwa indeks tanaman sangat ditentukan oleh bobot rajangan kering dengan koefisien lintas pm-1.03367 dan koefisien dcterminasi parsial 102%. Hubungan lintas bcrantai melalui pcubah rajangan kering dan indeks mutu menunjukkan bahwa luas daun kc-7 sangat mempengaruhi rajangan kering dengan koefisien lintas (p„i)- 0.85257 dan rajangan kering sangat mempengaruhi indeks tanaman dengan koefisien lintas (p,x,)= 0.95639, indeks mutu pengaruhnya terhadap indeks lanaman sangat kecil dengan koefisien lintas p,M = 0.12316. Analisis lintas antara kadar nikotin daun dengan ke lima peubah tidak baik (unfit) dengan koefisien sisa p„,= 0.6827 melebihi koefisien lintas yang lainnya. Dengan pentingnya peubah rajangan kering ini maka penjualan daun segar yang dilakukan oleh petani tidak dianjurkan.<br /><br />Kata kunci: Nicotiana tabacum, tembakau Virginia, analisis lintas, jumlah daun, luas daun, indeks tanaman, indeks mutu, kadar nikotin, bobot rajangan ABSTRACT Path analysis of agronomical characteristics on crops index and nicotine content of Virginia tobacco Bojonegoro The relationship between agronomical characteristics and crops index or leaf nicotine content has been studied by using path analysis. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the independent variables which most affected the dependent ones as crops index and leaf nicotine contain, so that it could reduce the number of independent variables. The agronomical characteristics consist of leaf number/plant, seventh and fiteenth leaf area, dried slice leaf/ha, grade index and crop index obtained from fetilizer experiment on three Virginia tobacco lines at Pekuwon Experimental Garden Bojonegoro, from May to October 2002. The results of this path analysis showed that crop index was strongly affected by dried slice leaf with path coeficient poi = 1.03367 and patial determination coefficient 102%. It was indicated that dried slice leaf was strongly affected by seventh leaf area with path coefficient p,n- 0.85257 and dried slice leaf strongly variable affected the crop index with path coeficient poi= 0.95639, while the grade index had little effect on crop index with path coefficient poi= 0.12316. The path analysis between leaf nicotine content and ive variables above was unfit with residual path coeficient pou= 0.6827, it was higher than each path coefficient of the orther variables. The dried slice leaf was the main independent variable affecting the crops index, so that selling of fresh tobacco leaves by farmers is not recomended.</p><p>Key words : Nicotiana tabacum, Virginia tobacco, path analysis, leaf number, leaf area, crop index, grade index, nicotine content, dried slice leaf</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-287
H. Leon Chan ◽  
Brett Kawada ◽  
Taekjin Shin ◽  
Jeff Wang

Purpose This study aims to examine whether the pay gap between the chief executive officer (CEO) and non-executive employees affects the firm’s research and development (R&D) efficiency. Design/methodology/approach The dependent variable is the firm’s R&D efficiency, defined as a percentage increase in revenue from a 1-per cent increase in R&D spending. The main independent variable is the CEO-employee pay gap, defined as the ratio of annual total compensation for the CEO to the average of non-executive employees of the firm. The authors estimate fixed-effects models to examine the association between R&D efficiency and the pay gap between CEO and non-executive employees. Findings Results indicate a negative and significant association between R&D efficiency and CEO-employee pay gap, which suggests that a wider pay gap reduces employee motivation and effort, consistent with pay equity theory. We also find that the CEO-employee pay gap negatively moderates the relationship between employee pay growth and R&D efficiency Research limitations/implications Recently enacted pay gap disclosure requirements mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act will make the disparity between CEO and non-executive compensation more salient. This study provides evidence of a firm outcome associated with that disparity. Originality/value This study is among the first to investigate the impact of the pay gap on R&D efficiency, a firm outcome not previously explored in the literature. This study also investigates CEO-employee pay gap’s role as a factor that moderates the effects of employee pay growth and institutional ownership on R&D efficiency

2020 ◽  
Paula Margozzini ◽  
Rodrigo Berrios ◽  
Rosario García-Huidobro ◽  
Claudia Véliz ◽  
Carolina del Valle ◽  

Abstract Background: Several population studies have addressed oral health inequity-related issues. Edentulism, functional dentition and number of remaining teeth have been linked to different socioeconomic level measurements. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between educational level (EL) and tooth loss in the Chilean population aged 15 years old and above, based on the recent data collected from the 2016-2017 National Health Survey (ENS 2016-2017). Methods: The sample for this cross-sectional study comprised 5473 subjects. The main independent variable in the study was educational level (LEL: low, MEL: medium, HEL: high). In order to measure tooth loss number of remaining teeth, edentulism and functional dentition were considered. Based on a multivariate logistic regression, it was possible to obtain odds ratios (OR) and, therefore, to assessing the condition of dentition according to the subject’s EL. As to the number of teeth variable, multiple linear regressions were conducted. The analyses were carried out in the SPSS 24.0 program considering the complex sampling design of ENS 2016-2017. Results: When comparing LEL subjects with HEL subjects, the adjusted difference in the number of remaining teeth was 3.11 for maxilla and 1.72 for mandible. An individual with a LEL had a 7.51 [3.50-16.10] and 6.06 [2.68-13.68] times higher risk of upper edentulism and lower edentulism than a HEL individual respectively. Regarding functional dentition, the adjusted OR in HEL subjects was 13.33 [8.02-22.15] and in MEL subjects was 2.81 [2.03-3.87], compared to LEL results. Conclusions: LEL was associated with a significant tooth loss in the Chilean population. Regardless of age, subjects with a LEL obtained a lower mean of number of remaining teeth, higher prevalence of edentulism and lower prevalence of functional dentition.

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