tangential component
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Mingming Meng ◽  
Ying Liu ◽  
Chong Chen ◽  
Rui Wang

Abstract The S-shaped magnetic structure in the solar wind formed by the twisting of magnetic field lines is called a switchback, whose main characteristics are the reversal of the magnetic field and the significant increase in the solar wind radial velocity. We identify 242 switchbacks during the first two encounters of Parker Solar Probe (PSP). Statistics methods are applied to analyze the distribution and the rotation angle and direction of the magnetic field rotation of the switchbacks. The diameter of switchbacks is estimated with a minimum variance analysis (MVA) method based on the assumption of a cylindrical magnetic tube. We also make a comparison between switchbacks from inside and the boundary of coronal holes. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the rotation angles of switchbacks observed during the first encounter seem larger than those of the switchbacks observed during the second encounter in general; (2) the tangential component of the velocity inside the switchbacks tends to be more positive (westward) than in the ambient solar wind; (3) switchbacks are more likely to rotate clockwise than anticlockwise, and the number of switchbacks with clockwise rotation is 1.48 and 2.65 times of those with anticlockwise rotation during the first and second encounters, respectively; (4) the diameter of switchbacks is about 10^5 km on average and across five orders of magnitude (10^3 – 10^7 km).

2022 ◽  
T. Stadnik

Abstract. These days, in the manufacture of units and mechanisms of ships, aircraft and other technological machines, industrial robots, long-sized products from D 16 (Standart GOST-R) aluminum alloy are used, for the processing of which a complex for belt rotary grinding has been developed. The outcome measures of the rotary belt grinding process depend on the cutting forces generated during the processing process. According to cutting forces, process stability is diagnosed, values of surface roughness indices, temperatures and cutting modes are calculated according to displacement balance equation. The article is devoted to obtaining a mathematical model establishing the relationship between the tangential component of the cutting force and cutting modes during belt rotary grinding of D 16 aluminum alloy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 161
Я.А. Ляшенко ◽  
В.Л. Попов

Normal and tangential contact between a cylindrical steel indenter (wheel) and an elastomer with high adhesive properties is investigated. In the case of indentation in the normal direction, a computer simulation of the process of indentation and detachment was carried out, which shows good coincidence with an experiment. For the rolling friction mode, when analyzing the measured dependences of the tangential component of the contact force on the wheel displacement, the adhesive component of the friction force was determined. The situation of sliding friction, in which the rotation of the wheel was impossible, is considered. In the presence of adhesion, the sliding friction force is proportional to the contact area. In the absence of adhesion (the elastomer is covered with a chalk dust), a stick-slip friction mode is realized. The frequency and amplitude of stick-slip transitions depend on the indentation depth of the indenter into the elastomer.

2021 ◽  
pp. 158-164
Е.В. Волхонская ◽  
Е.В. Коротей ◽  
К.В. Власова

В данной работе приведены результаты теоретического исследования взаимного влияния двух вибраторов, произвольно ориентированных в пространстве. Авторы на основе метода наведенных ЭДС определили касательную составляющую электрического поля, создаваемого одним из вибраторов в месте расположения второго. С использованием данного выражения авторы предложили три способа оценки взаимного сопротивления системы двух скрещенных симметричных вибраторов. Сравнив способы по точности вычислений и затрачиваемому машинному времени, авторы выделили один из предложенных способов для проведения модельных исследований. Особенностью предложенного способа является возможность обобщения расчетного выражения не только для случая скрещенных вибраторов, но и для случаев вибраторов, расположенных в параллельных плоскостях и перпендикулярных одной и той же прямой. Поскольку указанные случаи охватывают все возможные варианты взаимной ориентации вибраторов в конструкции логопериодической антенны двойной поляризации, то предложенный подход может быть использован при проведении модельных исследований направленных свойств логопериодической антенны и оценки уровня кросс-поляризации. The results of two arbitrarily oriented in space vibrators mutual influence theoretical study are presents in this paper. Based on the method of induced EMF, the authors determined the tangential component of the electric field created by one of the vibrators at the location of the second one. Using this expression, the authors proposed three ways to evaluate the mutual resistance of a system of two crossed symmetrical vibrators. Comparing the methods by the accuracy of calculations and the machine time spent, the authors identified one of the proposed methods for conducting model studies. A feature of the proposed method is the possibility of generalizing the calculated expression not only for the case of crossed vibrators, but also for the cases of vibrators located in parallel planes and perpendicular to the same straight line. Since these cases cover all possible variants of mutual orientation of vibrators in the construction of a logoperiodic antenna of double polarization, the proposed approach can be used in conducting model studies of directional properties of a logoperiodic antenna and assessing the level of cross-polarization.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2088
Gennadii Alekseev ◽  
Roman V. Brizitskii

We investigate the boundary value problem for steady-state magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations with inhomogeneous mixed boundary conditions for a velocity vector, given the tangential component of a magnetic field. The problem represents the flow of electrically conducting viscous fluid in a 3D-bounded domain, which has the boundary comprising several parts with different physical properties. The global solvability of the boundary value problem is proved, a priori estimates of the solutions are obtained, and the sufficient conditions on data, which guarantee a solution’s local uniqueness, are determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Ogaba Philip Obande

Accelerating expansion of metric space AEMS is investigated with classical Newtonian mechanics. Relying on earlier positions, the results are analyzed to reveal what could be a new understanding of the theoretical framework of the subject. Notably, it is shown that space is physical; it comprises aggregated waveforms of the chemical elements and shares identical quantization, periodicity and mass-evolution with matter. Three plausible methods are identified for classical investigation of the Hubble effect, all three give same result, Ho= 49.5 km s-1Mpc. AEMS results from coupling of light’s 36.9o tangential component (vr=0.75rω) to periodic space, i.e., a component of the vacuum field’s e-m radiation couples to logarithmically decreasing distance scales, vr(E)/drE, to create an acceleration relative to space not time. Multiplicity of the Hubble constant aHo is traceable to corresponding multiplicity of universes nested within our universe. Mass ejection from a cosmic quantum envelope is the cosmic equivalence of radioactivity, it signals ageing and eventual disappearance of the host periodic envelope from visibility. Reality is an imperturbable (ideal) Steady-State, observations thought to invalidate this view are hugely misinterpreted, an explosion in or of spacetime marking the beginning of time could not conceivably sustain, over the aeons, an accelerating expansion of metric space; furthermore, the cosmic microwave background is the zero-point energy or vacuum radiation. The active galactic nucleus or black hole is not a singularity, it is a two-way valve that facilitates circulation of mass-energy matrices across the four phases or ref. frames of reality. There is no new creation of space or matter, only continuous recycling in line with NASA’s recent observation.

Volodymyr Maistruk

The works in which designs of the dust collectors, which are often used in the industry, are analyzed. It is shown that the efficiency of dust collectors largely depends on the structure of the gas flow in the apparatus. Based on the analysis of the current cyclone devices, a picture of the separation process is obtained, and the factors that negatively affect the operation of dust collectors are identified. It is established that forecasting the work of dust collecting devices in certain conditions is most effective to perform methods of numerical modeling and simulation of the separation process, which are widely used for the research of devices of this type. Using the methods of numerical simulation, the study of the cyclone with intermediate dust removal was carried out. In this cyclone, the change in the radius of the apparatus of the tangential, radial, and axial velocity components is investigated. In the course of the research, it is established that in the separation space the tangential component of velocity increases from 18–20 m/s in the upper part of the device to 22–25 m/s in the area of the lower end of the exhaust pipe, the radial component of velocity takes values from 0 to 2 m/s, and the axial component of the speed has a maximum value of 10–15 m/s. In the conical part of the apparatus the tangential component of velocity decreases from 27 m/s in the upper planes of the conical part of the apparatus to 10 m / s near the dust unloading pipe, the radial component of speed has centripetal character, the axial component of speed decreases as the gas flow to the dust unloading pipe decreases. It has been established that in the cylindrical part of the apparatus about 60 % of the gas flow volume is transferred from the downstream to the upstream by a secondary vortex, and in the conical part, about 40 % of the gas volume is transferred from the downstream to the upstream. It is shown that large values of the tangential component of velocity in the separation zone contribute to the ingress of dust particles into the annular space behind the dust unloading holes, and small values of the tangential component of velocity, axial and radial in the annular space behind the dust unloading holes has a positive effect on the operation of the dust collector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 91 (333) ◽  
pp. 37-74
T. Chaumont-Frelet ◽  
A. Ern ◽  
M. Vohralík

We study extensions of piecewise polynomial data prescribed in a patch of tetrahedra sharing an edge. We show stability in the sense that the minimizers over piecewise polynomial spaces with prescribed tangential component jumps across faces and prescribed piecewise curl in elements are subordinate in the broken energy norm to the minimizers over the broken H ( curl ) \boldsymbol H(\boldsymbol {\operatorname {curl}}) space with the same prescriptions. Our proofs are constructive and yield constants independent of the polynomial degree. We then detail the application of this result to the a posteriori error analysis of the curl–curl problem discretized with Nédélec finite elements of arbitrary order. The resulting estimators are reliable, locally efficient, polynomial-degree-robust, and inexpensive. They are constructed by a broken patchwise equilibration which, in particular, does not produce a globally H ( curl ) \boldsymbol H(\boldsymbol {\operatorname {curl}}) -conforming flux. The equilibration is only related to edge patches and can be realized without solutions of patch problems by a sweep through tetrahedra around every mesh edge. The error estimates become guaranteed when the regularity pick-up constant is explicitly known. Numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical findings.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (16) ◽  
pp. 5198
Shantanu Purohit ◽  
Ijaz Fazil Syed Ahmed Kabir ◽  
E. Y. K. Ng

This work presents a comparison study of the CFD modeling with two different turbulence modeling approaches viz. unsteady RANS and LES, on a full-scale model of the (New) MEXICO rotor wind turbine. The main emphasis of the paper is on the rotor and wake aerodynamics. Simulations are carried out for the three wind speeds considered in the MEXICO experiment (10, 15, and 24 ms−1). The results of uRANS and LES are compared against the (New) MEXICO experimental measurements of pressure distributions, axial, radial, and azimuth traverse of three velocity components. The near wake characteristics and vorticity are also analyzed. The pressure distribution results show that the LES can predict the onset of flow separation more accurately than uRANS when the turbine operates in the stall condition. The LES can compute the flow structures in wake significantly better than the uRANS for the stall condition of the blade. For the design condition, the mean absolute error in axial and radial velocity components along radial traverse is less than 10% for both the modeling approaches, whereas tangential component error is less than 2% from the LES approach. The results also reveal that wake recovers faster in the uRANS approach, requiring further research of the far wake region using both CFD modeling approaches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1037 ◽  
pp. 300-308
Alexander N. Unyanin ◽  
Pavel R. Finageev

To predict the parameters of the quality of the processed parts and the period of durability of the cutting tool, mathematical models are needed that will allow us to calculate not only the mathematical expectation of the parameters of the machining process, but also the dispersion of these parameters. The working capacity of the tool and the quality parameters of the parts depend significantly on the temperature on the contact surfaces of the tool, as well as on the surface of the workpiece. Mathematical dependences for calculating the components of the total heat generation capacity during turning are given. It is assumed that the yield stress, which determines the cutting and friction forces on the contact surfaces of the cutter, workpiece and chip, depends on the temperature in the area of plastic deformation. The heat transfer at the boundaries of objects in contact with the process fluid or air is given in the form of the Newton-Richman law. The equations of thermal conductivity of contacting objects were solved together with the general boundary conditions in the contact zone, using the finite element method. The results of numerical simulation of the main component of the cutting force and temperatures in the contact zones of the face of the cutter with the chips and the fiank surface with the workpiece, depending on the yield strength of the workpiece material, are presented. The values of fluctuations in the cutting force and contact temperatures depending on the spread of the yield stress of the workpiece material during turning of workpieces made of 45 and 12X18H10T steels are determined. Based on the results of numerical modeling, regression equations are obtained for calculating the tangential component of the cutting force, the temperatures on the face and flank surfaces of the cutter, and the temperature on the surface of the workpiece.

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