simple statistic
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 641
Syafryadin Syafryadin

Teaching grammar needs to be developed by the lecturer or the teacher. The lecturer must find out an alternative way to build good atmosphere in teaching grammar. Hence, one of the alternative ways is through visual illustration. This study examined the visual illustration towards the students’ grammar ability enhancement and the problems of the students in learning grammar and the solution. This study combined quantitative and qualitative method in answering the research questions. The instruments are grammar test and interview guideline. The result showed that visual illustration technique is effective in teaching grammar for students. It can be proved by the result of simple statistic calculation, where the score of significant is lower than 0.05 (0.00 < 0.05). Besides, students faced several problems in learning grammar, such as are misuse tenses, misuse modal auxiliary, misuse nominal and verbal sentence, and pronoun. The reason students faced those problems can be caused by the student itself, lecturer and inadequate knowledge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1.000-34.000
Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau ◽  
Robert G. Valletta

To provide relief to the U.S. labor market following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CARES Act granted an extra $600 per week in UI benefit payments from late March through July 2020. This unprecedented increase in UI generosity raised concern that UI recipients would be largely unwilling to accept job offers, slowing the labor market recovery. Job acceptance decisions weigh the value of a job against remaining unemployed. A reservation level of benefit payments exists in this dynamic decision problem at which an individual is indifferent between accepting and refusing an offer. This reservation benefit is a simple statistic summarizing the decision problem conditional on the perceived state of the labor market and the weeks of Unemployment Insurance (UI) compensation remaining. Estimating the reservation benefit for a wide range of US workers suggests few would turn down an offer to return to work at the previous wage under the CARES Act expanded UI payments. Direct empirical analysis of labor force transitions using matched Current Population Survey (CPS) data, linked to annual earning records from the CPS income supplement to form UI replacement rates, shows moderate disincentive effects of $600 supplemental payments on job finding rates; this empirical framework also suggests small effects of the $300 weekly UI supplement available during 2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Yuanita Ratna Indudewi

<p><em>Entrepreneurial Venture Creation is one of signature curricula in International Business Management Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. It is part of 7 semesters Entrepreneurship Education Journey to equip students with entrepreneurial skill by doing real business project.  It is a set skill that helps students to face volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) future. Especially during COVID-19, it’s one of a real case study of VUCA. During Entrepreneurial Venture Creation (EVC), students guided through design thinking phase starting from empathize, defining problem, ideation and prototyping, market testing, finally they evaluate and conclude their venture development. Half of the design thinking process of EVC was done remotely in an online classroom platform due to COVID-19. The purpose of this research is to evaluate whether Entrepreneurship Education intervention in form of Entrepreneurial Venture Creation curricula can increase their perceived knowledge, perceived entrepreneurial mindset, and perceived venture creation skill. This study also want get a closer understanding how team behavior can interfere their venture continuation. There are 533 of second semester students who were participated in the survey. Total population sampling was used in the process. The result of simple statistic descriptive showed they have positively increased their perceived entrepreneurial knowledge, perceived entrepreneurial mindset and perceived venture creation skill, whether they have a good team behavior or not. The statistic showed that there are 9.19% teams that didn’t have good behavior and decided to discontinue their venture, yet still have high perceived entrepreneurial knowledge, perceived entrepreneurial mindset, and perceived venture creation skill.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Afifah Afifah ◽  
Didi Yulistio ◽  
Rio Kurniawan

Research objectives know the poetry writing skills of first-grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Bengkulu city. This research uses descriptive methods with quantitative approaches. The population in this study was all first-grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Bengkulu city with 425 students in total. Samples in this study used simple random sampling as much as 15% of 63 population. Data collection technique is a documentation technique with test result of writing student poems that have become documents archived by the teacher. The ability to write poetry is judged on five aspects, namely the accuracy of the content with the title, the choice of words, the use of majas and symbolism, the utilization of verification (rhyme and rhythm), and typography. The data analysis technique used is a simple statistic by calculating the average value. The results of this study showed that the average ability in write poetry first-grade students SMA Negeri 7 Bengkulu city is 58.30 with enough category. The average ability to write student poems based on the accuracy aspect of the content and title is 16.33 with good categories, the average ability to write student poems based on the aspect of word choice is 14.20 with enough categories, the average ability to write student poems based on aspects of majas use and symbolism is 10.63 with enough categories, the average ability to write student poetry based on aspects of verification utilization (rhyme and rhythm) is 9.40 with enough category , the average ability to write student poetry based on typographic aspects is 7.87 with enough categories.

Multilingual ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-56
M. Asri. B, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Abstrak   Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Dampelas, Kabupaten Donggala, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui daya hidup atau  tingkat kesehatan sastra lisan Dampelas. Penelitian ini berancangan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang memuat kajian vitalitas sastra lisan Dampelas.  Artinya, data diolah secara kuantitatif (statistik sederhara/jumlah/prensentase), selanjutnya akan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah 29 responden masyarakat Dampelas. Data diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan dan kuesioner.  Untuk menentukan kriteria vitalitas sastra lisan Dampelas digunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif berdasarkan penghitungan frekuensi dan persentase. Hasil perhitungan untuk menentukan daya hidup atau  tingkat kesehatan sastra lisan Dampelas didasarkan pada indikator: (a) penutur,(b) kontak bahasa dan sastra,(c) bilingualisme, (d) posisi dominan masyarakat penutur/pengguna sastra  (e) ranah penggunaan bahasa dan sastra, (f) sikap bahasa dan sastra,(g) regulasi, (h) pembelajaran di sekolah, (i) dokumentasi, dan (j) tantangan baru. Berdasarkan hasil itu,  dapat dikemukakan bahwa sastra lisan Dampelas (modade dan modate) sudah dalam kondisi  terancam punah  (endangered). Kata Kunci:  Kajian vitalitas, sastra lisan  Dampelas AbstractThis research was conducted in DampelasSub-district, Donggala District, and Province of Central Sulawesi with purpose to know life force or health level of Dampelasoral literature. This research designedin descriptive qualitative and quantitative which contained vitality of Dampelasoral literature. Itmeant, the data were processed through quantitative (simple statistic/numbers/presentation),furthermore it could bedescribed through qualitative. The data sources of this research were 29 respondents of Dampelassociety. The datawere gotten from observation results and questionnaires. To determine criteria of vitality of Dampelasoral literature was used analyzing of descriptive quantitative based on calculation of frequency and percentage.The calculation results to determine the life force or the health level of Dampelasoral literature based on indicator: (a) speaker, (b) language and literature contact, (c) bilingualism, (d) dominant position of speaker society/literature user, (e) realm of using language and literature, language attitude and literature, (g) regulation, (h) learning in the school, (i) documentation and (j) new challenging. Based on this research, it could bestated that Dampelas oral literature (modate and modate) had in an endangered condition. Kata Kunci:   Vitality study,  of dampelas, oral literature

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Nur Fauziyah

This is descriptive research to find out school readiness in terms of N.S.T (Nijmeegse Schoolbekwaamheids Test) test results. Research uses quantitative approach. Subject of the research is students of early childhood education Al Husna Kindergarten B level in Pengging Boyolali which will enter elementary school. Number of research subject is 32 students. Measuring instrument used on the research is N.S.T (Nijmeegse Schoolbekwaamheids Test) and also observation. Analysis of data will be done quantitatively with simple statistic technique. Result of the research shows that from 32 students, 50% stated has readiness as much 16 students, 40,6% is quite ready as much 13 students meanwhile not ready is 9,4% as much 3 students.The most prominent aspect in its level of maturity is aspect of form observations and the ability to distinguish which is 84,4% for 27 students. The least aspect on the task of understanding the story is 25% for 8 students. Qualitatively, school readiness aspect from cognitive aspect is observation and the ability to distinguish, notions of big, number and comparison, concentrate and memory already reaches a fairly optimal level of maturity. Meanwhile related aspect with understanding stories and pictures of people skill the level of preparedness is not yet optimal.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Muhamad Idris Marbawi ◽  
Tamara Adriani Salim

Introduction. This research aimed to understand efforts should be taken so that the authenticity of electronic records can be maintained in the digital environment. Data Collection Method. This research used a systematic literature review published by scientific journals from January 2010 to April 2019 derived from electronic information sources subscribed by the University of Indonesia Library. The results of this review are reported using guidelines for Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which has three stages, namely planning, implementation, and reporting.Analysis Data. Descriptive quantitative was employed to analyze the data by using simple statistic application (Microsoft Office Excel 2007). Results and Discussion. The results indicated that there are 18 literatures (3%) of the total search results of 561 relevant literatures discussing electronic records and ways to maintain their authenticity in digital era. There were 12 articles providing sufficient information about this matter.Conclusion. The majority of the articles mentioned that to maintain the authenticity of electronic archives in digital era must be supported by policy makers such as the government. In addition, the knowledge and skills of archival managers, as well as appropriate technology are also needed.

eLife ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Maxime Maheu ◽  
Stanislas Dehaene ◽  
Florent Meyniel

Extracting the temporal structure of sequences of events is crucial for perception, decision-making, and language processing. Here, we investigate the mechanisms by which the brain acquires knowledge of sequences and the possibility that successive brain responses reflect the progressive extraction of sequence statistics at different timescales. We measured brain activity using magnetoencephalography in humans exposed to auditory sequences with various statistical regularities, and we modeled this activity as theoretical surprise levels using several learning models. Successive brain waves related to different types of statistical inferences. Early post-stimulus brain waves denoted a sensitivity to a simple statistic, the frequency of items estimated over a long timescale (habituation). Mid-latency and late brain waves conformed qualitatively and quantitatively to the computational properties of a more complex inference: the learning of recent transition probabilities. Our findings thus support the existence of multiple computational systems for sequence processing involving statistical inferences at multiple scales.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Topik Hidayat ◽  
Himalaya Wana Kelana ◽  
Dhiyassalam Imam Anshori Ismanto ◽  
Karlia Meitha

Bali, one of Indonesia island, is a region inhabited by a large number and varied banana (Musa spp; Musaceae). Many varieties of banana have been utilized by local peoples since long time ago as traditional medicine, edible material, used in traditional ceremony and others. However, information regarding the knowledge on ethnobotany of banana in Bali remains scattered and is not documented well. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and document the ethnobotanic values of bananas in Bali. Ethnobotanic data was collected through focus group discussion (FGD), surveys and interviews from 9 study sites (1 city and 8 regencies) with one or two villages represented each site. Ethnobotanical value of banana was determined by Local User’s Value Index (LUVI) with Pebble Distribution Method (PDM). Subsequently, data obtained was analysed using simple statistic description. Results showed that as many as 44 varieties of banana in Bali were documented. Local peoples have been utilizing banana in their daily life for ritual as indicated by higher LUVI (0.4867), followed by food (0.3), medicine (0.1533), and other (0.06). On the basis of testimony of respondents, indigenous knowledge of peoples in Bali about banana is vertically transmitted from parents to their children (98%). This study provided a valuable information of how the local peoples manage and conserve the banana and its nature.

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