observation results
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Xiaoqiong Zhen ◽  
Shuqing Ma ◽  
Hongbin Chen ◽  
Guorong Wang ◽  
Xiaoping Xu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Quoc Khanh PHAM ◽  
Ngoc Dong TRAN ◽  
Thi Kim Thanh NGUYEN ◽  
Van Chung PHAM

This article investigates the integration of geodetic and geotechnical methods for monitoringthe horizontal displacement of diaphragm walls. The results show that when the horizontal displacementis measured by the geotechnical method using an inclinometer sensor, the center point at the bottom ofthe guide pipe is usually chosen to be the origin to calculate displacements of the upper points. However,it is challenging to survey the bottom point for checking its stability directly. If this bottom point moves,the observation results will be incorrect. Thus, the guide pipe must be installed in the stable rock layer.But in the soft ground, this rock layer locates more deeply than the diaphragm walls, so the guide pipecannot be laid out at the required location. Geodetic methods can directly observe the displacement of thecenter point on the top of the guide pipe with absolute displacement values at high accuracy. Because thedisplacements of observation points are determined at stable benchmarks, these values are considered thepipe's displacement. Thus, an integrated solution allows the center point on the top of the pipe to be theorigin to calculate the displacements of different points located inside the diaphragm wall. Then, thecalculated values are calibrated back to the inclinometer observed values to achieve highly reliabledisplacement, which reflects the moving of diaphragm walls. An experiment integrating the geodetic andgeotechnical methods is conducted with an observation point at a depth of 20 meters at a construction sitein Ho Chi Minh city. The deviations of the top point that are observed by the two methods are -4.37millimeters and -3.69 millimeters on the X-axis and the Y-axis, respectively. The corrected observedresults prove that the integrated solution has a good efficiency in monitoring the horizontal displacementof diaphragm walls. The bottom point observed by an inclinometer is unconfident enough to choose to bea reference point.

2021 ◽  
pp. 206-213
М.В. Ботнарюк ◽  
Н.Н. Ксензова

В статье с целью оптимизации процесса управления ресурсами обоснована необходимость разработки эконометрической модели, учитывающей отраслевую специфику предприятия. На ее основе управленческий аппарат получает возможность оценить взаимосвязи факторов эффективности деятельности стивидорной компании, что усиливает обоснованность принимаемых решений. Цель исследования – построение эконометрической модели, позволяющей оценить тесноту взаимосвязи между показателями экономической эффективности хозяйственной деятельности стивидорной компании и измерить их взаимное влияние. Методы исследования. В процессе проведения исследования были использованы устный опрос, корреляционно-регрессионный и дисперсионный анализ, статистическое наблюдение. Результаты. В работе проведены исследования степени взаимного влияния показателей, характеризующих эффективность деятельности стивидорной компании. Информационная база сформирована посредством применения опроса, наблюдения, анализа статистических данных, что демонстрирует высокое качество собранного материала. Заключение. В статье представлена авторская эконометрическая модель, применяемая для оценки взаимосвязей показателей эффективности деятельности стивидорной компании. На основании результатов проведенных исследований предложены общие рекомендации, реализация которых сформирует условия для роста эффективности работы предприятия. Предложенная модель отражает специфику ведущих предприятий портовой отрасли и может быть применена для оценки взаимосвязей показателей эффективности портовых терминалов. The article in order to optimize the resource management process is substantiated the need to develop an econometric model that takes into account the sectoral specifics of the enterprise. On the basis of its basis, the management apparatus is able to assess the relationship of the factors of the effectiveness of the stevedoring company, which increases the validity of the decisions made. The purpose of the study is to build an econometric model that allows us to assess the relationship of the relationship between the indicators of the economic efficiency of the economic activity of the stevedoring company and measure their mutual influence. Research methods. In the process of conducting research, an oral survey was used, correlation-regression and dispersion analysis, statistical observation. Results. The paper conducted studies to the degree of mutual influence of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the activities of the stevedoring company. The information base is formed by applying a survey, observation, analysis of statistical data, which demonstrates the high quality of the material collected. Conclusion. The article presents the author's econometric model used to assess the relationship of the performance of the stevedoring company. Based on the results of the research, general recommendations were proposed, the implementation of which will form the conditions for the increase in the efficiency of the enterprise. The proposed model reflects the specifics of the leading enterprises of the port industry and can be applied to assess the relationship of the effectiveness of pore terminals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 935 (1) ◽  
pp. 012018
D A Baimukanov ◽  
V G Semenov ◽  
Kh A Aubakirov ◽  
K Zh Iskhan ◽  
M T Kargayeva ◽  

Abstract The work aimed to establish the influence of udder parameters of Kazakh mares on their formation of dairy productivity and the growth rate of foals during the milk period. The cup-shaped udder is characterized by a large base (the udder circumference at the base is 70.3 cm), the symmetrical arrangement of both udder lobes, with well-developed cylindrical nipples, the nipples are widely spaced between the two lobes. The round shaped udder is instead characterized by conical and short nipples and a smaller udder volume. For four months of lactation, 1051 liters of commercial milk were produced from mares with cup-shaped udder, while 823.6 liters- with round-shaped udder.The observation results showed that foals from mares with the cup-shaped and round - shapedudders on the first day of life were 39.8 and 39.6 kg of live weight, respectively, then after a month, it doubles, reaching 82.5 and 79.5 kg. The highest indicators of absolute gain - 42.7 kg, average daily gain - 1.42 kg, and relative gain -107.3% were observed in offspring with a cup-shaped udder. In foals delivered from mares with a round-shaped udder, the gain rates (39.9; 1.33 kg and 100.7%, respectively) were slightly lower.

Nadia Sagita ◽  

Critical thinking should be given to students as they age in the 21st century. The continued impact of perception shows that there are still many students who do not have the option to overcome their thinking, speaking, and logic skills. Observation results show that many students have not been able to utilize their intellectual ability to think critically. Furthermore, the evaluation questions that have been given by the teacher are not analyticalin nature, resulting in not triggering students to think critically. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a model of learning that is suitable for stimulatingstudents' critical thinking. The purpose of this research that produces the E-module -based PBL valid, p practical and i effective. Type researchis development research. The Plomp model is the applied model. The results of the study resulted in the level of validity of the PBL -based E-module which was 89.10% (very valid). The results of the practicality level of teachers are 94.17% (very practical) and the level of practicality by students is 86.47% (very practical). The results of the PBL -based E-module effectiveness test show that the PBL -based E-module is very effective. Thus, the conclusion is that the PBL -based E-module that has been developed is very valid, very practical, and very effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 320-330
Rachmi Afriani ◽  
Hendra Setiawan

ABSTRAKPandemi covid-19 mengakibatkan pelaksanaan program Adiwiyata menjadi tidak efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi program sekolah Adiwiyata di SMPN 3 Sintang selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Februari- Agustus 2021. Pengambilan data menggunana metode triangulasi wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan sekolah mitra menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Responden yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini antara lain stakeholder dari DLH, kepala sekolah mitra, waka bidang kurikulum dan ketua program sekolah Adiwiyata. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada dukungan DLH Kabupaten Sintang terhadap penghargaan Adiwiyata namun karena dampak Pandemi Covid-19 menyebakan kegiatan pembinaan tidak dapat dilakukan maksimal. SMPN 3 Sintang saat ini belum menggunakan pedoman Adiwiyata terbaru yaitu Permen LHK No. 53 Tahun 2019 tentang Penghargaan Adiwiyata, tetapi masih menerapkan berdasarkan Permen LH No. 5 Tahun 2013 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Adiwiyata. Namun demikian, berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi kondisi lingkungan di SMPN 3 Sintang sudah sangat baik, memegang tinggi nilai konservasi berbasis kekayaan local dan sudah ada kesepakatan bersama untuk tetap menjaga lingkungan. Hal yang masih kurang adalah terkait dengan konservasi air dan energi listrik yang masih baru untuk wilayah Kabupaten Sintang.Kata Kunci: Sekolah Adiwiyata, Pandemi Covid-19, SMPN 3 SintangABSTRACTCovid-19 Pandemic was affected all element in Adiwiyata green school program. The aim of this research was to know the implementation of Adiwiyata green school in SMPN 3 Sintang during Pandemic Covid-19. Qualitative descriptive was used through triangulation method. It was done on February to August 2021. Data collecting used interview, observation and documentation. Partner school was selected through purposive sampling. The key informants consist of Environmental Agency of Sintang Districts stakeholder, SMPN 3 Sintang’s Principal, vice principal in academic affairs, and PIC of Adiwiyata green school program of SMPN 3 Sintang. Data analysis through qualitative descriptive. The results of this research shows that there are a fully support from Environmental Agency of Sintang District in the development of Adiwiyata green school program. However, Covid-19 pandemic affected almost all of environmental program in this district. Based on interview resul SMPN 3 Sintang is still used manual of Permen LH No. 5 Tahun 2013 about Manual of Adiwiyata Program. Nevertheless, central government was already publish new manual of Adiwiyata program with Permen LHK No. 53 Tahun 2019 about Adiwiyata award. The observation results shows that SMPN 3 Sintang environment is in very good condition with high local wisdom values. Minus point of Adiwiyata green school program in SMPN 3 Sintang is that water and energy conservation which is still rare in Sintang District in general.Keywords: Adiwiyata green school, Covid-19 pandemic, SMPN 3 Sintang

Mohammad Reza Keramati ◽  
Robyn M Gillies

Cooperative learning (CL) is a teaching and learning pedagogy that has been used widely in school but there is limited information on instructors’ perceptions of CL nor observations of how CL is implemented in higher education settings. In this study, we investigated the ad-vantages and challenges of embedding CL into instructors’ teaching in Iran and Australia. Data were collected through interview and observation. Results showed that despite challenges such as the lack of familiarity of CL and how it can be implemented in university curricula, issues associated with assessment, and time constraints, CL created an interactive, pleasant and safe environment for deep learning in both countries. The findings showed that there were challenges in Iran such as a tendency to use traditional approaches to teaching, insufficient understanding of how to establish teamwork, and a lack of up-to-date teaching resources. In Australia, changing courses, working with external students, catering for individual differences, and building positive relationships were some of the challenges of implementing CL. We believe that these challenges can be overcome if university instructors are prepared to address them.

2021 ◽  
Yunxiao Liu ◽  
Yuliuming Wang ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
Mingyu Zheng ◽  
Chunlin Wang ◽  

Abstract PurposeThe purpose of this study was to explore the risk factors for liver metastasis (LM) of colorectal cancer (CRC) and to construct a nomogram for predicting the occurrence of synchronous LM based on baseline and pathological information.MethodsThe baseline and pathological information of 3190 CRC patients from the Department of Colorectal Surgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University between 2012 and 2020 were included. All patients were divided into development and validation cohorts with the 1:1 ratio. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were utilized to identify the potential predictors of LM in CRC patients. Using the R tool to create a predictive nomogram. In addition, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves was calculated to describe the discriminability of the nomogram. A calibration curve was plotted to compare the predicted and observed results of the nomogram. Decision-making curve analysis (DCA) was used to evaluate the clinical effect of nomogram.ResultsThe nomogram consisted of six features including tumor site, vascular invasion (VI), T stage, N stage, preoperative CEA and CA-199 level. ROC curves for the LM nomogram indicated good discrimination in the development cohort (AUC = 0.885, 95% CI 0.854-0.916) and the validation cohort (AUC = 0.857, 95% CI 0.821-0.893). The calibration curve showed that the prediction results of the nomogram was in good agreement with the actual observation results. Moreover, the DCA curves determined the clinical application value of predictive nomogram.ConclusionsThe pathologic-based nomogram could help clinicians to predict the occurrence of synchronous LM in postoperative CRC patients and provide a reference to perform appropriate metastatic screening plans and rational therapeutic options for the special population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Yuyun Yueniwati ◽  
Bertiana Prisca Hapsari

Fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) is one of the important modalities in helping to uphold the diagnosis and stadium of bronchogenic carcinoma. However, FOB has some limitations, namely invasive, time-consuming, requiring sedation, intolerable in patients who are critically ill, and difficult to evaluate distal airway side of severe stenosis. To identify the imaging capability of virtual bronchoscopy (VB) examinations in evaluating abnormalities in the tracheobronchial in bronchogenic carcinoma. Observational study with total sampling. Data was obtained from the histopathologic with diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma in 1 year. Retrospectively, the data were obtained from the archives of thoracic CT examinations in Radiology and FOB examination in Lung Operating Room. The variables assessed were the finding of mass of endobronchial based on its location, the main bronchi constriction, lobar bronchi constriction, segmental bronchi constriction, and compression/tracheal deformity. The results of VB were examined by three radiologists independently and were then compared with the results of FOB. The observation results of VB and FOB were used to analyse the degree of conformity. There is a low level of agreement on the finding of endobronchial mass, lobar bronchi and segmental bronchi constriction, sufficient level of agreement on the main bronchial constriction finding. VB has a limited capacity to evaluate abnormalities of the tracheobronchial compared with FOB, but VB has an advantage in evaluating the patency of the distal airway of severe obstruction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 180-191
Fauzia Rahawarin ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam

The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of criminal law sanctions against statutory rape in Indonesia. The analysis employed a positive law perspective and an empirical legal approach. The research data consisted of verbal utterances and observation results collected from Criminal Investigators at the Ambon Island and Lease Islands’ police stations. Data analysis was carried out through (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion. The results of this study indicate that criminal sanctions against statutory rape in Indonesia are applied through the process of investigation, visum et repertum, prosecution and summons of suspects and witnesses, statements of criminal penalties for the perpetrators, and prevention of sexual immorality and rape. The criminal sanctions are based on “Law Number 35 of 2014 about Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection Articles 76D and 81.   Keywords: criminal, intercourse, positive law

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