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Morphologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-98
Abraham L Kierszenbaum M.D. Ph.D., Laura Tres M.D. Ph.D.

Linking basic science to clinical application throughout, Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, 5th Edition, helps students build a stronger clinical knowledge base in the challenging area of pathologic abnormalities. This award-winning text presents key concepts in an understandable, easy-to-understand manner, with full-color illustrations, diagrams, photomicrographs, and pathology photos fully integrated on every page. Student-friendly features such as highlighted clinical terms, Clinical Conditions boxes, Essential Concepts boxes, concept mapping animations, and more help readers quickly grasp complex information. Features new content on cancer immunotherapy, satellite cells and muscle repair, vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in relation to cancer treatment, and mitochondria replacement therapies. Presents new material on ciliogenesis, microtubule assembly and disassembly, chromatin structure and condensation, and X chromosome inactivation, which directly impact therapy for ciliopathies, infertility, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Provides thoroughly updated information on gestational trophoblastic diseases, molecular aspects of breast cancer, and basic immunology, including new illustrations on the structure of the T-cell receptor, CD4+ cells subtypes and functions, and the structure of the human spleen. Uses a new, light green background throughout the text to identify essential concepts of histology – a feature requested by both students and instructors to quickly locate which concepts are most important for beginning learners or when time is limited. These essential concepts are followed by more detailed information on cell biology and pathology. Contains new Primers in most chapters that provide a practical, self-contained integration of histology, cell biology, and pathology – perfect for clarifying the relationship between basic and clinical sciences. Identifies clinical terms throughout the text and lists all clinical boxes in the table of contents for quick reference. Helps students understand the links between chapter concepts with concept mapping animations on Student Consult™ – an outstanding supplement to in-class instruction. Student Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

2021 ◽  
Eveline Mu ◽  
David P Crewther ◽  
Laila Elaine Hugrass

Visual processing differences in the magnocellular pathway have been reported across the autistic spectrum. On the basis that the firing of primate Type IV magnocellular cells is suppressed by diffuse red backgrounds, several groups have used red backgrounds as a means to investigate magnocellular contributions to visual processing in humans. Here, we measured emotional identification accuracy, and compared the P100 and N170 responses from groups with low (n=21; AQ<11) and high (n=22; AQ>22) Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) scores, in response to low (LSF) and high (HSF) spatially filtered fearful and neutral face stimuli presented on red and green backgrounds. For the LSF stimuli, the low AQ group correctly identified fearful expressions more often when presented on a red compared to a green background. The low AQ group also showed red backgrounds reduced the effect of LSF fearful expressions on P100 amplitudes. In contrast, the high AQ group showed that background colour did not significantly alter P100 responses to LSF stimuli. Interestingly, red background reduced the effects of HSF stimuli for the high AQ group. The effects of background color on LSF and HSF facial emotion responses were not evident for the N170 component. Our findings suggest that presenting face stimuli on a red background alters both magnocellular and parvocellular contributions to the P100 waveform, and that these effects differ for groups with low and high autistic tendencies. In addition, a theoretical model for explaining the temporal differences in facial emotion processing for low and high AQ groups is proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2066 (1) ◽  
pp. 012050
Hao Chen ◽  
Hongsen He ◽  
Xinghua Feng

Abstract Concerning to the problem in the distortion of color and the low contrast of underwater image, the image enhancement method in the underwater environment based on color correction and dark channel prior was proposed. When dealing with the color bias problem, the blue channel standard ratio is firstly calculated based on the blue channel, and the red and green channels of the underwater image are compensated to remove the blue and green background colors of the underwater image. In light of the problem in the low contrast of image in underwater environment, the dark channel prior (DCP) method based on the super pixel was used to enhance the corrected underwater image. Finally, the underwater object detection dataset images are tested, and the algorithm proposed in terms of the quality is made the comparison with six advanced image enhancement method in underwater environment. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm earned the highest score in underwater quality evaluation index (UIQM) compared with the above algorithm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20

A study was carried out to investigate the effects of background color on the growth, skin pigmentation and breeding performances of guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Guppy fish was reared in tanks with four different colors as treatments such as T0 (transparent), T1 (red), T3 (blue) and T4 (green) for 5 months. There were significant differences in growth and coloration among the treatments. The growth performance was found significantly higher in transparent background compared to the other treatments. The results showed that the highest mean weight (0.259 ±0.018 g), mean length (3.067±0.208 cm) and SGR (0.165±0.012) of the fish were significantly higher in T0. Least mean weight (0.167± 0.025 g), mean length (2.53±.0.058 cm) and SGR (0.104±0.017) were observed in T1 indicating association of red color with slower growth performance of guppy, compared to other treatments. Study showed significant influence of background color in skin pigmentation. Fishes reared in transparent tanks showed the highest value of carotenoid (0.00175±0.00004mg/g) and fishes reared in the red tank showed the lowest value of carotenoid (0.00092±0.000035 mg/g). Green background enhanced red orange color on fish skin and provided high amount of carotenoid value (0.00143±0.000046 mg/g) than that with blue (0.00095±0.000025 mg/g). These results suggest significant influence of background color on growth and skin pigmentation patterns of Guppy.

2021 ◽  
Priscilla Kelly Silva Barros ◽  
Felipe Nalon Castro ◽  
Daniel Marques Almeida Pessoa

AbstractSince 19th century, the adaptive function of color vision for object identification has fascinated science. Countless articles uncovered the advantages of trichromacy (i.e., color vision expressed by most humans) in detecting yellowish/reddish targets against a background of mature green leaves. Unfortunately, the same attention was not offered to achromatic visual information, that had their physiological foundations much more explored than their possible adaptive function. So far, mostly because of studies conducted in humans, we know that achromatic cues might also play an important role in object identification, particularly when camouflage is involved. For instance, dichromacy (i.e., color vision expressed by many colorblind humans), favors the detection of camouflaged targets by exploitation of shape cues. The present study sought to evaluate the relative importance of color and shape cues on the detection of food targets by female and male marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Animals were observed with respect to their foraging behavior and the number of food targets captured. We confirmed that females are advantageous in detecting conspicuous food against a green background and revealed that females and males rely on shape cues to segregate cryptic food. Unexpectedly, males outperformed females in cryptic food foraging. Camouflage improved males’ (but not females’) performance.HighlightsShape cues alone improve capture of cryptic targets by female and male marmosets.The sole use of color cues leads to clear-cut foraging performances between sex.Females outperform males when searching for orange food against a green background.Males outperform females when searching for green food against a green background.Males match females’ performance when searching for orange camouflaged food.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
Cassandro Vidal Talamini do Amarante ◽  
João Paulo Generoso Silveira ◽  
Sergio Tonetto de Freitas ◽  
Cristiano André Steffens ◽  
Elizabeth J. Mitcham

Abstract The objective of this study was to assess the effects of post-bloom (PB) or preharvest (PH) treatments of ‘Braeburn’ apple trees with prohexadione-calcium (ProCa; 300 mg L-1), an inhibitor of gibberellins biosynthesis, or GA4+7 (300 mg L-1) on fruit quality at harvest and after storage (four months at 0±0.5 oC, followed by five days of shelf life). PB treatments started 15 days after full bloom, with one application every week and six applications in total. PH treatments started five weeks before anticipated harvest, with one application every week and four applications in total. Control trees were sprayed with water. GA4+7 PB increased length/diameter ratio, and GA4+7 PH increased titratable acidity (TA) and flesh firmness and slightly reduced red color of the fruit at harvest. ProCa PB and PH reduced ethylene production rate, delayed starch degradation and reduced soluble solids content of the fruit at harvest, and ProCa PH maintained firmness at harvest and after storage and TA of the fruit after storage. ProCa PB or PH delayed the loss of skin green background color at harvest, while at both treatment timings reduced the development of skin red color, but with a much stronger effect when sprayed PH than PB.

ZooKeys ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 993 ◽  
pp. 121-155
Santiago R. Ron ◽  
Julio Carrión ◽  
Marcel A. Caminer ◽  
Yerka Sagredo ◽  
María J. Navarrete ◽  

A new phylogeny for the Pristimantis lacrimosus species group is presented, its species content reviewed, and three new species described from the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes. Our phylogeny includes, for the first time, samples of P. aureolineatus, P. bromeliaceus, and P. lacrimosus. The morphology of hyperdistal subarticular tubercles is also assessed among 21 species of Pristimantis. The P. lacrimosus species group is composed of 36 species distributed in the Chocó, Guiana, and Amazon regions of tropical South America with a single species reaching Central America. Ancestral area reconstruction indicates that, despite its high diversity in the Amazon region, the P. lacrimosus group originated in the Pacific basin, Chocó region of Ecuador and Colombia. Pristimantis amaguanaesp. nov. is most closely related to P. bromeliaceus. It differs from P. bromeliaceus by being smaller, having transversal dark bands in the hindlimbs (absent or faint in P. bromeliaceus) and the absence of discoidal fold (present in P. bromeliaceus). Pristimantis nankintssp. nov. and P. romeroaesp. nov. are part of a clade of predominantly light-green frogs that includes P. acuminatus, P. enigmaticus, P. limoncochensis, and P. omeviridis. Pristimantis nankintssp. nov. and P. romeroaesp. nov. can be distinguished from all of them by the presence of a dark dorsolateral stripe that borders a light green band on a green background. Hyperdistal tubercles are present in all examined species of the P. lacrimosus species group and its sister clade. Species with hyperdistal tubercles are characterized by having relatively long terminal phalanges and narrow T-shaped expansion at the end of the terminal phalange. We discuss the phylogenetic distribution of these characters and their potential diagnostic significance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 223 (24) ◽  
pp. jeb209429 ◽  
Peter Olsson ◽  
Robin D. Johnsson ◽  
James J. Foster ◽  
John D. Kirwan ◽  
Olle Lind ◽  

ABSTRACTHow well can a bird discriminate between two red berries on a green background? The absolute threshold of colour discrimination is set by photoreceptor noise, but animals do not perform at this threshold; their performance can depend on additional factors. In humans and zebra finches, discrimination thresholds for colour stimuli depend on background colour, and thus the adaptive state of the visual system. We have tested how well chickens can discriminate shades of orange or green presented on orange or green backgrounds. Chickens discriminated slightly smaller colour differences between two stimuli presented on a similarly coloured background, compared with a background of very different colour. The slope of the psychometric function was steeper when stimulus and background colours were similar but shallower when they differed markedly, indicating that background colour affects the certainty with which the animals discriminate the colours. The effect we find for chickens is smaller than that shown for zebra finches. We modelled the response to stimuli using Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation and implemented the psychometric function to estimate the effect size. We found that the result is independent of the psychophysical method used to evaluate the effect of experimental conditions on choice performance.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1372
Fuad Gasi ◽  
Oddmund Frøynes ◽  
Belma Kalamujić Stroil ◽  
Lejla Lasić ◽  
Naris Pojskić ◽  

The diploid Celina/QTee® (‘Colorée de Juillet’ × ‘Williams’), one of the most promising pear cultivars developed by the Norwegian breeding program Graminor, was launched in 2010. In Norway, the flowering is medium to late, while the fruits ripen in the beginning of September. The fruits are attractive with an intense red blush (50%) on a green background. Although, ‘Celina’ is cultivated in the most climatically suitable regions for fruit cultivation, present in Norway, unfavorable environmental conditions for pear pollination can have a very negative effect on fruit set and consequent yield. The aim of this study was to determine the S-alleles of ‘Celina’, as well as its frequently used pollinizers, and, through paternity testing of ‘Celina’ seeds, give a recommendation regarding the most important pollinizers of this pear cultivar. In order to accomplish this, ‘Celina’ and its potential pollinizers were all S-genotyped. After harvest, seeds collected from ‘Celina’ fruit in 2017 and 2018 were genotyped using eleven microsatellite markers. Genomic DNA was also extracted from leaf material collected from ‘Celina’, as well as from five pear cultivars used as pollinizers in the three examined orchards, and analyzed using the same marker set. Subsequently a simple sequence repeat (SSR) database was constructed and used for gene assignment analyses with the aim of quantifying pollen donor contribution from individual pollinizers. The obtained results indicate that ‘Anna’, the only examined pollinizer that was fully cross-compatible with ‘Celina’, together with ‘Fritjof’, the genotype which had the highest flowering overlap with ‘Celina’, proved to be the most successful pollinizers across all seasons and orchards. Although both cultivars were ubiquitous in the examined orchards, either as planted trees or as branches introduced during the flowering period, they were the most abundant pollinizers in only one orchard each. It is therefore possible to conclude that pollinizer abundance has a secondary significance in pollinizer success within investigated ‘Celina’ orchards.

S. Y. Ma’aruf ◽  
M. O. Mohammed ◽  
O. G. Avwioro ◽  
A. T. Muhammad ◽  
R. I. Tsamiya ◽  

Introduction: Hibiscus sabdariifa is a natural dye, generally called roselle. Most of Synthetic dye  have been established to cause toxicity. The aim of this research was to determine the staining effect of different concentration of Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts at various pH, duration on fungal staining. Methods: Standard Gomori’s metenaine silver stains as control and Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts (alcoholic and aqueous) were used to stain a fungal (Aspergillus spp) positive lung tissue, using various concentration (5% and 10%) of the extract, with change of pH achieved by treating the extracts with ammonium hydroxide and glacial acetic acid at various duration (30 seconds and 1 hour respectively), each was used for staining Aspergillus spp in tissue section as a primary stain replacing (4% Chromic acid, sodium metabisulphite, Hexamine working silver solution and Sodium thiosulphate). Results: All extracts after treatment were acidic, the fungi were  best demonstrated with Aqueous hibiscus stains (5% untreated, 10% untreated and 5% glacial acetic acid treated) at longer duration, staining the capsule, light to dark-brown in a light-green background when compared with the alcoholic hibiscus stain. Few of the alcoholic hibiscus stains show metachromatic property. The Hibiscus stains stained better at longer duration and the change of pH was indirectly proportional to the staining ability of the hibiscus stains. Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that hibiscus plant extract have the potential for use in the morphological identification of fungi in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue section.

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