thematic apperception
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Andita Faradilla

The subject is a college student woman who has changes in functionality in everyday life. Subject has a bad view of herself and tend to like to compare herself with others, especially physical problems. As a result, subject tend to be easily sad, lose interest, often feel tired and sometimes bring up suicidal thoughts. The assessment methods used were clinical interview, observation, and psychological tests, namely the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, graphics, Thematic Apperception Test, the Beck Depression Inventory II scale and WHODAS. Subject was diagnosed with major depressive disorder with moderate level of functioning. The intervention used was rational-emotive behavior therapy which was composed of five sessions. This therapy is used with the aim of reducing depression levels through changing irrational beliefs to become more rational. The results of the intervention showed a decrease in the subject's level of depression as indicated by changes in the scores obtained before and after the intervention was given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-106
Muthia Maharani

People with schizophrenia bring up positive and negative symptoms, among these symptoms cause sufferers to have no interest in one particular activity. This study aims to increase the activity of people with schizophrenia. The assessment methods used are interviews, observation, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Graphics and Wartegg Test. To deal with these problems, Scheduling Activity Method isused. The results obtained are the subject’s activity in leisure time increases so that daydreaming and hallucinating activities are reduced.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Jared R. Ruchensky ◽  
Emily A. Dowgwillo ◽  
Shannon E. Kelley ◽  
Christina Massey ◽  
Jenelle Slavin-Mulford ◽  

The Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) in Section III of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) conceptualizes personality pathology as a combination of impairment (Criterion A) and traits (Criterion B). One measure used to develop Criterion A was the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale – Global Rating Method (SCORS-G), which is a multidimensional, object-relational clinician-rated measure of personality functioning. Although there are conceptual links between the AMPD and SCORS-G dimensions, there exists no research examining the relationship. To address this, we examined associations between the SCORS-G dimensions and measures of the AMPD constructs in a large, archival dataset of outpatients and inpatients. More pathological scores on SCORS-G dimensions reflecting self- and interpersonal functioning were associated with greater pathological traits and impairment. Overall, results support further investigation into SCORS-G as a useful measure in AMPD research and assessment.

2021 ◽  
Dwi Nastiti

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. Buku Modul Praktikum Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) telah kami selesaikan. Modul ini disusun untuk memudahkan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan praktikum Thematic Appreception Test (TAT), sehingga mahasiswa dapat lebih memahami teori yang diberikan di kelas. Thematic Apperception Test, disingkat TAT, adalah suatu teknik proyeksi, yang digunakan untuk mengungkap dinamika kepribadian, yang menampakkan diri dalam hubungan interpersonal dan dalam apersepsi (atau interpretasi yang ada artinya) terhadap lingkungan. Tes ini menyajikan gambar-gambar yang dipilih sebagai perangkat stimuli TAT (Murrray) telah diuji cobakan sehingga telah terpilih gambar-gambar yang efektif. Menurut pengalaman, gambargambar lebih efektif mengungkap kepribadian testi bila sebagian besar gambar mengandung gambaran orang yang sejenis dan sebaya testi. Dengan teknik ini seorang interpreter yang mahir dapat mengungkap dorongan-dorongan emosi, sentiment, kompleks dan konflik-konflik pribadi yang dominan. Kami harapkan modul ini bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan kualitas kegiatan belajar di Prodi Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.

Karolina Macháčková ◽  
Roman Dudík ◽  
Jiří Zelený ◽  
Dana Kolářová ◽  
Zbyněk Vinš ◽  

This paper evaluates the impact of the forest environment on aggressive manifestations in adolescents. A remedial educative programme was performed with 68 teenagers from institutions with substitute social care with diagnoses F 30.0 (affective disorders) and F 91.0 (family-related behavioural disorders), aged 12–16 years. Adolescents observed patterns of prosocial behaviour in forest animals (wolves, wild boars, deer, bees, ants, squirrels and birds), based on the fact that processes and interactions in nature are analogous to proceedings and bonds in human society. The methodology is based on qualitative and quantitative research. Projective tests (Rorschach Test, Hand Test, Thematic Apperception Test) were used as a diagnostic tool for aggressive manifestations before and after forest therapies based on Shinrin-yoku, wilderness therapy, observational learning and forest pedagogy. Probands underwent 16 therapies lasting for two hours each. The experimental intervention has a statistically significant effect on the decreased final values relating to psychopathology, irritability, restlessness, emotional instability, egocentrism, relativity, and negativism. Forest animals demonstrated to these adolescents ways of communication, cooperation, adaptability, and care for others, i.e., characteristics without which no community can work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Emanuele Merlo

The present study was aimed at extending the method previously used with M to F gender dysphoric patients, to F to M individuals. In particular, the aim of the study was to highlight global and particular representations of the subjects. The study involved 10 gender dysphoric subjects in F to M transition, aged between 18 to 26 years old. Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test were administered with particular attention to the detection of psycho-traumatic indexes. The data reached through the extension of the method to F to M subjects revealed a continuity between the two groups. Referring to Self-representation, the subjects produced mainly objectual responses, indicative of a global representation affected by the current physical condition. In terms of Body representation, the subjects provided answers demonstrating the presence of partiality and fragmentation, indicative of a body representation supporting the term dysphoria. Approximately 30% of the subjects' responses indicated the presence of consistent psycho-traumatology. In comparative terms, F to M subjects provided quantitatively and quantitatively similar answers to M to F subjects, with a greater number of fragmentary responses and a lower presence of psycho-traumatic indexes.

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