hand test
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-373
Jung-Hee Ki ◽  

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 247
Amin Soltani ◽  
Brendan C. O’Kelly

Given its apparent limitations, various attempts have been made to develop alternative testing approaches to the standardized rolling-thread plastic limit (PLRT) method (for fine-grained soils), targeting higher degrees of repeatability and reproducibility. Among these, device-rolling techniques, including the method described in ASTM D4318/AASHTO T90 standards, based on original work by Bobrowski and Griekspoor (BG) and which follows the same basic principles as the standard thread-rolling (by hand) test, have been highly underrated by some researchers. To better understand the true potentials and/or limitations of the BG method for soil plasticity determination (i.e., PLBG), this paper presents a critical reappraisal of the PLRT–PLBG relationship using a comprehensive statistical analysis performed on a large and diverse database of 60 PLRT–PLBG test pairs. It is demonstrated that for a given fine-grained soil, the BG and RT methods produce essentially similar PL values. The 95% lower and upper (water content) statistical agreement limits between PLBG and PLRT were, respectively, obtained as −5.03% and +4.51%, and both deemed “statistically insignificant” when compared to the inductively-defined reference limit of ±8% (i.e., the highest possible difference in PLRT based on its repeatability, as reported in the literature). Furthermore, the likelihoods of PLBG underestimating and overestimating PLRT were 50% and 40%, respectively; debunking the notion presented by some researchers that the BG method generally tends to greatly underestimate PLRT. It is also shown that the degree of underestimation/overestimation does not systematically change with changes in basic soil properties; suggesting that the differences between PLBG and PLRT are most likely random in nature. Compared to PLRT, the likelihood of achieving consistent soil classifications employing PLBG (along with the liquid limit) was shown to be 98%, with the identified discrepancies being cases that plot relatively close to the A-Line. As such, PLBG can be used with confidence for soil classification purposes.

Karolina Macháčková ◽  
Roman Dudík ◽  
Jiří Zelený ◽  
Dana Kolářová ◽  
Zbyněk Vinš ◽  

This paper evaluates the impact of the forest environment on aggressive manifestations in adolescents. A remedial educative programme was performed with 68 teenagers from institutions with substitute social care with diagnoses F 30.0 (affective disorders) and F 91.0 (family-related behavioural disorders), aged 12–16 years. Adolescents observed patterns of prosocial behaviour in forest animals (wolves, wild boars, deer, bees, ants, squirrels and birds), based on the fact that processes and interactions in nature are analogous to proceedings and bonds in human society. The methodology is based on qualitative and quantitative research. Projective tests (Rorschach Test, Hand Test, Thematic Apperception Test) were used as a diagnostic tool for aggressive manifestations before and after forest therapies based on Shinrin-yoku, wilderness therapy, observational learning and forest pedagogy. Probands underwent 16 therapies lasting for two hours each. The experimental intervention has a statistically significant effect on the decreased final values relating to psychopathology, irritability, restlessness, emotional instability, egocentrism, relativity, and negativism. Forest animals demonstrated to these adolescents ways of communication, cooperation, adaptability, and care for others, i.e., characteristics without which no community can work.

2021 ◽  
Tibor Guzsvinecz ◽  
Éva Orbán-Mihálykó ◽  
Cecília Sik-Lányi ◽  
Erika Perge

AbstractThe interaction time of students who did spatial ability tests in a virtual reality environment is analyzed. The spatial ability test completion times of 240 and 61 students were measured. A desktop display as well as the Gear VR were used by the former group and by the latter one, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between the probability of correct answers and completion times, while linear regression was used to evaluate effects and interactions of following factors on test completion times: the users’ gender and primary hand, test type and device used. The findings were that while the completion times are not significantly affected by the users’ primary hand, other factors have significant effects on them: they are decreased by the male gender in itself, while they are increased by solving Mental Rotation Tests or by using the Gear VR. The largest significant increment in interaction time in virtual reality during spatial ability tests is when Mental Rotation Tests are accomplished by males with the Gear VR, while the largest significant decrease in interaction time is when Mental Cutting Tests are completed with a desktop display.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 74-81
O. Shelestova
Dsm V ◽  

В період глобальних світових трансформацій Четвертої Промислової революції, перед особистістю постають нові вимоги до психічного здоров’я та питання адаптації до нових умов життя, сресостійкості, саморегуляції. Стаття присвячена диференціальній діагностиці межових психічних розладів, серед яких розлади адаптації займають центральне місце. В статті висвітлюється диференційна діагностика розладів адаптації як різновиду межових станів внаслідок стресового впливу. Приділено увагу клінічній диференціальній діагностиці розладів адаптації згідно МКХ – 10, DSM–IV, DSM–V та останньому розробленому уніфікованому клінічному протоколі первинної, вторинної (спеціалізованої) та третинної (високоспеціалізованої) медичної допомоги. В статті наведено опис клінічних випадків пацієнтів з розладами адаптації внаслідок впливу стресу. Причому стресові ситуації у обраних пацієнтів носять надзвичайний для кожної описаної особистості характер, можуть загрожувати життю, фізичному і психічному благополуччю. При проведенні експериментально-психологічного дослідження були використані такі опитувальники та об’єктивні, діалогічні і проективні тести як MMPI (адаптація Березіна Ф.Б.), Акцент 2/90, опитувальник Кеттела, КТЛ та МПВ Сонді, HAND-test, а також методики патопсихологічного дослідження. Окрімінтерв’ю, при дослідженні асоціативного процесу користувались методикою «Асоціативний експеримент», словесний варіант, піктограми, розуміння переносного сенсу, «Класифікація», «Виключення зайвого», «Порівняння понять». В статті показано, що ймовірність несприятливого прогнозу протікання межових розладів адаптації залежить від багатьох факторів, що впливають на здатність індивідуума адаптуватися до зміни в житті або психотравмуючої події.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Nahia De la Hera Robledo ◽  
Miguel Castro Puerta ◽  
Ferran Cuenca Martínez ◽  
Roy La Touche

Objective: The main aim was to assess motor learning process comparing action observation (AO), motor imagery (MI), and double time of MI (2MI) at post- and at 1-week post-intervention through Purdue-Pegboard test. The secondary objectives were to assess if improvements enhanced the ability to imagine and the perceived fatigue. Methods: 20 healthy subjects were randomly assigned to AO group, MI group, 2MI group or placebo observation group. Results: Results in right hand test showed that AO group obtained improvements at post- and at 1-week post-intervention, both with a large effect size (p = .049, d = -1.28 and p = .049, d = -1.4). In left hand test MI group obtained better results than placebo group (p = .016, d = 2.21). In both hand test MI presented differences at the post- and at 1-week post-intervention (p = .006, d = -2.28 and p = .009, d = -1.89). No within- and between-group differences were found in sequence test. With respect to the perceived fatigue, both MI and 2MI showed greater levels of fatigue (p = .003, and p = .045). Finally, no within- and between-group differences were found in the ability to imagine (p > .05). Conclusions: Both movement representation techniques enhanced motor learning, although the results must be considered with caution due to the small sample size. MI seems to cause more fatigue than AO. However, increasing imagery time did not results in greater level of fatigue. The improvements did not lead to an increase in the ability to imagine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-86
Marina Barinova ◽  
Evgeniya Zueva

The article is devoted to the study of psychological and psychophysiological features in extreme situations in the activities of law enforcement officials, leading to life threat. The aim of the study was to identify differences in the structure of individual psychological characteristics and psychophysiological parameters among law enforcement officials depending on the severity of the level of vital threats in professional activities. The relevance of the theoretical foundations of the research problem. The concept of "risk" is defined. It is noted that in the activities of employees there is a hazard factor that determines the predisposition to the risk of vital threats. The “Research Methodology” section is devoted to the consideration of methods and techniques for researching the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of employees, depending on the severity of vital threats in the activity. The study is conducted for the first time using the following methods: Personality structure and temperament questionnaire R. Kloninger, the “Semantic Differential Time” methodology, the methods for determining the complex sensorimotor reaction (CCMR), Hand-test E. Wagner, and the “Individual Minute” methodology. Methods of statistical processing of research materials are indicated. The results are presented in the form of tables and descriptions of the obtained research data. A comparative analysis of the individual psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of employees who are faced with situations of threats to life and health and are not faced with those in professional activities is carried out. At the end of the article, specific conclusions and practical recommendations to psychologists of law enforcement agencies on the research problem are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 53-59
T. M. Rozhnova ◽  
S. V. Kostyuk ◽  
V. L. Malygin ◽  
S. N. Enikolopov ◽  
V. N. Nikolenko

Addictive behavioral disorders are multifactorial diseases with clinical, neurophysiological, and genetic heterogeneity, a high comorbidity with other disorders, and a low curability. The etiopathogenetic mechanisms of non-chemical forms of addictive behavior have not been sufficiently studied, which makes it difficult to search for effective therapeutic procedures.Objective: to study the psychological and genetic components of a non-chemical addictive disorder as the phenomenon of codependency.Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 256 women who were divided into three comparison groups: 1) those with the phenomenon of codependency, 2) phenotypically healthy women; 3) a population sample. Psychometric testing was carried out using the «Hand Test» by E. Wagner (adapted by A.I. Gerasimov and S.N. Enikolopov) and the clinical and genealogical characteristics of women with the phenomenon of codependency were studied. Results and discussion. There was a statistically significant predominance of the level of aggressiveness as autoaggression in the structure of the personality profile of women with the phenomenon of codependency (t=2.924–3.015; p=0.004–0.005). The clinical and genealogical characteristics of persons with addictive behavioral disorder as the phenomenon of codependency suggest that there is a statistically significantly high frequency of secondary alcoholism among first-degree and second-degree relatives or both and first-degree male relatives (p<0.001).Conclusion. The phenomenon of codependency as a non-chemical addiction includes psychological and genetic components. Women with codependency had autoaggressive destructive behavior patterns and a family history of alcoholism. The identified psychogenic characteristics can be considered as a risk for an addictive disease and somatoform disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 130-137
Valeria Prada ◽  
Laura Mori ◽  
Elena Prato ◽  
Mehrnaz Hamedani ◽  
Accogli Susanna ◽  

AIMS: The musician’s hand represents a complex system, which requires important motor skills. Although several studies have already investigated rehabilitation outcomes and techniques in musicians after hand lesions, none have been addressed specifically to objectively quantifiable functional parameters. The purpose of our study was to study hand functionality in violinists in order to provide foundations on which to establish and develop more appropriate rehabilitation protocols. STUDY DESIGN: An observational cross-sectional cohort study consisting of 34 subjects, including 23 students and 11 professional violinists who were either studying or working at a conservatory. Results were compared to a data set of a non-musician control group. METHODS: Nine-hole peg test and hand test system (HTS) were used to perform the study. A hand-held dynamometer was used to measure hand grip and tripod pinch maximal isometric voluntary contraction of both hands. RESULTS: Hand strength did not significantly differ on either side between professional and student violinists. A significant difference was seen when comparing violinists as a whole versus the non-musician control group. HTS highlighted significant differences in dexterity. CONCLUSION: Violinists develop better overall motor performances of the left hand, and their performance is better than normal “non-musician” controls. Dexterity and precision of execution positively correlate to years of practice. We conclude that rehabilitation of a violinist’s hand should be aimed at enhancing motor performance of the left hand and should be focused to maximize dexterity of both hands.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Anton Bystrov

The article presents the results of investigating the types of victimal behaviour among adolescents in special and secondary schools. The author reveals the concepts of victimisation and victimal behaviour. The researcher views victimhood as a set of human characteristics, due to a complex of social, psychological and biophysical conditions that contribute to the maladaptive style of person’s response, resulting in damage to his/her physical or emotional and mental health. The author draws a parallel between deviant and victimal behaviour. The paper demonstrates significance of this research issue for school psychological services and psychological and pedagogical support teams in connection with the widespread introduction of inclusive education for children with special educational needs, especially intellectual disabilities. The article clearly describes the research methods, i.e.: In order to study the characteristics of victimal behaviour of ways to overcome difficulties, the paper used the method of O. Andronnikova, the emotional state of adolescents was studied using the school anxiety test introduced by Phillips, as well as the Hand Test. The goal of the PDO technique (Lichko’s questionnaire, self-assessment forms of aggressive behaviour) was to identify the dependence of the type of victimal behaviour on the pathological personality characteristics. The research highlights the major types of victimal behaviour in adolescents with normotypical development and intellectual disabilities. The author substantiated the choice of adolescence as the most risky age for the manifestation of conflicts, bulling and stressful situations of frustration. The researcher notes the following types of behaviour in adolescents: uncritical, active, aggressive, initiative and passive ones. The paper also presents the gender aspect of the issue. According to the author, the results of the study will form the basis of a programme for the prevention of bulling and victimisation of adolescents in schools. The data obtained in the study will be used to further study the causes and characteristics of victimal behaviour, when considering it in connection with other parameters: with the level of anxiety, behaviour in intractable situations, with the manifestations of personality pathology.

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