average electron
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Yunzhu An ◽  
Menghan Su ◽  
Yuanchao Hu ◽  
Shangmao Hu ◽  
Tao Huang ◽  

The environmental conditions affect the external insulation performance of power equipment. In order to study the physical characteristics of air discharge, the microscopic process of electron–molecule collision in the air based on the Boltzmann equation has been studied in this paper. The influence of humidity on the air gap insulation performance was also analyzed. The calculation results show that with the temperature 300 K and the pressure 1.0 atm, the electron energy distribution function and electron transport parameters varied with the air relative humidity. As the air relative humidity is increased by each 30%, the average electron energy decreases by about 0.2 eV, the reduced electron mobility decreases by about 0.25 × 1023 [1/(V·m·s)], the reduced electron diffusion coefficient decreases by about 0.2 × 1024 [1/(m s)], and the effective ionization coefficient decreases by about 4 × 10−24 m2. As the air relative humidity increases from 0% to 60%, the critical breakdown electric field increases by 1.22 kV/cm.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
pp. 013101
Pipat Harata ◽  
Prathan Srivilai

Abstract We present a calculation of the grand canonical partition function of a serial metallic island system by the imaginary-time path integral formalism. To this purpose, all electronic excitations in the lead and island electrodes are described using Grassmann numbers. The Coulomb charging energy of the system is represented in terms of phase fields conjugate to the island charges. By the large channel approximation, the tunneling action phase dependence can also be determined explicitly. Therefore, we represent the partition function as a path integral over phase fields with a path probability given in an analytically known effective action functional. Using the result, we also propose a calculation of the average electron number of the serial island system in terms of the expectation value of winding numbers. Finally, as an example, we describe the Coulomb blockade effect in the two-island system by the average electron number and propose a method to construct the quantum stability diagram.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Swagatam Nayak ◽  
Navketan Batra ◽  
Sanjeev Kumar

AbstractBy introducing the possibility of equal- and opposite-spin pairings concurrently, we show that the ground state of the extended attractive Hubbard model (EAHM) exhibits rich phase diagrams with a variety of singlet, triplet, and mixed parity superconducting orders. We study the competition between these superconducting pairing symmetries invoking an unrestricted Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov–de Gennes (HFBdG) mean-field approach, and we use the d-vector formalism to characterize the nature of the stabilized superconducting orders. We discover that, while all other types of orders are suppressed, a non-unitary triplet order dominates the phase space in the presence of an in-plane external magnetic field. We also find a transition between a non-unitary to unitary superconducting phase driven by the change in average electron density. Our results serve as a reference for identifying and understanding the nature of superconductivity based on the symmetries of the pairing correlations. The results further highlight that EAHM is a suitable effective model for describing most of the pairing symmetries discovered in different materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Alexander J. Gillett ◽  
Claire Tonnelé ◽  
Giacomo Londi ◽  
Gaetano Ricci ◽  
Manon Catherin ◽  

AbstractEngineering a low singlet-triplet energy gap (ΔEST) is necessary for efficient reverse intersystem crossing (rISC) in delayed fluorescence (DF) organic semiconductors but results in a small radiative rate that limits performance in LEDs. Here, we study a model DF material, BF2, that exhibits a strong optical absorption (absorption coefficient = 3.8 × 105 cm−1) and a relatively large ΔEST of 0.2 eV. In isolated BF2 molecules, intramolecular rISC is slow (delayed lifetime = 260 μs), but in aggregated films, BF2 generates intermolecular charge transfer (inter-CT) states on picosecond timescales. In contrast to the microsecond intramolecular rISC that is promoted by spin-orbit interactions in most isolated DF molecules, photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance shows that these inter-CT states undergo rISC mediated by hyperfine interactions on a ~24 ns timescale and have an average electron-hole separation of ≥1.5 nm. Transfer back to the emissive singlet exciton then enables efficient DF and LED operation. Thus, access to these inter-CT states, which is possible even at low BF2 doping concentrations of 4 wt%, resolves the conflicting requirements of fast radiative emission and low ΔEST in organic DF emitters.

IUCrJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
Uriel Vaknin ◽  
Dov Sherman ◽  
Semën Gorfman

Cleavage is the ability of single crystals to split easily along specifically oriented planes. This phenomenon is of great interest for materials' scientists. Acquiring the data regarding cleavage is essential for the understanding of brittle fracture, plasticity and strength, as well as for the prevention of catastrophic device failures. Unfortunately, theoretical calculations of cleavage energy are demanding and often unsuitable for high-throughput searches of cleavage planes in arbitrary crystal structures. A simplified geometrical approach (GALOCS = gaps locations in crystal structures) is suggested for predicting the most promising cleavage planes. GALOCS enumerates all the possible reticular lattice planes and calculates the plane-average electron density as a function of the position of the planes in the unit cell. The assessment of the cleavage ability of the planes is based on the width and depth of planar gaps in crystal structures, which appear when observing the planes lengthwise. The method is demonstrated on two-dimensional graphene and three-dimensional silicon, quartz and LiNbO3 structures. A summary of planar gaps in a few more inorganic crystal structures is also presented.

2021 ◽  
Lauriane Soret ◽  
Zachariah Milby ◽  
Jean-Claude Gérard ◽  
Nick Schneider ◽  
Sonal Jain ◽  

<p>The discrete aurorae on Mars were discovered with the SPICAM spectrograph on board Mars Express. Now, they have been analyzed in detail using the much more sensitive MAVEN/IUVS imaging spectrograph.</p><p>This presentation gives a summary of the very latest results obtained by Schneider et al. and Soret et al. on this topic.</p><p>The main conclusions are the following:</p><ul><li>the number of auroral event detections has considerably increased since the Mars Express observations;</li> <li>many detections have been made outside of the Southern crustal magnetic field structures;</li> <li>the MUV spectrum shows the same emissions as those observed in the dayglow, with similar intensity ratios;</li> <li>the Vegard-Kaplan bands of N<sub>2</sub> have been observed for the first time in the Martian aurora;</li> <li>the CO Cameron and the CO<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup> UVD emissions occur at the same altitude;</li> <li>the OI emission at 297.2 nm has been analyzed;</li> <li>the CO Cameron/CO<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup> UVD ratio is quasi-constant;</li> <li>intensities are higher in B-field regions;</li> <li>auroral emissions are more frequent in the pre-midnight sector;</li> <li>the altitude of the emission layer is independent of local time and presence or absence of a crustal magnetic field;</li> <li>the altitude of the emission layer varies moderately with season (atmospheric effect);</li> <li>the events are spatially correlated with an increase in the flux of energetic electrons simultaneously measured by the MAVEN/SWEA (Solar Wind Electron Analyzer) detectors;</li> <li>the peak altitude of the emission is in good agreement with that expected from the average electron energy.</li> </ul>

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-60
A.K. Marchenko ◽  
O.V. Byrka ◽  
V.A. Makhlai ◽  
S.S. Herashenko ◽  
D.G. Solyakov ◽  

The paper is devoted to experimental measurements and analysis of parameters of the plasma streams generated by magnetoplasma compressor (MPC) upgraded with an external axial magnetic field. Influence of the external axial magnetic field of 0.24 T on helium plasma streams (P=2 Torr) has been studied. The measurements of average electron density distributions were performedboth with and without an external axial B-field. Distributions of plasma electron density Ne (L) were measured with spectroscopy in the plasma stream and in the compression zone using Stark broadening of He I and He II spectral lines. Plasma-surface interaction processes were also analyzed.

Paz Beniamini ◽  
Pawan Kumar ◽  
Xiangcheng Ma ◽  
Eliot Quataert

Abstract We describe three different methods for exploring the hydrogen reionization epoch using fast radio bursts (FRBs) and provide arguments for the existence of FRBs at high redshift (z). The simplest way, observationally, is to determine the maximum dispersion measure (DMmax) of FRBs for an ensemble that includes bursts during the reionization. The DMmax provides information regarding reionization much like the optical depth of the CMB to Thomson scattering does, and it has the potential to be more accurate than constraints from Planck, if DMmax can be measured to a precision better than 500 pccm−3. Another method is to measure redshifts of about 40 FRBs between z of 6-10 with$\sim 10\%$ accuracy to obtain the average electron density in 4 different z-bins with $\sim 4\%$ accuracy. These two methods don’t require knowledge of the FRB luminosity function and its possible redshift evolution. Finally, we show that the reionization history is reflected in the number of FRBs per unit DM, given a fluence limited survey of FRBs that includes bursts during the reionization epoch; we show using FIRE simulations that the contributions to DM from the FRB host galaxy & CGM during the reionization era is a small fraction of the observed DM. This third method requires no redshift information but does require knowledge of the FRB luminosity function.

К.И. Алмазова ◽  
А.А. Амирова ◽  
А.Н. Белоногов ◽  
В.В. Боровков ◽  
Г.Б. Рагимханов ◽  

The results of investigations of the microstructure in the initial phase of a spark discharge in air in the 1.5 mm long gap between a tip and a plane are presented. Measurements show that, within 15 ns after breakdown, the channel is a set of a large number of microchannels, the current in the channel grows almost linearly up to 1 kA, and the electron concentration reaches the value of 2 • 10^19 cm^(−3). Kinetic processes in a separate microchannel were calculated based on the experimental data. It was found that the average electron temperature is in the range of 4-8 eV, the electric field is ~ 300 kV/cm, and the electrical conductivity is ∼10 Ω^(−1)•cm^(−1). The obtained results indicate that it is just the microstructure of the discharge determines the relatively high values of the average electron temperature in combination with a sufficiently high degree of ionization.

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