grand canonical
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Sankaran Nampoothiri ◽  
Enzo Orlandini ◽  
Flavio Seno ◽  
Fulvio Baldovin

Abstract We link the Brownian non-Gaussian diffusion of a polymer center of mass to a microscopic cause: the polymerization/depolymerization phenomenon occurring when the polymer is in contact with a monomer chemostat. The anomalous behavior is triggered by the polymer critical point, separating the dilute and the dense phase in the grand canonical ensemble. In the mean-field limit we establish contact with queuing theory and show that the kurtosis of the polymer center of mass diverges alike a response function when the system becomes critical, a result which holds for general polymer dynamics (Zimm, Rouse, reptation). Both the equilibrium and nonequilibrium behaviors are solved exactly as a reference study for novel stochastic modeling and experimental setup.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Yasuyuki Hatsuda ◽  
Tadashi Okazaki

We analytically study the Fermi-gas formulation of sphere correlation functions of the Coulomb branch operators for 3d \mathcal{N}=4𝒩=4 ADHM theory with a gauge group U(N)U(N), an adjoint hypermultiplet and ll hypermultiplets which can describe a stack of NN M2-branes at A_{l-1}Al−1 singularities. We find that the leading coefficients of the perturbative grand canonical correlation functions are invariant under a hidden triality symmetry conjectured from the twisted M-theory. The triality symmetry also helps us to fix the next-to-leading corrections analytically.

2022 ◽  
Gang Cheng ◽  
Bo Tan ◽  
Shuhui Fu ◽  
Feiran Wang

Abstract In this paper, the physical adsorption characteristics of oxygen in coal pores were systematically investigated by the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo and the COMPASS force field. Firstly, coal pore structures of different sizes were constructed by graphite slit models and different groups. Secondly, the physisorption behavior of oxygen in graphite slit models of different sizes was simulated. Finally, the physisorption behavior of oxygen in graphite slit models at different pressures and temperatures was analyzed. The results showed that the physisorption density and excess physical adsorption of oxygen were divided into the rapidly decreasing stage (0.4-0.7 nm), the slowly decreasing stage (0.7-1.4 nm), and the stable stage (1.4 nm-5 nm) with the increase of coal pores, and the excess oxygen physisorption amount was more sensitive to the change of pressure. The O2 isosteric heat of physisorption decreased with increasing pore size of coal. Oxygen is more strongly adsorbed by hydroxyl and ether bonds than by methyl, carboxyl and carbonyl groups. Through this study, the mechanism of oxygen physical adsorption in coal pores and the characteristics influenced by temperature and pressure can be better understood.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
pp. 013101
Pipat Harata ◽  
Prathan Srivilai

Abstract We present a calculation of the grand canonical partition function of a serial metallic island system by the imaginary-time path integral formalism. To this purpose, all electronic excitations in the lead and island electrodes are described using Grassmann numbers. The Coulomb charging energy of the system is represented in terms of phase fields conjugate to the island charges. By the large channel approximation, the tunneling action phase dependence can also be determined explicitly. Therefore, we represent the partition function as a path integral over phase fields with a path probability given in an analytically known effective action functional. Using the result, we also propose a calculation of the average electron number of the serial island system in terms of the expectation value of winding numbers. Finally, as an example, we describe the Coulomb blockade effect in the two-island system by the average electron number and propose a method to construct the quantum stability diagram.

2022 ◽  
pp. 93-116
R.K. Pathria ◽  
Paul D. Beale

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