spot market
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Shanshan Ma ◽  
Guo Li ◽  
Suresh P. Sethi ◽  
Xuan Zhao

2022 ◽  
Vol 308 ◽  
pp. 118280
L.R. Visser ◽  
M.E. Kootte ◽  
A.C. Ferreira ◽  
O. Sicurani ◽  
E.J. Pauwels ◽  

Minghui Liwang ◽  
Ruitao Chen ◽  
Xianbin Wang ◽  
Xuemin Shen

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Witono Adiyoga ◽  
Darkam Musaddad ◽  
Asma Sembiring

<p>Salah satu faktor utama yang dapat menjaga keberlanjutan dan kontinuitas produksi industri pengolahan pertanian adalah ketersediaan pasokan bahan baku. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik industri dan merancang upaya perbaikan rantai pasok bahan baku keripik kentang industri rumah tangga di Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Garut dan Pangalengan, Jawa Barat pada bulan Agustus 2016. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui metode survey dan focus group discussion (FGD). Survey dilaksanakan melalui wawancara 19 responden prosesor keripik kentang skala rumah tangga. Focus group discussion diarahkan untuk mengelaborasi kondisi aktual dan potensi perbaikan rantai pasok bahan baku keripik kentang. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah statistika deskriptif, analisis strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT,) matriks strategic position and action evaluation matrix (SPACE), dan analisis quantitative strategis planning matrix (QSPM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pasokan bahan baku per industri adalah 2,8 ton per bulan. Sistem pembelian bahan baku adalah spot market. Kapasitas produksi keripik kentang per bulan berkisar antara 15–540 kg (84,2%). Spesifikasi bahan baku masih belum terstandarisasi dan bersifat ekstrinsik kualitatif. Analisis SWOT dan pemetaan faktor-faktor eksternal-internal menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan rantai pasok dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan strategi agresif. Penyusunan prioritas strategi melalui analisis QSPM menyarankan agar strategi promosi masif varietas alternatif kentang prosesing non-Atlantik (termasuk Median) dan kemudahan akses petani terhadap benihnya, serta strategi perbaikan sistem pembelian bahan baku dapat diimplementasikan secara simultan.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Keripik kentang; Industri rumah tangga; Rantai pasok bahan baku; Analisis kekuatan-kelemahan-peluang-ancaman</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>One important factor that could maintain production sustainability of agro-processing industry is the availability of raw material. The study was aimed at examining potato chips household industry characteristics and designing strategies to improve the raw material supply chain in West Java. The study was conducted in Garut and Pangalengan in August 2016. Data collection was carried out through survey of 19 household industries. Meanwhile, FGD involving relevant participants was conducted to elaborate household industries’ existing conditions and potentials for improvements. The analytical tools used were descriptive statistics, analysis strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT),  strategic position and action evaluation (SPACE) matrix, and quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) analysis. The results showed that the industry was characterized by average raw material demand of 2.8 tons/firm/month, spot market purchasing system, and production capacity of 15–540 kg/month. SWOT analysis and mapping in SPACE demonstrate that the improvement of raw material supply chain is best pursued by employing aggressive strategy.  Priority setting by QSPM suggests that the strategy of promoting massively non-Atlantic potato processing varieties (included Median) by also increasing farmers’ seed access, and improving potato chips raw material procurement systems should be implemented simultaneously.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 6-12
Bolin Zhang ◽  
Chong Shao ◽  
Chunxiang Yang ◽  
Xiaobin Zhang ◽  
Tianyu Zhang ◽  

The electricity spot market can reflect the power supply and demand situation in real time through price signals, guiding users to shift peaks and fill valleys, and enhancing the level of new energy consumption. Gansu Province, one of the first pilot spot market provinces in China, has designed a bilateral spot market for generations and users. The power supply mode and grid operation mode will undergo changes according to the operation results of the power market to achieve the optimal allocation of power resources, thus posing a huge challenge to the original grid dispatching mode. The article analyses the dispatch management articulation model based on the high penetration of new energy grids in the power market reform, adapts the work focus after changes in the power market business, and explores efficient dispatching business processes for the power spot market to ensure a smooth transition of dispatching work and effective integration of the market business.

2021 ◽  
Gabriel Godofredo Fiuza de Braganca

<p>This thesis proposes a new framework to jointly analyze electricity spot market and hedging decisions in an oligopolistic setup. Firstly, we find that, when exogenous, both quantity of electricity hedged by contract and vertical integration decrease the equilibrium spot price. Secondly, we use a hybrid approach and show that market structure can affect a generator’s decision to vertically integrate under uncertain demand. Thirdly, we consider uncertainty in costs and demand and show that concentration in the spot market, for a given hedge quantum, can increase forward prices and affect the slope of the forward curve. Our empirical results indicate that the model fits the New Zealand electricity market well. This evidence that market structure and hedging decisions are closely connected is further explored in a three period equilibrium model for the spot and forward markets, where hedging occurs prior to the submission of supply curves. Taking into account demand-side and supply-side uncertainties, we find that when hedging is endogenous, hedging quantities are affected by spot market parameters, but market power is itself mitigated in the conscious hedging choice of generators. We also show that forward markets can coexist with highly vertically integrated markets. The importance of our results is general. Our models can be used by policy makers to analyze investment and forward price implications of changes in the spot market structure. Our results also indicate that electricity generators, in equilibrium, face a trade-off between market power and hedging. Given that it is socially beneficial to manage risk, the equilibrium impact of their choices on welfare should not be considered in isolation by competition authorities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Gabriel Godofredo Fiuza de Braganca

<p>This thesis proposes a new framework to jointly analyze electricity spot market and hedging decisions in an oligopolistic setup. Firstly, we find that, when exogenous, both quantity of electricity hedged by contract and vertical integration decrease the equilibrium spot price. Secondly, we use a hybrid approach and show that market structure can affect a generator’s decision to vertically integrate under uncertain demand. Thirdly, we consider uncertainty in costs and demand and show that concentration in the spot market, for a given hedge quantum, can increase forward prices and affect the slope of the forward curve. Our empirical results indicate that the model fits the New Zealand electricity market well. This evidence that market structure and hedging decisions are closely connected is further explored in a three period equilibrium model for the spot and forward markets, where hedging occurs prior to the submission of supply curves. Taking into account demand-side and supply-side uncertainties, we find that when hedging is endogenous, hedging quantities are affected by spot market parameters, but market power is itself mitigated in the conscious hedging choice of generators. We also show that forward markets can coexist with highly vertically integrated markets. The importance of our results is general. Our models can be used by policy makers to analyze investment and forward price implications of changes in the spot market structure. Our results also indicate that electricity generators, in equilibrium, face a trade-off between market power and hedging. Given that it is socially beneficial to manage risk, the equilibrium impact of their choices on welfare should not be considered in isolation by competition authorities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-123
Muhammad Asif Ali ◽  
Muhammad Asif Ali ◽  
Dr. Naveed Hussain Shah

This study investigates the relationship between futures prices and their underlying spot prices of the stocks trading on Pakistan stock market. Data on the monthly closing prices of future contracts and their underlying stocks of 30 companies for the period January 2004 to June 2014 have been taken for analysis. Descriptive statistics, Augmented Dicky Fuller test for unit root testing, Johnson Co-integration test, Granger causality test and Vector Error Correction Model are used. The results confirms significant long term relationship between futures prices and the associated Spot prices in case of 26 companies. The report of Granger causality test indicates that a Bi-directional causality lack to exist in case of each security, VECM shows that Spot prices for current month are effected by previous month prices in case of 7 companies, while futures prices of current month are affected by previous month prices in case of 4 companies. VECM illustrates that the volatility shocks in spot market are less effected by futures market, however the volatility shocks in corresponding futures market were strongly and significantly affected by spot market volatility.

Peng Li ◽  
Xiyuan Ma ◽  
Man Chen ◽  
Junfeng Tan ◽  
Ping Yang ◽  

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