axion decay
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Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Theopisti Dafni ◽  
Javier Galán

Dark matter searches have been ongoing for three decades; the lack of a positive discovery of the main candidate, the WIMP, after dedicated efforts, has put axions and axion-like particles in the spotlight. The three main techniques employed to search for them complement each other well in covering a wide range in the parameter space defined by the axion decay constant and the axion mass. The International AXion Observatory (IAXO) is an international collaboration planning to build the fourth generation axion helioscope, with an unparalleled expected sensitivity and discovery potential. The distinguishing characteristic of IAXO is that it will feature a magnet that is designed to maximise the relevant parameters in sensitivity and which will be equipped with X-ray focusing devices and detectors that have been developed for axion physics. In this paper, we review aspects that motivate IAXO and its prototype, BabyIAXO, in the axion, and ALPs landscape. As part of this Special Issue, some emphasis is given on Spanish participation in the project, of which CAPA (Centro de Astropartículas y Física de Altas Energías of the Universidad de Zaragoza) is a strong promoter.

Valeriy Evgenjevich Ogluzdin

In the review, based on the analysis of the results published in the works of domestic and foreign researchers, a variant of an unconventional interpretation of the photoluminescence of dispersive media in the energy range of 0.5 - 3 eV is proposed. The interpretation meets the requirements of the energy conservation law for photons and axions participating in the photoluminescence process. The participation of axions in the process is consistent with Primakov's hypothesis. The role of nonradiative relaxation at the stage of axion decay is noted. The axion lifetimes are estimated for a number of dispersive media.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2150
Ariel Arza ◽  
Elisa Todarello

The axion is a dark matter candidate arising from the spontaneous breaking of the Peccei–Quinn symmetry, introduced to solve the strong CP problem. It has been shown that radio/microwave radiation sent out to space is backscattered in the presence of axion dark matter due to stimulated axion decay. This backscattering is a feeble and narrow echo signal centered at an angular frequency very close to one-half of the axion mass. In this article, we summarize all the relevant results found so far, including analytical formulas for the echo signal, as well as sensitivity prospects for possible near-future experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Raymond T. Co ◽  
Keisuke Harigaya ◽  
Zachary Johnson ◽  
Aaron Pierce

Abstract We show that the rotation of the QCD axion field, aided by B−L violation from supersymmetric R-parity violating couplings, can yield the observed baryon abundance. Strong sphaleron processes transfer the angular momentum of the axion field into a quark chiral asymmetry, which R-parity violating couplings convert to the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. We focus on the case of dimensionless R-parity violating couplings with textures motivated by grand unified theories and comment on more general scenarios. The axion decay constant and mass spectrum of supersymmetric particles are constrained by Big Bang nucleosynthesis, proton decay from the R-parity violation, and successful thermalization of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking field. Axion dark matter may be produced by the axion rotation via the kinetic misalignment mechanism for axion decay constants below 1010 GeV, or by the conventional misalignment mechanism for 1011-12 GeV. The viable parameter region can be probed by proton decay and axion searches. This scenario may also have connections with collider experiments, including searches for long-lived particles, and observations of gravitational waves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Stephen Angus ◽  
Kang-Sin Choi ◽  
Chang Sub Shin

Abstract We embed natural inflation in an explict string theory model and derive observables in cosmology. We achieve this by compactifying the type IIB string on a Calabi-Yau orientifold, stabilizing moduli via the Large Volume Scenario, and configuring axions using D7-brane stacks. In order to obtain a large effective decay constant, we employ the Kim-Nilles-Peloso alignment mechanism, with the required multiple axions arising naturally from generically anisotropic bulk geometries. The bulk volumes, and hence the axion decay constants, are stabilized by generalized one-loop corrections and subject to various conditions: the Kähler cone condition on the string geometry; the convex hull condition of the weak gravity conjecture; and the constraint from the power spectrum of scalar perturbations. We find that all constraints can be satisfied in a geometry with relatively small volume and thus heavy bulk axion mass. We also covariantize the convex hull condition for the axion-dilaton-instanton system and verify the normalization of the extremal bound.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Keisuke Harigaya ◽  
Ruoquan Wang

Abstract The baryon asymmetry of the universe may be explained by rotations of the QCD axion in field space and baryon number violating processes. We consider the minimal extension of the Standard Model by a non-Abelian gauge interaction, SU(2)R, whose sphaleron process violates baryon number. Assuming that axion dark matter is also created from the axion rotation by the kinetic misalignment mechanism, the mass scale of the SU(2)R gauge boson is fixed as a function of the QCD axion decay constant, and vise versa. Significant portion of the parameter space has already been excluded by new gauge boson searches, and the high-luminocity LHC will further probe the viable parameter space.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 354
Alberto Salvio ◽  
Simone Scollo

Extending the standard model with three right-handed neutrinos and a simple QCD axion sector can account for neutrino oscillations, dark matter and baryon asymmetry; at the same time, it solves the strong CP problem, stabilizes the electroweak vacuum and can implement critical Higgs inflation (satisfying all current observational bounds). We perform here a general analysis of dark matter (DM) in such a model, which we call the aνMSM. Although critical Higgs inflation features a (quasi) inflection point of the inflaton potential, we show that DM cannot receive a contribution from primordial black holes in the aνMSM. This leads to a multicomponent axion–sterile neutrino DM and allows us to relate the axion parameters, such as the axion decay constant, to the neutrino parameters. We include several DM production mechanisms: the axion production via misalignment and decay of topological defects as well as the sterile neutrino production through the resonant and non-resonant mechanisms and in the recently proposed CPT-symmetric universe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Manuel A. Buen-Abad ◽  
JiJi Fan ◽  
Matthew Reece ◽  
Chen Sun

Abstract The discrepancy between the muon g − 2 measurement and the Standard Model prediction points to new physics around or below the weak scale. It is tantalizing to consider the loop effects of a heavy axion (in the general sense, also known as an axion-like particle) coupling to leptons and photons as an explanation for this discrepancy. We provide an updated analysis of the necessary couplings, including two-loop contributions, and find that the new physics operators point to an axion decay constant on the order of 10s of GeV. This poses major problems for such an explanation, as the axion couplings to leptons and photons must be generated at low scales. We outline some possibilities for how such couplings can arise, and find that these scenarios predict new charged matter at or below the weak scale and new scalars can mix with the Higgs boson, raising numerous phenomenological challenges. These scenarios also all predict additional contributions to the muon g−2 itself, calling the initial application of the axion effective theory into question. We conclude that there is little reason to favor an axion explanation of the muon g – 2 measurement relative to other models postulating new weak-scale matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Mario Reig

Abstract In addition to spectacular signatures such as black hole superradiance and the rotation of CMB polarization, the plenitude of axions appearing in the string axiverse may have potentially dangerous implications. An example is the cosmological overproduction of relic axions and moduli by the misalignment mechanism, more pronounced in regions where the signals mentioned above may be observable, that is for large axion decay constant. In this work, we study the minimal requirements to soften this problem and show that the fundamental requirement is a long period of low-scale inflation. However, in this case, if the inflationary Hubble scale is lower than around O(100) eV, no relic DM axion is produced in the early Universe. Cosmological production of some axions may be activated, via the misalignment mechanism, if their potential minimum changes between inflation and today. As a particular example, we study in detail how the maximal-misalignment mechanism dilutes the effect of dangerous axions and allows the production of axion DM in a controlled way. In this case, the potential of the axion that realises the mechanism shifts by a factor ∆θ = π between the inflationary epoch and today, and the axion starts to oscillate from the top of its potential. We also show that axions with masses ma ∼ O(1 − 100) H0 realising the maximal-misalignment mechanism generically behave as dark energy with a decay constant that can take values well below the Planck scale, avoiding problems associated to super-Planckian scales. Finally, we briefly study the basic phenomenological implications of the mechanism and comment on the compatibility of this type of maximally-misaligned quintessence with the swampland criteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Kiwoon Choi ◽  
Sang Hui Im ◽  
Hee Jung Kim ◽  
Hyeonseok Seong

Abstract We study the renormalization group running of axion couplings while taking into account that the Standard Model can be extended to its supersymmetric extension at a certain energy scale below the axion decay constant. We then apply our results to three different classes of axion models, i.e. KSVZ-like, DFSZ-like, and string-theoretic axions, and examine if string-theoretic axions can be distinguished from others by having a different pattern of low energy couplings to the photon, nucleons and electron. We find that the low energy couplings of string-theoretic axions have a similar pattern as those of KSVZ-like axions but yet reveal a sizable difference which might be testable in future axion search experiments. We also note that the coupling of KSVZ-like QCD axions to the electron is dominated by a three-loop contribution involving the exotic heavy quark, gluons, top quark and Higgs field.

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