intuitive interpretation
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2021 ◽  
Yue Hu ◽  
Carri W. Chan ◽  
Jing Dong

Service systems are typically limited resource environments where scarce capacity is reserved for the most urgent customers. However, there has been a growing interest in the use of proactive service when a less urgent customer may become urgent while waiting. On one hand, providing service for customers when they are less urgent could mean that fewer resources are needed to fulfill their service requirement. On the other hand, using limited capacity for customers who may never need the service in the future takes the capacity away from other more urgent customers who need it now. To understand this tension, we propose a multiserver queueing model with two customer classes: moderate and urgent. We allow customers to transition classes while waiting. In this setting, we characterize how moderate and urgent customers should be prioritized for service when proactive service for moderate customers is an option. We identify an index, the modified [Formula: see text]-index, which plays an important role in determining the optimal scheduling policy. This index lends itself to an intuitive interpretation of how to balance holding costs, service times, abandonments, and transitions between customer classes. This paper was accepted by David Simchi-Levi, stochastic models and simulation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Xianliang Gong ◽  
Yulin Pan

Abstract The authors of the discussed paper simplified the information-based acquisition on estimating statistical expectation and developed analytical computation for each involved quantity under uniform input distribution. In this discussion, we show that (1) the last three terms of the acquisition always add up to zero, leaving a concise form with a much more intuitive interpretation of the acquisition; (2) the analytical computation of the acquisition can be generalized to arbitrary input distribution, greatly broadening the application of the developed framework.

Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco ◽  
Antonio Leanza ◽  
Giulio Reina

AbstractIn this paper, we present a novel general framework grounded in the factor graph theory to solve kinematic and dynamic problems for multibody systems. Although the motion of multibody systems is considered to be a well-studied problem and various methods have been proposed for its solution, a unified approach providing an intuitive interpretation is still pursued. We describe how to build factor graphs to model and simulate multibody systems using both, independent and dependent coordinates. Then, batch optimization or a fixed lag smoother can be applied to solve the underlying optimization problem that results in a highly sparse nonlinear minimization problem. The proposed framework has been tested in extensive simulations and validated against a commercial multibody software. We release a reference implementation as an open-source C++ library, based on the GTSAM framework, a well-known estimation library. Simulations of forward and inverse dynamics are presented, showing comparable accuracy with classical approaches. The proposed factor graph-based framework has the potential to be integrated into applications related with motion estimation and parameter identification of complex mechanical systems, ranging from mechanisms to vehicles, or robot manipulators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 110 (3) ◽  
pp. 451-456
David J. Hand ◽  
Peter Christen ◽  
Nishadi Kirielle

AbstractThe F-measure, also known as the F1-score, is widely used to assess the performance of classification algorithms. However, some researchers find it lacking in intuitive interpretation, questioning the appropriateness of combining two aspects of performance as conceptually distinct as precision and recall, and also questioning whether the harmonic mean is the best way to combine them. To ease this concern, we describe a simple transformation of the F-measure, which we call $$F^*$$ F ∗ (F-star), which has an immediate practical interpretation.

V. M. Romanchak ◽  
M. A. Hundzina

The paper suggests that the use of classical wavelets may be auxiliary in the analysis of a periodic signal. This is because the intuitive interpretation of the wavelet transform is not obvious. It is proposed to consider the Fourier transform as the main tool in applied research of periodic signals. An example is provided to support this point of view. To isolate the periodic component of the signal, along with wavelet analysis, it is proposed to perform spectral analysis. To do this, pre-filtering is performed using singular wavelets. This approach can significantly complement classical wavelet analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (13) ◽  
pp. 2050196 ◽  
Yuangen Yao ◽  
Jun Ma

In this work, we demonstrate a new chaotic signal-induced phenomenon that the output of a chaotic signal-driven bistable system can be consistently mapped to specific logic gate operation in an optimal window of chaotic signal intensity. We term this phenomenon logical chaotic resonance (LCR). Then, an intuitive interpretation for LCR phenomenon is given based on potential well map and mean first-passage time. Through LCR mechanism, the chaotic signal with proper intensity is used to obtain reliable logical gate in the bistable system. Besides, appropriately increasing the chaotic signal intensity can effectively improve the response speed of the bistable system to the change of input signal. Finally, the role of chaotic signal in enhancing the capacity of resisting disturbance of parameters is demonstrated.

2020 ◽  
Gerta Rücker ◽  
Adriani Nikolakopoulou ◽  
Theodoros Papakonstantinou ◽  
Georgia Salanti ◽  
Richard D. Riley ◽  

Abstract Background: In pairwise meta-analysis, the contribution of each study to the pooled estimate is given by its weight, which is based on the inverse variance of the estimate from that study. For network meta-analysis (NMA), the contribution of direct (and indirect) evidence is easily obtained from the diagonal elements of a hat matrix. It is, however, not fully clear how to generalize this to the percentage contribution of each study to a NMA estimate. Methods: We define the importance of each study for a NMA estimate by the reduction of the estimate's variance when adding the given study to the others. An equivalent interpretation is the relative loss in precision when the study is left out. Importances are values between 0 and 1. An importance of 1 means that the study is an essential link of the pathway in the network connecting one of the treatments with another. Results: Importances can be defined for two-stage and one-stage NMA. These numbers in general do not add to one and thus cannot be interpreted as `percentage contributions'. After briefly discussing other available approaches, we question whether it is possible to obtain unique percentage contributions for NMA. Conclusions: Importances generalize the concept of weights in pairwise meta-analysis in a natural way. Moreover, they are uniquely defined, easily calculated, and have an intuitive interpretation. We give some real examples for illustration.

DYNA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 87 (214) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Lucas Villegas Santa ◽  
Dario Antonio Castañeda Sánchez

The delineation of management zones is based on the spatial behavior of a few soil variables selected and evaluated previously, and usually not correlated in situ with yield. Since the soil-plant system is multivariate, the analysis of its complexity requires statistical tools of equal size. These tools are convenient in providing an intuitive interpretation of the relationship between variables and the ordering of sampling sites. This study aims at the identification of management zones in a banana agroecosystem, starting from the overall analysis of soil variables with crop performance components, using multivariate statistical tools. Three clusters of sites were identified based on soil variables, dry mean weight diameter, pH, and (Ca+Mg)/K ratio, all correlated with crop yield. The groupings allowed to delineate management zones whose production has a uniform spatial behavior, significantly different between zones (P < 0.01)

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