special composition
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 182-185
N. Khozeev

The article examines the criminal-legal problem of countering one of the most common types of crimes against property — fraud. The issues concerning the identification of the most complex legislative structures in order to improve and increase the effectiveness of the application in practice of the rule on a special type of fraud are considered. The issues of improving the criminal law norms on liability for fraud in order to increase their effectiveness in countering such crimes are investigated. It is noted that the problems of applying the new rules on fraud (Articles 159–159.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which is a common crime against property, remain unresolved. The signs of a special composition of fraud are analyzed, various judgments on this issue expressed in the legal literature are given. Proposals are being made to optimize criminal legislation in this area.

2022 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 283
Nina Haslinger

This paper revisits the semantic variability of sentences with simple plural (in)definites in English and German, which permit distributive, cumulative and paired-cover construals. I argue that this variability reflects context-dependency rather than LF ambiguity (Schwarzschild 1996) and that the selection of a particular construal in context is driven by the QUD in the same way as the choice between maximal and non-maximal construals of plural definites (Malamud 2012; Križ 2015; Križ & Spector 2020). I then develop a new semantics for plural predication on which non-distributive and non-maximal construals form a natural class. The system extends the idea that non-maximality involves truth-value gaps (e.g. Križ 2015) to non-distributive construals by making use of Schmitt’s (2019) ‘plural projection’ framework, in which plural sentences involve special composition rules.

Synthese ◽  
2021 ◽  
Michael te Vrugt

AbstractThe special composition question (SCQ), which asks under which conditions objects compose a further object, establishes a central debate in modern metaphysics. Recent successes of inductive metaphysics, which studies the implications of the natural sciences for metaphysical problems, suggest that insights into the SCQ can be gained by investigating the physics of composite systems. In this work, I show that the minus first law of thermodynamics, which is concerned with the approach to equilibrium, leads to a new approach to the SCQ, the thermodynamic composition principle (TCP): Multiple systems in (generalized) thermal contact compose a single system. This principle, which is justified based on a systematic classification of possible mereological models for thermodynamic systems, might form the basis of an inductive argument for universalism. A formal analysis of the TCP is provided on the basis of mereotopology, which is a combination of mereology and topology. Here, “thermal contact” can be analyzed using the mereotopological predicate “self-connectedness”. Self-connectedness has to be defined in terms of mereological sums to ensure that scattered objects cannot be self-connected.

2021 ◽  
pp. 158-230
A. J. Cotnoir ◽  
Achille C. Varzi

This chapter explores the philosophical and formal issues surrounding mereological composition. It carefully examines the difference between three main types of fusion: algebraic joins, Leśniewski sums, and Goodman fusions. It also examines different views about their conditions of existence (the so-called ‘special composition question’), including the controversial doctrines of mereological universalism, nihilism, and restricted theories of composition. Next it considers whether fusions are unique and how this impacts extensionality, including presenting a detailed analysis of the thesis known as ‘composition as identity’. A number of ‘structural’ conceptions of composition (and related algebraic principles) are then examined. Finally, parallel to questions about a null object, atomism, and ‘atomless gunk’, the existence of a universal object and the ideas of ‘worldless junk’, and coatomism are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Serghei A. Baranov ◽  

In this paper, solutions for two problems are proposed. One of the problems is associated with increasing the strength of objects, for instance, the strength of windows in industrial buildings and dwelling houses. The other problem is related to electromagnetic shielding. Both of these problems are related to the protection form terrorist acts, since terrorists make use of concentrated electromagnetic pulses to destroy computers or other electronic equipment. The proposed solutions are based upon the manufacturing of glass windows reinforced with cast glass-coated amorphous micro- and nanowires (CGCAMNWs) having a special composition and structure, which increases their tensile strength against mechanical destruction, on the one hand, and imparts them with shielding properties against electromagnetic radiation, on the other hand. The CGCAMNW materials are of interest from both theoretical and practical points of view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 303-314
Maria Roxana Bischin

"We are proposing to situate Maurice Ravel in a refined poetic aesthetic. Our desire is to offer an original philosophical and musicological perspective on Kaddisch, because, personally, this composition determines us to reflect on what is “beyond” Being. We note that there is a particular Hebraic stylistic continuity at the time, and in this sense we also remember Joseph Achron, on the distinguished Hebrew Melody, op. 33. More than that, Yehudi Menuhin devoted himself playing both the composition of Achron and this special composition by Maurice Ravel on the violin. Maurice Ravel composed a part for the liturgical ceremony entitled Kaddish, and critics claim that he did not introduce this song as a novelty, because the composition already existed in the Hebrew tradition. However, behind that, we try to defend Ravel by observing what are the aesthetic-compositional novelties introduced in this beautiful song. Being a mystical song of a man who mourns death but, at the same time, weeps on infinite love, Kaddisch still let us to find various interpretations, whether it is a liturgical text or sheet music. Advancing with the observations along this paper, in the final part of the paper, we made a comparison between Maurice Ravel and Leonard Bernstein’s perspective on Kaddisch. Keywords: “Kaddisch (Kaddish)”; Maurice Ravel; Leonard Bernstein; Alexander Veprik; Yehudi Menuhin; violin’s aesthetic; metaphysical sadness; sacredness; mournfulness; mourning; the Hebrew-ʻalasʼ; the Portuguese ʻalémʼ. "

А. А. Вялкова ◽  
С. В. Плотникова ◽  
Л. С. Зыкова ◽  
О. К. Любимова ◽  
Л. М. Гордиенко ◽  

В обзоре литературы представлены современные данные о влиянии некоторых нутриентов на профилактику неинфекционных заболеваний (метаболических заболеваний, фоновых состояний, аллергической патологии) у детей. Для детей грудного возраста эталоном вскармливания является грудное молоко, обеспечивающее рост и развитие ребенка. Представлены данные о влиянии пребиотических свойств олигосахаридов грудного молока и микробиоты кишечника на рост, развитие и состояния здоровья ребенка. Освещены вопросы «программирования» метаболизма при рациональном адаптированном питании в период грудного и раннего возраста, а также недоношенных детей, влияния питательных веществ на иммунитет, пищеварительную систему, костную ткань, развитие мозга и когнитивные функции. Оценены факторы, влияющие на развитие пищевой аллергии в детском возрасте. Для организации полноценного питания важен правильный выбор продукта специального состава, отвечающего особенностям детей конкретного возраста и характеру нарушенных обменных процессов. The literature review presents current data on the effect of certain nutrients on the prevention of non-infectious diseases (metabolic diseases, background conditions, allergic pathology) in children. For infants, the standard of feeding is breast milk, which ensures the growth and development of the baby. The data on the influence of the prebiotic properties of breast milk oligosaccharides and intestinal microbiota on the growth, development and health of the child are presented. The issues of «programming» metabolism with rational adapted nutrition during infancy and early age, as well as premature infants, the effect of nutrients on immunity, the digestive system, bone tissue, brain development and cognitive functions are highlighted. The factors influencing the development of food allergy in childhood were evaluated. For the organization of good nutrition, it is important to choose the right product of a special composition that meets the characteristics of children of a particular age and the nature of disturbed metabolic processes. This literature review discusses the current understanding of the effect of certain nutrients in children on the prevention of a number of noncommunicable diseases. It is emphasized that the standard of feeding for young children is breast milk, which provides the child with everything necessary for his growth and development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (23) ◽  
pp. 8340
Rubén Domínguez ◽  
Paulo E. S. Munekata ◽  
Mirian Pateiro ◽  
Aristide Maggiolino ◽  
Benjamin Bohrer ◽  

Currently, the food industry is looking for alternatives to synthetic additives in processed food products, so research investigating new sources of compounds with high biological activity is worthwhile and becoming more common. There are many different types of vegetables that contain bioactive compounds, and additional features of some vegetables include uses as natural colorants and antioxidants. In this sense, and due to the special composition of beetroot, the use of this vegetable allows for the extraction of a large number of compounds with special interest to the meat industry. This includes colorants (betalains), antioxidants (betalains and phenolic compounds), and preservatives (nitrates), which can be applied for the reformulation of meat products, thus limiting the number and quantity of synthetic additives added to these foods and, at the same time, increase their shelf-life. Despite all these benefits, the application of beetroot or its products (extracts, juice, powder, etc.) in the meat industry is very limited, and the body of available research on beetroot as an ingredient is scarce. Therefore, in this review, the main biologically active compounds present in beetroot, the implications and benefits that their consumption has for human health, as well as studies investigating the use beetroot in the reformulation of meat and meat products are presented in a comprehensible manner.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Bernhard Fabian Bichler ◽  
Mike Peters

Purpose Adventure activities have become the core products of many tourism destinations. Hiking, which is known to be a soft adventure activity, represents an especially important product for many tourism destinations around the globe and in the European Alps. However, little research has explored hikers’ underlying motivation and experiences, which are expected to differ from the hard adventure context, as mountain hiking provides a low risk, but high immersion. This paper aims to determine and explore the underlying dimensions and dynamics of mountain hikers’ soft adventure motivation (SAM). Design/methodology/approach A concurrent mixed-method design that builds on a quantitative survey (N = 379) and qualitative interviews (N = 14) was used to explore SAM factors. This study combined exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis with semi-structured interviews and template analysis. Findings The quantitative results provide six SAM factors and emphasize that “relaxation,” “socializing” and “discovery” contribute to hiking satisfaction, while “recognition” has adverse effects. By triangulating these findings with hikers’ experiences, this study underlines the associated recreational meaning of hiking and provides an in-depth qualitative discussion of SAM factors and the subordinate role of “recognition.” Originality/value The contribution of this paper is a refined understanding of SAM in the hiking context by emphasizing the recreational meaning of mountain hiking. As a result, this study adds an important missing link to previous outdoor tourism and leisure studies by showing the special composition and dynamics of SAM. The findings also support the creation of tailor-made touristic products.

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