proper strategy
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Jaehun Shin ◽  
Wonkee Lee ◽  
Byung-Hyun Go ◽  
Baikjin Jung ◽  
Youngkil Kim ◽  

Automatic post-editing (APE) is the study of correcting translation errors in the output of an unknown machine translation (MT) system and has been considered as a method of improving translation quality without any modification to conventional MT systems. Recently, several variants of Transformer that take both the MT output and its corresponding source sentence as inputs have been proposed for APE; and models introducing an additional attention layer into the encoder to jointly encode the MT output with its source sentence recorded a high-rank in the WMT19 APE shared task. We examine the effectiveness of such joint-encoding strategy in a controlled environment and compare four types of decoder multi-source attention strategies that have been introduced into previous APE models. The experimental results indicate that the joint-encoding strategy is effective and that taking the final encoded representation of the source sentence is the more proper strategy than taking such representation within the same encoder stack. Furthermore, among the multi-source attention strategies combined with the joint-encoding, the strategy that applies attention to the concatenated input representation and the strategy that adds up the individual attention to each input improve the quality of APE results over the strategy using the joint-encoding only.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1082
Lidia Gustrian Putri Hondro ◽  
Abdul Sadad ◽  
Abdul Sadad

Street parking retribution is one kind of PAD that has high potential in Dumai City.However, income from street parking retribution in Dumai City is still low because there is no proper strategy to optimize it. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to formulate strategy in order to optimize the income of parking on the street in Dumai City.This research uses interviews, questionnaires, observation and study documents as data collection techniques. Then data founded processed by calculating IFAS-IFAS, Cartesian SWOT quadrant, IE matrix and SWOT analysis. Results of this research are the formulation of strategies for optimizing the street parking retribution income in the city of Dumai as follows: 1) implementing the Electronic Parking Terminal (TPE) system as a more effective replacement system. 2) Forming supervisory team by coordinating such as Satpol PP, Police and so on. 3) Installed Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) at each public roadside parking location so that it can be used in the future. 4) Open a written or online complaint service to receive input and complaints from the public or public roadside parking service users. 5) Propose an additional operational budget so that the expansion of public roadside parking spaces in Dumai City can be carried out.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (19) ◽  
pp. 2385
Jacopo Giacomelli ◽  
Luca Passalacqua

Public works contracts are commonly priced and awarded through a tender process. Each bidder joining the tender must underwrite a bid bond that guarantees their fitness as contractors in case of a win. The winning contractor also needs to underwrite a performance bond before entering the contract to protect the procuring entity against the performance risk arising during the execution phase. This study addresses the case when sureties refuse to issue the performance bond, despite having issued a bid bond to the same subject. A creditworthiness variation of the contractor during the tender or an excessive discount of the contract’s price may lead to this outcome. In that case, all the subjects involved are damaged. The surety who issued the bid bond has to indemnify the procuring entity. The contract award is nullified, which is financially harmful to both the contractor and the procuring entity. We show that sureties adopting a forward-looking risk appetite framework may prevent the demand for unsustainable performance bonds instead of addressing it by rejecting the bidders’ requests. The Solvency II regulatory framework, the Italian bidding law, and actual historical data available from the Italian construction sector are considered to specify a simplified model. The probability of unsustainable tender outcomes is numerically estimated by the model, together with the mitigating impact of a surety’s proper strategy.

Al-Lisan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-208
I Made Juliarta ◽  
I Gede Nika Wirawan

This study aims to find out the types of figurative language found in David Campbell’s poem “Night Sowing” and their translation “Menyemai di Malam Hari” and to find out the meanings of the figurative language found in David Campbell’s poem “Night Sowing” and their translation “Menyemai di Malam Hari”. This study used the theory proposed by Larson (1998:121). In collecting data, this study used the library research method, and the data were collected in some steps to obtain appropriate and sufficient data. The steps in getting the data of this writing were done by reading attentively and accurately with the focus on the figurative languages in the poem. The result of study revealed that metonymy, idiom and personification are the types of figurative languages found in the data source. In translating the idiomatic expression, it needs the proper strategy so that the meaning in the source language can still be maintained.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Recha Noorridha Fachmy ◽  
Cecep Syafa’atul Barkah ◽  
Tetty Herawaty ◽  
Lina Aulina

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi yang dapat diaplikasikan pada UMKM Toko Sikece dan untuk menyusun strategi pemasaran pada UMKM Toko Sikece dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan menggunakan Internal Resources Based, Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA), framework Value Rarity Imitability Organization (VRIO) dan tabel Threats Opportunities Weaknesses Strengths (TOWS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi yang tepat untuk penetration share yaitu dengan meningkatkan penjualan dengan strategi promosi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penjulan pada toko sikece.   Kata kunci: strategi promosi, penjualan, penetration share, internal based resourcesAbstractThis study aims to find out the strategy applied to UMKM Toko Sikece and to compile UMKM Toko Sikece marketing strategy with qualitative descriptive research method. The collected data processed with Internal Resources Based, Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) framework Value Rarity Imitability Organization (VRIO) and table analysis Threats Opportunities Weaknesses Strengths (TOWS). The result of study indicate that proper strategy for penetration share is increasing sales and promotion strategy. The result of this study expected to increase sales on Toko Sikece. Keywords: promotion strategy, sales, penetration share, internal based resources.  

Qize Jiang ◽  
Jingze Li ◽  
Weiwei Sun ◽  
Baihua Zheng

Traffic signal control has achieved significant success with the development of reinforcement learning. However, existing works mainly focus on intersections with normal lanes with fixed outgoing directions. It is noticed that some intersections actually implement dynamic lanes, in addition to normal lanes, to adjust the outgoing directions dynamically. Existing methods fail to coordinate the control of traffic signal and that of dynamic lanes effectively. In addition, they lack proper structures and learning algorithms to make full use of traffic flow prediction, which is essential to set the proper directions for dynamic lanes. Motivated by the ineffectiveness of existing approaches when controlling the traffic signal and dynamic lanes simultaneously, we propose a new method, namely MT-GAD, in this paper. It uses a group attention structure to reduce the number of required parameters and to achieve a better generalizability, and uses multi-timescale model training to learn proper strategy that could best control both the traffic signal and the dynamic lanes. The experiments on real datasets demonstrate that MT-GAD outperforms existing approaches significantly.

Pham Vu Hong Son ◽  
Phan Kim Anh

Nowadays, the scale of construction projects has been larger and more complex, the tender preparation is often costly to the bidder thus. It is becoming one of the primary barriers for attracting bidder’s involvement, as well as contractor's encouraging high effort. Bid compensation concept is proposed as a reward to foster the bidder participating in a higher endeavor. Game theory is ideal for modeling the dynamics and deriving high-effort strategies for bid compensation. The experiment results have demonstrated the owner can gain benefit by using rational compensation. The sensitivity analysis also shows the interest correlation between the owner and bidders. By choosing a proper strategy based on Nash Equilibrium solutions, both the owner and bidders can reach to win-win situation.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-80
Sahari Sahari ◽  
Edi Gunawan ◽  
Murjani Murjani

This paper analyzes the religious-social activities done by the preachers as the strategy of da’wah for those who are converted to Islam or “muallaf” in Dologuo Village, Bolaangmongondow Regency. By employing qualitative research, this paper argues that the strategy of da’wah maintained by the preacher (“dai”) has influenced to the improvement of religiosity of the “muallaf”. This paper found that the da’i has been able to implement the strategy of da’wah that is in line with the need of “muallaf”. They established the religious circle or “pengajian”, provide religious books as the reference for the muallaf and building the social cohesion among between the muallaf and the broader Muslim community. This religious commitment can be seen at their ritual, knowledge, and attitude. This study seeks to contribute to the formulation of proper strategy of da’wah to the muallaf.Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas sosial keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan yang dijadikan sebagai sarana dan strategi dakwah oleh para da’i  dan berimplikasi pada perubahan prilaku (komitmen religiusitas) muallaf di Desa Doloduo Kabupaten Bolaangmongondow. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang digunakan da’i di Doloduo Bolaangmongondow menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan muallaf, yaitu meliputi penguatan aspek akidah, ibadah dan muamalah. Selain itu, dakwah dilakukan melalui kelompok pengajian, memberikan buku-buku agama sebagai bacaan dan mempererat persaudaraan antara muallaf dengan muslim lainnya. Komitmen religiusitas muallaf secara umum sudah tampak bagus dilihat dari beberapa indikator yaitu;  aspek keimanan, aspek ritual/ibadah, aspek penghayatan atau kedekatannya dengan Allah, aspek pengetahuan tentang ajaran pokok dalam Islam dan akhlak. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada perumusan formulasi dakwah yang dilakukan terhadap muallaf.

2021 ◽  
pp. 204388692098616
Dipankar Chakrabarti ◽  
Soumya Sarkar ◽  
Arindam Mukherjee

Owners of start-ups in the high-tech field face multiple challenges while scaling-up. The major challenge is to form a proper strategy that guides them to move from building products for point solutions to more industry-focused solutions, retaining skilled resources, efficient workforce management, and improving market reach. This case study is on Distronix, a start-up in the Industrial Internet of Things that could see steady revenue within 3 years of its operations. Distronix wanted to reach the next orbit fast. Distronix wanted to change the organizational blueprint with a proper strategy to scale-up. The young entrepreneurs owning Distronix brainstormed with their employees and the industry experts to strategize the next phase of growth. Market reach and coping with the changing demand of customers on Industrial Internet of Things were the two most important aspects of their strategy. After discussing with stakeholders and the mentors, the owners focused on alliances to increase their delivery and market reach capabilities. They could establish strong alliances, even with larger companies, with proper planning and sustained quality delivery. From the inception of Distronix, owners established alliance, but those were ad hoc and not as per the holistic plan, which provided them a better focus and guidance on alliancing. The alliance strategy seems successful from its revenue growth but needs regular review as the technology stack is getting refreshed fast. Regular monitoring of performance is also critical. The case study shows the importance of a well-thought and well-rounded alliance strategy for a start-up to scale-up confidently.

Soufiane Bentout ◽  
Salih Djilali ◽  
Abdenasser Chekroun

We consider in this research an age-structured alcoholism model. The global behavior of the model is investigated. It is proved that the system has a threshold dynamics in terms of the basic reproduction number (BRN), where we obtained that alcohol-free equilibrium (AFE) is globally asymptotically stable (GAS) in the case [Formula: see text], but for [Formula: see text] we found that the system persists and the nontrivial equilibrium (EE) is GAS. Furthermore, the effects of the susceptible drinkers rate and the repulse rate of the recovers to alcoholics are investigated, which allow us to provide a proper strategy for reducing the spread of alcohol use in the studied populations. The obtained mathematical results are tested numerically next to its biological relevance.

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