pcb layout
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Balakrishna Eppili

Abstract: There are various basic gates like NAND, NOR gates which are extensively used in the designing of the more complex circuits with use higher number of transistors such as MUXs, ADCs and any other circuits. In this paper, we have carried out the modelling of NOR gate at 130 nm technology, yet maintaining comparable performance than conventional CMOS NOR gate logic structure. The modelling includes schematics design and PCB layout design run of the above gates. Also, the simulation results of the gates are obtained at the same node with start time, step time, stop time, rise time, fall time and delay and power dissipation. In this all process have been carried out of a CMOS based NOR Logic Gate using Open-Source Software eSim. Keywords: Simulation, PCB, NOR, CMOS, eSim

2021 ◽  
Kunwar Aditya

This paper presents an empirical approach backedby LTspice simulation to optimize switching performance in halfbridgeconfiguration. For a given layout effective value of RCnetwork in gate drive loop, ways to avoid dV/dt induced false turnonof MOSFET and remedial circuit for minimizing parasiticoscillation at switching nodes have been presented. Entire studyhas been validated using LTspice simulation as it’s not possible tobuild a hardware board which can cover all the design aspectsauthors wanted to cover. Idea is to present a systematic approachwhich a practicing engineer can adopt for optimizing switching ofMOSFET in a given PCB layout.

Vanshika Tanwar

A real world signals are mostly based on Boolean operators. In simple language Boolean operators are logic gates and logic gates are the building blocks of any circuit. There are different types of logic gates like AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR. These all-logic gates are implemented using a Boolean function. And all these logic gates internally are implemented using diodes and transistors. And when we implement all these logic gates using transistor and diodes then it comes under logic families. In this paper we are going to do the analysis of NAND GATE using CMOS in 180 nm technology and has also designed its PCB layout. We are going to carried out the whole simulation of the proposed design of NAND Gate in eSim (Electronic Simulation) Software which is an EDA tool. And by changing the different values of inputs of NAND Gate we are observing respective output in simulation process of eSim.

Md. Saidul Islam ◽  
Sumon Chandra Debnath ◽  
Md. Sadequl Azam ◽  
Mashudur Rahaman ◽  
Md. Azizul Hoque ◽  

In this work, an energy-saving smart light controlling system has been proposed that can main-tain the desired intensity of light in a room automatically. Unlike the conventional light control system, the proposed system splits a large room into several zones and analyzes the light inten-sity of each zone; hence, the controlling unit adjusts the light intensity to the desired level. The main controlling unit consists of a light sensor, a motion sensor, a relay with a driver unit, an LCD display, etc. for controlling light efficiently to reduce the power waste. The sensors meas-ure the intensity of light, based on the standard light intensity data chart the controller units make a decision how many light bulbs are needed to be switched ON/OFF in a particular zone. Moreover, the system automatically switched-OFF all light bulbs when there is nobody in the room. Proteus design suite 8.0 is used to design and simulation of the proposed system. Moreo-ver, the PCB layout is designed using ExpressPCB version 7.5.0. The proposed system is capable of minimizing the power loss by up to 44% in comparison to the conventional light manage-ment system.

Jan Hammer ◽  
Ignacio Galiano Zurbriggen ◽  
Mohammad Ali Saket ◽  
Martin Ordonez

A Computer Numerical Control (CNC) system for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design using Proteus Design Suite has been presented. A schematic diagram and single-sided PCB layout of a high voltage circuit for Geiger– Muller (GM) tube is designed using Proteus software. Subsequently, the PCB layout of the circuit is converted into Gerber files that are decoded into G-code through Flat CAM software. The G-code is introduced to the CNC system consisting of a computer, a CNC controller and a CNC machine. The code is stored in the memory of the computer and is uploaded to the CNC controller byMach3 software. The controller operates the CNC machine to perform isolation routing, drilling and milling for PCB as per the instructed design. It is noticed that the CNC system associated with Proteus makes the PCB designing process automated and easier by reducing the process of printing as well as etching. This study reveals that the proposed system can eliminate human error to achieve better accuracy and higher productivity as compared to the conventional methods of PCB design.

IEEE Access ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Wided Belloumi ◽  
Arnaud Breard ◽  
Omssad Hajji ◽  
Christian Vollaire ◽  
Jaleleddine Ben Hadj Slama

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Anggi Hermawan ◽  
Aris Sunawar ◽  
Nur Hanifah Y

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to produce an Android-based automatic PCB layout path maker tool. This tool can automatically create a PCB layout path without etching the PCB so that it can provide efficiency in making the PCB layout path. The research method used in this study used an experimental method with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at the Jakarta State University Jakarta mechanical workshop laboratory in January 2020, testing carried out namely manual and automatic testing, manual testing including the making of lines and flat shapes using paper media and PCB boards, automatic testing includes making pcb lines automatically using media PCB board. The conclusion of this research is that the PCB Layout path making tool can automatically work as planned. The tool can make the PCB Layout path according to the design that is sent via Bluetooth communication serial. Automatic PCB layout maker tool has an average error percentage of under 5%. Testing is done in 2 ways, namely manual and automatic testing, in manual testing the average error is 0.297% and the automatic error testing is 0.136%. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan alat pembuat jalur layout PCB otomatis berbasis android. Alat ini dapat membuat jalur layout PCB secara otomatis tanpa harus meng-etching PCB sehingga dapat memberikan efisiensi pada pembuatan jalur layout PCB. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium bengkel mekanik Universitas Negeri Jakarta pada bulan Januari 2020, pengujian yang dilakukan yaitu pengujian secara manual dan otomatis, pengujian manual meliputi pembuatan garis dan bangun datar menggunakan media kertas dan papan PCB, pengujian otomatis meliputi pembuatan jalur pcb secara otomatis menggunakan media papan PCB. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah alat pembuat jalur Layout PCB secara otomatis dapat bekerja sesuai dengan yang di rencanakan. Alat dapat membuat jalur Layout PCB sesuai dengan desain yang dikirimkan melalui serial komunikasi Bluetooth. Alat pembuat layout PCB otomatis memiliki persentase error rata-rata di bawah 5%. Pengujian dilakukan dengan 2 cara yaitu pengujian manual dan otomatis, pada pengujian manual rata-rata error didapatkan sebesar 0,297% dan pengujian otomatis rata-rata error didapatkan sebesar 0.136%.

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