radial separation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Petr Zavada ◽  
Karel Píška

Abstract The occurrence of multiple stars, dominantly binaries, is studied using the Gaia-ESA DR2 catalog. We apply the optimized statistical method that we previously developed for the analysis of 2D patterns. The field of stars is divided into a mosaic of small pieces that represent a statistical set for analysis. Specifically, data input is represented by a grid of circles (events) with radius 0.°02 covering the sky in the field of galactic latitude ∣b∣ > 25°. The criteria for selecting candidates for multiple stars are based on two parameters: angular separation and collinearity of proper motion. Radial separation, due to limited accuracy, is used only as a weaker supplementary constraint. Due attention is paid to the accurate calculation of the background, which is a necessary input for evaluating the quality of the candidates. Our selection algorithm generates the catalog of candidates: 900,842 binaries, 5282 trinaries, and 30 quaternaries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-118
Gautam I. Menon

The patterns of the large-scale spatial organization of chromatin in interphase human somatic cells are not random. Such patterns include the radial separation of euchromatin and heterochromatin, the territorial organization of individual chromosomes, the non-random locations of chromosome territories and the differential positioning of the two X chromosomes in female cells. These features of large-scale nuclear architecture follow naturally from the hypothesis that ATP-consuming non-equilibrium processes associated with highly transcribed regions of chromosomes are a source of ‘active’ forces. These forces are in excess of those that arise from Brownian motion. Simulations of model chromosomes that incorporate such activity recapitulate these features. In addition, they reproduce many other aspects of the spatial organization of chromatin at large scales that are known from experiments. Our results, reviewed here, suggest that the distribution of transcriptional activity across chromosomes underlies many aspects of large-scale nuclear architecture that were hitherto believed to be unrelated.

В.Д. Борисевич ◽  
Е.П. Потанин

AbstractWe propose a method of calcium isotope sepration using a countercurrent plasma centrifuge with a hot wall, which separating the fractions by means of vapor deposition at the end faces of the device. The centrifugal force, providing the effect of radial separation, is excited due to acceleration of a weakly ionized calcium plasma by a rotating magnetic field, while the axial circulating flow, which increases the effect of radial separation, is created by a traveling magnetic field. The capabilities of the method are demonstrated by the example of calculation of the separation factor of the plasma centrifuge as a function of the parameter characterizing the circulation intensity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 615 ◽  
pp. L10 ◽  
J. M. Miley ◽  
O. Panić ◽  
M. Wyatt ◽  
G. M. Kennedy

Context. HD 141569 is a pre-main sequence star with a disc uniquely placed between protoplanetary and debris discs, similar to the older “hybrid” type discs. Aims. This work aims to place the mass and spatial structure of the disc midplane in the context of the debris, hybrid and protoplanetary discs. Methods. We observed HD 141569 with ALMA in 1.3 mm continuum and 13CO (2-1). This is the first detection and image of the optically thin gas emission from the midplane of this disc. Results. In continuum emission, we detect a combination of an unresolved central peak and a ring of millimetre emission at 220 ± 10 au, slightly interior to one of the rings discovered in scattered light. The minimum dust mass of the ring is 0.13 ± 0.02 M⊕ while the unresolved millimetre peak at the stellar location is predominantly thermal emission due to a minimum of 1.2 ± 0.2 M⊕ of dust. 13CO is distributed asymmetrically around the stellar position with a peak at 1ʺ̣1 distance and a PA of −33°. The gas is detected as far as 220 ± 10 au, a radial separation the same as that of the mm ring. Assuming optically thin emission and standard ISM abundances, we used our 13CO data to derive the gas mass in the disc of (6.0 ± 0.9) × 10−4M⊙. Comparison to published 12CO data shows that 12CO is optically thick, explaining why estimates based on 12CO underestimated the gas mass.

2013 ◽  
Vol 364 ◽  
pp. 163-166 ◽  
Kuo Liu ◽  
Chun Shi Liu ◽  
Zhi Tan ◽  
Shuai Zhou

The form of principal spindle's dynamic errors is analysed firstly. Principal spindle's radial average errors and asynchronous errors, axial average errors and asynchronous errors, minimum radial separation center of some vertical machine center are all tested with SPN-300 of API. Three vertical machine centers are tested and every machine center is tested three times at different rotating speed. The test results and the influences of all errors are analysed at last.

2000 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. 219-220
Leszek A. Nowakowski

AbstractWe present a method that allows to find the radial separation of regions emitting individual components of pulsar average profiles at two radio frequencies. It may also be used for single–frequency observations in pulsars that have intensity–dependent average profiles and/or mode–switching. Preliminary results for three radio pulsars are presented, obtained using average profiles from non-simultaneous observations.

1995 ◽  
Anatoly N. Soldatov ◽  
Yu. P. Polunin ◽  
L. N. Chausova

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