galactic latitude
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2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Petr Zavada ◽  
Karel Píška

Abstract The occurrence of multiple stars, dominantly binaries, is studied using the Gaia-ESA DR2 catalog. We apply the optimized statistical method that we previously developed for the analysis of 2D patterns. The field of stars is divided into a mosaic of small pieces that represent a statistical set for analysis. Specifically, data input is represented by a grid of circles (events) with radius 0.°02 covering the sky in the field of galactic latitude ∣b∣ > 25°. The criteria for selecting candidates for multiple stars are based on two parameters: angular separation and collinearity of proper motion. Radial separation, due to limited accuracy, is used only as a weaker supplementary constraint. Due attention is paid to the accurate calculation of the background, which is a necessary input for evaluating the quality of the candidates. Our selection algorithm generates the catalog of candidates: 900,842 binaries, 5282 trinaries, and 30 quaternaries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 2 ◽  
A. Josephy ◽  
P. Chawla ◽  
A. P. Curtin ◽  
V. M. Kaspi ◽  
M. Bhardwaj ◽  

Abstract We investigate whether the sky rate of fast radio bursts (FRBs) depends on Galactic latitude using the first catalog of FRBs detected by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst (CHIME/FRB) Project. We first select CHIME/FRB events above a specified sensitivity threshold in consideration of the radiometer equation, and then we compare these detections with the expected cumulative time-weighted exposure using Anderson–Darling and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests. These tests are consistent with the null hypothesis that FRBs are distributed without Galactic latitude dependence (p-values distributed from 0.05 to 0.99, depending on completeness threshold). Additionally, we compare rates in intermediate latitudes (∣b∣ < 15°) with high latitudes using a Bayesian framework, treating the question as a biased coin-flipping experiment–again for a range of completeness thresholds. In these tests the isotropic model is significantly favored (Bayes factors ranging from 3.3 to 14.2). Our results are consistent with FRBs originating from an isotropic population of extragalactic sources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
S. Mereghetti ◽  
M. Rigoselli ◽  
R. Taverna ◽  
L. Baldeschi ◽  
S. Crestan ◽  

Abstract Calvera (1RXS J141256.0+792204) is an isolated neutron star detected only through its thermal X-ray emission. Its location at high Galactic latitude (b = +37°) is unusual if Calvera is a relatively young pulsar, as suggested by its spin period (59 ms) and period derivative (3.2 × 10−15 s s−1). Using the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer, we obtained a phase-connected timing solution spanning four years, which allowed us to measure the second derivative of the frequency ν ̈ = − 2.5 × 10 − 23 Hz s−2 and to reveal timing noise consistent with that of normal radio pulsars. A magnetized hydrogen atmosphere model, covering the entire star surface, provides a good description of the phase-resolved spectra and energy-dependent pulsed fraction. However, we found that a temperature map more anisotropic than that produced by a dipole field is required, with a hotter zone concentrated toward the poles. By adding two small polar caps, we found that the surface effective temperature and that of the caps are ∼0.1 and ∼0.36 keV, respectively. The inferred distance is ∼3.3 kpc. We confirmed the presence of an absorption line at 0.7 keV associated with the emission from the whole star surface, difficult to interpret as a cyclotron feature and more likely originating from atomic transitions. We searched for pulsed γ-ray emission by folding seven years of Fermi-LAT data using the X-ray ephemeris, but no evidence for pulsations was found. Our results favor the hypothesis that Calvera is a normal rotation-powered pulsar, with the only peculiarity of being born at a large height above the Galactic disk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 210
G. V. Panopoulou ◽  
C. Dickinson ◽  
A. C. S. Readhead ◽  
T. J. Pearson ◽  
M. W. Peel

Abstract Galactic synchrotron emission exhibits large angular scale features known as radio spurs and loops. Determining the physical size of these structures is important for understanding the local interstellar structure and for modeling the Galactic magnetic field. However, the distance to these structures is either under debate or entirely unknown. We revisit a classical method of finding the location of radio spurs by comparing optical polarization angles with those of synchrotron emission as a function of distance. We consider three tracers of the magnetic field: stellar polarization, polarized synchrotron radio emission, and polarized thermal dust emission. We employ archival measurements of optical starlight polarization and Gaia distances and construct a new map of polarized synchrotron emission from WMAP and Planck data. We confirm that synchrotron, dust emission, and stellar polarization angles all show a statistically significant alignment at high Galactic latitude. We obtain distance limits to three regions toward Loop I of 112 ± 17 pc, 135 ± 20 pc, and <105 pc. Our results strongly suggest that the polarized synchrotron emission toward the North Polar Spur at b > 30° is local. This is consistent with the conclusions of earlier work based on stellar polarization and extinction, but in stark contrast with the Galactic center origin recently revisited on the basis of X-ray data. We also obtain a distance measurement toward part of Loop IV (180 ± 15 pc) and find evidence that its synchrotron emission arises from chance overlap of structures located at different distances. Future optical polarization surveys will allow the expansion of this analysis to other radio spurs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
David M. French ◽  
Andrew J. Fox ◽  
Bart P. Wakker ◽  
Nicolas Lehner ◽  
J. Christopher Howk ◽  

Abstract We present a census of neutral gas in the Milky Way disk and halo down to limiting column densities of N(H i) ∼ 1014 cm−2 using measurements of H i Lyman series absorption from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. Our results are drawn from an analysis of 25 AGN sight lines spread evenly across the sky with Galactic latitude ∣b∣ ≳ 20°. By simultaneously fitting multi-component Voigt profiles to 11 Lyman series absorption transitions covered by FUSE (Lyβ–Lyμ) plus HST measurements of Lyα, we derive the kinematics and column densities of a sample of 152 H i absorption components. While saturation prevents accurate measurements of many components with column densities 17 ≲ log N(H i) ≲ 19, we derive robust measurements at log N(H i) ≲ 17 and log N(H i) ≳ 19. We derive the first ultraviolet H i column density distribution function (CDDF) of the Milky Way, both globally and for low-velocity (ISM), intermediate-velocity clouds (IVCs), and high-velocity clouds (HVCs). We find that IVCs and HVCs show statistically indistinguishable CDDF slopes, with β IVC = − 1.01 − 0.14 + 0.15 and β HVC = − 1.05 − 0.06 + 0.07 . Overall, the CDDF of the Galactic disk and halo appears shallower than that found by comparable extragalactic surveys, suggesting a relative abundance of high column density gas in the Galactic halo. We derive the sky-covering fractions as a function of H i column density, finding an enhancement of IVC gas in the northern hemisphere compared to the south. We also find evidence for an excess of inflowing H i over outflowing H i, with −0.88 ± 0.40 M ⊙ yr−1 of HVC inflow versus ≈0.20 ± 0.10 M ⊙ yr−1 of HVC outflow, confirming an excess of inflowing HVCs seen in UV metal lines.

Cihad Deniz ◽  
Aytap Sezer ◽  
Hicran Bakis ◽  
Nergis C. Raycheva

2021 ◽  
Vol 256 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Mingxu Sun ◽  
Biwei Jiang ◽  
He Zhao ◽  
Yi Ren

2021 ◽  
Vol 254 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Mingxu Sun ◽  
Biwei Jiang ◽  
Haibo Yuan ◽  
Jun Li

2021 ◽  
Vol 648 ◽  
pp. A30
W. Becker ◽  
N. Hurley-Walker ◽  
Ch. Weinberger ◽  
L. Nicastro ◽  
M. G. F. Mayer ◽  

Supernova remnants (SNRs) are observable for about (6−15) × 104 yr before they fade into the Galactic interstellar medium. With a Galactic supernova rate of approximately two per century, we can expect to have of the order of 1200 SNRs in our Galaxy. However, only about 300 of them are known to date, with the majority having been discovered in Galactic plane radio surveys. Given that these SNRs represent the brightest tail of the distribution and are mostly located close to the plane, they are not representative of the complete sample. The launch of the Russian-German observatory SRG/eROSITA in July 2019 brought a promising new opportunity to explore the Universe. Here we report findings from the search for new SNRs in the eROSITA all-sky survey data which led to the detection of one of the largest SNRs discovered at wavelengths other than the radio: G249.5+24.5. This source is located at a relatively high Galactic latitude, where SNRs are not usually expected to be found. The remnant, ‘Hoinga’, has a diameter of about 4. °4 and shows a circular shaped morphology with diffuse X-ray emission filling almost the entire remnant. Spectral analysis of the remnant emission reveals that an APEC spectrum from collisionally ionised diffuse gas and a plane-parallel shock plasma model with non-equilibrium ionisation are both able to provide an adequate description of the data, suggesting a gas temperature of the order of kT = 0.1−0.02+0.02 keV and an absorbing column density of NH = 3.6−0.6+0.7 × 1020 cm−2. Various X-ray point sources are found to be located within the remnant boundary but none seem to be associated with the remnant itself. Subsequent searches for a radio counterpart of the Hoinga remnant identified its radio emission in archival data from the Continuum HI Parkes All-Sky Survey and the 408-MHz ‘Haslam’ all-sky survey. The radio spectral index α = −0.69 ± 0.08 obtained from these data definitely confirms the SNR nature of Hoinga. We also analysed INTEGRAL SPI data for fingerprints of 44Ti emission, which is an ideal candidate with which to study nucleosynthesis imprinting in young SNRs. Although no 44Ti emission from Hoinga was detected, we were able to set a 3σ upper flux limit of 9.2 × 10−5 ph cm−2 s−1. From its size and X-ray and radio spectral properties we conclude that Hoinga is a middle-aged Vela-like SNR located at a distance of about twice that of the Vela SNR, i.e. at ~500 pc.

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