brackish water pond
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2021 ◽  
Vol 869 (1) ◽  
pp. 012035
A Zulham ◽  
N Shafitri ◽  
C. Yuliaty ◽  
M Mira ◽  
N Kurniasari

Abstract There were 3,624.5 hectares of the brackish water pond in Aceh Tamiang, which can support the national shrimp export program. The problems arise due to the pond ownership matter, the source of financing, the technology used, and the institutionalization action to improve productivity. The purpose of this research is to improve brackish water pond productivity based on socio-economic aspects in the location. The survey to achieve these aims conducted from April - May 2021, in eight villages in Aceh Tamiang. Data and information were interviewed from 160 pond farmers. Simple statistics and descriptive techniques were used to analyse the data. The main findings are: 91.1 % of the traditional brackish water farmers depend on commercial seed and feed; the productivity of the brackish water pond is between 1.2 tonnes/hectares/year - 2.4 tonnes/hectares/year; the average pond ownership is between 1.1 and 3.4 hectares/farmer; 60% - 94,1% of financial funding to run business depends on their source and the rest from investor or trader. This research recommends: the brackish water farmers in all villages should be organized in one “corporate business” to improve productivity. This institution is owned by farmers based on money stock and managed by professionals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Bambang Gunadi ◽  
Priadi Setyawan ◽  
Adam Robisalmi

Tilapia strain of NIFI (Oreochromis sp.) and Srikandi (Oreochromis aureus x niloticus) are superior strain of tilapia that able to grow well in brackish water ponds. However, an increasing water salinity might have an impact on a series adaptation process on fish that leads to various morphological changes. This study aimed to analyze the growth and length-weight relationship of both tilapia strain in brackishwater pond with salinity of 25-30 ppt. Research was conducted in brackishwater pond in Losari, Brebes Regency. Fish were reared in 5x5x1 m3 hapas installed in the pond for four months. At the end of experiment period, body length and weight measurement were carried out for 26 males and 34 females of NIFI strain and 31 males and 28 females of Srikandi strain. The result showed that the highest growth rate was shown by Srikandi strain and the highest length was shown by NIFI. Positive allometric growth was found in the Srikandi females, while Srikandi males as well as NIFI tilapia males and females showed a negative allometric growth. Length-weight relationship on males and females of NIFI strain followed the formula of W = 0.0583L2,632 and W = 0.0452L2,665, respectively. Whereas, on males and females of Srikandi strain followed the formula of W = 0.0358L2,8545 and W = 0.0287L3,1580, respectively. There was a strong correlation between length and weight of fish from both strains with the R2 value ranged between 0.80 – 0.87. Condition factor of males and females of NIFI were 1.853 and 2.009, while Srikandi tilapia males and females were 2.308 and 2.665, respectively. Red NIFI and Srikandi tilapia are able to adapt in a high salinity level of brackish water pond.

2021 ◽  
Vol 008 (02) ◽  
pp. 181-195
Akhmad Mustafa ◽  
Admi Athirah ◽  
Erna Ratnawati ◽  
Ruzkiah Asaf ◽  

Pinrang Regency is a center of brackish water pond aquaculture production in South Sulawesi Province in which some of brackish water pond farmers in this regency have adopted Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP). A study was conducted to determine GAqP adoption level, to identify GAqP aspects required to be improved, and to determine the category of GAqP adoption level as the first step to maximize the GAqP adoption level in the brackish water ponds. Primary data were obtained from 76 respondents consisted of pond farmers who already have adopted and or obtained GAqP certificates. On the basis of the adoption level, the adoption level classification is carried out into three categories, namely low adopters, medium adopters, and high adopters. The results showed that the highest GAqP adoption levels in brackish water ponds were in food security (89.41%) and technical aspects (78.57%). The lowest GAqP adoption levels were in management (8.71%) and environmental aspects (0%). It was also reported that the GAqP adoption level in brackish water ponds varied from 40.58 to 67.01% with an average of 42.86% and was categorized as moderate adopters. Based on this study, management and environmental aspects were found to be the aspects that need serious attention to increase the GAqP adoption level in the brackish water ponds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Sarjito Sarjito ◽  
Agus Sabdono

Indonesian shrimp cultures are threatened by vibriosis. Some traditional brackish water ponds remained along the north coast of Central Java after the disease outbreaks destroyed the shrimp culture. This study aimed to discover the Vibrio diversity associated with shrimp vibriosis in traditional brackish water ponds. An exploratory method with purposive sampling was used in this study. Twenty-four shrimps presumably infected with vibriosis were collected from two district regions on the north coast of Central Java in July–September 2018. The bacteria associated in shrimp vibriosis were isolated from the telson and inner part of the hepatopancreas with TCBS medium. Forty-one bacteria associated with shrimp vibriosis were obtained, and then repetitive-polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) was performed to obtain Vibrio strains. On the basis of rep-PCR results, five respresentative strains were selected for further study. The results of 16S rDNA sequence analysis showed that the JKP03, JKP05, JKP19, JKM01, and JKM06 isolates were closely related to Vibrio rotiferianus, Vibrio diabolicus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio alginolyticus, and Shewanella algae, respectively. Vibrio biodiversity in shrimp vibriosis was high. These results confirmed that traditional shrimp farming was susceptible to vibriosis. Therefore, control methods such as vaccines, probiotics, and immunostimulant formulas must be developed to prevent and control the outbreak of shrimp vibriosis in traditional brackish water pond.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Siti Hajar Suryawati ◽  
Endriatmo Soetarto ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Agus Heri Purnomo

Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi degradasi lingkungan di laguna Segara Anakan Dibutuhkan upaya menahan laju degradasi laguna dan mempersiapkan masyarakat untuk merespon kondisi tersebut. Berbagai  ebijakan telah diambil untuk merespon degradasi tersebut seperti pembuatan infrastruktur dan fasilitas dari pemantapan pengelolaan sumberdaya dan program rehabilitasi lingkungan. Terdapat dua kriteria penting untuk memilih suatu implementasi kebijakan dan program, yaitu efektivitas dan efisiensi. Kajian ini mengukur pembiayaan untuk berbagai pilihan kebijakan dengan menggunakan metode survey yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April - May 2010. Kajian ini menggunakan data yang dikumpulkan dari tokoh kunci yang telah ditentukan sesuai tujuan kajian untuk menggambarkan kelompok masyarakat yang memanfaatkan sumberdaya di laguna Segara Anakan. Jumlah total responden adalah 41, yang terdiri dari 25 orang nelayan, 5 orang petani, 5 orang pembudidaya tambak, 2 orang pedagang, dan 2 orang penderes. Sejumlah pertanyaan diajukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang jenis insentif, seperti insentif hak kepemilikan, insentif mata pencaharian, insentif pasar, dan insentif fiskal. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa insentif yang tidak langsung seperti pengerukan laguna, budidaya kepiting atau upah untuk yang mau melakukan penanaman mangrove pada lahan tambaknya merepresentasikan pilihan tepat dari pandangan alternatif pengembangan mata pencaharian dari sisi keefektifan pengelolaan lingkungan. Title: Identification of Incentive System of the Resources Management in Segara Anakan Lagoon Several previous research results indicated environmental degradation at the Segara Anakan Lagoon. There is a need to slow down degradation rate of the lagoon and preparing the community to response it. Some policies were implemented to response degradation such as developing infrastructures and facilities and rehabilitation programs. There are two important criteria for setting policies, namely effectiveness and efficiency. This research is to asses costs pertinent to various policy options based on a survey method that was conducted in April- May 2010. This research used data from selected key respondents through purposive sampling to represent clusters of community dwelling at lagoon. Forty-one respondents were selected consisting of 25 fishers, 5 farmers, 5 brackish water pond operators, 2 middlemen, and 2 palm sap tappers. Research questions include information on various kinds of incentives, such as property right incentive, livelihood incentive, market incentive, and fiscal incentive. Research results showed that indirect incentives such as lagoon dredging, crab seedling or salary for those who have willingness to plant mangrove in brackish ponds represented good options from the perspective of alternative livelihood development as well as the effectiveness of environmental management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Adam Robisalmi ◽  
Bambang Gunadi ◽  
Priadi Setyawan

Srikandi Tilapia is one of the superior hybridized varieties between black tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus). This fish has fast growth and high salinity tolerance. In its development, efforts are needed to improve and improve its genetic quality. Spawning srikandi tilapia using the parent of male blue tilapia F2 (family selection) is expected to improve performance better than the previous generation.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the growth performance and heterosis value of Srikandi tilapia produced from the extraction of female Nirwana strain tilapia with male blue tilapia F2. Hatchery activities were carried out in freshwater by mass spawning method on the 25 m2 pool. Enlargement activities were carried out at brackish water pond with salinity 25–40 g / L, using net measuring 3×5×1 m3 for 120 days. The stocking density used is 15 fishes / m2. The results of this study indicate that at the final test, the hybridization of Nw ♀x Au (F2)♂ has the best performance with the average of long gain16.60 ± 0.41cm, weight gain 215.33 ± 12.19 g and survival rate 78.50 ± 02.12. Evaluation of heterosis values on the characters of length, weight, survival, and biomass showed a positive value both on the hybridization of Nw ♀x Au (F2)♂ and Au (F2)♀x NW♂. The highest high parent heterosis value for blue tilapia broodstock is shown by population Nw ♀x Au (F2)♂ with values in each character of 6.96% (length), 26.06% (weight), 2.63% (survival), 28.57% (biomass). 

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