business process modeling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Meriem Kherbouche ◽  
Galena Pisoni ◽  
Bálint Molnár

Business process modeling and verification have become an essential way to control and assure organizational evolution. We overview the opportunities for the application of blockchain in Business Process Management and Modeling in Finance and we focus on in-depth analysis of claim process in insurance as a use case. We investigate the utilization of blockchain technology for model checking of Workflow, Business Processes to ensure consistency, integrity, and security in a dynamically changing business environment. We create a UML profile for the blockchain, then we combine it with a UML activity diagram followed by a verification using Petri nets to guarantee a distributed computing system and scalable with mutable data. Our paper creates a unified picture of the approaches towards business processes modeling used in the financial industry organized around the set of premises intending to develop a future research agenda for blockchain business process modeling, specifically for the financial industry domain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-52
Muhamad Jafar Ali Hamzah ◽  
Rizki Narezka Hariyanto

Proses Bisnis merupakan inti dari seluruh aktivitas yang ada didalam perusahaan atau organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan proses bisnis pendaftaran rawat inap pada Rumah Sakit Dewi Sri dengan menggunakan Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) untuk mendapatkan model bisnis yang mudah dimengerti oleh semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan etode pengumpulan data dengan tahapan: wawancara, studi literatur, analisis masalah dan pemodelan proses bisnis. Hasil penelitian ini berupa pemodelan proses bisnis pada pendaftaran rawat inap yang diharapkan dapat memberikan maanfaat pada manajemen Rumah Sakit Dewi Sri untuk inovasi dan keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan.

Mateus Mota Manhães Pedrosa dos Santos ◽  
Simone Vasconcelos Silva ◽  
Cristine Nunes Ferreira ◽  
Alline Sardinha Cordeiro Moraes

<p class="Normal1">O setor cerâmico tem uma parcela significativa na economia brasileira, contribuindo com a geração de empregos, renda e movimentação do setor de construção civil. No entanto, diversas cerâmicas são, na grande maioria, compostas por pequenas empresas que carecem de tecnologia e conhecimento na gestão de seus processos, onde estes, geralmente, são realizados de modo empírico. Tendo em vista a necessidade do gerenciamento de processos para aumentar a eficiência das atividades e possibilitar a redução da quantidade de produtos disformes, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor a modelagem do processo de fabricação de tijolos cerâmicos, verificando a aderência do mesmo na cerâmica utilizada como estudo de caso, além de propor soluções para os problemas mais recorrentes. Para atender este objetivo, foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico sobre gerenciamento de processos de negócio, a fabricação da cerâmica vermelha e a utilização da notação <em>Business Process Modeling Notation</em> (BPMN) como apoio para a modelagem do processo de fabricação. Dentre os resultados obtidos, cita-se a necessidade de formalização do processo utilizado pela cerâmica estudada, a conformidade com o processo modelado, a identificação das causas dos problemas de coloração do produto após a queima, trincas, quebras e a proposição de soluções dos mesmos, visando aumentar a produtividade da cerâmica.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Yunita Yunita ◽  
Pitrasacha Aditya ◽  
Alvin Hernanda Ekaputra

Penelitian dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keefektifan dan keefisiensian sebuh proses bisnis yang berjalan dengan memperbaikinya, guna meningkatkan pendapatan kantor, dengan mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya manusia dan barang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PDAM kota samarinda. Dengan metode Business Process Improvement (BPI) dan permodelan proses bisnis yang berjalan dengan menggunakan Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Perbaikan proses bisnis menggunakan teknik ESIA (Eliminate, Simplifly, Integrate, Automate). Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Tujuh tahapan dari BPI yang pertama Studi Pustaka, yang ke dua pengumpulan data yang ketiga permodelan proses yang berjalan keempat penganalisaan proses bisnis yang berjalan kelima merekomendasikan proses bisnis yang baru keenam membuat perbandingan dari proses bisnis yang berjalankan dan proses bisnis yang diusulkan. Adapun hasil akhir dari penelitian ini yakni berupa ususlan proses bisnis yang lebih baik agar kinerja bagian keuangan pada PDAM kota samarinda menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien.

2021 ◽  
Ihor Savchenko ◽  
Peter Novotny ◽  
Herbert Fleck

Elsya Panduwinasari ◽  
Nurafni Eltivia ◽  
Aang Afandi

Precise and clear Business Process Modeling (BPM) can be used to implement the all of processes according to the user’s needs. On the other hand, cloud computing has become a solution for data storage and more effective and efficient computing processes. State Polytechnic of Malang (Polinema) is one of the vocational higher education Institutions in Indonesia that requires business process modeling to facilitate an integrated understanding of process flow. This study aims to describe the business processes of the financial realization system and the structure of cloud computing that can be used. This research used Bizagi for designing Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) in modeling business processes of financial system realization. This paper describes the business model of the financial realization system at Polinema. This study proposes the use of an Infrastructure as a Service IaaS-based cloud computing service model using a hybrid cloud approach to support the work of the system.

Daniel Lübke ◽  
Maike Ahrens ◽  
Kurt Schneider

AbstractBusiness process modeling is an important activity for developing software systems—especially within digitization projects and when realizing digital business models. Specifying requirements and building executable workflows is often done by using BPMN 2.0 process models. Although there are several style guides available for BPMN, e.g., by Silver and Richard (BPMN method and style, vol 2, Cody-Cassidy Press, Aptos, 2009), there has not been much empirical research done into the consequences of the diagram layout. In particular, layouts that require scrolling have not been investigated yet. The aim of this research is to establish layout guidelines for business process modeling that help business process modelers to create more understandable business process diagrams. For establishing benefits and penalties of different layouts, a controlled eye tracking experiment was conducted, in which data of 21 professional software developers was used. Our results show that horizontal layouts are less demanding and that as many diagram elements as possible should be put on the initially visible screen area because such diagram elements are viewed more often and longer. Additionally, diagram elements related to the reader’s task are read more often than those not relevant to the task. BPMN modelers should favor a horizontal layout and use a more complex snake or multi-line layout whenever the diagrams are too large to fit on one page in order to support BPMN model comprehension.

Athanasios G. Lazaropoulos

Business process modeling attracts great importance in enterprises due to the need for a graphically simplified and less verbal way to manage their operations. Nevertheless, the existence of various process modeling standards across the different departments of the same enterprise, such as Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) diagrams, classic flowcharts, Gantt charts and Petri nets, urges their notation alignment. After the business process model nota-tion alignment, complex constraints and relationships among the enterprise's department processes can be automated and simplified. In the light of the digital transformation of today's enterprises, the main objective of this paper is the proposal of a straightforward and simplified business educational equivalence table so that a direct conversion among BPMN diagrams, flowcharts, Gantt Charts and Petri Nets can be locally fulfilled by non-specialized personnel in each enterprise's department. The methodology of this paper can be generalized in every enterprise where the aforementioned process modeling standards across its different departments coexist.

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-52
T.N. Polukhov ◽  

The article studies the economic nature of the business process, provides its detailed definition, classifies business processes according to the level of automation, identifies the areas for business process automation in industrial enterprises, develops methodological and conceptual bases for business process modeling, as well as presents fundamental principles of automation of the business processes in Azerbaijan's industrial enterprises.

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