social construction of knowledge
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Complutum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 443-458
Silvia Fernández Cacho

During the last two decades there has been a crucial change in the ways of producing, accessing and using information from all branches of knowledge, including archaeology. Concepts such as open data and content, open access, free software, social construction of knowledge, etc. have been installed in the theory and practice of scientific research (open science) and administrative management (open government) to become an outstanding potential vector for the advancement of scientific knowledge, the economy based on use of data and the transparency of institutions. In the field of cultural heritage, the democratization of knowledge, social participation in public management or the rise of cultural tourism, also affect the increasingly close relationship between the academic, professional and administrative fields and these, in turn, with a population that ceases to be exclusively passive recipient of the information filtered from these areas, to become involved in many of the aspects that concern its management. In this context, archaeology shows some singularities that will be discussed in this paper, focusing on the Spanish case. For this purpose, the advances that have taken place in the generation of open archaeological contents will be reviewed, as well as the main remaining challenges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. e33750
José-Antonio Yañez-Figueroa ◽  
María-Soledad Ramírez-Montoya ◽  
Francisco-José García-Peñalvo

Social innovation laboratories (SIL) are spaces for the construction of knowledge where UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals can be met. The objective of the research was to identify the most relevant studies about the social construction of knowledge, within the framework of the SIL, related to environmental problems and to analyze them in order to propose solutions for sustainability. The method used to locate the articles published in open access, from 2010 to 2020, in Scopus, Web of Science and Google Academic, was the Systematic Literature Review. The findings show that the working groups are multidisciplinary and originate proposals from different areas of science. The products are built with an open approach. Universities are the spaces that most promote participation in the laboratories to generate sustainability actions applicable in real life and work is done to scale up the prototypes to local, national and international levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Adriano Santos de Mesquita ◽  
Regina Célia Grando

Neste artigo refletimos sobre a construção do conhecimento na perspectiva de Gérard Fourez, epistemólogo belga, estudioso de questões relativas à Epistemologia, à Ética e à Filosofia da Educação. Nosso objetivo é compreender o posicionamento epistemológico do autor e sua relação à Educação em Ciências. O percurso metodológico diz respeito à leitura e nossas reflexões relativas à parte da obra de Fourez, além de indicarmos contribuições para o ensino de ciências por meio de processos de tomadas de decisão possibilitadas pela alfabetização científica e tecnológica como objetivo da epistemologia aqui apresentada. De acordo com as obras lidas, corroboramos que a visão epistemológica de Fourez se estrutura em torno da perspectiva socioconstrutivista ao considerar os saberes construídos culturalmente; dessa forma, ambos, conhecimento científico e conhecimento popular são legitimados nos processos epistemológicos. Compreendemos que a ciência, na visão do autor, se revela como uma construção sócio-histórica feita por humanos e para humanos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. Pra-p001-Pra-p001
Ryohei Ikejiri ◽  
Ryota Yamamoto ◽  
Seiko Nakano ◽  
Kenzo Yoneda ◽  
Yuhei Yamauchi

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (22) ◽  
pp. 9606
Jurgita Lenkauskaitė ◽  
Jordi Colomer ◽  
Remigijus Bubnys

The objective of this manuscript is twofold: to critically analyze the principles of epistemic diversity and democracy and perform an analysis of the social construction of knowledge by university students through cooperative learning. The semi-structured interview methodology employed in the research revealed that the students provided a positive assessment of the possibilities of cooperation in heterogeneous teams: the array of experiences that were emerging in the process helped the students in the tertiary systems transcend the boundaries of their knowledge, share experiences, and construct new knowledge together. The research also highlighted students’ critical attitudes towards previous teamwork experiences, which relied more on an individualist than social approaches to knowledge. It also reflected on the causes and consequences of those experiences. Student interviews revealed a variety of difficulties the students were facing during team cooperation. The unconventional study process, centred on active and independent performance, social construction of knowledge, triggered confusion of the students’ roles, dissatisfaction with the unequal contributions by the team members to the common work, and the lack of teachers’ intervention. The findings established the basis for the design of the educational approaches for university students to socially construct knowledge through cooperation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-336
Ira Mutiaraningrum ◽  
Arif Nugroho

The uptake of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic was indispensable. Classroom activity, including English language learning, was shifted into remote learning. However, remote learning has not escaped the question regarding its role in students' knowledge construction in language learning. Thus, this study explores whether the social construction of knowledge occurs in the same-time synchronous text-based discussion during students' English language learning. It also investigates the phasesin which the social construction of knowledge present. Content analysis of the Interaction Analysis Model was used as the method to classify twenty-three Indonesian English as foreign language students' discourses in the synchronous text-based discussion. The transcripts from two threads in Google Classroom were sorted into the Interaction Analysis Model Phases to find out the percentage of each Phase's occurrence. Results indicate that the discourses showed the social construction of knowledge was developed by students and thereby pointed out the process of their cognitive thinking during their synchronous English language learning. This study suggests that the social construction of knowledge exists in synchronous text-based discussion with the most frequent postings categorized in Phase I.

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