high level feature
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Xin Bi ◽  
Chao Zhang ◽  
Fangtong Wang ◽  
Zhixun Liu ◽  
Xiangguo Zhao ◽  

As a variant task of time-series segmentation, trajectory segmentation is a key task in the applications of transportation pattern recognition and traffic analysis. However, segmenting trajectory is faced with challenges of implicit patterns and sparse results. Although deep neural networks have tremendous advantages in terms of high-level feature learning performance, deploying as a blackbox seriously limits the real-world applications. Providing explainable segmentations has significance for result evaluation and decision making. Thus, in this article, we address trajectory segmentation by proposing a Bayesian Encoder-Decoder Network (BED-Net) to provide accurate detection with explainability and references for the following active-learning procedures. BED-Net consists of a segmentation module based on Monte Carlo dropout and an explanation module based on uncertainty learning that provides results evaluation and visualization. Experimental results on both benchmark and real-world datasets indicate that BED-Net outperforms the rival methods and offers excellent explainability in the applications of trajectory segmentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Xin Li ◽  
HongBo Li ◽  
WenSheng Cui ◽  
ZhaoHui Cai ◽  
MeiJuan Jia

Breast cancer is one of the primary causes of cancer death in the world and has a great impact on women’s health. Generally, the majority of classification methods rely on the high-level feature. However, different levels of features may not be positively correlated for the final results of classification. Inspired by the recent widespread use of deep learning, this study proposes a novel method for classifying benign cancer and malignant breast cancer based on deep features. First, we design Sliding + Random and Sliding + Class Balance Random window slicing strategies for data preprocessing. The two strategies enhance the generalization of model and improve classification performance on minority classes. Second, feature extraction is based on the AlexNet model. We also discuss the influence of intermediate- and high-level features on classification results. Third, different levels of features are input into different machine-learning models for classification, and then, the best combination is chosen. The experimental results show that the data preprocessing of the Sliding + Class Balance Random window slicing strategy produces decent effectiveness on the BreaKHis dataset. The classification accuracy ranges from 83.57% to 88.69% at different magnifications. On this basis, combining intermediate- and high-level features with SVM has the best classification effect. The classification accuracy ranges from 85.30% to 88.76% at different magnifications. Compared with the latest results of F. A. Spanhol’s team who provide BreaKHis data, the presented method shows better classification performance on image-level accuracy. We believe that the proposed method has promising good practical value and research significance.

2021 ◽  
Christopher Kelly ◽  
Bastien Blain ◽  
Tali Sharot

Abstract To adjust to novel and threatening environments people seek information. Here, we examine whether and how a threatening global event -–the pandemic– altered the characteristics of the information people sought out online. An analysis of queries submitted to Google search engine revealed that people were more likely to submit queries for information that could guide action (i.e., “How to” and “How do” searches) during the pandemic relative to before, controlling for total search volume. This tendency may have contributed to the rapid adaptation observed in response to the pandemic. Indeed, stress levels reported weekly by 17K individuals predicted the proportion of “How to” and “How do” searches, controlling for COVID-19 related confinement. Markedly, population stress levels were more strongly associated with this high-level feature of web searches than they were with searches for specific terms such as “anxiety” or “stress”. In contrast, COVID-19 related confinement, but not stress levels, was associated with the proportion of “What” and “Why” questions submitted to Google, suggesting that the confinement was related to increased desire for general knowledge. Key results were replicated across two countries (UK and US). The study suggests that in situations of high stress people ask questions that can guide action. An intriguing possibility is that tracking of this feature could be used to monitor population stress levels beyond the pandemic.

Yixiao Li ◽  
Honghao Liu ◽  
Huan Wang ◽  
Zhiliang Liu

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (9) ◽  
pp. 2499
Safaa Abassi Abu Rukab ◽  
Noam Khayat ◽  
Shaul Hochstein

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. e0250632
Chanting Cao ◽  
Ruilin Wang ◽  
Yao Yu ◽  
Hui zhang ◽  
Ying Yu ◽  

This paper presents the research results of detecting gastric polyps with deep learning object detection method in gastroscopic images. Gastric polyps have various sizes. The difficulty of polyp detection is that small polyps are difficult to detect from the background. We propose a feature extraction and fusion module and combine it with the YOLOv3 network to form our network. This method performs better than other methods in the detection of small polyps because it can fuse the semantic information of high-level feature maps with low-level feature maps to help small polyps detection. In this work, we use a dataset of gastric polyps created by ourselves, containing 1433 training images and 508 validation images. We train and validate our network on our dataset. In comparison with other methods of polyps detection, our method has a significant improvement in precision, recall rate, F1, and F2 score. The precision, recall rate, F1 score, and F2 score of our method can achieve 91.6%, 86.2%, 88.8%, and 87.2%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-35
Chenning Li ◽  
Zhichao Cao ◽  
Yunhao Liu

With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), many kinds of wireless signals (e.g., Wi-Fi, LoRa, RFID) are filling our living and working spaces nowadays. Beyond communication, wireless signals can sense the status of surrounding objects, known as wireless sensing , with their reflection, scattering, and refraction while propagating in space. In the last decade, many sophisticated wireless sensing techniques and systems were widely studied for various applications (e.g., gesture recognition, localization, and object imaging). Recently, deep Artificial Intelligence (AI), also known as Deep Learning (DL), has shown great success in computer vision. And some works have initially proved that deep AI can benefit wireless sensing as well, leading to a brand-new step toward ubiquitous sensing. In this survey, we focus on the evolution of wireless sensing enhanced by deep AI techniques. We first present a general workflow of Wireless Sensing Systems (WSSs) which consists of signal pre-processing, high-level feature, and sensing model formulation. For each module, existing deep AI-based techniques are summarized, further compared with traditional approaches. Then, we provide a view of issues and challenges induced by combining deep AI and wireless sensing together. Finally, we discuss the future trends of deep AI to enable ubiquitous wireless sensing.

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