curved paths
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Bo Xu ◽  
Mingyu Jiao ◽  
Xianku Zhang ◽  
Dalong Zhang

This paper considers the tracking control of curved paths for an underwater snake robot, and investigates the methods used to improve energy efficiency. Combined with the path-planning method based on PCSI (parametric cubic-spline interpolation), an improved LOS (light of sight) method is proposed to design the controller and guide the robot to move along the desired path. The evaluation of the energy efficiency of robot locomotion is discussed. In particular, a pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm improved by quantum rules (QPIO) is proposed for dynamically selecting the gait parameters that maximize energy efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed controller enables the robot to accurately follow the curved path and that the QPIO algorithm is effective in improving robot energy efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 1043-1044
Haley Hicks ◽  
Anthony McBroom ◽  
Patrick Roscher ◽  
Jessie VanSwearingen ◽  
Kristin Lowry

Abstract Although it is essential to navigating the world, curved path walking is a challenge to mediolateral balance control. The focus of previous curved-path walking research was in spatiotemporal characteristics. We quantified the foot-ground interaction, center of pressure (COP) characteristics during non-linear (eg curved-path) walking important to understand the functional mechanics of directional changes for curved paths. We hypothesized the foot mechanics differ between older adults with better versus poorer curved-path walking (Figure of 8 Walk Test, F8W). Twenty-five older adults (mean age 71.8 ± 8.9 years) completed the F8W on an instrumented walkway (Protokinetics, LLC.) The derived metrics of the foot mechanics included medial/lateral movement of the COP for inside and outside steps, maximum medial and lateral COP excursions, and total medial/lateral COP range. Pearson correlations were used to examine relations F8W (time and steps) and COP metrics; ANOVAs were used to examine differences in COP metrics between older adults grouped by median-split of F8W time. Longer F8W time and more steps were related to lesser total COP range and outside foot lateral maximum excursion (r range -0.415 to -0.706, p<0.04). Older adults with stronger F8W performance compared to poorer F8W performance had larger outside foot total COP ranges (3.61cm vs 4.39cm, p=0.016) and greater lateral excursion (1.60cm vs 2.12cm, p=0,003). Foot-ground interactions offer new insights into control of curved path walking and methods for evaluating efficacy of interventions focused on improving walking skill in older adults.

2021 ◽  
Oliver W. Layton ◽  
Nathaniel Powell ◽  
Scott T Steinmetz ◽  
Brett R Fajen

AbstractSelf-motion produces characteristic patterns of optic flow on the eye of the mobile observer. Movement along linear, straight paths without eye movements yields motion that radiates from the direction of travel (heading). The observer experiences more complex motion patterns while moving along more general curvilinear (e.g. circular) paths, the appearance of which depends on the radius of the curved path (path curvature) and the direction of gaze. Neurons in brain area MSTd of primate visual cortex exhibit tuning to radial motion patterns and have been linked with linear heading perception. MSTd also contains neurons that exhibit tuning to spirals, but their function is not well understood. We investigated in a computational model whether MSTd, through its diverse pattern tuning, could support estimation of a broader range of self-motion parameters from optic flow than has been previously demonstrated. We used deep learning to decode these parameters from signals produced by neurons tuned to radial expansion, spiral, ground flow, and other patterns in a mechanistic neural model of MSTd. Specifically, we found that we could accurately decode the clockwise/counterclockwise sign of curvilinear path and the gaze direction relative to the path tangent from spiral cells; heading from radial cells; and the curvature (radius) of the curvilinear path from activation produced by both radial and spiral populations. We demonstrate accurate decoding of these linear and curvilinear self-motion parameters in both synthetic and naturalistic videos of simulated self-motion. Estimates remained stable over time, while also rapidly adapting to dynamic changes in the observer’s curvilinear self-motion. Our findings suggest that specific populations of neurons in MSTd could effectively signal important aspects of the observer’s linear and curvilinear self-motion.Author SummaryHow do we perceive our self-motion as we move through the world? Substantial evidence indicates that brain area MSTd contains neurons that signal the direction of travel during movement along straight paths. We wondered whether MSTd neurons could also estimate more general self-motion along curved paths. We tested this idea by using deep learning to decode signals produced by a neural model of MSTd. The system accurately decoded parameters that specify the observer’s self-motion along straight and curved paths in videos of synthetic and naturalistic scenes rendered in the Unreal game engine. Our findings suggest that MSTd could jointly signal self-motion along straight and curved paths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 145 ◽  
pp. 106740
Y.B. Yang ◽  
S.J. Liu ◽  
W. Chen ◽  
Q. Tan ◽  
Y.T. Wu

Cortex ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 137 ◽  
pp. 74-92
Sara Di Marco ◽  
Patrizia Fattori ◽  
Gaspare Galati ◽  
Claudio Galletti ◽  
Markus Lappe ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 782
Prashanth Nagulapally ◽  
Md Shamsuddoha ◽  
Ginu Rajan ◽  
Luke Djukic ◽  
Gangadhara B. Prusty

Distributed fibre optic sensors (DFOS) are popular for structural health monitoring applications in large engineering infrastructure because of their ability to provide spatial strain measurements continuously along their lengths. Curved paths, particularly semicircular paths, are quite common for optical fibre placement in large structures in addition to straight paths. Optical fibre sensors embedded in a curved path configuration typically measure a component of strain, which often cannot be validated using traditional approaches. Thus, for most applications, strain measured along curved paths is ignored as there is no proper validation tool to ensure the accuracy of the measured strains. To overcome this, an analytical strain transformation equation has been developed and is presented here. This equation transforms the horizontal and vertical strain components obtained along a curved semicircular path into a strain component, which acts tangentially as it travels along the curved fibre path. This approach is validated numerically and experimentally for a DFOS installed on a steel specimen with straight and curved paths. Under tensile and flexural loading scenarios, the horizontal and vertical strain components were obtained numerically using finite element analysis and experimentally using strain rosettes and then, substituted into the proposed strain transformation equation for deriving the transformed strain values. Subsequently, the derived strain values obtained from the proposed transformation equation were validated by comparing them with the experimentally measured DFOS strains in the curved region. Additionally, this study has also shown that a localised damage to the DFOS coating will not impact the functionality of the sensor at the remaining locations along its length. In summary, this paper presents a valid strain transformation equation, which can be used for transforming the numerical simulation results into the DFOS measurements along a semicircular path. This would allow for a larger scope of spatial strains measurements, which would otherwise be ignored in practice.

2021 ◽  
Arian Ivec ◽  
Monika Trupinić ◽  
Iva M. Tolić ◽  
Nenad Pavin

AbstractThe highly ordered spatial organization of microtubule bundles in the mitotic spindle is crucial for its proper functioning. The recent discovery of twisted shapes of microtubule bundles and spindle chirality suggests that the bundles extend along curved paths in three dimensions, rather than being confined to a plane. This in turn implies that rotational forces exist in the spindle in addition to the widely studied linear forces. However, studies of spindle architecture and forces are impeded by a lack of a robust method for the geometric quantification of microtubule bundles in the spindle. In this paper, we describe a simple method for measuring and evaluating the shapes of microtubule bundles, by characterizing them in terms of their curvature and twist. By using confocal microscopy, we obtain three-dimensional images of spindles, which allow us to trace the entire microtubule bundles. For each traced bundle, we first fit a plane, and then fit a circle lying in that plane. With this easily reproducible method, we extract the curvature and twist, which represent the geometric information characteristic for each bundle. As the bundle shapes reflect the forces within them, this method is valuable for the understanding of forces that act on chromosomes during mitosis.

Open Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 426-433
Guangkai Song ◽  
Xiaolin Guo ◽  
Bohua Sun

Abstract The arranged paths of dominoes have many shapes. The scaling law for the propagation speed of domino toppling has been extensively investigated. However, in all previous investigations the scaling law for the velocity of domino toppling motion in curved lines was not taken into account. In this study, the finite-element analysis (FEA) program ABAQUS was used to discuss the scaling law for the propagation speed of domino toppling motion in curved lines. It is shown that the domino propagation speed has a rising trend with increasing domino spacing in a straight line. It is also found that domino propagation speed is linearly proportional to the square root of domino separation. This research proved that the scaling law for the speed of domino toppling motion given by Sun [Scaling law for the propagation speed of domino toppling. AIP Adv. 2020;10(9):095124] is true. Moreover, the shape of domino arrangement paths has no influence on the scaling law for the propagation speed of dominoes, but can affect the coefficient of the scaling law for the velocity. Therefore, the amendatory function for the propagation speed of dominoes in curved lines was formulated by the FEA data. On one hand, the fitted amendatory function, φ revise {\varphi }_{{\rm{revise}}} , provides the simple method for a domino player to quickly estimate the propagation speed of dominoes in curved lines; on the other hand, it is the rationale for the study of the domino effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-130
Ersalia Dewi Nursita

The Jakarta Outer Ring Road North W2 Section I has a different road width and also an interchange that is curved like a circle. On this toll road the distance between the piles used in both type of road is the same, that is equal to 30 m. Determination of the distance between the poles of the street lighting for straight roads and curved paths in this thesis using the phytagoras method. Where the distance between the lampposts for a straight road with the width of the road ranges from 4.5 m to 14.5 m from the calculation results require the distance between piles of 21.09 to 29.85 (<30 m) this results in less lighting standard. And for the width of the road ranging from 15.5 m to 30.5 m from the calculation results require the distance between the piles of 31.01 m to 50.82 m (> 30 m) which results in waste in the installation of the number of poles. Whereas for curved roads with a road width of 7.5 m for the placement of light poles in the arches of the road requires a smaller distance between piles of 20.96 m (<30 m).

Guang-Kai Song ◽  
Xiao-Lin Guo ◽  
Bo-Hua Sun

The arranged paths of dominoes have many shapes. The scaling law for the propagation speed of domino toppling has been extensively investigated. However, in all previous investigations, the scaling law for the velocity of domino toppling motion in curved lines was not taken into account. In the present work, the finite-element analysis (FEA) program ABAQUS was used to study the velocity of domino toppling motion in curved lines. It is shown that the domino propagation speed has a rising trend with increasing domino spacing in a straight line. It is also found that domino propagation speed is linearly proportional to the square root of domino separation. This research proved that the scaling law for the speed of domino toppling motion given by Sun (2020) is true [B-H. Sun, 2020. Scaling law for the propagation speed of domino toppling. AIP Advances, 10(9),095124.]. Moreover, the shape of domino arrangement paths has no influence on the scaling law for the propagation speed of dominoes but can affect the coefficient of the scaling law for the velocity. Therefore, the amendatory function for the propagation speed of dominoes in curved lines was formulated by the FEA data. The fitted amendatory function, $\varphi_{revise}$, provides the simple method for a domino player to quickly estimate the propagation speed of dominoes in curved lines.

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