regional origin
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 8104-8108
Sandhya Nagolu ◽  
Varalakshmi KL ◽  
Sangeeta M ◽  
Khizer Hussain Afroze M ◽  

Objective: The present study is an attempt to determine the various types of bony modifications on the dorsum of the neck of the human tali of both feet due to the continuous habit of squatting in humans and correlating these findings to the existing literature. Materials and Methods: 70 tali of unknown sex, obtained from the Department of Anatomy of MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital, Bangalore were used for the study. The dorsal surface of talar neck was carefully examined for the presence of medial and lateral squatting facets, combined facets, continuous gutter shaped facets and extension of trochlear surface. The collected data were tabulated and percentage of each facets and trochlear extensions were calculated. Statistical analysis of data was performed. Results: Out of 70 dry human tali, lateral squatting facets were present in 29 (41.4%) bones and medial squatting facets were seen in 11 (15.7%) bones, gutter shaped facets in 12 (17.1%) tali and combined facet present in 10 (14.2%) tali. Complete absence of facet was observed in 8 tali. Lateral extension of trochlear surface on the dorsum of neck was seen in 60 (85.7%) bones and medial trochlear extension was seen in 8(11.5%) bones. Lateral squatting facets were more common on right side but medial, gutter and combined facets though less frequent were seen more on left side. Lateral extensions were more commonly seen than medial extensions. Conclusion: The knowledge of incidence of these modifications on the dorsal surfaces of neck of the talus acts as a key anthropological factor to identify the racial and regional origin of unclaimed skeleton. Hence the results of this study will be of great help for forensic experts, anthropologist who are handling the unidentified skeletons. KEY WORDS: Squatting Facets, Talus, Trochlear extensions, Sub Talar Joint Stability.

LaGeografia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Sukri Nyompa ◽  
Rosmini Maru ◽  
Amal Arfan ◽  
Alief Saputro ◽  
Rabi'ah Rabi'ah

Barrang Lompo Island is one of the islands located on the west coast of Losari Makassar City with different socio-economic characteristics of the population. The purpose of this study is to analyze the socio-economic characteristics of the skipper and their contribution to the household income of the skipper's family on the island of Barrang Lompo. The analysis of this study used descriptive statistics. The data used are primary and secondary data presented in the form of percentages, cross tables, and pictures. The results of this study can be seen by gender, age, education, income, ethnicity, regional origin, number of crew employed on the ship, number of dependents and the contribution of income. However, the government needs to take strategic policies to improve the welfare of fishermen on Barrang Lompo Island in particular and the population in general.

Nobel Sudrajad ◽  
Waridin Waridin ◽  
Jaka Aminata ◽  
Indah Susilowati ◽  
Indah Susilowati

Serayu Rafting Tourism utilizes the potential of Serayu Watershed located in Banjarnegara Regency. Serayu Rafting Tourism has the opportunity to increase its potential to become one of the leading tourism in Banjarnegara Regency. This study aims to identify the socioeconomic characteristics of tourists of Serayu Rafting attractions, estimate willingness to pay to determine the maximum potential price that is still willing to be paid in the development of Serayu Rafting attractions and analyze the factors that influence the willingness of visitors to pay the value chosen. This research uses CVM method and logistic regression analysis, with primary data obtained from survey to 105 respondents through multistage sampling technique and secondary data obtained from documents coming from relevant agencies, agencies or institutions. The results stated that the economic potential value of Rafting Serayu tourism object is quite good, because of 105 respondents as many as 95 respondents (90.5%) among them are willing to pay more for the development of tourism pbyek with a scenario 1 of Rp 10,000 and scenario 2 of Rp 25,000. Variable regional origin and income level affect willingness to pay, while variable gender, age, marital status and level of education do not affect willingness to pay.

2021 ◽  
Daniel Kalnin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 007 (01) ◽  
pp. 71-76
Fara Himmah

Academic performance of students, is an important thing in higher education institutions. The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical information that can be used to analyze differences in learning achievement between students from the path of entering high school majors, gender and regional origin and determine future student recruitment policies. Quantitative is methods of this research .using hypothesis a sample T-Test for comparing two different samples in pairs. The results in this study are There are significant and simultaneous influences of high school entrance and majors on student performance, There is a significant influence on high school majors on student achievement, There is a significant of gender on student IPK and there is no significant result from the region on student achievement.

Bohdan Zhulkovsky

A complex and multifaceted characterization of the phenomenon of intergenre diffusion on the material of the troparion subsystem songs is carried out. A number of general scientific and special methods and approaches have been applied, in particular musicological (comparative and analytical), culturological, historical, philological, liturgical, theological. The method of analysis of individual hymns by eight genre features (developed by Olena Shevchuk on the basis of research by other musicologists, in particular Johann von Gardner and Iryna Bezuglova) was tested. For the first time in Ukrainian medieval music studies, rare troparion genres were involved in comparative studios — triadika, martyrika, thanatika, doxastika, eisodika and apolytykia. The problem of genre typology and genre hierarchy in hymnography, interrelation of liturgical genres with homiletic, euchographic and biblical ones is outlined in a new way. Several interrelated levels of intergenre diffusion have been identified in troparia, kathismata, hypakoi, monostrophic kontakiа and other related chants. Three main ones have been singled out: sources of poetic texts, genre names, common poetic-musical models. It is noted that the sources of verbal texts of troparion songs were often proimions and ikos of polystrophic kondaks of St. Romanos Melodos, which could act as selfsimilar to the hymns of the troparion subsystem. It has been proved that the change of genre names (troparion — kathisma — hypakoe — kondak — stichera) is connected both with different regional origin of names (Constantinople, Jerusalem) and with the historical development of liturgical genres and the whole genre system. Other common attributes in the hymns of the troparia group are determined — the theological content of the verbal text (contemplative, didactic, historical, dogmatic), genre styles and chants (in the Stoudios period — papadikon in Byzantium, kontakarion in Kyivan Rus, in Jerusalem — Bulgarian), forms (one-segment, two-segment, stanzas with codes, rondo type), methods of performance (hymnody, antiphonal, responsory). It was found that special troparia genres — triadika and thanatika — were sung in eight voices, but there were no special self-similar ones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 249-254
O. P. Babkina ◽  
K. V. Varukha

The article indicates that Ukraine has significantly approached European standards in terms of preventing domestic violence and observing women's rights, legal assistance is provided at the legislative level. However, due to the increase in cases of domestic violence, especially sexual violence in emergency situations, including in quarantine conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the issues of preventing and combating domestic violence require special attention and further solutions. The timely conduct of forensic medical examinations in order to identify the presence of injuries with the subsequent fixation of the facts of domestic violence, especially sexual violence, provides significant assistance to justice in the investigation of crimes. In cases of sexual violence against women, in addition to fixing external injuries, it is also necessary to pay attention to the study of objects of biological origin, identification by species, sex, regional, organ or cellular identity. Material and methods. The study material was dried on gauze menstrual blood, taken from practically healthy women and women who have inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs, aged 18 to 45 with a normal menstrual cycle. In forensic practice, this method is new. Results and discussion. The obtained results allowed recommending this method for the forensic medical determination of the regional origin of blood. As a result of our research, we found the dependence of PGF2α content, firstly, on the age of women, and secondly, on the regional origin of the fluid. It should be noted that the content of PGF2α in vaginal fluid, menstrual blood and capillary blood in women of reproductive age, has an age feature, its content is higher by 6-12% for women aged 30-45 years. Thus, in women 30-45 years the content of PGF2α was always, in all fluids, higher than in women 18-29 years (p <0.001): in vaginal fluid it increased by 11%; in menstrual blood it was by 6% higher; in capillary blood it increased by 3%. PGF2α was the highest in menstrual blood compared to vaginal fluid and capillary blood. Moreover, this trend was true for women of both ages: in women aged 30-45, the content of PGF2α was 2.6 times higher in menstrual blood than in capillary, and 1.4 times more than in vaginal fluid; in women aged 18-29, the content of PGF2α was 2.7 times higher in menstrual blood than in capillary, and 1.5 times higher than in vaginal fluid. Thus, we obtained statistically significant indicators that indicated the possibility of establishing the menstrual origin of the blood by the quantitative content of PG F2α. Conclusion. In our opinion, the content of PGF2α above 13.1 ng / mg of dry tissue was a reliable sign of menstrual blood, which was of great diagnostic value in the differential diagnosis of regional origin of objects of biological origin (blood) in cases of sexual violence / sexual crimes

2021 ◽  
Vol 337 ◽  
pp. 128002
Xi He ◽  
Huang Yangming ◽  
Elżbieta Górska-Horczyczak ◽  
Agnieszka Wierzbicka ◽  
Henryk H. Jeleń

2021 ◽  
Vol 96 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-77
Dan Villarreal ◽  
Mary Kohn

While the retraction of trap is found throughout the American West, it is primarily associated with California and supposed Californian values in both the popular media and the ears of Californian listeners. This study investigates the local construction of meaning for a supralocal sound change by examining perceptions of trap backing in Kansas, a locale that has also undergone front lax vowel retraction. Thirty-five college students heard matched-guise stimuli differing only by trap F2, guessed speakers’ regional origin, and rated speakers on 14 affective scales. Listeners associated trap backing with California (despite local participation in the sound shift) and general prestige. The authors suggest that this association with general prestige may help to explain the presence of this vowel shift in Kansas despite considerable ideological differences with California. They argue that these results highlight the interaction between local construction of meaning and broader national discourses for a sound change: while stereotypical associations with a sound change can spread rapidly through means like popular media, stance and identity associations are constructed at the local level.

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