schlumberger array
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2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
James Adeyemo Adegoke ◽  
Gideon Oluyinka Layade ◽  
Temitayo Kadir

Abstract The authors describe electrical resistivity method using a laboratory experiment, which was conducted in order to calculate the percentage of current that penetrated each layer of soil arranged in a container using Schlumberger array. Four soil samples arranged in three different set-ups were used. The apparent resistivity obtained was interpreted using curve matching techniques and WinResist iteration yielding types A curve, H curve and A curve, respectively. The interpreted data gave the resistivity of each layer and its thicknesses. The thicknesses obtained from the interpretation were at variance with the actual thicknesses arranged in the container. A multiplier was obtained which serves as a constant in other to obtain the actual thickness. The effective penetration depth of current was determined through the calculated thickness of each layer and the known electrode spacing (AB). The percentage of current that penetrates the layers was found to depend on the electrode spacing as well as the thickness of that layer. Thus, a layer with relatively small thickness has a small percentage of current passing through it compared to a thicker layer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 905-910
C.O. Aigbogun ◽  
D.A. Babaiwa ◽  
B.J.O. Mujakperuo

The Wenner – Schlumberger array was used for Constant Separation Traversing (CST) to investigate subsurface lithology in Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi. All the traverses were carried out with electrode spacing of 5 m with a spread of 200 m. The data was obtained using Pasi terrameter (16-GL) and processed with the Dipro software. The subsurface resistivity values ranged from 207 Ωm – 8357 Ωm. The results obtained from this survey classified the subsurface lithology into topsoil, clayey sand, sandy clay and sand. The maximum depth penetrated was 50 m. Keywords: Lithology, resistivity, subsurface, Wenner-Schlumberger, 2-Dimensional.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Bayu Buwana ◽  
Nurul Priyantari ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Jember located in Sumbersari District with lithological conditions in the form of volcanic rocks, lithosol soils, and regosol soils that are capable of absorbing water and potentially as aquifers. In point of fact, in the campus zona of the University of Jember including in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, there is always a shortage of freshwater for various academic and non-academic activities. Therefore, research needs to be conducted to assess the lithology of subsurface structures in the FMIPA zone so that the depth of groundwater layers and aquifer layers can be determined. The study was conducted using the Schlumberger array geoelectric resistivity method at 5 VES points. The results obtained in the form of resistivity log curves can be seen that at the five points VES has lithology in the form of clay, gravel, sandstone, and groundwater layer. Each VES point was identified the groundwater layer and some of them were identified as aquifers. The aquifer with the greatest thickness is found at point VES 2, which is to the west of the Baitul Ilmi Mosque, so it is recommended as the location of a new well.Keywords: lithology, aquifers, geoelectric resistivity method, groundwater.

Vinodh K ◽  
Senthilkumar S ◽  
Gowtham B ◽  
Srinivasamoorthy K

The electrical resistivity technique is extremely supportive to investigate the nature of subsurface lithology by understand the variations in their electrical properties. The Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique by Schlumberger electrode array applied in 77 Locations at Ongur River Sub Basin in Tamil Nadu, India. The Signal stacking Resistivity Meter Model SSR-MP-ATS has been applied to gather the VES data by employed a Schlumberger array, one end current electrode (AB/2) ranging from 1 to 100 m, other side placing potential electrode (MN) from 0.5 to 10 m. The concept of the VES data interpreting is the foundation of IPI2Win. It means for a VES data are treated as a unity representing the geological structure of the Ongur River watershed. The output Geo-electrical layers, iso- resistivities and thickness of this area were prepared in spatial maps by using ARCGIS software. Consequently, the following zones with different resistivity values are detected consequent to different formations: (1) identification of lithology Ongur River Sub Basin, (2) layer saturated with fresh groundwater, (3) determine saltwater horizon.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 368
Juliana Targino Batista ◽  
José Agnelo Soares

RESUMO O presente trabalho analisa o efeito da adoção de diferentes configurações do método da eletrorresistividade para investigar a ocorrência de potenciais aquíferos fissurais. Em uma área onde reconhecidamente existe uma zona de fraturas subverticais no embasamento cristalino foram aplicadas as técnicas de múltiplas sondagens elétricas verticais (SEVs), utilizando o arranjo Schlumberger, e o caminhamento elétrico utilizando o arranjo gradiente multinível. Três diferentes configurações foram testadas em uma mesma linha cuja direção é aproximadamente perpendicular aos planos das fraturas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o caminhamento elétrico multinível pelo arranjo gradiente apresentou maior clareza na detecção da zona de fraturas em relação às configurações utilizando sondagens elétricas verticais. No entanto, tais estruturas subverticais ainda poderiam ser detectadas por sondagem elétrica, desde que adotado um afastamento adequado entre os centros das SEVs. As seções geoelétricas obtidas pelas configurações testadas indicam a presença de uma estrutura acumuladora de água subterrânea do tipo riacho-fenda. Adicionalmente, o caminhamento elétrico pelo arranjo gradiente apresenta vantagens operacionais em relação às demais configurações, sendo mais prático e rápido nos trabalhos de aquisição de dados no campo.Palavras-Chaves: Hidrogeofísica, eletrorresistividade, embasamento cristalino. ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the effect of adoption of different configurations of electric resistivity method to investigate the occurrence of potential fractured aquifers. In an area where there is a sub vertical fracture zone in the crystalline basement the techniques of multiple vertical electrical soundings (VES), using the Schlumberger array, and electrical profiling using the multilevel gradient array, were applied. Three different configurations were tested in a same line whose direction is approximately perpendicular to the fracture plan. The results show that the multilevel gradient array presented better clarity in detecting fracture zone than the settings using vertical electrical soundings. However, such sub vertical structures could still be detected by VES, since it is adopted a proper separation between the VES centers. Obtained geoelectric sections indicate the presence of a groundwater accumulating structure composed by a crack-induced stream. Additionally, the electric gradient profiling presents operational advantages in relation to other arrays, being more practical and fast for data acquisition in the field.Keywords: Hydrogeophysics, electric resistivity, crystalline basement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-83
Zul Fadhli ◽  
Muhammad Syukri ◽  
Marwan Marwan

Penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan air tanah dan kedalaman akuifer telah dilakukan di wilayah KEK Arun Lhokseumawe Provinsi Aceh dengan kondisi geologi daerah penelitian adalah batuan lanauan dan batuan lempung serta geomorfologinya berupa perkebunan dan sungai buatan. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan metode geolistrik resistivitas 2D dengan konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger. Akuisisi data di lapangan menggunakan alat SuperSting R8 yang keseluruhannya mempunyai 4 lintasan pengukuran dengan lintasan 1 dan 2 memotong lintasan 3 dan 4, panjang masing-masing lintasan pengukuran tersebut adalah 400 m. Pemprosesan data Hasil akuisisi di lapangan menggunakan software Res2dinv untuk menampilkan model 2D bawah permukaan di lokasi penelitian. Hasil interpretasi menunjukkan lintasan L1 pada kedalaman sampai dengan 70 m terdapat lempung berpasir, lanauan dan gravel. Terdapatnya pengaruh instrusi air laut pada kedalaman 25 m yang ditandai dengan nilai resistivitas 1 Ώm. Lapisan akuifer di identifikasi pada jarak bentangan 100 - 200 m dan pada kedalaman 60 m dengan nilai resistivitas 30 Ωm. Penampang lintasan 3 dan 4 tidak menunjukkan adanya lapisan akuifer yang layak untuk diexploitasi pada lintasan tersebut. Interpretasi lintasan L4 menunjukkan adanya intrusi air laut yang besar pada lapisan pertama. Terdapat 3 lapisan yang kontras yaitu lapisan lempung berpasir, gravel/lempung lanauan dan batuan dasar. Lapisan akuifer pada lintasan 4 diinterpretasikan berada pada kedalaman 70 m dengan nilai resistivitas 30 Ωm. Rekomendasi yang paling layak untuk lokasi pengeboran yaitu pada lintasan 4 pada jarak bentangan 180 m dengan jenis akuifer tertekan. The research to identified ground water and depth of aquifer was conducted in KEK Arun Lhokseumawe Aceh Province. The geology contained siltstone and clay with geomorphology area are plantation and artificial river. The 2D resistivity acquisition was using Supersting R8 equipment with Wenner-Schlumberger array. There are 4 survey lines that conducted in the area where line 1 and 2 were crossed with line 3 and 4. The length of each line is 400 m respectively. The data processing was using Res2dinv software to shows 2D subsurface model. The result shown that line 1 is sandy clay, siltstone and gravel at depths up to 70 m. It was influenced by sea water at depth 25 m with resistivity value of 1 Ωm. The aquifer layer was identified at depth 60 m with resistivity value of 30 Ωm. However, line 3 and 4 were presented that the area surveys are suitable for exploration which have not indicate the existence of an aquifer layer. In the last line, it shown sea water intrusion at the first layer. There are 3 layers that contained in line 4 which is clayey sand, gravel and bedrock. The aquifer layer at Line 4 was interpreted at depth 70 m with resistivity value of 30 Ωm. The most feasible recommendation for a drilling location is on Line L4 at a distance of 180 m with a confined aquifer type. Keywords: Aquifer, Resistivity, Lhokseumawe, ground water, sand

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