weighting scheme
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2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 837-864
Tobias J.M. Büttner ◽  
Joseph W. Sakshaug ◽  
Basha Vicari

Abstract Nearly all panel surveys suffer from unit nonresponse and the risk of nonresponse bias. Just as the analytic value of panel surveys increase with their length, so does cumulative attrition, which can adversely affect the representativeness of the resulting survey estimates. Auxiliary data can be useful for monitoring and adjusting for attrition bias, but traditional auxiliary sources have known limitations. We investigate the utility of linked-administrative data to adjust for attrition bias in a standard piggyback longitudinal design, where respondents from a preceding general population cross-sectional survey, which included a data linkage request, were recruited for a subsequent longitudinal survey. Using the linked-administrative data from the preceding survey, we estimate attrition biases for the first eight study waves of the longitudinal survey and investigate whether an augmented weighting scheme that incorporates the linked-administrative data reduces attrition biases. We find that adding the administrative information to the weighting scheme generally leads to a modest reduction in attrition bias compared to a standard weighting procedure and, in some cases, reduces variation in the point estimates. We conclude with a discussion of these results and remark on the practical implications of incorporating linked-administrative data in piggyback longitudinal designs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. P11015
J. Nguyen ◽  
P.-A. Rodesch ◽  
D. Richtsmeier ◽  
K. Iniewski ◽  
M. Bazalova-Carter

Abstract In the food industry, X-ray inspection systems are utilized to ensure packaged food is free from physical contaminants to maintain a high level of food safety for consumers. However, one of the challenges in the food industry is detecting small, low-density contaminants from packaged food. Cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) photon counting detectors (PCDs) can potentially alleviate this problem given its multi-energy bin capabilities, high spatial resolution and ability to eliminate electronic noise, which is superior to the conventional energy integrating detector (EID). However, the image quality from a CZT PCD can be further improved by applying an optimized energy bin weighting scheme that maximizes energy bin images that provide the largest image contrast and lowest image noise. Therefore, in this work, five contaminant materials embedded in an acrylic phantom were imaged using a CZT PCD while the phantom was in constant motion to mimic food products moving on a conveyor belt. Energy bin optimization was performed by applying an image-based weighting scheme and these results showed contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) improvements ranging between 1.02–1.91 relative to an equivalent EID acquisition.

Hongyu Jiang ◽  
Zhiqi Lei ◽  
Yanghui Rao ◽  
Haoran Xie ◽  
Fu Lee Wang

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
K. Seethappan ◽  
K. Premalatha

Although there have been various researches in the detection of different figurative language, there is no single work in the automatic classification of euphemisms. Our primary work is to present a system for the automatic classification of euphemistic phrases in a document. In this research, a large dataset consisting of 100,000 sentences is collected from different resources for identifying euphemism or non-euphemism utterances. In this work, several approaches are focused to improve the euphemism classification: 1. A Combination of lexical n-gram features 2.Three Feature-weighting schemes 3.Deep learning classification algorithms. In this paper, four machine learning (J48, Random Forest, Multinomial Naïve Bayes, and SVM) and three deep learning algorithms (Multilayer Perceptron, Convolutional Neural Network, and Long Short-Term Memory) are investigated with various combinations of features and feature weighting schemes to classify the sentences. According to our experiments, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) achieves precision 95.43%, recall 95.06%, F-Score 95.25%, accuracy 95.26%, and Kappa 0.905 by using a combination of unigram and bigram features with TF-IDF feature weighting scheme in the classification of euphemism. These results of experiments show CNN with a strong combination of unigram and bigram features set with TF-IDF feature weighting scheme outperforms another six classification algorithms in detecting the euphemisms in our dataset.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-129
M Didik R Wahyudi

The Al-Quran translation index issued by the Ministry of Religion can be used in text mining to search for similar patterns of Al-Quran translation. This study performs sentence grouping using the K-Means Clustering algorithm and three weighting scheme models of the TF-IDF algorithm to get the best performance of the Tf-IDF algorithm. From the three models of the TF-IDF algorithm weighting scheme, the highest percentage results were obtained in the traditional TF-IDF weighting scheme, namely 62.16% with an average percentage of 36.12% and a standard deviation of 12.77%. The smallest results are shown in the TF-IDF 1 normalization weighting scheme, namely 48.65% with an average percentage of 25.65% and a standard deviation of 10.16%. The smallest standard deviation results in a normalized 2 TF-IDF weighting of 8.27% with an average percentage of 28.15% and the largest percentage weighting of 48.65% which is the same as the normalized TF-IDF 1 weighting.

Yunke Wang ◽  
Chang Xu ◽  
Bo Du

The agent in imitation learning (IL) is expected to mimic the behavior of the expert. Its performance relies highly on the quality of given expert demonstrations. However, the assumption that collected demonstrations are optimal cannot always hold in real-world tasks, which would seriously influence the performance of the learned agent. In this paper, we propose a robust method within the framework of Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) to address imperfect demonstration issue, in which good demonstrations can be adaptively selected for training while bad demonstrations are abandoned. Specifically, a binary weight is assigned to each expert demonstration to indicate whether to select it for training. The reward function in GAIL is employed to determine this weight (i.e. higher reward results in higher weight). Compared to some existing solutions that require some auxiliary information about this weight, we set up the connection between weight and model so that we can jointly optimize GAIL and learn the latent weight. Besides hard binary weighting, we also propose a soft weighting scheme. Experiments in the Mujoco demonstrate the proposed method outperforms other GAIL-based methods when dealing with imperfect demonstrations.

2021 ◽  
Josep Cos ◽  
Francisco Doblas-Reyes ◽  
Martin Jury ◽  
Raül Marcos ◽  
Pièrre-Antoine Bretonnière ◽  

Abstract. The increased warming trend and precipitation decline in the Mediterranean region makes it a climate change hotspot. We compare projections of multiple CMIP5 and CMIP6 historical and scenario simulations to quantify the impacts of the already changing climate in the region. In particular, we investigate changes in temperature and precipitation during the 21st century following scenarios RCP2.6, SSP1-2.6, RCP4.5, SSP2-4.5, RCP8.5 and SSP5-8.5, as well as the HighResMIP high resolution experiments. A model weighting scheme is applied to obtain constrained estimates of projected changes, which accounts for historical model performance and inter-independence of the multi-model ensembles, using an observational ensemble as reference. Results indicate a robust and significant warming over the Mediterranean region along the 21st century over all seasons, ensembles and experiments. The Mediterranean amplified warming with respect to the global mean is mainly found during summer. The temperature changes vary between CMIPs, being CMIP6 the ensemble that projects a stronger warming. Contrarily to temperature projections, precipitation changes show greater uncertainties and spatial heterogeneity. However, a robust and significant precipitation decline is projected over large parts of the region during summer for the high emission scenario. While there is less disagreement in projected precipitation between CMIP5 and CMIP6, the latter shows larger precipitation declines in some regions. Results obtained from the model weighting scheme indicate increases in CMIP5 and reductions in CMIP6 warming trends, thereby reducing the distance between both multi-model ensembles.

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