photon counting detectors
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2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. C01028
J. Dudak ◽  
J. Zemlicka

Abstract X-ray micro-CT has become a popular and widely used tool for the purposes of scientific research. Although the current state-of-the-art micro-CT is on a high technology level, it still has some known limitations. One of the relevant issues is an inability to clearly identify and quantify specific materials. The mentioned drawback can be solved by the energy-sensitive CT approach. Dual-energy CT, which is already frequently used in human medicine, offers the identification of two different materials; for example, it differentiates an intravenous contrast agent from bone or it can indicate the composition of urinary stones. Resolving a larger number of material components within a single object is beyond the capabilities of dual-energy CT. Such an approach requires a higher number of measurements using different photon energies. A possible solution for multi bin, or so-called spectral CT, is the application of photon-counting detectors. Photon counting technology offers an integrated circuitry capable of resolving the energy of incoming photons in each pixel. Therefore, it is possible to collect data in user-defined energy windows. This contribution evaluates the applicability of the large-area photon-counting detector Timepix for multi bin energy-sensitive micro-CT. It presents an experimental phantom study focused on the simultaneous K-edge-based identification and quantification of multiple contrast agents within a single object. The paper describes the collection of multiple energy bins using the Timepix detector operated in the photon counting mode, explains the data processing, and demonstrates the results obtained from an in-house implemented basis material decomposition algorithm.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. C01026
C. Bacchi ◽  
A. Dawiec ◽  
F. Orsini

Abstract It is now been over 15 years since Hybrid Photon Counting Detectors (HPCD) became one of the standard position-sensitive detectors for synchrotron light sources and X-ray detection applications. This is mainly due to their single-photon sensitivity over a high dynamic energy range and electronic noise suppression thanks to energy thresholding. To reach those performances, all HPCD pixels must feature the same electrical response against photons of the same energy. From the analysis of a monochromatic beam, in case of an ideal HPCD detector, it would be sufficient to apply a fixed voltage threshold among all pixels, positioned at half of the mean pulse amplitude to count every photon above the threshold. However, in practical cases, it must be considered that noise baselines from all pixels are not always strictly located at the same voltage level but can be spread over some voltage ranges. To address this kind of issue, most of all HPCDs apply a conventional threshold equalization method, that mainly relies on three steps; the setting of a global threshold at an arbitrary value, the identification of pixels noise baseline around that global threshold through an in-pixel threshold trimmer, and the computation of the required threshold offsets for setting all pixels at their own noise baseline at the same time. However, in case of a first-time use of an HPCD prototype, the threshold equalization might be biased by parameters that are wrongly set. Those biases can sometimes be characterized by the inability to localize some pixel noise baselines, which could be outside the voltage range of the threshold trimmer. The recovery of those biased pixels could be performed by changing the position of the global threshold, or by increasing the voltage range of the threshold trimmer. Unfortunately, both solutions could be time consuming due to the lack of information on the required steps for recovering all noise baselines. In order to overcome this issue in a reasonable time, this work introduces a pragmatic method that can be applied to HPCDs for an early and effective identification of appropriate pixels’ parameters, avoiding the need to test a high number of pixels configurations. The application of this method, at the early stage of the HPCD calibration, may drastically reduce the investigation time for finding the optimal operating parameters of HPCD prototypes.

Yidi Yao ◽  
Liang Li ◽  
Zhiqiang Chen

Abstract Multi-energy spectral CT has a broader range of applications with the recent development of photon-counting detectors. However, the photons counted in each energy bin decrease when the number of energy bins increases, which causes a higher statistical noise level of the CT image. In this work, we propose a novel iterative dynamic dual-energy CT algorithm to reduce the statistical noise. In the proposed algorithm, the multi-energy projections are estimated from the dynamic dual-energy CT data during the iterative process. The proposed algorithm is verified on sufficient numerical simulations and a laboratory two-energy-threshold PCD system. By applying the same reconstruction algorithm, the dynamic dual-energy CT's final reconstruction results have a much lower statistical noise level than the conventional multi-energy CT. Moreover, based on the analysis of the simulation results, we explain why the dynamic dual-energy CT has a lower statistical noise level than the conventional multi-energy CT. The reason is that: the statistical noise level of multi-energy projection estimated with the proposed algorithm is much lower than that of the conventional multi-energy CT, which leads to less statistical noise of the dynamic dual-energy CT imaging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (24) ◽  
pp. 5757
Salim Aymeric Si-Mohamed ◽  
Jade Miailhes ◽  
Pierre-Antoine Rodesch ◽  
Sara Boccalini ◽  
Hugo Lacombe ◽  

The X-ray imaging field is currently undergoing a period of rapid technological innovation in diagnostic imaging equipment. An important recent development is the advent of new X-ray detectors, i.e., photon-counting detectors (PCD), which have been introduced in recent clinical prototype systems, called PCD computed tomography (PCD-CT) or photon-counting CT (PCCT) or spectral photon-counting CT (SPCCT) systems. PCD allows a pixel up to 200 microns pixels at iso-center, which is much smaller than that can be obtained with conventional energy integrating detectors (EID). PCDs have also a higher dose efficiency than EID mainly because of electronic noise suppression. In addition, the energy-resolving capabilities of these detectors allow generating spectral basis imaging, such as the mono-energetic images or the water/iodine material images as well as the K-edge imaging of a contrast agent based on atoms of high atomic number. In recent years, studies have therefore been conducted to determine the potential of PCD-CT as an alternative to conventional CT for chest imaging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. P11015
J. Nguyen ◽  
P.-A. Rodesch ◽  
D. Richtsmeier ◽  
K. Iniewski ◽  
M. Bazalova-Carter

Abstract In the food industry, X-ray inspection systems are utilized to ensure packaged food is free from physical contaminants to maintain a high level of food safety for consumers. However, one of the challenges in the food industry is detecting small, low-density contaminants from packaged food. Cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) photon counting detectors (PCDs) can potentially alleviate this problem given its multi-energy bin capabilities, high spatial resolution and ability to eliminate electronic noise, which is superior to the conventional energy integrating detector (EID). However, the image quality from a CZT PCD can be further improved by applying an optimized energy bin weighting scheme that maximizes energy bin images that provide the largest image contrast and lowest image noise. Therefore, in this work, five contaminant materials embedded in an acrylic phantom were imaged using a CZT PCD while the phantom was in constant motion to mimic food products moving on a conveyor belt. Energy bin optimization was performed by applying an image-based weighting scheme and these results showed contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) improvements ranging between 1.02–1.91 relative to an equivalent EID acquisition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Luo Yan ◽  
Feng Peng ◽  
Zhao Ruge ◽  
Zhang Yi ◽  
An Kang ◽  

XFCT is a novel method for the early cancer detection. Increasing concentration of contrast agents and incident X-rays’ energy were used to improve detecting accuracy, which greatly increased the prevalence of contrast-induced nephropathy. Therefore, this research explores the adaptive contrast agents and uses Geant4 to simulate the imaging conditions of Pt, Bi, Gd, Ru, and Au for searching the lowest detectable concentration based on the fast multi-pinhole collimated XFCT (fmpc-XFCT) imaging system and low incident energy. Several imaging parameters including pinhole radius (0.7, 0.8, and 1 mm) were adjusted, and the optimized EM-TV algorithm was used to reconstruct XFCT images. It is found that Bi element is superior to other metal elements in terms of the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and fluorescence efficiency, and the lowest concentration that can be detected is 0.12% with optimal parameters.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 521
Jose M. Martin-Garcia

The ultrabright and ultrashort pulses produced at X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) has enabled studies of crystallized molecular machines at work under ‘native’ conditions at room temperature by the so-called time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography (TR-SFX) technique. Since early TR-SFX experiments were conducted at XFELs, it has been largely reported in the literature that time-resolved X-ray experiments at synchrotrons are no longer feasible or are impractical due to the severe technical limitations of these radiation sources. The transfer of the serial crystallography approach to newest synchrotrons upgraded for higher flux density and with beamlines using sophisticated focusing optics, submicron beam diameters and fast low-noise photon-counting detectors offers a way to overcome these difficulties opening new and exciting possibilities. In fact, there is an increasing amount of publications reporting new findings in structural dynamics of protein macromolecules by using time resolved crystallography from microcrystals at synchrotron sources. This review gathers information to provide an overview of the recent work and the advances made in this filed in the past years, as well as outlines future perspectives at the next generation of synchrotron sources and the upcoming compact pulsed X-ray sources.

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