fiber to the home
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Siska Aulia ◽  
Silvia Fitri ◽  
Aprinal Adila Asril

Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang suatu jaringan Fiber To The Home ( FTTH) di Kelurahan Surau Gadang yang mana daerah tersebut dilakukan perancangan dan pengukuran performasi jaringan dimana standar yang digunakan sesuai dengan PT. ICON+. Tata cara yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini ialah penen- tuan posisi, pengumpulan informasi, serta perancangan memakai aplikasi Google Earth serta OptiSystem. Hasil dari perbandingan antara pengukuran OptiSystem dan pengukuran di lapangan didapatkan hasil redaman yang berbeda, dimana hasil pengukuran pada OptiSystem pelanggan dengan jarak terjauh menghasilkan daya terima sebesar -18.277 dBm sedangkan untuk pengukuran di lapangan pelanggan dengan jarak terjauh menghasilkan daya terima sebesar -18.52 dBm. Parameter Rise Time Budget didapatkan dari perhitungan ialah 0. 029 ns yang sudah memenuhi stndar kelayakan ialah tidak lebih dari 0. 219 ns sedangkan nilai Bit Error Rate pada simulasi ialah 8.11464 x 10-33 yang sudah memenuhi standar kelayakan ialah tidak lebih dari 10-9. Nilai Signal To Noise Ratio (SNR) merupakan 50.044831 dB yang pula penuhi standar minimal SNR ialah 21.5 dB. Dari hasil perhi- tungan serta hasil simulasi didapatkan nilai-nilai yang masih memenuhi standar kelayakan jaringan Fiber To The Home sehingga rancangan layak buat diimplementasikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 2212-2223
Ardi Setiawan

This paper discuss about FTTH network analysis made by GPON technology and downstream estimation that use fiber optic cable for the media. The aim of analysis is do the installation engage GPON with downstream estimation which the estimation used for network advisability standard. This research make some different range, intend  for find out the peformance of closest and farthest distance. According to ITU-T G.984, network feasibility standard is more than -28dB, 10Gbps for the downstream and 2.5 Gbps for upstream. Show the result that distance and power affect to power link budget score and BER.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Yousif I. Hammadi

Abstract Fiber to the home (FTTH) passive optical network is one of the cost effective and effortlessly planning systems in the current era of communication systems. However, one of the substantial limitations of this optical communication network is the monitoring operation. It is essential to locate the fault branch in the network in order to take the required action to overcome the problem. Unfortunately, since the network is all passive, it is necessary to introduce a technique that should be passive and has the capacity to locate the fault location inside the network. In this paper, a methodology to localize the fault line was introduced, where a combination of Fiber Bragg Gratings was suggested, using this approach, the fault location can be easily determined among 36-branch, distributed in eight groups. Simulation results show that the broken line can be determined through monitoring the reflected signals from all the branches in the Central Office without paying any power to locate the leakage. In other words, it is easy to recognize the fault location by monitoring the power of the reflected signals, where after comprehensive simulations and power calculations, it was possible to put a threshold for that reflected power, hence, the fault branch, for any reason, may reflect power of less than that threshold, otherwise, the branch is not considered as broken.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Pande Ketut Sudiarta

To find out the need for fiber optic access network devices from NOC to rooms at Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, fiber to the home network design was made with Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) technology. Selection of GPON technology to reduce the number of ports on OLT and the number of fiber cores compared to the existing technology using point to point. Assuming the bitrate in each room is 21 Mbps and 291 rooms to be served, it takes 5 OLT ports on the NOC. Feeder Cable Network consists of 5 cores distributed to each location using 3 units of 1: 4 splitter, 4 units of 1: 8 splitter, 6 units of 1:16 splitter, 1:32 splitter of 6 units. To maintain service quality, 16 amplifiers are needed. The required fiber cable length is 2.5 km. The quality of service is tested using the Optisystem simulator. The result is that at the closest distance the PRx value is -14.059 dBm, with BER 6.13608 e-103, Q Factor 21.511. Meanwhile, at the farthest distance, the PRx value is -14.105 dBm, with BER of 1.52751 e-120, and Q Factor 23.3159. The results obtained still meet the ITU-T G.984.2 standard

Farah Hana Kusumaputri ◽  
Nanda Aulia Ilmatus Sakdiyah ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Riswandi ◽  
Mhd Ridwan ◽  
Catur Apriono

2021 ◽  
Muhamad Arya Krisna Adhi ◽  
Efranandi Abi Rafdi ◽  
Ervin Halimsurya ◽  
Mohamad Emeriano Imran ◽  
Mohammad Almas Hutasuhut ◽  

2021 ◽  
Dieter Eberlein

Die moderne Kommunikations- und Informationstechnik verlangt immer größere Übertragungsbandbreiten und verstärkungsfrei überbrückbare Streckenlängen. Die Anforderungen an die Störsicherheit wachsen bei steigenden Störpegeln. Diese teilweise gegensätzlichen Forderungen können nur durch Nachrichtenübertragung mit Lichtwellenleitern (LWL) gut erfüllt werden. Das Buch gibt eine Einführung in die Lichtwellenleitertechnik. Der Stoff wird theoretisch fundiert aufbereitet, dann wird der Bogen gespannt bis hin zu konkreten praktischen Beispielen und Anwendungen. Die Leser können den Stoff unmittelbar auf ihre Problemstellungen anwenden. Viele neue Entwicklungen wurden berücksichtigt, wie aktuelle Normen, neue Fasertypen, Fiber-to-the-Home/ Building, neue Aspekte bei der lösbaren und nichtlösbaren Verbindungstechnik sowie Trends der optischen Nachrichtenübertragung.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102139
Louise Aimene ◽  
Marc Lebourges ◽  
Julienne Liang

Ahmad Fajri

Studi kasus ini dilakukan pada perusahaan yang fokus pada layanan penyedia jaringan berbasis serat optik dengan menggunakan infrastruktur teknologi terkini yaitu Fiber To The Home (FTTH). Meningkatnya permintaan produk layanan pada studi kasus ini diberbagai wilayah di Indonesia berimbas pada operasional gudang yang secara kapasitas otomatis meningkat. Namun, produk harus tetap dapat disimpan agar terjaga kualitasnya sebelum didistribusikan. Untuk mengatasi  ini, diperlukan metode penataan gudang yang baik agar efisiensi Ongkos Material Handling juga dapat tercapai dan mengurangi resiko accident yang berimbas pada kerusakan material. Metode Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) digunaan untuk merancang keterkaitan hubungan aktivitas antar perangkat. metode ini digunakan sebagai perencanaan layout sistematis dengan berdasarkan pada kegiatan operasional yang sedang dilakukan ataupun sebagai peramalan dimasa yang akan datang. hasil pengolahan data menggunakan metode SLP diperoleh bahwa perancangan tata letak usulan lebih baik dengan biaya operasional Rp. 347.795.285 dibandingkan layout awal sebesar Rp. 577.022.833 dengan selisih mencapai RP. 229.227.549 dan efisiensi sebesar 40%. Kata Kunci : Systematic Layout Planning (SLP), Ongkos Material Handling (OMH), Perancangan Tata Letak, Indonesia.

Firman Pratama Dewantara ◽  
Sholeh Hadi Pramono ◽  
Rahmadwati .

To require the order of last mile and the increasing demands of high quality of internet, the network architecture of FTTH (Fiber to the Home) has been chosen by numerous ISP (Internet Service Provider). Poor planning does not only increase the infrastructure costs, but it also increases maintenance costs. In this study, the authors focus on the design of passive optical network by using multiclass classification [9] in backpropagation neural network to shorten the FTTH network planning based on passive optical network design to determine final splitter type which refers to the feasibility of QoS (Quality of Service) and Cost Efficiency. Dataset in this study utilizes GIS (Geographic Information System) report with 33 sub-districts in Malang Regency in 2019 data layer. As a result, after 7300 epoch, the accuracy training was 99.99% and the splitter classification accuracy was 98.76%.

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